Chapter 104
After exchanging a few words, Shi Ding turned to the topic, but what he asked about was Li Weijian's idea of ​​running a water company.

Li Weijian said briefly, Shi Ding was thoughtful.After a long while, he said: "Resurrection can be said to turn stone into gold."

"Uncle Shi is very complimentary. My nephew heard that I, Dashun, have been troubled by money in the past two years, and he thought to himself. I'm afraid it's not that the money is not enough, but that the money has been hidden by a wealthy family."

Shi Ding nodded and said: "That's right. Aristocratic families, nobles, and wealthy merchants from the north and south. They can earn interest and buy land at first. Most of the previous dynasties died due to land annexation. How can I, Dashun, repeat the same mistake? Is it the case for those who go to the court, Down to the prefectures and counties, officials all took it as their duty to curb mergers.

The money earned cannot be used to purchase land, so does it have to be cast into silver winter melons and hidden away?Well, thinking about it this way, the move of resurrection mobilized the savings of the people. "

Li Weijian smiled and responded: "Exactly."

He watched Shi Ding pondering, and his heart suddenly moved.This Shi Ding is the minister of Taipu Temple, and Ma Zheng is no longer worried. He is a pure Qingshui Yamen. How come he suddenly cares about the economy at this moment?Could this person be moving?

Because he said casually: "Uncle Shi asked so carefully, but he is about to be transferred?"

Shi Ding came back to his senses and was slightly surprised, and said: "A single saint told me about this matter. How did you know about the resurrection?"

"Just a random guess."

Shi Ding smiled and nodded: "Probably after the new year, I will be promoted to the right minister of the Ministry of Industry. However, I am really not good at economics. When I come back, I will not hide my clumsiness. I will have to come up with a lot of ideas."

Li Weijian only said: "My nephew will do his best."

This was only the second time the two met, and they were still testing each other, so there were some things they couldn't say much.However, Shi Ding wanted to leverage private bank deposits, and Li Weijian had many, and this move was consistent with his original intention. The court's intervention was always more conducive to promoting industrial development than Li Weijian's personal intervention.

Shi Ding stopped mentioning this matter and turned to talking about practical learning.After only a few words of conversation, Li Weijian knew that this Zhongjing Marquis only had a partial understanding of Yu Shixue.

Shi Ding also realized it and said instead: "I heard that Fu Sheng and Ru Hai are familiar with each other?"

Li Weijian asked in surprise: "Uncle Shi also knows Lin Yansi?"

Shi Ding said with a smile: "The ancestors of the Lin family were princes and had many contacts with my historian family. How could I not know about him? And in the first month of the first month, letters came like a sea, and they contained a lot of praise for General Resurrection."

Li Weijian was worried and asked: "Lin Yansi... didn't say anything else?"

Shi Ding smiled meaningfully, shook his head after a while and said: "I just said that the rebirth is terrible, what? Do you want to hear Ru Hai's praise after rebirth?"

Li Weijian just breathed a sigh of relief when Shi Ding said again: "Or do you want to hear my opinion on the salt law?"

Li Weijian immediately couldn't laugh or cry, and held his hands together: "I dare you, Lin Yansi said everything... I also asked Uncle Shi to keep a secret for my nephew. At this time, my nephew has been put on the fire, and I'm afraid he really can't bear it anymore. Turn on the fire."

Shi Ding praised: "It's good to know how to hide one's clumsiness and know how to advance and retreat."

Just as he was about to say something else, the manager suddenly came in and reported: "Master, the second master is here."

"Oh?" Shi Ding looked at Li Weijian and said, "This brother of mine is just afraid that he might get into trouble with me, so he will go to the garden for a walk. I will arrange a banquet at noon." Seeing that Li Weijian was about to refuse, Shi Ding said, "Resurrection Once you visit, you can't let Fusheng go back hungry. That's it, I'll go see my brother first, and we can talk later."

Li Weijian had no choice but to accept.Shi Ding went to the front to meet Shi Nai, while Li Weijian was led into the garden behind the mansion by the steward.

The Zhongjing Hou Mansion was not as good as the Ningrong Mansion. The front house was only four steps in, and the back garden was also a little cramped. Li Weijian couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Zhongjing Hou Shi Ding's gourd. Shi Shiran wandered along the verandah, and after a while Then we arrived in front of a sea of ​​flowers.

It is late spring, the spring scenery is just right, the bees are dancing, the butterflies are buzzing, and the flowers are in full bloom.Smelling the fragrance of the flowers, I suddenly heard the girl’s laughter not far away.

Li Weijian walked around the flowers and saw a swing standing under the apricot tree. A girl in red was swinging on it. Every time it was thrown high, a burst of laughter like silver bells would fall.

The girl in red was young and seemed to be so carefree. Her little feet wearing embroidered shoes under her skirt would kick back and forth every time she jumped up. The maid waiting on the side couldn't help but console her: "Slow down, girl. Be careful if you fall!"

Li Weijian only glanced at it twice before retreating. As the saying goes, don't look at anything inappropriate, but the maid's sharp eyes caught a glimpse of Li Weijian and immediately urged: "Girl, someone is coming!"

"Ah?" The little girl in red turned her head and glanced, but the wind blew her hair to cover her eyes. She raised her hand to stir up her hair, and her figure suddenly became unstable. With a sound of "Hey", she fell upside down and fell from the swing. The top will fall down.


The maid came forward to check, but now Li Weijian couldn't leave even if he wanted to.He turned around the flowers and walked quickly towards the master and his servant.When I got closer, I saw the little girl in red rubbing her crotch, her little pink face frowning, looking towards this side in annoyance.

Li Weijian paused. He had indeed seen this girl before.As they approached, Li Weijian cupped his hands and said angrily: "I don't want to disturb Miss Xiangyun. It's all my fault."

"Huh?" Shi Xiangyun's face was confused at first, and then he suddenly smiled, and waved his hand happily towards Li Weijian: "Brother Jian, it's you!"

"Isn't it me? Is it okay for Sister Xiangyun? Do you want the doctor to come and take a look?"

"Fourth Brother Jian underestimated me so much," Xiangyun pouted, turned away from the maid's support, climbed up on his own, patted the grass clippings and dust on his body, and said with a smile, "I've been used to being beaten since I was a child."

Li Weijian smiled and said nothing. Xiangyun pointed to the swing beside him and said, "Brother Jian, do you want to be stubborn?"


Li Weijian simply sat on the swing, kicked his legs, and swung gently.Xiangyun was also sitting on the swing nearby. Although he fell down, he was still swinging high.

Empress Xiangyun said fearfully: "Just now I thought it was the second aunt who came to look for me, otherwise I wouldn't have fallen."

Li Weijian asked: "Mrs. Baolinghou treats you... harshly?"

Xiangyun pondered and shook his head: "That's not the case, it's just that the control is extremely strict. During the day, they have to study for girls, and at night they have to light lamps and cook oil to make girls. There is no time to relax during the week. "

She had a frown on her face, and her words were full of resentment.Suddenly he relaxed his brows and said with a smile: "It's better to be in Rongguo Mansion. I have my great-aunt who loves me, and my brother, sister, and sister can get together and play together." He turned his head and looked at Li Weijian: "Fourth brother Jian, I heard that Zhuda University My sister-in-law went to the palace to become a female gentleman? Did the palace invite other gentlemen to come?"

"That's not true. I said I wanted to look carefully, but I never found the right one." Xiangyun stopped the swing, clasped his hands and said, "Wouldn't that be just right? My brother Ai will give birth to a baby in two days, and I will give birth to a baby again." It will take a few days for me to go to Songkran."

Ha, it turns out she is a girl who is tired of studying.

Li Weijian couldn't help but smile.Only then did Xiang Yun say: "Yes, I almost forgot to ask, why is Fourth Brother Jian here?"

"Qian'er happened to meet Marquis Zhongjing at the banquet. After saying a few words, he invited me to come over and have a chat." Li Weijian said, "No, I'm here. Where is sister Xiangyun?"

Xiangyun said: "Early in the morning, my second uncle and my second aunt made arrangements to come here today. I came first with my second aunt." After a pause, she looked around and lowered her voice and said, "I came here secretly. From the garden, fourth brother Jian immediately said he didn’t see me.”

"it is good."

Seeing that Li Weijian agreed, Xiangyun suddenly smiled like a flower and started swinging on the swing in a charming and carefree manner.Xu Shi saw that Li Weijian had a friendly face, so Xiangyun started chatting and talked a lot.

She first lost her mother when she was young, and then her father took a second wife. Not long after, her father also died, so she lived with her stepmother.Jia's mother was afraid that her stepmother would not take good care of her, so she took her to Rongguo Mansion and raised her like Baoyu. (Note [-])

Later, the stepmother also passed away and Daiyu came again, so Jia Mu sent Xiangyun to Shi Nai's knees to be raised.

Speaking of this section, Xiangyun complained: "Earlier, when Sister Lin didn't come, the old lady still cared about me. As soon as Sister Lin came, she only cared about Sister Lin and forgot about me."

The maid Cuixi said at the side: "What the girl is saying is wrong. The girl's surname is Shi, and her great-aunt is now in the Jia family. No matter how close we are, the girl from the Shi family cannot stay in the Jia family forever. What if the news spreads to the two princes? Can you keep your face?"

Xiangyun pouted and said, "I know, I just complained, but you lectured me."

Li Weijian listened on the sidelines, thoughtfully.It seems like there is a pair of golden unicorns in the TV series?Thinking about it this way, it is impossible to say that what Jia Mu wanted to do earlier was to bring Baoyu and Xiangyun together.

Later, Jia Min passed away and Daiyu came to Jia's house. Jia's mother felt sorry for her daughter and granddaughter, and it was probably that time that she changed her mind.It happened that Xiangyun's stepmother also passed away, so she was sent to the Baolinghou Mansion.

Perhaps it also involved a power struggle within the historians. Unfortunately, Li Weijian had no way of knowing. Even at Xiangyun's age, he probably had no way of knowing.

Is it also because of this that Xiangyun is not close to Daiyu who came first?
After thinking about it, Li Weijian felt a little closer to her when he looked at the bright and white-toothed Xiangyun beside him. He said a few naughty words, which made the little girl laugh so hard.

After laughing, Xiangyun turned to ask about the brothers and sisters in Rongguo Mansion. After hearing that everything was fine, the little girl thought about it and said: "There are still two days. When my brother Ai gives birth to a baby, I will You must have a good time."

Just as he finished speaking, the sound of hawking came from outside through the wall.Xiangyun listened carefully, then licked his lips: "The one who plays Sugar Man."

Li Weijian said: "Sister Xiangyun, want to eat?"

She nodded first, then shook her head: "Forget it, I'm afraid the candy seller who went around would have gone far away."

Li Weijian glanced at the wall and said with a smile: "What's the problem? Just wait and see."

As he said this, he got off the swing and walked slowly to the wall. From his visual inspection, the wall was nearly one foot high, with glazed tiles attached to it.Li Weijian stepped back about ten steps, took a run, stepped on the wall, clicked his feet twice and reached out to climb on the wall. He sat up with his arms and said condescendingly to the salesman: "Here are two candy figures. !”

The man carrying the load was startled, looked up and saw Li Weijian, and then hurriedly agreed.He put down the pick, took a piece of candy syrup and put it on the stove with a fire. When it softened, he pinched it and blew it into a candy figure.

Two candy figures, one with a fat head and a fat brain, and one with a round belly. The salesman handed them over with his feet raised. Li Weijian took out a piece of broken silver from his sleeve and dropped it casually. The salesman immediately felt embarrassed after taking it. He stood up and said, "Here, young master, wait a moment. I have to find a place to break the money."

Li Weijian laughed and said, "I'll reward you a lot."

Having said that, Li Weijian returned to the garden, walked to the swing in a moment and handed over two candy figures: "Here, the candy figures are coming!"

Xiangyun immediately praised with admiration: "Fourth Brother Jian is so awesome! Yes, Third Sister said that Fourth Brother Jian studied in Wudang Mountain."

"Ahem, it's Maoshan."

"Hmm," Xiangyun stopped the swing and happily held a candy man in his hand. He looked left and right, but he couldn't bear to eat it for a while.After a while, he handed the protruding-belly unicorn to Li Weijian: "Fourth brother Jian will eat it too."

Li Weijian said: "Eh? Why did you give me Qilin?"

Xiangyun said: "I already have the Qilin, but this fat-headed baby still looks fresh."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Li Weijian suddenly realized that he was afraid that Shi Ding asked him to come to the garden to bump into Xiangyun, right?
He looked around and saw not a single person in the small garden, so he couldn't be mistaken.

"Brother Jian, why don't you eat?"

"Oh, it looks so good that I can't bear to eat it."

After answering Xiangyun, Li Weijian thought to himself that King Zhongyong specially invited Shi Ding, who was not related to him, to the previous banquet. Could it be that there was something about King Zhongyong... or even a saint?
Li Weijian himself didn't think much about whom he would marry. With his ability, sooner or later he would marry into a wealthy family.It's just that Xiangyun looks a little younger than the third girl, isn't it a little too early to marry him like this?
Well, it's useless to think about it now, it's better to just let nature take its course in the future.

After making up his mind, Li Weijian stayed with Xiangyun for a long time. Near noon, first a woman came to look for the stubborn and crazy Xiangyun, and then a servant came to invite Li Weijian to a banquet.

At that moment, Li Weijian was led to the main room of the inner house, where he met the two princes Shi Ding and Shi Nai, as well as a group of nephews and descendants of the Shi family, and then had lunch with Xiang Yun across the screen.

Not to mention the fun at the banquet, Li Weijian observed what was happening and saw that the historian's children were quite observant of etiquette and often cited scriptures when speaking. He knew that although this historian came from a noble family, he was also an heir of poetry and calligraphy with a prosperous literary style.

This kind of family style will lead to the rise of great talents even if there is no wealth and honor today.

Today was just a family banquet. Shi Ding and Shi Nai didn't do much to persuade them to drink. Li Weijian only drank lightly.At the end of the banquet, Shi Nai said: "Fu Sheng is here at the right time. Xiangyun has been distracted these past two days, thinking only of going to Rong Guo Mansion to play mischief. Fu Sheng will return to Rong Guo Mansion later, so he might as well take him with him. Take it with Xiangyun."

 Note [-]: Xiangyun mentioned in the conversation with Xiren that Xiangyun was taken in by Jia Mu when she was five years old. She herself said, "Later our wife died, and she went to live with my family for a while." Her parents died when she was young. , so it is speculated that this wife is talking about her stepmother.

(End of this chapter)

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