Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 104 102 Absolute crushing

Chapter 104 102. Absolute Crushing

This is Yuya's first time participating in a national competition, but he doesn't have any nervousness. As a player with the strongest strength among current junior high school students, it should be his opponents who are nervous. As for those people who don't understand him If his strength is strong, then during the game, Yu will also help those people get to know him, the new overlord of junior high school tennis.

Yuya didn't know how Kabuto Middle School had the courage to talk nonsense to him. He wasn't even a regional champion. He was almost defeated in the first round and couldn't even make it to the second round. With such strength, he still dared to mock his position. Kanto region champion Yamabuki himself can only say that they really thought that a first-year player would not have much influence on the tennis club.

"Akutsu, I don't know in which round the opponent's minister will appear. If you meet him, use all your strength to destroy him."

"You bastard, don't order me!"

Akutsu, who had now found himself again, yelled directly at Yuya after hearing Yuya's words, and Yuya immediately used a Kimura Lock to pin Akutsu to the ground.

Before Akutsu takes action, directly deal with the source of danger Akutsu. This is a rhythm that Yuya is very familiar with. Some time ago, Akutsu suppressed himself crazily, so he has been moving his body like this for a long time, but now he is a little rusty, but Yuya's instinctive reaction still helped him cope.

Seeing Yuya pressing Akutsu under him, Nakagaki and the others were speechless. Although they also realized that Akutsu's strength had improved significantly after he found himself, in their opinion, this might just be what Yuya wanted. A reason to attack Akutsu.

Some time ago, Akutsu gave Yuya no reason to take action, but now Yuya has started to attack Akutsu again. If Akutsu did not allow others to intervene, Nakagaki would now find a way to pull Yuya away.

People from other schools also saw this scene. Many schools who were not familiar with Yamabuki thought it was an internal conflict that broke out in Yamabuki. They were very happy about this. Among them, Kabuto Middle School was even ready to open champagne. After all, everyone at Yamabuki was It would be really embarrassing if they still couldn't win if they took action.

Mitou and Kamiji, who played as the second doubles team, rarely trained together as a doubles team during this period, but their tacit understanding has not been affected by this. Instead, they have recently been partnering with first-year students Players, through doubles sparring, have a better understanding of each other's habits, so after taking the field, they showed excellent tacit understanding. Of course, the two of them are also very good in strength.

Kabuto Middle School's second doubles team was immediately defeated. Mitou and Kamuji simply used the one-offense-one-defense tactics that they were most used to, and easily defeated the opponent. Even before the offensive and defensive substitutions were made, the opponent had already given up. , this made Yamabuki's team members aware of the weakness of their opponent, but when they thought that Yuya, Yamabuki's strongest player, would be ridiculed by the opponent, even if it was not to help Yuya retaliate against the opponent, they had to be careful. If they lost, They couldn't afford Yuya's extra training.

Because they had to play five full games, Nakagaki and Suzuki had no idea of ​​letting go. However, because the strength gap between the two sides was too big, not only did the two not use synchronization, they also controlled the Pleiades Nova and Giant They easily defeated Kabuto Junior's doubles team without even using the horn.

During the game, Yamabuki's outstanding performance made Kabuto Middle School's players look like they didn't know how to play. Two consecutive 6:0s directly broke the mentality of Kabuto Middle School's side.

In order to teach Kabuto a lesson, Ishihara didn't even get a chance to appear in this round. Kano showed his efforts in the three singles match.

As a third-year player, Kano could only bully Ishihara among Yamabuki's singles players. However, thinking that this was his only chance to compete in the national competition, he also hoped that he could perform well, even if everyone Everyone knows that the main reason why Yamabuki has such good results this year is Yuya and Akutsu, but other team members are also very important.

In order to be able to keep his opponent clean, Kano chose to make a very dangerous save, a flying ball, which did not give his opponent a chance to score any points. However, the scratch on his arm obviously made the next round of the game impossible. Ishihara went up first.

Of course, everyone knows that Ishihara actually came to the national competition to train, and what he needs to do now is to accumulate as much competition experience as possible.The usual training matches with other schools are just training matches. For Ishihara, who is now more or less a member of the team with the potential to win the championship, it really doesn't mean much.

Regarding Kano's save, Banlao still criticized Kano. Fortunately, it was just a scratch. If there was any injury, it would be a real problem. As for Kano's help to the team, although it is not that big, as a tennis player The coach of the team, Ban Lao, believes that safety must be ensured.

He was directly beaten 3:0, and the score was 6:0. The headmaster of Kabuto Middle School, who had ridiculed Yuya that day, was in a bad mood.

Seeing that the second single was the one who had just fought with Yuya, a smile appeared on his face. At least according to his thoughts, if he was bullied by Yuya, he would not perform well in the game.

"Hey, was it you who mocked that bastard?"

Akutsu didn't expect that Yuya actually guessed that the opponent's minister would appear in the second singles match. However, this weak-looking guy in front of him actually mocked Yuya. Akutsu, who couldn't beat Yuya, felt that he was also being ridiculed. After all, Can a person who loses to a loser still be a genius?

Seeing the guy in front of him was very unhappy, Akutsu didn't even bother to guess the right to ball, and directly gave up the right to serve to the opponent.

The director of Kabuto Middle School showed a very dissatisfied expression, and the referee did not know what happened between the two people, but since Akutsu gave up the right to serve, the game will naturally begin now.



After the referee took a look at the mark left by the tennis ball on the court, he immediately announced Akutsu's score. The man who had just served turned his head very stiffly and looked at the tennis ball that had fallen to the ground.

It was a kind of crushing of strength. Akutsu had no interest in fighting against weaklings, but since Yuya asked him to teach this guy a lesson, he naturally would not refuse. Although Yuya was a very annoying person in his eyes, but He also remembered Yuya's help to him.

He had no ability to resist, he was still blocked, and he was also the tennis director of Kabuto Middle School.

In fact, Kabuto Junior High School, who was already certain to lose in the third singles match, was even ready to give up the first singles match. However, after the minister saw Yuya Kore on the stage, he still asked his deputy minister to bravely walk onto the court. .

(End of this chapter)

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