Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 247 245 Fudomine’s Ambition

Chapter 247 245. Fudomine’s Ambition
Because the players are basically the main players who won the championship last year, all the Yamabuki Tennis Club teams standing there can put a lot of psychological pressure on other teams.

However, someone still walked over, after all, the next step was the competitors in the game.

"You three are still unwilling to give in."

"Although Yamabuki is very strong, as a tennis player, it would be really shameful to admit defeat if you don't lose on the court. Besides, we will not stay weak forever."

As the director of Fudomine, who is relatively weak in overall strength, Tachibana will naturally not give up and admit defeat at this time. Moreover, now that Chitose can play ball again, this is naturally not a problem. As long as he seizes the opportunity, Fudomine is not There is no chance to go directly from the fourth child to the second brother.

With the addition of a national-level player, Fudoho's overall strength has improved a lot. Strictly speaking, Hyotei's overall strength is now the weakest.

In the past two years, only Atobe has been the one holding the top spot among the national-level masters. Everyone else can be called Kanto-level masters. However, facing teams from two or even three countries, Hyokui's team is really No one can count on it.

With Chitose joining Fudomine, as long as they fight for some energy in the doubles, they will almost be defeated.

The heads of the four strongest teams in Tokyo are gathered together, and no one else dares to lean in. After all, what level of player are you, and you want to communicate with them on an equal footing.

"We may not have a chance to defeat Yamabuki, but the overall strength of Seigaku and Hyotei is not much different from ours. As long as we play well, we will definitely be able to defeat them. When Chitose and I graduate, Ibu and you will become Fudomine The main players from other schools have all graduated, and then you will have the advantage."

Tachibana has a clear view of the composition of the current Kanto teams. Except for Yamabuki who is working hard to train new players, there are almost no outstanding newcomers from Seigaku and Hyotei.

Last year and this year were both laying the foundation for Fudoho. Next year is a good opportunity for Fudoho to exert its strength. This year, Tachibana and Chitose still want to help these juniors see a broader world.

"The doubles team of Fudomine's Tetsu Ishida and Akira Kamio looks very similar to the team of Shitenhoji's Gin Ishida and Kenya Shinobu. They are both a combination of speed and power, but both of them have the same strength and speed. It’s not strong enough yet. Take Kanbaru and Akutsu as examples. They can only be said to be relatively good, but you should all have methods to deal with power shots and strategies to deal with speed players.”

Although Yuya and the others did not collect information about their opponents in advance, Kentaro analyzed the players from the three schools based on the information collected last year.

Taiyi, who was listening, kept all this information in his heart.

That's right, there will still be a first-year player participating in the competition in the metropolitan conference, but this person is not Satoshi, but the weaker Dan Taichi.

Satoshi's strength is already very good. The next step is to work hard, lead others to accumulate more experience in training matches, and learn to control his own emotions at the same time.

Some Satoshis who are easily nervous need to strengthen their efforts to overcome the problem of nervousness. They need to learn to control their emotions and turn the negative effects of certain emotions into positive effects so that they can exert stronger strength. This is also accompanied by The reason why Lao Tai Yu also made his choice.

Regarding this result, Taichi became very nervous. There was a stronger Congshi to choose from, but in the end he chose himself. Taiyi's pressure was naturally much greater.

Fortunately, in the Yamabuki Tennis Club, the only right to speak is in the hands of Banlao. If someone is unconvinced, then Yuya will help him know how to gain the right to speak, but currently no one can complete this challenge. "Taiyi, you haven't developed your own tennis style yet, but you are very smart. Maybe you can adapt to both singles and doubles at the same time. But this is just an experiment. It will be a kind of pressure for you, but if it succeeds , then it means that after we leave, Yamabuki’s overall strength will not decline particularly significantly.”

This is what Yuya said to Taiyi himself, which made Taiyi choose to accept this challenge under extremely nervous circumstances.

Although Taiyi is relatively immature, he still has his own ambitions. If possible, why can't the strongest person be himself? Therefore, Taiyi mustered up the courage and began to prepare for his own journey to the metropolitan competition.

According to Yuya's arrangements for Taichi, in the three games played by Yamabuki, Yuta will play two doubles and one singles. The team is so strong, so arrogant.

Nidu was forced to take a break, which put a lot of pressure on Kita. Fortunately, both Sengoku and Yuta were able to help in the doubles, so there wouldn't be too much pressure.


"It's great. Although we didn't win the regional qualifiers, we were able to collect information on other teams in advance."

Because each team has to play five games in the first round, this means that the teams that directly enter the second round need to play five games, but the teams that start from the first round have the opportunity to finish quickly. competition to collect intelligence.

Fudomine lost to Seigaku in the regional qualifiers. This was because Chitose did not appear in the game, and Tachibana was taken away [-]-[-] before he even had time to play.

Fudoho, who has retained a certain amount of strength, knows that he cannot hide his strength in the Tokyo Tournament. Chitose also hopes to rediscover the feeling of competition at the Tokyo Tournament in order to show his best in the Kanto Tournament. Prepare yourself.

In this way, Chitose happened to catch up with Yamabuki's last game. Yuya, who was shopping on the court at this time, although he seemed a little careless, but looking at the scores of both sides, you can know that Yuya's carelessness was not intentional, he could only Saying that his opponent was a bit too weak made Yuya unable to get interested at all.

"The gap in strength is really too big."

Although Chitose feels that the competitive pressure in Kanto is a bit high, it is normal for a relatively weak team. The leader who is being crushed by Yuya seems to be weaker than Akira Kamio and others, but such a player can break into The second round of the Metropolitan Conference shows the level of his opponents.

Yuya, who easily defeated his opponent, did not show any excitement about his victory.

But Chitose was recalling Yuya's batting action, which didn't seem to use much force, but hit the ball with great impact, making Chitose feel Yuya's terror.

Chitose clearly remembers the game when he was crushed by Nakagaki and Suzuki. The skills used by both of them were Yuya's. Those two skills were not used by Yuya, which already made the opponent unable to parry. If Yuya is really serious, and it is estimated that his opponent will not be more embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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