Chapter 164 162
After Byodoin defeated Tezuka, they also asked who were stronger in the country now.

Tezuka, who had already guessed that Byodoin was going to challenge those people, was looking forward to the holiday. Although before that, he needed to work hard to enter the national competition, but after thinking that this was related to Yuya, he aimed to become a professional player. Tsukasa, it is very clear that it will be of great help to improve one's own strength.

The result was that the names given by Tezuka, after being challenged by Byodoin, all received invitations from Byodoin.

"Kanbaru, who is that guy called Byodoin? Why did he let you take me for training during the holidays?"

Akutsu, who was crushed head-on by Byodo-in, immediately came to Yuya's side before class started and asked about the Byodo-in in an unhappy manner. Although he got similar compliments from the guy, Being told "Not bad" in that condescending tone was the biggest humiliation for Akutsu, and now he couldn't wait to take revenge.

"Byodoin-senpai? The minister who once led Kansai's Makinofuji Middle School to two consecutive national championships and is now the strongest tennis player among high school students asked me to take you with him during the holidays?"

"Yes, he said that he would be responsible for solving other problems."

"In that case, come with me during the holidays. You will definitely like the environment there."

Yuya did not expect that Byodo-in would take the initiative to recruit junior high school students to enter the U-17 training camp for training. However, since Byodo-in has discovered these geniuses among junior high school students, then Yuya will take Akutsu with him when the time comes, so it will not be a problem. .

However, during the training camp on the weekend, Yuya heard that Tezuka and the others had also received an invitation from Byodoin.

"Senior Kiritani, senior Yuezhi, you have to work hard this year."

Although Kiritani and Ochi's strength has due dominance over the current junior high school students, after thinking that these little guys will go to the U-17 training camp and receive more professional training, not to mention this year They can catch up, but it is estimated that next year, these little devils will not be inferior to them.

"It's really strange that the boss of Byodoin would invite a junior high school student, but I will never admit defeat."

Although Kiritani was very confident when he answered, Yuya and Ochi both noticed that when he was talking, they looked at Tezuka quietly, because Tezuka's tennis style was really too restrained for Kiritani's tennis style.

After learning that Kiritani and Ochi would also go there for training during the holidays, Tezuka and the others had a lot of expectations for that place. Atobe, who had known where it was for a long time, was also looking forward to being able to work with him. When high school students compete against each other, it's up to them as to which position they can reach.

"Kanahara, can you introduce that place?"

"No, you still have to go there by yourself to see clearly. After all, everyone in that place has their own ideas, so the overall atmosphere is very interesting. Of course, there are different cliques in that place. As for me, they are considered equals. It’s from Senior Yuan’s side.”

Yuya doesn't want to let the mystery of the U-17 training camp disappear in Tezuka's hearts now. As for the guy Akutsu, there hasn't been much change after getting his answer. After all, he has done his own thing now. To the extreme, he has no choice but to give up his studies and devote all his energy to tennis.

Now those relatively powerful junior high school students have received invitations from Byodoin. Although they were crushed by Byodoin before receiving the invitations, they do not think that they have lost at this time. What is unacceptable, especially being able to enter a training camp for training. For players who are now focusing on improving their own strength, this is a rare opportunity. "Invite other junior high school students?"

Kurobe received a call from Byodoin. The boy had already left Japan, but before he left, he gave a list and asked three coaches to invite those junior high school students.

After watching the game videos of those people, Kurobe can understand the thoughts of Byodoin. Although these people are still far behind Yuya last year, monsters like Yuya are very rare. If evaluated at the level of a high school student They, these people are guaranteed to be at the level of Wu Gu.

Seeing that there are still so many outstanding junior high school students in Japan, Kurobe is still looking forward to how these people will perform after joining the U-17 training camp.

Coach Mifune expressed support for Byodoin's idea. After all, we already have Yuya, so a few more junior high school students wouldn't be a problem. It would just let those high school students know what genius is, and those who are slightly older than Yuya and the others. Players, if they don't work hard, they won't have any chance until Yuya and the others officially enter the U-17 training camp.

However, Kurobe and the others, who are still collecting information about newcomers, have made preparations to invite several junior high school students before confirming the number of high school students who will receive invitations this year.


"Yuta, your recent arm strengthening training has basically reached the standard. The next step is to strengthen your own speed."

"Yes, brother Yuya."

Yuta, who took over the weight from Yuya, has adapted to this kind of training. As for strengthening his own speed, he naturally has corresponding training methods.

Looking at Yuta who has no complaints about training every day, Kentaro feels that this first-year freshman has lived up to Yuya's preference for him. It can be said that when they graduate in two years, Yuta will be the one to shoulder the burden. The banner was raised, which reminded them of the care they took for themselves in Zhongyuan last year.

It's just that the second-year players are already the main force of Yamabuki. They can still help Yamabuki defend the title. As for carrying the banner, that will be two years later.

No one likes the feeling of being surpassed by juniors, so Kentaro and the others are very serious when training, but Ishihara is even worse. Now Yuta is in direct competition with him and Sengoku. Now Sengoku's strength is already equal to Ishihara. They are evenly matched, and after a while, they are likely to be surpassed. If Yuta surpasses him again, then he may not even be able to get the main selection position.

This led to the fact that Ishihara is now in his third year, but his enthusiasm for training is also very full. After all, he was a little delayed last year, and he doesn't want to have no chance to delay this year.

The atmosphere inside the Yamabuki Tennis Club is great. Not only does it have a sense of urgency, but it also maintains a very harmonious relationship. This is why Yuya usually feels very comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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