Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 105 Burning Incense

Chapter 105 Burning Incense

An exclamation came from across the screen, but it was Shi Nai's words that fell on the ears of the little girl Xiangyun.Then there was a slight cough from a woman, and Li Weijian caught a glimpse of a man in red sitting behind the screen.

Li Weijian smiled and cupped his hands at Shi Nai and said, "Uncle Shi has given instructions, so my nephew will do as he is told."

"That's good."

After the banquet was over, the female family members went out the back door to play in the garden behind. The screens and seats were removed, and tea was served in the hall. Li Weijian sat down with the two princes Shi Ding and Shi Nai, and after chatting for a while, they turned to another topic. The government started.

Discussion of government affairs is naturally inseparable from reform. Now that Chen Hongmou is in charge of the cabinet, although he has not listed specific provisions, the reform methods of ancient and modern times are nothing more than that.

The first is to clear land and soil, the second is to rectify the official system, the third is to build military equipment internally and defend against powerful enemies externally, and the fourth is to develop water conservancy and silt fertile farmland. This is what the reforms of the past dynasties should have meant.The most important thing is to see whether Chen Hongmou can practice the whipping method like Zhang Juzheng did before. Only then will he touch the foundation of the gentry.

Although Shi Ding and Shi Nai are brothers, their views are completely different.Shi Ding, who had great faith in the saint, had little interest in reform, but Shi Nai, the Marquis of Baoling, was quite eager to try it in his words.

Li Weijian listened more and spoke less, watching the two brothers thinking secretly.It's strange, why is Shi Ding so uninterested in reform?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Shi Ding glance over and looked into those clear eyes, and Li Weijian felt something.Tsk, this Marquis Zhongjing is probably not much worse than his teacher Yan Xiyao.

Then I thought about it, Shi Ding had already achieved great success and was awarded the title of Marquis, so why did he need to get involved in the mud of reform?On the contrary, it was Shi Nai. Li Weijian couldn't figure out what this man was thinking.

Before half the time, the steward's wife came in and reported that Xiangyun's bicycle frame had been prepared, so Li Weijian stood up and left.

Shi Ding sent his nephew to send Li Weijian out. When he went out, he saw an oil-walled truck parked behind his carriage.

As Li Weijian was about to pass by, he saw the curtain lifted, revealing Xiangyun's cheerful little face: "Fourth brother Jian, let's go quickly!"

"it is good."

Seeing Li Weijian turning around to get into Rongguofu's carriage, Xiangyun called out: "Fourth brother Jian, we are all relatives on both sides. Why don't you come to my place? We can still talk a bit on the way."

The maid Cui Lu hurriedly whispered instructions, but Xiangyun didn't care and said: "What are you afraid of? Aren't you still in the car?"

Li Weijian smiled and said: "Farewell, the car is cramped. I'm afraid I won't be able to sit in the car if I get there."

Xiangyun didn't insist, but urged: "Then let's leave quickly."

Li Weijian got on the carriage and immediately returned to Rongguo Mansion.Along the way, I could hear Xiangyun's laughter from time to time coming from the carriage behind me.

It seems appropriate to marry a girl with such a charming and straightforward temperament?It's a pity that I am too young.

When the carriage arrived at Derongguo Mansion, the oil-walled carriage behind it called the door and stopped in front of the Yimen. Dressed in red, he opened the curtain and jumped down. He threw away the accompanying maid Cui Lu and ran away with a giggle. Bian shouted: "Auntie, I'm coming!"

Li Weijian couldn't help but smile when he saw it, hoping that the little girl would be so carefree when she grew up.Just as he was about to return to his small courtyard, another carriage came in.

The carriage stopped, and Su Yun and Bi Yue came down first. They caught a glimpse of Li Weijian and quickly said to Li Wan in the carriage, "Grandma, Fourth Master Jian has just come back."

Li Wan got off the car, looked at Li Weijian with a smile and said, "Where are you, Brother Jian?"

"I went to the Zhongjing Hou Mansion and picked up Xiangyun."

Li Wan came over and said, "Xiangyun loves liveliness the most. Look, there has been quite a bit of trouble these days."

The two walked side by side, and Li Wan said, "I haven't asked you in the past few days, how is Brother Jian doing with his homework?"

"Have a plan in mind."

"Oh, it's good if Brother Jian has an idea. From now on, I won't care about this homework." After a pause, Li Wan lowered his voice and said, "I was going to see Brother Jian yesterday. Unexpectedly, Baochai came over and talked for a long time."

"Huh? Miss Xue is here to look for eldest sister?" After asking, Li Weijian said with a half-smile, "Could it be that he wants eldest sister to introduce him to the princess?"

Li Wanyi glanced sideways and said, "See through, don't tell. I guess that's the same idea."

Baochai wants to be selected, but the concubines should not think about it. The princess and the female officials next to the princess should plan carefully. Once selected, they can at least add some halo to themselves, and others will be able to raise their own status in the future.As for joining the palace as a palace maid, it would have taken Yuanchun more than ten years to get to where she is now?How could the Xue family afford to wait?

"Eldest sister didn't agree, did she?" he asked.

Li Weijian said: "How many days have I been the daughter of the princess? How dare I agree to such a thing casually?"

"That's good."

Li Wan said with a smile: "She looked for me twice, but when I saw that I didn't tell anyone, she was afraid that she would turn around and look for Brother Jian again."

Li Weijian smiled and was speechless.He always wanted to face forward, not backward. He wanted to see what reason Baochai would find to come to him again.

The two siblings joked all the way into Yimen and walked around the back building of Rongxi Hall. They sent Li Wan back to his residence first, and then Li Weijian came out of the corner gate and returned to his small courtyard.

As soon as they entered the hospital, Hongyu came up to him and said, "The fourth master is finally back. Just now Miss Bao is here."

"Huh?" Baochai is really here.Li Weijian asked: "Sister Xue is here to find me?"

Hongyu shook her head and said: "I only sent two packages of Yuqian Longjing, but I didn't say anything else. Seeing that Fourth Master was not here, I lingered for a while and then left."

Oh, I understand, this is to burn incense first and then worship Buddha.

It's hard for Baochai. The girl's family sacrificed their face for the Xue family and came to beg Li Weijian several times.After finally getting an idea, Xue Pan's matter came to an end for the time being. When he turned around, he found that the princess's ardent praise was actually achieved by him, Li Weijian, with just a casual word.

I don’t know if Sister Bao’s mentality of ‘no matter how ruthless is touching’ will be broken again this time.

"Is there anything else?"

Hongyu said: "No, everyone in the house has disappeared today."

"That's good." Li Weijian arrived at the main room, changed his clothes first, then ordered some red jade and walked towards the yard where the second girl welcomed the spring.

Yesterday, Mrs. Xing seemed to have taken off Yingchun's face and threw it on the ground. She was already weak, and she was afraid that she would be too worried this time.That's why Li Weijian always had to pay a visit.

The second girl has such a temperament that she cannot be a real wife, so it would be great to take her as a concubine.

Walking all the way around the east courtyard, he arrived in front of the Yingchun courtyard in a blink of an eye. Seeing the peach blossoms blooming, Li Weijian picked one conveniently.The courtyard door was open, and Si Qi was drying his clothes.

Hearing the footsteps and turning his head to glance, Siqi's eyes suddenly showed joy.

"Girl, Fourth Master is here to see you."

With a shout, Si Qi greeted Li Weijian and led him inside.Li Weijian had just crossed the threshold when he saw Yingchun coming out from inside.

He glanced around and saw that Yingchun's face looked slightly haggard, showing that he had not slept well last night.She looked at him with a mixture of expectation and embarrassment.Li Weijian smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Second sister, let me take a look at you."

"Brother Jian." Yingchun bowed down and returned the gift, then stood up with a blushing face and didn't know what to say.

Xiuju hurriedly said: "Girl, please quickly ask Fourth Master Jian to take a seat."

"Well," she said weakly, "Brother Jian, you, sit down."

Li Weijian lifted up his robe and sat down. He held the table with one hand and looked at Yingchun and said, "There was a big fuss yesterday. I think the second sister must be in a bad mood. It's just that I don't know how to comfort her."

Yingchun shook her head with a grimace.What can she do with such a biological father and stepmother?Not to mention her, not even Jia Mu could do anything.

Seeing this, Siqi said: "We girls are afraid of strangers, and we are afraid that we won't be able to speak if we stay here. I think we should go out and play mischief, and let Mr. Jian and the girl have a nice chat."

After saying that, Si Qi took Hong Yu and walked out.Xiuju also followed behind with a hidden smile, and in a blink of an eye, only Li Weijian and Yingchun were left in the room.

Contrary to what Si Qi said, now that there was no one else around, the second girl didn't know how to speak anymore. She could only get into the corner of her clothes awkwardly and didn't dare to raise her head.

The previous embarrassment, inferiority, and self-pity have now been replaced by shyness.She naturally remembered that when the two were alone that day, Li Weijian held her hand unscrupulously.

Seeing this, Li Weijian was secretly proud and whispered: "Second sister, why don't we go in and play two games of chess?"


Not allowing her to refuse, Li Weijian had already stood up, reached out in front of her and pulled her hand, so he suppressed his words of refusal.

After taking two steps, before entering the inner room, Li Weijian felt the weak and boneless hand clasping behind his back. He turned his head and saw Yingchun looking at her with deep affection. When his eyes met hers, she looked away shyly. Go away.

Li Weijian was puzzled. When the two of them sat down next to each other at the table, Yingchun said, "After this Jian never disliked me?"

It turns out that Yingchun is the only one who feels inferior.

Li Weijian smiled, gently pulled Yingchun over with exclamations, then put his arms on her shoulders and said softly: "I told my second sister earlier, the eldest master is the eldest master, and the second sister is the second sister. .”

The girl was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do. It took a long time before she responded with a muffled "Hmm."

He added: "I will never leave my second sister alone. I just want my second sister to feel at ease."

Li Weijian's words were soft and unquestionable, but they made Yingchun's heart soften and her body seemed to have lost all strength.Just now he was holding on to his body, but now he was completely pressed against Li Weijian's shoulder.

There is a saying that 'like a master, like a servant', the chess player was born tall and plump, and the second girl Yingchun, although not tall, was extremely plump.You can tell the smoothness inside through the clothes.

Li Weijian slowly moved his right hand down and said, "Forget about these worries, Baoyu will give birth to a baby in two days. Has the second sister prepared a congratulatory gift?"

"Getting ready," Yingchun said in a low voice, "Before you came, I was busy with work, eh, that's it."

Li Weijian glanced over and saw a half-finished scarf and hat lying on the bed.

Yingchun added: "I don't know what to give. I gave her a Xiaoyao scarf last year. Now that Baoyu has gone to private school, I'll give her a Qingyun scarf."

As she spoke, Yingchun's body trembled, but it was Li Weijian's hand that placed on her plump waist.

"It looks like a good job. I wonder when my second sister will give me one as well."

The second girl said shyly: "If you want it, I'll do it for you later. Brother Jian, let's play chess first."

"Well, there's no rush." ​​Li Weijian picked up Yingchun's chin with his left hand. He lowered his eyes in shame and said, "Second sister is better than that chess game." Then without waiting for Yingchun's reaction, he lowered his head and printed on the plump .

At first he just pecked lightly, and after a while he pried open his teeth, then he grabbed the lilac and seemed to be teasing it.The dough in his arms also seemed to have softened, his breathing became heavier and heavier, and he would tremble from time to time, as if he was about to hold his breath.

The breeze blew gently, and there was silence inside, except for the charm that spread and escaped.

In the small courtyard, Siqi found a feather shuttlecock to play with. Hongyu and Xiuying gathered around and the three of them played the shuttlecock in different ways.

Hongyu made a few kicks, but when he passed it to Xiuju, he used up all his strength. The shuttlecock flew high over Xiuju's head and landed at the base of the west wing wall.

Xiuju joked and turned back to pick it up. When she picked up the shuttlecock and stood up, she looked inside and saw that the two people inside had already hugged each other.

Xiuju's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, and she wanted to move her eyes away, but she couldn't.

Siqi noticed something was wrong and put his hands on his hips and shouted, "Xiuju, have you twisted your waist?"

"Ah? Ah, no, no." She quickly looked away, turned around and hurried back, but her face was already stained with red clouds.

Si Qi joked: "Look, you just turned red after playing for a while. You should move more in the future."

Xiuju murmured in response, but she was cursing in her heart. She was in good health, so why should she move more?Fourth Master Jian and the doesn't matter, with the girl's temperament, it is better to have Fourth Master Jian to protect her than to marry blindly and mutely.

There is something strange on her face, Hong Yu is smart, how could she not see it?It was just a matter between the fourth master and the second girl. She was happy to see it come to fruition, so she pretended not to see it.

The three maids were laughing and playing mischief, but Li Weijian among them had already let go of Yingchun.

The second girl was so embarrassed that her face seemed to be covered with a red cloth. At this moment, she was just focusing on calming her breathing. She wrapped her hands around Li Weijian's waist and buried her head in silence.

After a long while, she said angrily: "Brother Jian, you, you shouldn't be like this..."

"Second sister doesn't like it?"

"It's not..."

Li Weijian smiled and teased: "Then I will try to control it more in the future."

"Yeah." Yingchun responded, feeling unclear in her heart. She couldn't tell whether she was happy or disappointed.

She was worried that Li Weijian would be unhappy if she spoiled him, so she turned around and Li Weijian leaned over again.When Yingchun recovered and became limp again, he let go with a smile.

After a while, Yingchun said angrily: "Brother Jian, didn't you say..."

"Yeah, I'm in control, but I'm not in control."

His rogue-like words were exactly what Yingchun had in mind.So the second girl raised her eyes and rolled her eyes at him with a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance, but her pink arms tightened even more.

Li Weijian was secretly proud. Even Sister Bao knew how to burn incense from time to time. How could he neglect the second girl?

(End of this chapter)

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