Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 246 Chapter 244 Absolute Advantage

Chapter 246 244. Absolute advantage

Just as everyone expected, Yamabuki easily won the regional qualifiers, and the two first-year newcomers who were sent to compete also showed their own style.

Although Satoshi is very nervous, he can't stand it, and simple nervousness does not necessarily only bring negative effects.

After several mistakes caused by nervousness, nothing appeared on Satoshi's side, and it seemed as smooth as a robot. This allowed Banlao to know how to train Satoshi.

Taiyi's side is relatively simple. Taiyi, who is more flexible in mind, currently only needs to improve his basic strength.

"Hey, Taocheng, why do you have time to come here?"

Because playing on the field is no longer fun, Yuya's visits to the field have been reduced a lot.

However, after Yamabuki won the regional qualifier, Yuya still came here to take a look, but he didn't expect to meet Momojo here, and Echizen Ryoma who followed Momojo here.

"Kanbaru-senpai, long time no see. This is our new member of Seigakure, Echizen Ryoma. Little one, this is Kambara Yuya, the head of the tennis club of Yamabuki Middle School."

Hearing that the person in front of him was the often mentioned Yuya Kanbara, Ryoma immediately had the idea of ​​challenging Yuya.

"A new first-year player? This means that he must be very strong. After so many years, there are almost no first-year regulars like Tezuka and this little guy in Qingxue. Last year, you and Haitang also Since he didn't become the main selection, I'm looking forward to his strength."

"Since you expect my strength, come and have a fight with me."

"Echizen, Kanbaru-senpai is very strong."

"It's because you're strong that you want to challenge, isn't it?"

Ryoma's challenge brought a smile to Yuya's face, because he knew very well that this was the best time for Ryoma to recognize the situation.

"Since he wants to challenge me, I don't want to refuse that much. In that case, how about a game where you score four goals and it counts as a win?"

"Don't cry after losing."

Yuya's answer made Ryoma very unhappy. Four goals was too much to look down on him. In any case, he is also the main player of Qinggao now.

But when he saw Yuya take out the weights from his schoolbag and put them on his wrists and ankles, Ryoma felt that he was really underestimated. He didn't know why this person who was not much taller than him would. So confident.

"The right to serve will be left to you."

Yuya, who did not need the right to serve, did not want to end the match with Ryoma too quickly, while Momojo, who was standing aside, could only pray that Ryoma would not anger Yuya. Last year, the scene of Yuya beating his opponent away with a racket still deeply touched his heart. It was imprinted in Momojo's mind that Ryoma couldn't withstand that kind of attack.

In response to Yuya's confidence, Ryuuma immediately used an outspin serve, preparing to embarrass Yuya.

But the moment the tennis ball bounced, Yuya completed the counterattack and directly served to score, so that Ryoma didn't even realize what happened.

"An external spin serve? It's a very threatening serve for ordinary players, but for me, it seems a bit boring."

Yuya, who quickly completed the score, immediately began to ridicule Ryoma. Some people will enter a very serious state as long as they are stimulated, and Ryoma is obviously one of them.

Ryoma, who desperately pursues victory, has become more serious at this time.

Although it was really unpleasant to be ridiculed by Yuya, without even seeing Yuya's retaliation clearly, Ryoma knew that he had found a very difficult opponent for himself.

After Ryoma raised his hand and turned his hat, he served again.

However, Ryoma, who was already more attentive, was not able to respond in any way when he lost points because of his change in attitude.

Momoshiro watched Ryoma being easily suppressed by Yuya. He was worried that the brat would lose confidence because of this. After all, Yuya's strength is really scary. The kind of strength that is so powerful that people can't have the heart to challenge may only be Only people who have never watched Yuya play will take the initiative to challenge Yuya.

In the match against Yuya, Ryoma didn't score a single point. Ryoma lost this match. This was the first time he felt such tremendous pressure. His unreliable father never showed this kind of pressure. kind of pressure.

If Ryoma really speaks his mind, Yuya must show humility. After all, the samurai Nanjiro can better control Ryoma's suppression. This is an area that Yuya has never touched.

Every time Nanjiro teases Ryoma, it only makes Ryoma feel that there is only a slight difference, but in fact it is indeed a tiny bit.

Ryoma, who was sweating profusely, looked at Yuya who calmly took off the weight, knowing that that person was really strong, and this was because the opponent restricted his own athletic ability, leaving him without any power to fight back. .

"Taocheng, your newbie at Qingxue is pretty good."

"Echizen is indeed very talented."

Momojo accepted Yuya's compliments on Ryoma's behalf. After all, Ryoma's talent was really good and he was usually very motivated.

Echizen's usual attitude of wanting to challenge everyone shows that this boy is a very unwilling person to admit defeat. Now that Yuya has stimulated Ryoma, it is estimated that Ryoma will be very "happy" in the next period of time.

After returning home, Ryoma was very unhappy and began to practice more. After seeing Yuya's strength, Ryoma had a clearer understanding of the strength of national-level players.

It's just that Ryoma obviously doesn't know that Yuya is not considered one of the national-level players in the strength ranking, because everyone knows that Yuya is already above others, a player who can hardly be evaluated as a junior high school student.

Looking at Ryoma's stubborn look, Nanjiro knew that Ryoma was being bullied, but he didn't ask this time.

If you want Ryoma to grow up quickly, you must not only teach him step by step, but also give Ryoma enough time to think about his tennis. Only in this way can Ryoma become strong enough.


"Coach, if I can meet Yamabuki in a game, I want to fight Yuya Kanbara." "No problem."

Coach Ryuzaki did not refuse Ryoma's crazy requests, because no one would regard defeating Yuya in the game as a tactical goal, and in the Tokyo Metropolitan Conference game, if he met Yuya, no one could win yet. , letting Ryoma play is like letting him gain some game experience. The most important thing is that Ryoma does not necessarily meet Yuya.

But after the grouping of the metropolitan conference came out, Qingxue could only lament that their luck was not particularly good, because they were going to meet Yamabuki in the semi-finals.

"Even if you lose, you can still enter the Kanto Competition. The only thing you need to think about is your luck. As long as you draw a good lottery in the Kanto Competition, you will naturally be able to enter the national competition smoothly. But if you draw a bad lottery , then there is nothing we can do.”

As the current military advisor of Qingxue, Qian is very aware of the problems that currently restrict Qingxue from entering the national competition. One is the overall strength of Qingxue, and the other is the competitive environment.

Nowadays, Seigaku's overall strength is actually a very good team in the country. The reason why it was so restrained by Hyotei last year is mainly because except for the two main players, Tezuka and Fuji, no one else has grown up, but This year things are completely different.

Compared with the issue of overall strength, the competitive environment is the biggest problem currently facing Qingxue.

In the Tokyo area, there are three schools, Yamabuki, Hyotei and Fudomine, competing. Among them, Yamabuki's overall strength is the most terrifying. Fortunately, there are four places to advance to the Kanto Competition, so there will not be any big surprises, but when it comes to the Kanto Competition , the teams in other regions are not weak, especially Kanagawa's Tatekai University. If they want to enter the national competition, their opponents who are directly competitive are not weak.

On the other hand, the competitive pressure in Kansai is much smaller. Those who can fight out of the Kanto region basically have the strength of the top eight. For example, Rikkai has only lost to Yamabuki in the past two years.

It can be said that both the national champion and the national runner-up are in the Kanto region, which leaves only two of the four promotion places in the Kanto region.

If you are unlucky, you will encounter these two schools in the second round. By then, even the top four will not have a chance to enter. Qingxue, which has no way to continue to improve its overall strength, will really have to put all possibilities in terms of victory or defeat. It's all down to luck.

Gan, who was responsible for analyzing the strength of the other three schools, introduced the information he had collected in the past two years. Looking at Yamabuki's strength on paper, everyone in Qingxue felt tremendous pressure.

Among Yamabuki's current main players, Yuya and Akutsu are almost confirmed to be the No. [-] and No. [-] singles players in the country, while Tudu Xiongbing is the strongest doubles team in the country. With such a team there, it would be hard to compete with Tian Ji. No chance.

"Is that person named Akutsu really that powerful?"

"Aku Tsujin became Yamabuki's No. [-] singles two years ago. His only defeat so far was last year against Rikkai University's third-year player Jusaburo Mori. However, Jusaburo Mori has been promoted to high school this year, so currently Among all the junior high school players, no one has ever defeated Aku Tsujin in a competition.”

"Akutsu is a genius. Kanbara said that no matter which sport he chooses for development, he has the ability to reach the top of the world."

Aaron had to raise his hand to his good friend at this time, which made Ryoma who asked the question immediately look towards Aaron.

"Kawamura-senpai, do you know Kanbaru Yuya and Akutsujin?"

"Aaron is their elementary school classmate. Aaron's giant horn was taught to him by Akutsu, but the giant horn is Kambara Yuya's signature skill."

Hearing that the giant horn was Yuya's signature skill, Ryoma's expression immediately changed. After all, when Yuya defeated him that day, he didn't use any skills.

"Our opponents for the national competition are currently Hyotei, Fudoho and Tatekai Dai. If we encounter Yamabuki, we can only say that we are very unlucky, unless we can reorganize the Kanto team and add two more players , only in this way can it be possible to defeat Yamabuki."

"Team Kanto? What is that?"

"It was an invitational tournament last year. The main players from several teams in Kanto came together to form a team, and easily defeated many opponents, including youth training members from a medium-sized tennis club in Germany."


Ryoma, who has been playing tennis since he was a child, has naturally heard about how strong the German tennis team is. Being invited to compete, even if the strength is not top-notch, it is not particularly bad. And the Kanto team can beat them, the strength is Obviously not particularly weak.

In fact, after seeing Tezuka's strength, Ryoma actually had some understanding of the strength of Japan's top players. However, after playing against Yuya, Ryoma had a better understanding of the gap between himself and these top players in the country. A clear understanding, but he will not be discouraged by this.

Ryoma secretly wanted to play against Tezuka and Fuji, but he knew very well that before the start of the school qualifying competition, he should not have such an opportunity.

However, it would also be good for Ryoma if he could compete with other national-level players in the competition.

There are actually quite a few problems in the construction of Qingxue's team. Fortunately, Momocheng and Haitang have good talents and can grow up quickly, giving them a strength close to the Kanto level. Otherwise, Qingxue would be two national-level players, leading Catching a bunch of smelly fish and rotten shrimps.

Regarding Ryoma's intention to challenge Kanbaru Yuya, Seigaku's team members are not so optimistic. After all, Yuya never gives up during the competition.

Since Yamabuki's team was no longer within the scope of consideration, Miki focused on introducing the members of Hyotei and Fudomine.

At this time, Ryoma's heart has already flown to Yamabuki. If he wants to become a strong person, he must challenge the strong. The victory obtained by defeating the strong will make him more satisfied.


On the day when the metropolitan tournament started, Yuya brought the Yamabuki team members to sign up.

Yuya, who was already very famous last year, made other schools consciously get out of the way when he appeared on the stage this year.

"Atobe, someone from Yamabuki is here."

"Kanbaru Yuya and Akutsujin, these two guys are in the same school. It's really too much."

Noticing Akutsu who was following Yuya, Atobe felt that this was unfair. Although the championship team had excellent players, this was not a problem, but the two strongest people could not be in the same team. No one else can play it.

However, Atobe is very clear that it is not impossible to defeat Yamabuki. Although it is extremely difficult, this does not mean that Yamabuki is invulnerable.

Of course, the current Hyotei's success rate is still at zero if he wants to defeat Yamabuki. After all, it is not easy for most people to defeat players other than Yuya and Akutsu.

All the teams watched Yamabuki sign up. After the staff of the organizing committee stamped their seals, everyone knew that the strongest team had joined the competition, leaving everyone else to compete for second place. This cruel reality is It is difficult for anyone who yearns for the championship to accept it, but there is no other way. Yamabuki is so powerful at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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