Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 706 Going down the mountain

Chapter 706 Going down the mountain
While practicing the Eight-Nine Profound Art, Di Ke was also trying to perfect the Eight-Nine Profound Art. Although he had not succeeded yet, he did reduce the waste of the divine body when absorbing the energy of the elixir for practice and strengthening, which greatly improved its practice efficiency.

Seeing the dragon whale holding the black halberd in both hands and grinning foolishly, Dicko shook his head and smiled, then walked out of the cave.

"Junior Master, Grandmaster is calling you!" Seeing Dicko coming out, the White Crane Boy who was waiting outside couldn't help but step forward and salute him respectfully.

"Master?" Di Ke was slightly stunned when he heard this. As the saying goes, the master leads the way, and the practice is up to the individual. There is the Zhuxian Pavilion, which stores various cultivation methods. Except for occasional lectures, the Taoist Sanqing usually does not specifically instruct his disciples. Since Di Ke became a disciple of the Taoist Sanqing, except for the initial apprenticeship, in the past thirty years, he has only seen the Taoist Sanqing twice.

However, before he left for the apprenticeship, he was summoned twice by the Taoist Sanqing and given careful instruction. Compared with other disciples, the Taoist Sanqing was relatively attentive to Di Ke. This was the third time he was summoned, and this was usually a treatment only given to disciples that the Taoist Sanqing liked more.

"Master!" In the empty Yuxu Palace hall, filled with fairy mist, Di Ke respectfully bowed and called out to the Three Pure Ones Taoist priest who was sitting high up with his eyes closed.

"You have been cultivating in Yuxu Palace for thirty years," the Taoist Sanqing opened his eyes and looked at Di Ke and said, "You are gifted with extraordinary comprehension. You have also cultivated alchemy, weapon refining, puppet formations, etc. Your cultivation and enlightenment are still far beyond ordinary people, and you are very good at everything. Among all the disciples I have accepted, you are also very outstanding. I have seen your diligence and dedication in cultivation over the years."

"It's just that you have been practicing hard behind closed doors, and you haven't even left Kunlun Mountain to venture into the Three Pure Heavens for your master." The Taoist Sanqing paused, then said, "If you don't carve jade, it won't become a useful tool. Without hard training, how can you successfully overcome the tribulation and become a free and immortal celestial being? Di Ke, you are practicing both Qi training and divine body training, and you have me as your master, so the heavenly tribulation is bound to be terrible. At the beginning, your senior brother Donghua was only practicing Qi training, but he encountered the nine-nine thunder tribulation. Your talent and potential are not inferior to Donghua, and it will definitely not be easy for you to successfully overcome the tribulation in the future."

"After thirty years of practice in Zhuxian Pavilion, you have learned many skills and magical powers. Your strength has long been comparable to that of a celestial being. Your abilities are already quite strong, but it will be difficult for you to make any great progress if you stay any longer. It is time to go down the mountain to hone yourself in the world of mortals in order to prepare for the tribulation," Taoist Sanqing looked at Di Ke with eager anticipation in his eyes.

"Yes, disciple bids farewell to the master and is ready to go down the mountain now," Dicko, who had already guessed and prepared mentally, had learned everything he needed to learn. In fact, he had wanted to go down the mountain for a long time.

The Taoist priest Sanqing nodded slightly, raised his hand and pointed at Di Ke, and with a flash of sword-like light, a large amount of information poured into Di Ke's mind. After Di Ke quickly memorized it and woke up, he looked at the Taoist priest Sanqing in surprise: "Hou Yi's archery?"

"I saw that you were very interested in the method of cultivating mind power and had some talent in it, so I found Hou Yi's archery for you. I also added some of my insights on cultivating mind power, hoping that it would be helpful to you," said the Taoist Sanqing with a smile, which immediately touched Dick's heart. He found Hou Yi's archery specifically for him? It seemed that the Taoist Sanqing had gone to find Patriarch Bodhi.

"Master, I will not disappoint you," Di Ke said to the Taoist Sanqing with a serious look, and the Taoist Sanqing smiled even more: "Don't disappoint me? Then you have to become a god first. As long as you can compare with your senior brother Donghua, my hard work will not be in vain. If you can become a true god in the future, then I will be happy."

“Dike, the Three Realms are now undercurrents, a catastrophe is about to happen, and even the gods and immortals are in danger of death. So, when you go down the mountain this time, you must be careful and cautious, and don’t arbitrarily provoke trouble,” the Taoist Sanqing reminded him sternly.

"I have heard about it, I will be careful," Di Ke also responded quickly. Although he was concentrating on practicing hard in Yuxu Palace, the Yuxu juniors who were on good terms with him were already celestial immortals or even gods and immortals. They all had the background of Yuxu, so they were well-informed. "Go!" The Taoist Sanqing waved his hand slightly, and Di Ke, who bowed respectfully again, turned around and left Yuxu Palace.

The Taoist Sanqing who was watching him leave had a frown in his eyes with a trace of worry: "In the catastrophe, I don't know if this little guy can survive the catastrophe and become a celestial immortal or even a true god, and whether he can survive this catastrophe alive! It's a pity that he has such a talent, I'm afraid there won't be much time for him to grow up slowly. If he can't become a true god, he won't have much chance to struggle and survive in the future catastrophe of the Three Realms!"

The next morning, Di Ke left Taiyi Cave with the two spirit beasts, Dragon Whale and Fairy Caiyun. As soon as they flew away from Kunlun Mountain, they saw a bustling crowd of figures above the large auspicious clouds in the distance. Led by the Immortal Master Nan Ji, there were more than 30 senior brothers and sisters who practiced in Kunlun Mountain, and as many as two to three hundred disciples of the third, fourth, fifth and even younger generations of the Yuxu lineage. Although most of them were only celestial beings, there were dozens of them like the White Crane Boy who had cultivated to the level of celestial gods and true immortals.

"Junior brother," Nanji Xianweng was the first to call out with a smile. Di Ke, who had hurried over to greet him, bowed and said warmly to so many senior brothers, sisters, nephews and juniors, "I am so grateful that more of you came to see me off. I am so ashamed to have you all come. I will be reluctant to leave if you do this."

"Haha..." Everyone burst into laughter when they heard this. One of the fair-faced, beardless, middle-aged celestial beings laughed out loud, "We can't bear to leave you, little master! Now that you've left Kunlun Mountain, there will be less fun on this mountain."

“Haha, Jin Gui, what you can’t bear to part with is probably not your junior master-disciple, but the elixirs, magic weapons and various puppets that your junior master-disciple refined, right?” Some of the celestial immortals and even the third-generation disciples of the Yuxu lineage, who were gods and true immortals nearby, all teased the celestial immortal Jingui.

This Jin Gui Tianxian is a rare one among the many third-generation disciples of Yuxu. His master is the sixth disciple of Sanqing Taoist, Master Lingbao. The reason why Lingbao was given this Taoist name is that, as the name suggests, Master Lingbao likes to collect all kinds of treasures the most. He is known as the disciple of Sanqing Taoist who has the most rare and strange magic weapons and rare treasures.

Before becoming an immortal, Jingui Tianxian was a businessman. Even after he embarked on the path of becoming an immortal, he still did not forget to do business. He used the essence he earned from business to exchange for various resources and treasures to make his path to becoming an immortal go more smoothly. He was even lucky enough to successfully overcome the tribulation and become an immortal. Later, he was noticed by the great magician Lingbao and was accepted as his disciple.

After becoming a celestial immortal, with endless lifespan, and having a famous master as his disciple, as well as the identity background of a third-generation disciple of Yuxu, it was natural for Jin Gui to be more at ease when doing business with powerful immortals and demons. Therefore, he was definitely one of the richest among the celestial immortals, and he probably had more treasures than many gods and immortals.

In addition, Jingui Tianxian has the guidance and instruction of Lingbao Great Master, and has the opportunity to come to Yuxu Palace frequently to listen to teachings and discuss Taoism with many Yuxu disciples. Although he has not yet fully comprehended the great way and cultivated to become a true immortal, his strength is also among the top levels among the celestial immortals. Relying on many treasures and Yuxu secret techniques, even if he cannot match the gods and true immortals, he has the ability to protect himself and escape from the hands of the gods and true immortals.

Many of the immortal pills, immortal weapons, immortal puppets, etc. that Di Ke had refined before were sold directly to Jingui Tianxian, so among all the Yuxu disciples, Di Ke and Jingui Tianxian had a very good relationship.

"Junior brother, you are going to go down the mountain to adventure and gain experience in the mortal world. We, your senior brothers and sisters, can't help you in other ways but can give you some treasures," said the Immortal of the South Pole after some laughter and took out a scarlet brocade robe.

(End of this chapter)

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