Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 255 253 The hard-working second graders

Chapter 255 253. The hard-working sophomores

Er is very serious this time. This time he must take away a badge so that he can stand up in front of his younger brother.

"Brother, why do Yuya-nii and Akutsu-senpai have badges, but you didn't pass the test?"

When Yuta asked this question, Fuji's motivation was immediately filled up. This time, no one could stop him from proving his own Fuji.

Seeing Fuji's crazy look, the members of the army who just came over to take a look felt a chill in their backs. They originally wanted to snatch their badges back, but now it seems that the remaining few should not be beaten. It would be nice to grab it.

"Kanahara, junior high school students are very motivated to train."

After Yuya came back, the person who talked about Ichijun became him again, and after Tanegashima briefly described the training of Ichijun during this period to Yuya, he talked about the junior high school students.

"Of course, there is no one here who is not arrogant, even Fuji. He had no desire to win at first, but after being abused by me several times, he is now a very competitive person, especially... I asked his brother to help me stimulate him again, and now he is invincible."

"Fuji's younger brother? Is he the little guy named Yuta? If his surname wasn't Fuji, I might have regarded him as your brother."

"Hahaha, Taneshima-senpai, you can only be seen clearly when you fight against a powerful opponent.

This problem is not fatal to the current Yuta, but if you want to perform better in next year's competition, you need to correct it in advance.

Kentaro, who is still using data tennis, discovered Yuta's problem when he used the Fortress to assess Sengoku and Yuta. At the same time, he also knew how to help Yuta correct this problem.

"Dongfang, what's my problem?"

"Qianshi, the choices you made are all correct. The only problem is that you are not strong enough."

Masami's answer made Qianshi, who stepped forward to ask, smile bitterly. It was not easy to significantly improve his strength.

Facing the stronghold of the Potato Soldiers, Qianshi finally knew what it meant to feel suffocated. If he fought against Yuya and was completely suppressed to death by Yuya's power, he would only feel powerless in his heart. However, facing the Potato Soldiers, he found that what he felt was... Everything you do is in vain, and the other party is still compressing your own living space. This is really desperate.

Of course, Banlao had previously asked Qianshi to ask Tudou Xiongbing how to improve his defensive capabilities.

Although Qianshi alone cannot transform into the fortress, he has a rough plan for his own protection system. It is time to put aside active attacks.

"If you want to play a more powerful wave ball, you need to strengthen your wrists. Thinking of Yuya's own elimination rules and the disappearance of the badge on Duke's collar, the high school students all swallowed their saliva subconsciously.

After the shock passed, Mifune knew that now it was the best choice to help Duke complete the training of Asura Shinto. After all, it was not easy to let this guy experience a serious defeat. But now Yuya's appearance helped Duke Keda met this condition.

Next came the most brutal training. Mifune couldn't help but get excited thinking about the next U-17 World Cup.

If Duke can understand the Asura Shinto, then three people in the team will activate the Asura Shinto. Although the kid in Kiritani has not activated it, if the kid in Kanbaru is more aggressive, he might be able to activate it.

Now in Mifune's eyes, Kanbaru is not only a future commander, but also the current Asura Shinto manufacturing machine.

Players like Tanegashima and Duke usually find it difficult to experience such heart-wrenching defeats, but Kanbara is a junior high school student, and this will have a double impact on high school students, although those mediocre players are not. There are ways to understand, but as long as you set foot on the road to hell, you will naturally gain something, but it seems that more people will fall.

People in the U-17 training camp also noticed that there was no Duke following the final class, and the badge on Yuya's collar was replaced by No. 3. They knew that Yuya had now come to U The pinnacle of the -17 training camp, when Yuya enters the U-17 training camp as a high school student, he will naturally be able to get the badge that originally belonged to Byodoin, but many people know that Yuya will not wait until that time of.

"You beat the big guy?"

Akutsu noticed the change in the badge on Yuya's collar. He thought of Duke around Byodoin. Akutsu once tried to challenge Duke. He still remembered how he was sent off the court by a tennis ball, but Yuya defeated that guy. , which made Akutsu, who had already finished brushing his teeth, not want to go to bed.

"That's right, Duke-senpai was defeated by me. Now the only ones left in front of me are Byodoin-senpai and Tanejima-senpai."

While answering Akutsu's question, Yuya raised his hand and touched the badge. This made Akutsu realize that he didn't seem to have a recent goal, and simply chasing Yuya seemed a bit too illusory.

Akutsu, who had already figured out what this badge represented, felt a little happy. After all, this was really interesting.

The Yamabuki players, who had to wait until the second round of the competition, dispersed to various venues to watch the games they were interested in, while Kentaro and Masami went directly to watch Rikkai University's game. The results of last year's national competition were It has been stated that Li Hai University is their ultimate opponent. The threats that other schools can bring are obviously incomparable to Li Hai University.

Because Shitenhoji will not appear until the second round, Yuya went to watch Makinofuji's game.

As a former national hegemon, Makinofuji's strength did not plummet after Byodoin left. His strength in the past two years was still relatively good, but the player named Kadowaki Satoru was really a national-level comedian. In the original work, during the draw of the national competition, Kadowaki once mocked Tezuka, but was directly criticized by Atobe, saying that Kadowaki could last up to 15 minutes when meeting Tezuka. After all, after scoring, this is the time to serve again. In the game between masters and novices, it accounts for the largest proportion of time consumption.

As a result, Kadowaki Satoru didn't even meet Seigaku in the national competition. When he met Fudomine, he was defeated by Ibu Fukaji 6:4. In the end, this guy was invited to the U-17 training camp. This is the funniest thing. , even Ogi, the minister of St. Rudolf Academy, did not appear. According to Ogi's positioning in the plot of King of Nets, he is a national-level player, but he really has no sense of presence. In the same training, Uncle Horio brought his His son is still training here. Although he has known in advance that Yuya and the others are going to train and stay together, he has not seen Yuya and the others in the past two weeks. Satoshi seems to feel that something is missing. Although his athletic talent is average, his His memory is very good, and he has already shown some of his talents.

After discovering that Satoshi was very familiar with the skills and styles of professional tennis players, and could determine the style of a certain tennis player just by watching him for a while, Yuya felt that Satoshi was definitely the most suitable data tennis player for Yamabuki.

Although in the original work, Satoshi is very good at talking on paper, and it is not easy to write down these things, but Satoshi's training in the original work is obviously not that serious, but now Satoshi is discovered in advance by Yuya , and has been giving guidance for more than a year. Although his current strength is not particularly strong, he can more or less get a ranking among his peers. This is Cong.

This year should be Makinofuji's final glory. It can only be said that Tatekai's ability to complete the thirteenth consecutive hegemony in Kanto, or the fifteenth consecutive hegemony in the original work, is really outrageous.

"Old man, how did you convince that brat?"

When Yamabuki's team members were hanging out, Nanjiro found his companion. For this old man who had made clear arrangements for him, although Nanjiro always remembered what happened back then, for him it was The regret when he was young, after all, Nanjiro felt so aggrieved when he lost. Although he won, he couldn't bring his teammates into the national competition. What kind of human suffering is this.

"Kamihara is a very smart child. He knows that the Yamabuki Tennis Club is very good at doubles, but lacks players who are good at singles. And he himself is very strong. If he participates in the team competition, he will not pay attention to how Kamijou cramps. , as an opponent with Akutsu, although the intensity of the game will be higher, it is not at a level where Kamijiro will get cramped.

"Kamijo, how do you feel?"

"no problem."

In front of coach Hanamura, Kamishiro would never give in. Hanamura, who just saw that Kamishiro was still speaking harshly, asked Kiriyama to carry Kamishiro to a nearby hospital for a checkup first. The expression on Akutsu's face just now, Let Huacun be very worried about Shen Cheng's physical condition.

Hanamun only came to Shonan as a coach after the national competition last year. In the past, Kamijou also had a move called deep power. That move was a very dangerous skill and could easily injure the opponent. Hanamun let Kamishiro She sealed this move because she knew that violent tennis did have development prospects, but most people couldn't grasp the scale. Some people's violent tennis was just for fun of attacking their opponents.

If you embark on the path of violent tennis, it is normal to be squeezed out by other players. No one wants to get injured during the game. Although it is impossible to ban this type of player from participating, it is still easy to create trouble to squeeze them out. of.

These children may not necessarily be able to embark on a career path in the future. Huacun does not impose too much on this, but she hopes that these children can find areas in which they are good at so that they can have a suitable future.

At this time, Takahisa was ready to serve. Takahisa was also given the right to serve, but he was not dissatisfied. After watching the match between Kamijo and Akutsu, he had already realized that the gap between himself and Yuya was minimal. The range was huge, so I went all out and used my bent-waist serve.

Excellent muscle control ability is Takahisa's talent. He can hit extremely fast serves by leaning back at a large angle. When he was in the third grade, he was already able to hit a serve with a speed of 195 per hour, and he is only in his second grade now. His serve speed also exceeds 180. Among junior high school students, his serve is already quite tricky.

But facing Takahisa's serve, Yuya didn't give his opponent any chance to show off his skills.
You need to worry about your teammates' problems. You won't be like some people who can only watch their team fail no matter how strong they are. "

"You are really a hateful old man, but what's going on with that brat named Akutsu? He doesn't seem like someone who will listen to you."

"He was brought here by Kanbaru. Before defeating Kanbaru, he can only be a member of the tennis club and have to train with the others."

Nanjiro suddenly covered his chest. Why didn't he discover other powerful players back then and forcefully invite them to join the Qingxue Tennis Club?If he also brings in a strong teammate, then they won't lose so easily.

Although neither Nanjiro nor Coach Ryuzaki has a good relationship with Banlao, it is just a verbal spat at most. In competitive sports, if they lose, as long as their opponents do not use any dirty tricks, they must admit it. It's because I'm not strong enough, and I'm still unhappy now. It's just that I was bullied too hard back then.

power. "

Yuya is helping Nito and the others to train the Wave Ball. After Shangji-senpai showed off the Wind Dance in the national competition, Nito and Kita also want to develop in-depth the three skills taught by Yuya.

However, the two who are currently slightly inferior in personal strength still need more help from Yuya.

Targeted intensive training can improve the players' strength in a short period of time, but the specific intensity still needs to be controlled. Yu also modified the training plan for these two people.

What Yamabuki needs now is to improve his strength in relatively stable training, so this is for next year's competition.

If Fuji hears your words, he will probably challenge you next. "

"Brother control?"

Hearing this, Zaneshima showed a curious expression on his face. Eating melon is something that most people can't refuse when they are more leisurely.

"That's right. After all, I took him to Yamabuki, and then everything went well. Yuya's elder brother is long, Yuya's elder brother is short. Even if Fuji isn't, he is probably stimulated."

Taneshima didn't expect that in order to provide training motivation for the team members, Yuya not only attacked them on the training ground, but also asked people to put pressure on them in life. This guy is really terrible. Even Taneshima thought about it. Yuya would one day say to him, "Taneshima-senpai, you don't want me to force you onto the plane."

Taneshima, who couldn't get on a plane, felt that Yuya would definitely be able to do such a thing.

After realizing his dangerous situation, Taneshima ran away, leaving Yuya a little confused.

"From today on, Jusaburo Mori is an official member of the First Army."

Maori, who had graduated from junior high school, was brought to the First Army by Kurobe and announced his new identity.

Previously, I could only wear this badge, but could not enjoy the benefits of the First Army.

(End of this chapter)

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