Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 707 Arriving in Daxia

Chapter 707 Return to Daxia
The scarlet brocade robe exuded an aura that was more mysterious than that of the best immortal-grade magic weapons, and it was faintly like a gathering of scarlet clouds. Seeing this, many Yuxu disciples behind him exclaimed in surprise: "Cloud robe?"

"Big brother is so generous. This Yunxia robe is a top-grade spiritual treasure, and he actually gave it to little junior brother. It seems that the parting gifts we give to little junior brother can't be too shabby!" A handsome young man in a golden brocade robe smiled helplessly. His name was Xiao Zhen. He was not very eye-catching among the second-generation disciples of Yuxu, but his ranking was higher than Lu Dongbin. He became a disciple of the Three Pure Ones Taoist in ancient times, and now he is just an ordinary Pure Yang Immortal.

The innate top-grade spiritual treasure, Dicko was slightly moved by the words, and immediately declined: "Big Brother, your gift is too precious, I..."

"Junior brother, don't refuse it yet. Although this cloud robe is precious, it is of no use to me. I don't have many disciples. Instead of letting it gather dust with me, I might as well give it to you for self-defense. There are undercurrents in the Three Realms now, and you also need a good magical treasure to protect yourself. It will also be useful when you overcome tribulations in the future," said the Immortal of the South Pole, and he stuffed the cloud robe directly into Di Ke's arms.

Di Ke was speechless and hesitant when he saw a flash of light on the cloud clothes, and a girl in red appeared beside him. She looked at Di Ke with curious eyes. As the spirit of a magical treasure of the innate top grade, the girl in red was like an elf of heaven and earth, more beautiful than any fairy, and had an extraordinary temperament, as if the most beautiful cloud in the sky had turned into a human form.

The spirit of a magical weapon of this level contains the ultimate truth of heaven. Seeing it is enough to make mortals unforgettable and form an image of visualization in their minds.

Next, without waiting for Di Ke to say anything more, Xiao Zhen and other senior brothers and sisters took out the parting gifts they had prepared for Di Ke and stuffed them into Di Ke's arms...
Many of these senior brothers and sisters of Di Ke are well-known in the Three Realms. As gods and immortals, they are naturally generous when they make a move. Magical weapons, elixirs, talismans, rare treasures, etc. are mostly life-saving and self-protective items, and their value is at least at the level of top-grade immortal tools. There are even treasures at the level of pure yang magic weapons.

Then, the disciples of the third generation of Yuxu and even younger ones, according to their closeness, also took out treasures comparable to the lower-grade magic weapons of the immortal rank and gave them to Di Ke. The filial piety of the younger generations had to be accepted! Seeing that Di Ke's hands were about to become weak from accepting the gifts, and his face was almost frozen with laughter, Long Jing and Cai Yun, who came forward to help accept the gifts, were also shocked, secretly thinking that the master was really popular!
"Too enthusiastic! Ji Ning worshipped Patriarch Bodhi as his master, but he didn't receive the same treatment as me when he went down the mountain! After all, Patriarch Bodhi has fewer disciples, and many of them are not in the Xieyue World, and even fewer are familiar with Ji Ning." This farewell also made Di Ke secretly exclaim that he couldn't stand it. He received so many gifts at once. These are all human relationships and karma! In the future, when these fellow disciples encounter troubles and dangers and ask for help from me, can I stand by and watch?

For ordinary strong men, what they fear is the trouble of karma. If they get involved in some fights, they might die at any time. But for Di Ke, he doesn't even care about the so-called catastrophe of the three realms. Would he care about some trouble?

So in the end, Di Ke accepted those gifts with peace of mind. After all, when Di Ke became powerful in the future, the top cultivation methods of the Jiufang Universe that he obtained from the World Prison Stone Tablet, as well as the various methods obtained from the memory of the Beixiu World God, once spread, would be of great benefit to the entire Three Realms. The first beneficiary would naturally be the Yuxu Sect and even the entire Dao Sect.

Dicko is confident that he will become the most powerful person in the entire Three Realms in the future, and even has the ability to resolve the great catastrophe of the entire Three Realms and save a large number of immortals and gods. He can get some insignificant benefits first, which can be regarded as collecting interest in advance.

"Junior brother! In this catastrophe of the Three Realms, even the great Daoist Ancestor may be in danger of perishing, so you must be careful. You are the new disciple accepted by our master, and there are many disciples in our Taoist sect, so this news cannot be concealed. Fearing that someone might plot against you, our master instructed me to give you the Yunxia Robe for protection. I hope you will be more vigilant," the Immortal of the South Pole secretly reminded Di Ke before leaving. After hearing what Nanji Xianweng said, Di Ke looked at the many Yuxu disciples who were seeing him off and thought to himself, "Among them, there must be spies from Wuxian Sect, right? Both Buddhism and Taoism have large numbers of people, and with so many disciples, there must be good and bad. Wuxian Sect is known to be omnipresent, so it is normal for them to arrange some people to infiltrate Taoism and Buddhism. The disciple of Chiming Daozu, Changqing Jianxian, could be lured by the God King to join him. I am afraid that disciples from Taoism, Buddhism, and other true gods will also join Wuxian Sect for the sake of opportunities and benefits."

"As for those evil geniuses in the Nuwa camp who have the potential to become Taoist masters, the Wuxian Sect naturally wants to eliminate them. It's not easy to eliminate a powerful immortal like Lu Dongbin, but I'm a Taoist genius who is not even a celestial immortal but has shown amazing talent, and I'm also the favorite disciple of the leader of the Nuwa camp, the powerful Sanqing Taoist. The Wuxian Sect is almost certain to deal with me," thinking of this, Di Ke couldn't help feeling helpless. It seems that since he has become the disciple of the Sanqing Taoist, he really can't keep a low profile!

"The reason why Patriarch Bodhi asked his disciples not to say that they are his disciples is probably because he wants to train them, but he also wants to protect them," Di Ke thought a lot at the moment. He bowed silently to the Immortal of the South Pole, and politely said goodbye to other senior brothers and sisters and a group of Yuxu juniors. Then he left Sanqingtian with Longjing and Caiyun, used a large teleportation talisman, and went directly back to the Daxia world.

In the Great Xia world, in Anchan City, under the beautiful sunset glow, Dicko appeared out of nowhere in the sky. As ripples appeared in the void, his figure disappeared, and the next moment he had arrived above the Black and White Academy.

"Dico?" The Black Flame Celestial Immortal who appeared next, his eyes lit up when he saw Dico, and he was a little surprised: "You are back? I heard that you worshipped the Three Pure Ones Taoist as your master and became the junior brother of Lu Zu. I didn't expect that you came back after only thirty years of cultivation. In just thirty years, you have cultivated to become a Return to Void Earth Immortal. You are worthy of being the disciple of Daozu!"

Black Flame Celestial Immortal sighed as he spoke. He did not have a strong background at the beginning. He was not even outstanding among his fellow disciples in the Black and White Academy. How difficult it was to cultivate to the level of Return to the Void Earthly Immortal! In order to overcome the tribulation and become a celestial immortal, he had to go through so many trials and tribulations of life and death!
Soon after, several other immortals from the Black and White Academy who were staying in Anchan City, including Immortal Diancai and Immortal Wufeng, showed up one after another. They were naturally very happy to see Diko, and quickly prepared a welcoming banquet for Diko.

In the newly built cave palace in the Black and White Academy specially built for the Black Flame Celestial Immortal, Dicko was eating, drinking and chatting with several immortals from the Black and White Academy. In response to their curious inquiries, he briefly told them about his experience of practicing in the Yuxu Palace on Kunlun Mountain in Sanqingtian for the past thirty years.

"Zhu Xian Pavilion? The first floor contains all kinds of cultivation methods that can lead to the immortals?" Listening to Dick's story, the Five Crazy Immortals couldn't help but feel jealous. There was no comparison! The Black and White Academy, which was established by the immortals, and the Taoist holy land of Yuxu Palace were simply incomparable!

The Five Crazy Immortals did not have the same opportunity as Diko, so after the banquet, they took the initiative to discuss Taoism with Diko, but to put it bluntly, they just wanted to learn from Diko, and Diko was naturally generous. Although he could not directly teach them the various cultivation methods collected in the Zhuxian Pavilion, it was enough for them to guide them.

(End of this chapter)

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