Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 156 154 Lucky Yamabuki

Chapter 156 154. The lucky Yamabuki

Although Hyotei led by Atobe has little hope of victory when facing Yamabuki, it still has a large enough advantage when facing teams from most schools, so there is no need to worry about Hyotei's performance. Yes, but who wants to be the third child of ten thousand years?

I just want to improve the strength of the players. This is not a problem that Atobe can solve alone. However, these first-year players will be given enough playing time this year to familiarize them with the feeling on the court. This is Atobe’s current situation. The only thing that can be controlled is that if the first-year players become stronger, then the current second-year players will naturally have a sense of crisis.

This is Atobe's choice by cultivating first-year players and supervising the progress of second-year players.

Because they had heard that Yuya did not participate in this competition, the players from other schools were not very surprised when they saw Yuya appear here. However, the audience who had not watched the competition last year were surprised by this messy guy. Akira doesn't seem to be a very good player, but it's strange that so many people are paying attention to him.

By the time Yuya walked back, the game was over for Yamabuki. Yamabuki easily swept his opponent, still maintaining the strength of being the national champion last year. Although their opponent was swept, when they saw that their opponent was Yamabuki, They are actually ready to be eliminated, and there is nothing they can do about it. When anyone sees that their opponent is last year's national champion, they probably won't have any expectations for their victory.

"Banlao, do you think the team's strength has changed from last year?"

Yuya, who sat next to his companion, smiled and asked a question that he was more concerned about. After all, it would have a huge impact on the outcome of their nationwide campaign this year.

"Our singles strength has improved by one level, but the level of doubles is weaker than last year. But if Kentaro and Masami are given enough time, they will have a level similar to Nakagaki and Suzuki next year. This year in Among the doubles pairs in the country, it is still a relatively strong combination, but it will not be extremely dominant."

"In this case, it seems that we need to add some arrangements when arranging troops."

Yuya still had some predictions about Ban Lao's answer. As for the results, the results were similar. After all, the doubles team of Nakagaki and Suzuki were too strong. Not only did they cooperate very well, but their own strength ranked as the third singles in the team. Position, even without realizing synchronization, they are still the strongest doubles team in the country.

The current Kentaro and Masami do not have this kind of strength, but this does not prevent them from being an excellent doubles team.

It is almost impossible to count on the synchronization that the two of them have mastered this year, but now, except for Rikkai's pair of doubles, there are not many combinations that can pose a threat to the two of them, so Yu will also find ways to help them improve. Strength, especially in data tennis, can only be practiced without the help of someone who is good at it.

Looking at the people who bought sodas, Yuya is looking forward to tomorrow's game. After all, only by playing against strong enough opponents can he determine his own strength level.

Today's game was just a warm-up for everyone who had ideas. For this reason, Yuya did not go out and wander around later. Instead, he sat with Ban Lao and commented on the performance of the players on the field.

"Kentaro, the key to data tennis is to collect and summarize quickly. But if your opponent releases false information, it may cause interference to you. But this interference is uncertain, because if you can observe your opponent through , to judge the authenticity of the information released by the other party. Now you two have a complete understanding of the members of the tennis club. After tomorrow's game is over, I hope you two can go to the wild court to analyze your data. Tennis for testing.”

"I see."

Kentaro heard Yuya's request. Although it would take the two of them more time to deal with the problem after school, Kentaro knew that he and Masami were relatively weak in the team this year. Kentaro didn't mind paying more. A lot of effort, and the two of them did use data tennis to collect information about their opponents during the game today, but the opponent's strength was relatively weak, and the data they collected did not play a big role.This year's Yamabuki will still challenge for the national championship, so only those who can continue to work together can stay in the tennis club as regular members. Even if they are strong enough but have no hope of progress, they will have to Gave up the position.


"Tangerine, it seems that we are the ones with better luck this year."

Yamabuki's opponent in the semi-finals is Fudoho, which is indeed a lucky thing for Yamabuki. After all, Fudoho only has Tachibana now. Although the talents of the other team members are not bad, they are still There is not enough time to realize your own strength.

"Don't underestimate us, we will definitely go all out."

Even though Tachibana knew that they were at an absolute disadvantage, since they had come this far, they would never give up.

Seeing their minister and the opponent's minister chatting over there, the tension in the hearts of the Fudomine players was reduced a lot. After all, they are all first years now, and being able to reach the semi-finals of the Metropolitan Conference was beyond their expectations. , and after getting here, they have the qualifications to participate in the Kanto Competition. They know very well that with their current strength, they probably have no chance of winning, but since they have come here, winning or losing still has to be decided on the field. .

"Naijing, Mori, the first game will be left to you two."

"Don't worry, Minister, we won't let our opponents underestimate us, Fudo Peak."

Although these first-year contestants had some stage fright, their moods had calmed down now that the competition was about to begin.

"Many of the players at Fudo Peak are first-year players. Only the Kyushu Lion King is a second-year player. It's already pretty good that they can reach here."

"Then let us teach them a lesson, senior."

The strength of the combination of Shangji and Nito is actually not weaker than that of Kentaro and Masami, but they are still the No. [-] doubles team within Yamabuki. There is no way, who said that Shangji will leave until next year, and Niwa will It is time to bring newcomers into the competition, but this will also become a kind of inheritance. No matter what time it is, Yamabuki has a pair of doubles that are relatively stable. After all, having a third-year player will always be safer.

Tachibana knew very well that Fudomine's overall strength was not as good as Yamabuki's, but it was not his character to just give up. If he lost, he had to lose openly, and then find opportunities to win back later.

(End of this chapter)

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