Chapter 165
"Are you ready to sleep with Qing Xue?"

Although this had been determined before, the Yamabuki team members still felt strange when they thought of sleeping together with the Seigaku Tennis Club. After all, Seigaku suddenly had a rising trend this year, but last year's Seigaku Still a rotten fish and shrimp that was swept away.

However, considering that Yuta's brother Fuji was already a national-level singles player last year, and their deputy director Tezuka Kunimitsu was also a very powerful player, Yamabuki's team members accepted this fact, but they were still preparing to In the dormitory, the youth team was given a show of strength. As last year's national champions, they naturally had to show their strength.

Yuya is very interested in things like staying together. After all, he puts most of his energy on tennis. He still needs some other ways to adjust. Although staying together is still tennis training, the two coaches will come up with something more interesting. The training method is what Yuya is concerned about.

"Shusuke, Yuta, you have to behave well this time."

"Got it, Mom."

Before going out, Fuji and Yuta were held by their mother's hands, and they were given careful instructions.

Although the camp this time was for the regular players, Yamabuki still brought along two reserve regulars for next year. After Coach Ryuzaki heard about this, she also selected one of the first-year players. With two members participating in the camp, Qingxue must not let his momentum weaken.

The two brothers are in two different schools, and this is the first time that competition will arise during their stay together. Fuji and Yuta are both looking forward to this stay together, and the chance to compete. After all, the two of them are very restrained. From last year to now, they have never fought in private, so the two of them arrived at the meeting point very happily.

This time, they still chose a mountain B&B as the place to stay together. After all, this kind of place is relatively quiet. If they stay together here, they can do some more intense training.

But Qingxue's team members felt that their momentum had weakened when they saw that everyone in Yamabuki was wearing weights.

People's grades were better than yours in the past, and now they work harder than you. Why should they challenge Yamabuki now? Even Coach Ryuzaki didn't expect Yamabuki's players to work so hard.

You must know that during the period of physical development, overtraining will also have an impact on physical development. If possible, moderate training is the principle of most tennis clubs, but now it seems that Yamabuki is doing high-intensity training. .

"Coach Ryuzaki, it seems we haven't had a sleepover in a long time."

"There is no way. In the past few years, the players in our youth academy were not good enough. Even if I invite you Yamabuki to stay together, I will probably be rejected."

Although Coach Ryuzaki's words are a bit suspicious of blaming the blame on the players, in fact there is no problem. Although Qingxue sounds very famous, his results have been too poor in recent years. Even if Coach Ryuzaki wants to work hard, he has not. In the direction of efforts, you can never expect to let a player with little talent lead the team to the national competition.

Now that he finally had the opportunity, Coach Ryuzaki immediately started to establish his own relationship and arranged training matches and overnight stays with Tezuka and the others in order to help them grow quickly. As for Tezuka, he would train with people from other schools every weekend. Coach Ryuzaki also knew it, but she didn't stop it, and she had no reason to stop it. After all, Tezuka used his private time to conduct intensive training, which was only good for Qingxue's performance.

Because they had to walk to the B&B, the Yamabuki team members who arrived at the destination with heavy loads looked very tired. However, because they were used to relatively high-intensity training, they recovered quickly after having lunch. come over.

After lunch, everyone simply tidied up their rooms, and then came out to start exercising in preparation for the next training. "Aaron, when using the giant horn, it is important to exert strength from the whole body. Some of your muscles are too stiff. Now I will teach you a set of stretching exercises. You must stretch them after training. , which not only relaxes the muscles, but also relieves fatigue.”

"I see."

Aaron was very happy that Yuya was willing to give him guidance, and soon Yuya began to show stretching movements.

Stretching is very helpful for muscle relaxation, but before training, just do some dynamic stretching. Static stretching will affect the training status. If you perform high-intensity training, use a fascia knife. Grooming the fascia is also part of stretching.

Yuya usually stretches every two days. After all, this routine usually only takes more than an hour. If you stretch in a hurry, it will only have a psychological effect.

"After this afternoon's training, everyone's training status will be tallied, and there will be corresponding punishments. The fascia knife is not a punishment, but a part to help you relax, so don't pay too much attention."

Just after Yuya finished speaking, the expressions of the team members on Yamabuki's side changed. Although they knew that Yuya was right, after thinking about the overly exciting feeling, they didn't want to be able to relax that way. , after all, massage can also have a similar effect, and you can also ask the master to use less pressure.

The team members on Qingxue's side have never experienced this kind of post-training service that is often enjoyed by professional athletes, so their expressions did not change at this time. However, after noticing the expressions of Yamabuki's team members, Qingxue's The team members also had some fear.

But Yuya just said that this is not a punishment, so no one can escape it.

"Today's punishment is the acupressure board challenge. Those at the bottom must complete ten successful counterattacks on the field paved with acupressure boards before the punishment is over."

As Yuya spoke, he opened the box he was carrying and stuffed a box of acupressure boards into it, meeting everyone for the first time.

The Yamabuki team members who had never experienced acupressure board punishment in the past were at a loss. After all, Yuya had never shown them such a thing, but when they thought that this thing could be called punishment, it was not a good thing. .

Punishment was laid out when they came up. Before the training started in the afternoon, everyone took off their shoes and went up to experience it.

As a result, even Akutsu walked down from it with a red face, as did Tezuka, Fuji and the others. When they thought of running or even jumping on it, those who were weaker had already imagined it. How did I roll on it?

"Kanahara, you are really energetic."

"He is full of enthusiasm for life. He may not be a good minister, but he is definitely a good partner."

(End of this chapter)

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