Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 193 191 The Benefits of Failure

Chapter 193 191. The benefits of failure

Yuya, who was working hard to improve his fluency, was hitting the ball against a wall. The collision between the tennis ball and the wall caused some damage to the wall. Regarding this situation, Yuya could only say that he was trying to improve his skills. To master the wave ball, he now almost plays it on different wild courts. Only in this way can he not completely destroy a certain wall.

Yuya, who has now mastered the wave ball to a certain level, has not carried out targeted development for the wave ball, because after his five-dimensional value reaches a certain level, he will naturally be able to master a more powerful wave ball, so for the wave ball The development of the ball is a dispensable training content, but only by mastering the wave ball can you better exert the power of the wave ball after understanding the stronger wave ball.

The same goes for Shoryu Ball and Tornado Ball. They both require targeted training. Regarding this, Yuya does not feel bored. If you want to become stronger, you must be able to endure loneliness. Most of the training can be completed by one person. , although there are people around you who can better motivate yourself, it is also problematic to not train if there is no one else.

If you want to be the one who stands out from the crowd, you must put in enough effort, and you will inevitably experience boring training. Yuya likes the state of thinking alone, and even said that if it is because of the goal of a team competition , he actually prefers to train alone. In a relatively lonely state, he can get into the state better, which is a characteristic he rarely shows.

"Is that Yamabuki Yuuya Kanbaru?"

Momojo Takeshi didn't expect that he would see Yuya in this place. Momojo only had respect for this powerful player.

A player who is already strong enough has not given up any chance to become stronger and is completely immersed in training. This is a state that Momocheng usually hopes to enter. However, because of his lively personality, Momocheng is often beaten by other players. Things attract attention.

"You must be Qingxue's Taocheng."

"Yes, Kanbaru-senpai."

"What are your goals for next year?"

"Tennis? I hope to be a regular player and win all the games."

"This is not an easy thing. If you want to be an undefeated player, you need to have extremely strong strength. Although I have never lost on the court, I have also lost to some people in private training. Yes, but I enjoy that kind of competition because it allows me to see my own shortcomings and urges me to keep moving forward.”

"So Kanbaru-senpai won't be discouraged because of losing the game?"

"Of course not. I have always admired the saying that existence is justified. There are always winners and losers in competitive sports. This is inevitable. Just because no one wants to be a loser, the players will work hard to win. Victory, and those who lose will also find ways to win back, which promotes the progress of that project. If they cannot compare with their opponents in terms of physical fitness, they will study the corresponding technology. If the technology is not good, they will have to devise tactics. , these are all ways to pursue victory..."

Listening to Yuya's knowledge of competitive sports, Momoro felt that Yuya was a very good person, because few people would talk about this kind of thing to him. The seniors may also understand these things, but they did not realize that he would These things tell others how helpful they will be to juniors like Taocheng.

"It's just that if I can win the game, I will never lose. Victory is my pursuit. I don't mind how many times I have lost in the past, but one day I will win it back on the court. However, no one can yet Beat me on the field.”

Although Yuya's words sounded a bit arrogant, after watching a game in which Yuya forced his opponent to forfeit with just one goal, Momoshiro felt that it was natural for Yuya to be so proud. If he had this kind of strength, the Stinky Viper would designate him. I didn’t dare to quarrel with him, but at the same time, it was obvious that only one person could achieve the undefeated achievement.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Yuya patted Momoro on the shoulder, and then said: "Okay, go home early." "Okay, Kanbaru-senpai."

In fact, Yuya rarely discusses his views on winning and losing with others, mainly because the people in his circle are almost all winners. Although Byodoin failed in the U-17 World Cup due to problems in the team competition, However, he himself had lost only a handful of times, and even if he lost to a ghost, he had achieved a refreshing revenge after receiving training from Mifune.

Having lost once, Byodo-in has embarked on the road of traveling the world in order to avoid becoming a loser again on the field. When he comes back, he will have completely completed the first stage of world pirates.

Although Byodo-in had mastered the Asura Shinto when he returned, he had not yet truly liberated the humanoid pirate in his heart. When fighting Amadeus, he was almost defeated by Amadeus' secret shot. Finally, he completed his first nirvana, and then completed the first stage of development of his own Asura Shinto.

Sometimes failure is definitely not a bad thing. For example, this guy from Byodoin achieves breakthroughs in strength through continuous nirvana. This kind of will to survive in adversity is something that not everyone can possess.

Now Yuya has not yet reached the point of failure, but he knows that his victory will always be maintained. At least at this stage, he will create an undefeated golden body for himself.


"Very distinctive shot."

After Kiritani received Yuya's wave ball, his face showed an expression of interest. There was still a certain gap between this ball and Yuya's giant horn, but it still caused some trouble for Kiritani, but Kiritani He still managed to hit Yuya with a secret shot.

Because they were from the perspective of bystanders, Tezuka and the others didn't know why Yuya didn't make any move.

"How is this going?"

"Kanahara has now fallen into endless darkness. If he cannot break free, this sparring session will be completely over."

Although he knew that Yuya would not be swallowed by the darkness, Ochi himself was still thinking about how to face this ball at this time. After all, he was still unable to counterattack the secret ball. Even if his spirit was very strong, apart from self-protection, , but he can't break away from that darkness, which is a huge disadvantage for him. If he wants to get a higher ranking, he needs to find a way to defeat the people above him.

In the situation where he is usually unable to fight with other people, the only person Oozhi can deal with is Kiritani.

"Senior Wugu, the darkness is even more frightening this time."

Listening to Yuya's words, Kiritani's face was not happy at being praised, because Yuya had now broken free, which meant that Yuya had won.

(End of this chapter)

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