Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 157 155 Qing Xue vs. Ice Emperor

Chapter 157 155. Qing Xue vs. Ice Emperor

While the competition between Yamabuki and Fudomine was going on, the competition between Seigaku and Hyotei started at the same time.

Seigaku, who was eliminated by Yamabuki in the metropolitan tournament last year, performed very strongly this year. The strength shown by those second-year players was even better than Seigaku's third-year players. Even though Kawamura Takashi and the other two were evenly matched, But he didn't sit on the bench either.

Now Yamabuki and Hyotei are training new players. Although Seigaku will not do that, it is actually an option to give the second-year players who will remain in the team next year more opportunities to play.

Among the freshmen who entered this year, there is no talent of Tezuka's level. Momojo and Haitang have shown good talent and willpower, but because of the poor foundation of late return, even swinging movements need to be performed now. Correction, so there is no chance to play at all.

"Dashi, let's go."

"Kikumaru, don't be so excited."

Although some people have begun to call the two of them golden partners, the combination of Oishi and Kikumaru is not well-known yet. They were eliminated by Kentaro and Masami in the doubles Kanto Tournament and lost the qualification to enter the national competition. Although they They also trained hard last year, but Yamabuki had too many practice matches. Their game experience was not as rich as those two people. At the same time, seeing data tennis for the first time, they didn't even know how they lost.

Now after the winter training, the strength of the two of them has been significantly improved. Oishi has developed the moon volley and moon short ball, while Kikumaru has also developed more stunt shots.

But now Kikumaru still has one problem that has not been solved, and that is his physical strength. Fortunately, Oishi can help Kikumaru in the backcourt, otherwise their combination would have a big colander, which is actually a headache, like It's Hyoute's side, Mugahigatake and Ninzu. Ninzu often has to bear all the competition alone after Mugahi's energy is exhausted. Even if they gain a lot of advantages in the front, they will still be overturned.

The doubles players sent by Hyotei are Mukahi and Kagachi. It can be said that these two people cannot be called a doubles team. Although Mugahi always appears as a doubles player, and most of his partners are Ninzu, But now Renzu wants to play singles, so he can only partner with others.

As a first-year player with a very mature appearance, Huachi seems to be completely different from Yuya, but his innocent heart is still a very powerful ability on the tennis court, and he can copy his opponent's skills on the court. Batting skills, but this ability also has limitations, that is, it can only copy skills, but not talents. For example, Xiangri's trick shots, Jirou's soft wrists, these talents cannot be replicated by Huaji. copy.

Because of his excellent physical development, his strength is very strong. His slow speed is his weakness, but with Xiangri's help, this weakness is no longer a weakness.

However, there were not many things that Huaji could copy in this game. After all, there were two stunt hitters and Oishi defending at the bottom line.

"Tezuka, can we defeat the Hyokui?"

"The probability is very small, and the others still need time to grow." Although Tezuka is sure to win Atobe, and Fuji can also win the others, the remaining members of Qingxue are not that strong. Aaron It is estimated that he will have to wait until he faces a powerful enemy before he has a chance to explode. Otherwise, he will be at the bottom among the main members of Qingxue.

In the original work, Kawamura's strength is not even as good as Momocheng and Haitang, but every time he is grouped, Aaron will have a preference. He has almost never encountered three people being selected in the same group, so The on-campus qualifying competition did not cost him his spot on the regular team.

Aaron, who has now received some strengthening, is still quite useful in some games. At least Tezuka sees Aaron's potential and the games he is suitable for playing.

The two schools Seigaku and Hyotei had no intersection in the past, but after both Tezuka and Atobe joined the weekend intensive training, Atobe wanted to defeat Tezuka, but Tezuka's current strength was a bit too strong. Atobe is not sure about defeating Tezuka now. He even said that even if he is confident enough, his current winning rate is only [-]-[-].

However, in team competitions, Hyotei's strength is obviously stronger. This must be the school's heritage. Who is Hyotei belongs to an aristocratic school, and those who can come to study here have very good family backgrounds, so they came into contact with tennis in elementary school. It is very normal to have a relatively good tennis foundation. This has led to the fact that Hyokui players can actually show relatively good strength when they are in the first or second grade.

Mugahi is also about the same height as Yu, but he is sensitive to this matter. For this reason, he also developed the move of turning over the moon because he knows that his opponent will definitely hit the ball specially to target him.

In fact, in Yuya's opinion, the move of turning over on the moon is definitely valuable, but after it is used frequently, the value is not so high. It is actually a very wise choice to develop corresponding countermeasures according to one's height. Just like the double sword style trained by Yuya, it is to expand one's own defensive range. It is a fairly conventional ability, or it does not consume extra physical strength, so there is no need to hide moves, but turning over on the moon requires jumping. For Xiangri The physical strength of the opponent is huge, and the air defense can be left to his partner. In the decisive battle, he can use the moon roll to kill, but it can have an unexpected effect.

Although both Kikumaru and Mukahi are good at trick shots, Kikumaru is now a little taller than Mukahi. Therefore, in the tennis match between these two people, Kikumaru still has some advantages, but the advantage is not big. Mukahi's skills are higher than Kikumaru was better, which made up for his height disadvantage.

At this time, Oishi was staring at Xiangri and Kakarachi in the opposite backcourt. Kakarachi seemed dumbfounded and had not made a move yet, but Oishi felt that even if his opponent was only a first-year player, judging from the opponent's height and strength level, it was very difficult for him to make a move. It may be the same type as Aaron. In this case, his defensive pressure will be much greater.

Most people have trouble with that kind of powerful players. There is nothing that can be done about it. However, Oishi has practiced with Aaron many times, and he is more or less prepared. After all, what will he encounter on the field? It is possible for all types of players. It is obviously a wise choice to make some preparations in advance. Just like when Kikumaru finally found the opportunity and hit the tennis ball to the opposite side, Oishi saw that Kachi was ready to fight back.

The powerful and heavy hitting of the ball made the tennis ball fly over like a cannonball. Oishi immediately waved the racket with both hands and stopped the tennis ball.

(End of this chapter)

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