Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 256 254 Death Zone

Chapter 256 254. Death Zone
The lottery ceremony for the Kanto Competition was about to begin. Yuya and Kentaro were in a classroom in Yamabuki, waiting for the arrival of representatives from other teams.

Because Yamabuki's performance in the past two years has been so outstanding, Yamabuki has become the venue for these events.

After arriving at Yamabuki, many school representatives went to Yamabuki's tennis club to take a look. They saw the regular members of Yamabuki training there, while other members were trained by non-official members. Yes, but Taichi Dan, who appeared in the metropolitan tournament, is in charge.

"The players from Yamabuki really work hard."

Many people know that Yamabuki is still the strongest contender for the current national championship, but these people have not relaxed because of this, which itself is not easy.

Just watching Akutsu training alone with Shinto and Kita reminded the other teams that at the Tokyo Conference, Yamabuki's doubles number two was defeated, not because their number two doubles number was not enough. Strong, just because they didn't go all out.

Satoshi was there training with Masami who had no partner by his side. In any case, even if Masami's personal strength was not strong enough, she could still compete with Satoshi, although she quickly fell behind in front of Satoshi. Downwind.

Watching Yamabuki's training, the representatives of other teams felt tremendous pressure, because they knew that these guys themselves had reached the top of the country. These people were still trying to climb higher peaks. If others were a little bit If you relax a little, you may be completely thrown away by them.

But everyone just came to take a look, and then went to the classroom to prepare for the lottery.

The players of the Yamabuki Tennis Club also noticed representatives from other schools coming to them at this time, but they did not pay attention to those people's observations.

Although it is very dangerous for them to take the initiative to expose their own strength and create more pressure on themselves, there are many people here who have not yet had the opportunity to completely liberate themselves, especially in the junior high school competition, at least Akutsu He simply didn't dare to act too presumptuously.

Akutsu, who knew very well how strong he was, the only time he went all out during the game was to help Yuya stop the tennis ball that almost sent Reporter Inoue to the hospital.

It is still very difficult to find a suitable opponent now, so Akutsu understands better why Yuya takes the initiative to show himself in the first grade, because he is giving other people hints, and only in this way can he give others a clear Tips to give them a clearer way forward.

"Sanada, how is Yukimura's situation?"

"Because it was discovered in time, the surgery was able to be performed before the Kanto Competition, but there was no way to participate in the Kanto Competition."

"This is really not good news."

Sanada can naturally understand what Yuya means. Without Yukimura, only Sanada is left in Rikkai University. Although Yanagi Renji has shown his strength in the past two years, Yukimura and Sanada are obviously more powerful. So powerful that the title of the Big Three disappeared.

Yanagi Renji can't guarantee that they will win the game, so now Tatekai has to think about how to arrange his troops.

Of course, we still need to take a look at the grouping situation, but the competitive pressure on the Kanto side this year is even greater. The overall strength of Rokkaku Middle School is very good. Although there are no particularly strong players, there are no particularly weak players. Shonan this year The performance was also very strong. It can be said that Huacun's training methods have greatly strengthened the players in Shonan.

Many old acquaintances gathered in Yamabuki, so Yuya naturally went up to greet them one by one. As for those who were not very familiar with them, Yuya did not ignore them. Maybe in two years they would be able to suddenly take off.

After all the school representatives arrived, the lottery began. After all, it was just the lottery for the Kanto Competition, so there was no specific process. Yamabuki naturally got the opportunity to draw lots first, and after Yuya from Group A drew the lottery, It also makes representatives from other schools not want to appear in that group.

Afterwards, they achieved good results in the past two years, but it was only because of their encounter with Yamabuki that Tachikai did not win the national championship trophy.

Rikkai University is also rated as the uncrowned king in the country. After all, the current team has only lost to Guashanbuki, and their overall strength is very outstanding. In previous years, they were definitely equipped for the national championship. It is a pity that their luck is too bad. Encountered Yamabuki's unconventional team.

The lottery ended quickly, but Yuya didn't expect that Yamabuki's luck would be so good. Before the semi-finals, there were no particularly bad draws, and the semi-finals were Fudomine, Aogakus and Hyotei in the first round. They are about to meet each other, and then Seigaku will have to play Hexagon in the third round, and compete with Rikkai University in the semi-finals.

After Yuya saw the lottery grouping, he just wanted to ask whether Atobe had done something bad, or whether all his talents were focused on his charm, and his luck was very bad.

Seigaku, who was defeated by Hyotei last year, will most likely be defeated by Hyotei this year, and Atobe did not expect that their luck would be so bad.

When Atobe came to draw lots, his eyes changed when he looked at Tachibana. He suspected that the people on the organizing committee were related to Tachibana. Why was Tachibana so lucky? Last year, he relied on the lottery to enter the national competition. This year, Tachibana was lucky. It's still so good, and I'm not in such a group that makes people mentally explode.

No matter whether it is Qingxue or Hyokui, they will have no problem with this year's hexagon, but if they have to fall first, it can only be said that their luck is really bad.

But now this fact cannot be changed, so we can only grit our teeth.

Renzu is actually quite confident about himself, but there are only so many powerful players in the country. As a result, Tokyo accounts for half of them, and he can beat a few people in Kansai. As a result, he came to Kanto from junior high school. This is almost like he has not experienced anything. A feeling of victory.

Renzu, who now realized the seriousness of the problem, looked at Atobe with great resentment. After all, Atobe didn't seem to have particularly good luck every time he drew lots.

Hyotei is not at the level of Yamabuki, who is destined to die. If he wants to go further, he really needs the blessing of luck, but there is really no luck now, so he can only rely on hard power.



Jae Yuya came back with the news about the competition groupings. Looking at the smile on Kentaro's face, everyone knew about their schedule.

Yuya prefers high-difficulty competitions. After all, improving one's own strength in the competition is also a kind of training. If one's own strength reaches the standard, then he will enjoy this kind of schedule.However, that kind of game where you meet your opponent is really very tiring and affects the subsequent games.

Knowing that the schedule is very easy and you can advance easily without spending too much effort, others also breathed a sigh of relief. There is no need to worry too much about the distribution of physical strength.

"Kanahara, coach Hanamura said that he hopes to have a sleepover with you Yamabuki."

"Of course there is no problem, but I am planning to invite two more teams. I wonder if you would mind."

"We in Shonan have no objection."

Kajimoto Takahisa, who came to draw the lots on behalf of Shonan, took Kamishiro to the tennis club's court and invited them to stay together.

The reason why the other party came to invite after the lottery was over was obviously because of the grouping problem. Huacun had already told them before they set off that if they were in the same group, there was no need to invite them. It is easy to cause misunderstandings.

However, Shonan is now in Group C of Qingxue and Qingxue, and is Qingxue's opponent in the second round. Whether they can successfully advance to the next round is a question.

One of the teams invited by Yuya is Fudomine. This team is still very strong in the Kanto region. Although they entered the national competition last year by luck, this year they obviously have the corresponding strength.

As for the second team, it will be Kansai's Shitenhoji Middle School. Although Shitenhoji's performance in the past two years has been relatively stable, almost ensuring the top four results in the country, it is ruthlessly defeated by the Kanto team every year. Shiraishi, the minister of the temple, still has some thoughts on this.

A few days ago, Yuya, who had already communicated with them through the channel of Banlao, was still thinking about which team to invite to participate, but Shonan himself came to the door, so naturally it was not a problem.

After Yuya said the names of the two teams, Takahisa nodded. There is currently no overly direct competitive relationship, so that they can show more strength during the stay together.

Tachibana was obviously the last person to receive the invitation. Fudomine, who had stayed with Yamabuki last year, would not miss this opportunity.

With the Yamabuki team as a reference, it can better help the team members to have courage. Both Tachibana and Chitose strongly agree with this proposal, and Fudomine has not played against Shonan and Shitenhoji. They need rich With his own competition experience, and besides the fact that Ah Tie and Tiantianbao Temple have this connection, it is obvious that there will be no other problems.

After the draw for the Kanto Competition ended, Shitenbaoji also got the list of participating teams for the Kanto Competition. Although they were not closely related, after all, only the qualifying teams could meet them in the national competition, but when I remembered After last year's Kanto team, Shiraishi felt that Kanto's overall strength was stronger than Kansai's. This can be seen from the strength of each member of the Kanto team.

Members of the five teams will all participate in the Kanto Competition. They only need to have a few good teammates to achieve good results.

After watching the Kanto team's game, Shiraishi felt that he might not be able to defeat Tachibana, who seemed to be the weakest among them. This player who transferred from Kyushu to Tokyo was already at the bottom among many top players in the Kanto region, but Even so, Shiraishi is still not sure about defeating Tachibana, so what kind of strength does the others have.

In the past two years, there has been no chance to confront Yamabuki head-on. Shiraishi naturally hopes to see Yuya's strength.


Now preparations have begun for competitions in various regions, but many people are paying more attention to the Kanto side.

After summarizing the competition results in various regions in the past two years, everyone will naturally know that there are many strong teams in the Kanto region. However, because there are not enough qualifying places, only a few teams appear. Many of the powerful teams even have better luck in the group. The difference caused them to lose the qualification to move forward at the beginning of the game.

The two teams Qingxue and Hyokui that met in the first round last year and this year, obviously another one is going to leave early.

But based on their performance during the game, if they go to other regions, they will definitely be able to get tickets for the national competition.

The Kanto Competition can be regarded as a preview of the national competition. After all, the game between Yamabuki and Rikkai University, and the competition between Yamabuki and other teams, are completely two states. Maybe only Rikkai University can compete with Yamabuki, at least last year's national competition The runner-up Makinofuji was directly swept by Yamabuki and was defeated by Tatekai the year before. This already shows that this team obviously has better luck.

Everyone knows that luck is very important in competitions, especially in outdoor competitions. Changes in wind direction will definitely affect the competition, and if the situation does not require the suspension of the competition, the weather will really affect the outcome of the competition.

Just because Yamabuki was here, the hope of the championship was almost gone. As a result, it was not just Yamabuki who was stronger. This resulted in many strong teams not being able to even get tickets for the national competition. This was really disappointing.

Players who want to achieve certain results in junior high school are also divided into two groups. One is to change places if they can't beat them and go to a relatively weak competition area to fight for opportunities. The other is to come here to withstand the test, even if there is no result. , but what they really need to compete with is the future.

Yuu can't predict how many talents next year's freshmen will have, but with Yamabuki's overall strength now, even if they all graduate from the third grade, they can still enter the Kanto Competition with their own strength. As for the national competition, it is not difficult, Yuya In the past two years, I have often trained my juniors.

Because Yamabuki is very famous, many schools usually contact Yamabuki when preparing for training matches to let the team members see Yamabuki's strength. Although the team is usually led by players who have not become regular players, they still There are a lot of schools losing scrimmages.

By this time next year, Yamabuki's regular players will at least have grown up, and Yuya feels that he doesn't need to worry.

We are sure to win this year. It depends on the situation next year. If we are lucky, Yamabuki might be able to win four consecutive championships. Then it will be difficult for the following teams to break this record.

At least in the Kanto region, which is still the death zone this year, after the draw, spies from many teams began to be active. Except for Yamabuki's side, which was silent, players from other schools basically began to collect information on their opponents.

At the beginning of the month of Kanto, Saint Rudolf, who had obtained a ticket to the Kanto Competition through the playoffs, came to Fudomine to collect information. After all, if he wanted to enter the national competition, he had to defeat Fudomine.

(End of this chapter)

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