Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 194 Chapter 192 The Returning Samurai

Chapter 194 192. Returning Samurai

"Nanjiro, when did you come back?"

Coach Ryuzaki did not expect that he would meet Nanjiro in Tokyo. When Nanjiro went to the United States to play, he had actually obtained American citizenship. Nanjiro had been living in the United States these years. His sudden return made Ryuzaki The coach was genuinely surprised.

"I'm going to let my son Ryoma go back to junior high school. I believe he will be able to give you some surprises."

"Tsk, Nanjiro, among the junior high school students now there are people who have surpassed you before. Didn't you really let your son come back to accept the blow?"

Regarding this stinky guy, Coach Ryuzaki was really angry when he answered. This kid was not that obedient at first. Now that he is older, not only does he not make people feel calm, but he also makes people feel calmer. There seems to be some improvement in anger.

Although Coach Ryuzaki only wanted to stimulate Nanjiro, Nanjiro, who was familiar with Coach Ryuzaki, could tell from Coach Ryuzaki's tone that she was not joking, but that such a person really appeared.

Nanjiro only received more professional training after going to the United States, but his talent had already been displayed when he was at Qingxue. Otherwise, Coach Ryuzaki would not have helped him. When he recalled his original After becoming stronger, Nanjiro became more interested in the child mentioned by Coach Ryuzaki.

"You mean that my child who has surpassed his own age is not yet in the third grade this year?"

"Of course, when he was in the first grade of junior high school, he has already become the strongest junior high school tennis player. This year he is only in the second grade. If your son comes back, he will be able to play against him. By the way, that kid is Yamabuki With our team members, Yamabuki won the national championship last year and has a high probability of defending the title this year.”

Hearing Coach Ryuzaki say that the young man was a member of Yamabuki's team, Nanjiro immediately thought of Banro's smile. It was Yamabuki led by Banro who led the team to prevent Seigaku from the national competition. He was already a In the third grade, after losing that time, he had lost the opportunity for revenge, but now his son had the opportunity to revenge on his behalf. In this case, he would have to train Ryoma well.

"Since that kid is so good, Tennis Monthly should publish his information."

"Yes, the title of the strongest junior high school student was first used by Tennis Monthly, and this was the evaluation given by our youth academy director in an interview."

"Huh? Are the members of Qingxue so cowardly?"

"Tezuka has shown the potential to enter the professional tennis world since he was in elementary school. His current performance is not inferior to you at all. This is why I say that kid has surpassed you."

At this point, Nanjiro became serious. When Coach Ryuzaki said this, he looked very helpless. Most likely, it was because the current overall strength of Qingxue was already very strong, but he still had no chance to go. Going further, especially when he met the more powerful Yamabuki at this time, although Nanjiro has never had such emotions, those who were defeated by him in the past may have such thoughts.

When Nanjiro went home, he rarely bought the more exciting magazines. Instead, he bought two monthly tennis magazines, ready to see how powerful that brat Yamabuki was.

"Yuya Kanbara, the wisdom of strength, the strongest junior high school student, has transformed from a powerful player to an all-round player, but he still has the powerful destructive ability to defeat his opponent who is also a national-level player with one goal and has to give up. Strength, by the way, this kid will not repeat the grade." Power players are indeed very difficult to deal with, especially power players who have strengthened their technical level. They will not be weaker than their opponents in other aspects, and they are still stronger in strength. He has an advantage. Nanjiro has encountered that kind of opponent before, but the opponent's relative strength is not relatively strong in his case, so he has no experience of being suppressed by powerful players.

But a player who already has an absolute advantage in strength appears in the junior high school tennis world, which sounds a bit incredible.

However, the description of Yuya in Tennis Monthly is only for reference for Nanjiro. The national competition will start in a while, and he will have the opportunity to watch the competition live.

Returning to Japan is itself a choice for Nanjiro. It would be a good thing if Ryoma could get more experience here, but Ryoma should not be tortured too badly.


"Kanbaru-senpai, if I join Yamabuki, do I have a chance to become a regular member?"

"Satoshi, your physical talent may not be enough to support you in becoming a professional, but if you just become a regular member of the tennis club, it is unlikely in the first grade, but as long as you train hard, you should be in the second grade. No problem.”

"Then I will try my best."

After getting Yuya's answer, Satoshi finally made his decision. Although he usually only plays and trains here and does not train with Yuya, he more or less received Yuya's guidance, which made him He has become a relatively powerful character among his peers, which is inseparable from Yuya's guidance.

Although it is indeed tempting to join Seigaku, Satoshi is also looking forward to it if it can make him even more powerful. For this reason, Satoshi naturally wants to join a team that can make him even more powerful.

Looking at Satoshi who was training in the past, Yuya had a smile on his face. Although Satoshi's personal strength is not particularly outstanding, he is also good at playing intelligence tennis. This kid's theoretical knowledge is quite rich, even if he can't compete in the game. He can quickly complete the selection, but he can come up with enough countermeasures. If he is just a strategist, then he is definitely very competent.

Yuta is also very concerned about Satoshi, a junior who is easily arrogant. After playing against other schools, Yuta is very sure that relatively mediocre players are the basic composition of the tennis club. For example, Yamabuki's current team configuration, then It is very luxurious, so members like Satoshi will become the cornerstone of the tennis club in the future.

Regarding Yuya's behavior of recruiting team members in advance, others can only show helpless expressions, that is, Atobe is relatively calm. After all, Hyotei has people from elementary school to high school. With his own charm, he can easily recruit more Members, and the number of members of the Hyotei Tennis Club exceeds the total number of Aogakus, Fudomine and Yamabuki. However, the overall strength is insufficient, which only means that their members are not strong enough, and recruiting them in advance does not make much sense.

It can only be said that Yuya's behavior does not violate the rules, and it is difficult for anyone to refuse Yuya's invitation. Just that Yuya can provide guidance is a huge temptation for those who want to play tennis, just like Qingxue has the same brand name as Nanjiro.

(End of this chapter)

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