Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 103 The 101 National Competition Begins

Chapter 103 101. The national competition begins

"Are you ready? Everyone."

Zhongyuan looked at the excited expressions of his companions and asked loudly.

"Dominate the whole country!"

This year's Yamabuki has extremely strong strength, especially after seeing the strength of those teams, how could they not have enough ambitions.

Banlao is already quite old now. As a coach, he rarely gets involved at this time. However, even as an old man, he is looking forward to the national championship.

As he watched these young men preparing to compete in the national competition, Banlao suddenly thought of the time when he led Yamabuki to block Nanjiro from the national competition. He could leave a lasting impression on the world-famous tennis player Echizen Nanjiro. Regrets worth remembering are also a very interesting thing for old age.

This year's competition was held in Chiba, which was not too far away for Yamabuki, and when they were taking the train to the competition site, Yuya saw Tezuka and Fuji.

"Tezuka, Fuji, are you two going to watch the game?"

"Hello, Coach Hata, Nakagaki-senpai, Kanbara-san, I hope you can win the final victory in this national competition."

After Yuya discovered Tezuka and Fuji, others in Yamabuki also looked at these two Seigaku players. Although Seigaku didn't even enter the Kanto Competition this year, they heard from Yuya more than once about the two Seigakus. The names of famous players, according to Yuya, if they are given the skills to show their talents, then Seigaku will probably have singles players of the same level as Yuya and Akutsu.

Although Nakagaki and the others knew that Yuya's words were definitely exaggerated, the name Tezuka Kunimitsu had already appeared in magazines such as Tennis Monthly when he was in elementary school. If Tezuka was very powerful, no one would object. It's just that if you want to know Tezuka's strength, you may have to wait until after the national competition and before the individual competition in the autumn.

Although they were not qualified to participate, there were many junior high school students who came to watch the competition as tennis enthusiasts. The Rikkai Tennis Club who was registering at the registration office saw the Yamabuki Tennis Club walking towards them, but Sanada was still the first. He immediately locked onto Tezuka who came to the scene with Yamabuki.

The incident of being defeated by Tezuka is definitely something Sanada will never forget. As a player who is definitely a very strong player among junior high school students, he was crushed by Tezuka in elementary school. For him, it is naturally a shame that needs to be washed away. It's just that there is no chance to fight Qingxue this year, so his idea of ​​revenge has not been realized.

As for being crushed by Yuya, Sanada can only express helplessness. Although Yuya is indeed their same age, Yuya's strength is a bit too strong. If it is just said to be strong, Sanada feels that it is not enough to describe the kind of Yuya who is of the same age. The gap between people.

When facing Yuya, Sanada felt the sadness called powerlessness for the first time.

However, when he thought that Yuya could be so powerful at his age, Sanada felt why he couldn't do it. Therefore, he attributed the problem of himself being weaker than Yuya to the fact that he didn't work hard enough and slacked off after achieving a little bit of success, so in addition to every weekend and After Yuya's training camp, he is now increasing the training intensity within his own tolerance, which makes even Mori unbearable, because Sanada is getting stronger and it is not easy for him to avoid training.Yamabuki's team members also showed serious expressions after seeing Rikkai Dai. Rikkai Dai is the strongest team that Yamabuki has ever played against. Their team composition is very good. While they have excellent singles players, The doubles team is not weak either. If Yamabuki didn't have two monster-level first-year players, maybe their doubles team would be used to gain respect.

The rules of this year’s competition have not been changed, so the order is still doubles two, doubles one, singles three, singles two and singles one. The rules of the game were changed in the year when the plot took place, so the current formation and formation are The future strategies are actually different.

If the rules are adopted two years later, a lineup like Yamabuki will directly suppress all the masters in the first three games, and they can definitely win all their opponents. As for doubles one and singles one, there will be no chance to play.

Because they are not in the same competition area, Rikkai University does not have any pressure in the group, otherwise it will encounter Yamabuki. Even though Rikkai University has conducted very strict intensive training, when facing Yamabuki, there is still no Any certainty, because they are currently unable to determine which game Yu will appear in.

A player who can stabilize those games, Tatekai, who is going to use the regular arrangement this time, is looking forward to letting Sanada or Mori and Yuya meet. In this case, the two of them will still have something to play against Akutsu. There is some certainty, especially when Sanada was training with Yuya, he often fought against Atobe. He maintained his suppression of Atobe, and Akutsu was probably not much different from Atobe, so this means that Akutsu They are at a relative disadvantage, so no matter who the two of them meet Yuya, Yukimura can guarantee to win Akutsu, thus ensuring that they can win two singles games.

It's just that Yukimura can meet Akutsu, which is the most ideal result. After all, Sanada and Mori's advantage is only theoretical. If Akutsu defeats his opponent, then Tatekai will lose again. For this reason, suppressing Akutsu's position has become Tatekai University's only winning point.

After completing the registration, Yamabuki quickly went to their group's competition venue. Because it was a national competition, the competition venue was still sufficient. Therefore, in the first round, all teams had to start the competition. As for the seeded teams, Then you can wait for your first opponent.

Yuya also looked forward to Kabuto Middle School being able to defeat their opponents. Only in this way could he give the guy who made the rude remarks that day a little bit of a first-year shock.

However, Yuya felt that even if he appeared on the stage, there would be no suspense in the game by then, so he felt that he could use a burst of power to let other opponents take a look at the absolute power of Yamabuki's singles leader.

Yuya, who hasn't used an explosion of strength on the field for a long time, can't wait to leave his mark on the guardrail net.

"Kanahara, don't be so excited."

Banlao noticed Yuya's state. He felt that if Yuya was too excited, not only would his opponent lose confidence, but he might even lose his life.

Yamabuki's people are very familiar with the power of Yuya's hitting. If he accidentally hits the opponent's body, at least two bones will be broken to show respect. For this reason, Banlao thinks that he needs to remind Yuya.

"Don't worry, Ban Lao, I will control the intensity."

(End of this chapter)

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