Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 245 Chapter 243 Cong Shi’s Problem

Chapter 245 243. Congshi’s problem

"It's a very smart idea. It can be used to strengthen its own technical diversity, and strengthen Fang Qingxue's non-doubleness and Ice Emperor's endurance."

After watching Taichi's first game, Kentaro immediately determined the direction of Taichi's future strengthening. If he had a more flexible mind, he would be more suitable for those fancy jobs.

"Great job Taichi."

After Taichi returned to the preparation table, Satoshi immediately sent encouragement to his friend.

Although Taiyi showed quite flexible game ideas during the game, he was still regarded as the main breakthrough point by his opponents, and Taiyi almost lost confidence in playing.

But for those two opponents who only bullied Taichi, Kita showed a more efficient scoring ability. When Taichi was about to collapse, he ended the game and brought Yamabuki his first victory this year.

"I'm so weak."

"Taiichi, you are not weak. Look, you and Kita-senpai defeated your opponent 6:2. You attracted all the opponent's attention and created many scoring opportunities for Kita-senpai."

Just like Satoshi said, the two people on the opposite side focused all their energy on Taichi, but when he didn't collapse, Taiyi still behaved very smartly, blocking many attacks of the opponent, causing a lot of damage to the opponent's score. It was a lot of pressure, even if the opponent scored a lot of points, they couldn't hold it back and they really won.

"Boy, remember, winning the game is everything. Doubles matches always involve two people working together. Some people may pay more, but as long as they can win, this is the best reward. Your strength is indeed a bit weak. , but it’s like you know how to use your own weaknesses to set traps for your enemies, so why don’t you just use yourself as a trap for a double team?”

Satoshi had just finished speaking, and Yuya came over to comfort Taichi. Not everyone is born strong, and these things also need to be cultivated.

Taichi has a soft character, but he is actually a very determined person. Therefore, only by giving him the right guidance can he discover more power. And for a guy like Akutsu, just a simple taunt will increase his power in an instant. , that is to say, verbal "motivation" is needed, otherwise it will be a perpetual motion machine.

Yuya's words made Taiyi's eyes light up. What Yuya just said did make sense.

Taking the initiative to expose one's own flaws and setting traps for opponents is a tactic that Taiyi came up with. Since he can use his own flaws to set traps, why not let himself become a trap directly?

Taichi, who had a new idea, immediately stood up and expressed his gratitude to Yuya. After all, Yuya's advice was really important.

"Remember, what I am born with will be useful. Most people will not be able to reach fields that require talent. Compared with their own talents, most people need to care more about their choices, because a positive choice, It can save you a lot of effort and learn to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses, which are things you need to learn in the future.”

"Yes, I understand, Minister Kanbaru."

One's own weakness is only relative weakness. When facing different types of opponents, which aspect is weaker will change accordingly. Therefore, how to develop one's own abilities is actually a question.

After confirming that Taiyi's eyes had light again, Yuya felt relieved.

The tactics of the two guys on the opposite side were really disgusting. If Kita hadn't won quickly enough, Taichi's mentality might have collapsed. Whether this little guy would still want to play tennis would be a question.

Since the opponent plays dirty when they come up, Kentaro and Masami use the Fortress of Invulnerability to make their opponents realize what it means to be invulnerable.

If the referee hadn't said that time was running out, the Potato Soldiers might have continued to torture the opponent for a while, but when the opponent didn't score a single point and their side only won three sets, they gave up their opponent. .

"What a grueling game."

It was the first time to watch the Fortress at such a close distance, and Satoshi felt that doubles play was not an easy task for the first time.Although most people feel that doubles is inferior to singles, after all, most doubles players are weaker than singles players, but in fact, in more cases, this is limited to the junior high school tennis world. After all, 90.00% of players are relatively Mediocre, in order to gain an advantage in singles, more powerful players will naturally be arranged to appear in singles.

Taneshima is not weak in singles, but he is better at doubles, there is no doubt about this.

When it comes to high-end competitions, there won't be much difference in strength between doubles players and singles players if they are singled out.

Singles matches and doubles matches both have their own characteristics. It goes without saying that there are high and low levels in that kind of match. After swapping positions, the champion may become a nobody.

Satoshi is today's third singles player. After all, in order for them to accumulate more competition experience, Satoshi and Taichi must play in the full regional qualifiers.

"Horiio, you have to work hard."

"Don't worry, Senior Qianshi."

Although Satoshi answered easily, his hand holding the racket had veins popping out.

Satoshi got acquainted with Yuya two years ago. Although he did not undergo high-intensity training with Yuya in the past two years due to physical development problems, he also received a lot of guidance.

Compared with others, I have been playing tennis for two years. If I don't perform better, I will definitely let others down.

Yuya can still guess Satoshi's thoughts. This is actually another kind of idol baggage, but after this week's game is over, he will be able to let Satoshi put down this burden.

This time's competition is for Taichi to adapt to the competition, and for Satoshi, it is to adjust his mentality.

Mentality issues have a huge impact on players' on-the-spot performance. Why is the ultimate in seamlessness the joy of enjoying the game? Because those who pursue victory or defeat are likely to be unable to exert their own strength due to psychological passivity.

Sometimes the more you want to win, the more you will lose.

Satoshi was able to reach the current level in the first grade. According to Yuya's assessment of the current strength of junior high school players, his five-dimensional level has basically reached more than 12. Compared with someone like Yuya who has exceeded 28, the designation is low. , but think about it, second-year players such as Haitang and Momojo only raised the five-level player to around 16 during the new tennis king period. Shitenboji's Caizen Hikari was only 15. Satoshi is obviously not weak.

If Satoshi can be allowed to relax a little, his actual combat strength will rise to a higher level again.

"That kid is so nervous."

Akutsu watched Satoshi play and suddenly said something.

"That's why we let him participate in this competition."

He was so nervous that his movements were deformed, but he was able to defeat his opponent without any danger, which shows how big the gap is between Satoshi and his opponent.

Taichi felt that he was nervous enough. After watching Satoshi's game, he suddenly felt that his mentality was quite good. Sure enough, these were all things that needed to be compared.

(End of this chapter)

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