Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 106: Flowers

Chapter 106: Flowers
The next day was April 23, and the day after that was Baoyu’s birth.

Li Weijian went to the home of Zhan Chong, the imperial censor of the city, in the afternoon. He sat there for a while and got some annotations of contemporary works before returning to Rongguo Mansion.

As soon as they entered their small courtyard, they heard from Hongyu that Grandma Rong had recovered from her illness today and invited the old lady and Wang Xifeng to play in Huifang Garden together. Baoyu had been pestering her to go, but on her way out she bumped into Master Jia. Politics, I had no choice but to go to private school in despair.

As a result, only Jia Mu and Wang Xifeng went to Ningguo Mansion, and the rest of the girls' families who had not left the palace did not accompany them.

Li Weijian thought about it, and remembered that day when Zijuan said he would go and see Daiyu more often when he had time, but now Daiyu was living in Jia Mu's room, and with this old lady watching over him, it was hard for him to go to Daiyu when he had nothing to do. Yu ran away from Qianer.

This time is a good time.

After pondering for a while, Li Weijian went to the study to rummage around, pulled out a piece of paper and put it into his sleeve, then took Hongyu and headed towards Jia Mu's courtyard.

After a short while, I passed through the hanging flower door, passed through three small halls along the hand corridor, and arrived in front of the main house. The one who stayed behind in Baoxia was the maid Amber.

When he caught a glimpse of Li Weijian, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile: "Why is Fourth Master Jian here? The old lady has gone to the East Mansion right now."

Li Weijian smiled and said, "I'm here to talk to Sister Lin."

Hu Bo said, "Miss Lin is in the back building right now. Fourth Master Jian can just go there."

Say goodbye to Amber and walk around the main room. After the flower hall is the back building.After hearing the sound of cicadas, Li Weijian raised his eyes and looked over, and saw Daiyu leaning against the window on the back floor, holding her cheek in one hand and holding a scroll in the other, like "holding a book to convey leisurely feelings".

Li Weijian couldn't help but have a smile on his face. Daiyu upstairs seemed to be aware of it. She glanced down briefly and met Li Weijian's smiling face.

Daiyu was startled, then smiled and said: "Why didn't Fourth Brother Jian make a sound when he came? I was shocked."

Li Weijian said: "Aren't you afraid of disturbing Sister Lin's interest in studying?"

"What's your interest? I'm just reading some books out of boredom. Brother Jian, please wait a moment. I'll be down soon."

Li Weijian nodded, and then followed the maid's guidance to sit in the flower hall.After a long while, Daiyu came down with the two maids Zijuan and Xueyan.

Summer is about to begin now, and the weather is getting hotter. She is wearing a white gauze skirt, aqua green trousers on the outside, and a lake blue tube top underneath. She has a white jade hairpin inserted diagonally on her head. She is slender and looks like a real girl. Xizi is average.

Li Weijian took a quick look and said, "Sister Lin looks a little taller than before."

"Really?" Daiyu asked with a smile, and then curled her lips and said: "How can you grow taller in just ten days? Fourth brother Jian is always good at coaxing people."

The two sat down, and Li Weijian asked about Daiyu's daily life these days, and Daiyu only said: "Everything is fine."

The maid Xue Yan on the side couldn't help but said: "How can it be so good? The girl is proud of Fourth Master Jian's recipe, and she has eaten a lot these days."

"Speak up."

Zijuan also said: "On weekdays, the girl can eat half a bowl of porridge, but now she can eat a whole bowl, which shows that Fourth Master Jian's recipe suits the girl's appetite. And these days, the girl has never been sick. Woolen cloth."

After the two maids said this, Daiyu smiled and said: "It's strange to say that I couldn't get used to those dishes at first, but now, I still feel a little uneasy if I don't eat them for a day. Where did Fourth Brother Jian get them?" Recipe? Does it have a name?"

"Sichuan cuisine." Li Weijian made nonsense.

The history of this area has changed, and I don’t know if Huguang has entered Sichuan, let alone whether Sichuan cuisine has taken shape at this time.

While Daiyu was thinking about it, Li Weijian said, "Ha, what I'm talking about is actually my favorite dishes. A small amount of chili pepper can nourish the stomach."

Daiyu said angrily: "If Fourth Brother Jian hadn't said anything, I would have said that I have little knowledge."

"Sister Lin is so smart and well-read in poetry and books. She is not a person with little knowledge."

Daiyu said: "Fourth brother Jian thinks highly of me, and just now I was reading the script."

Xue Yan laughed at the side and said, "Guess, Fourth Master Jian, whose storybook the girl is reading?"

Li Weijian heard Xian Zhi's elegance, pointed at himself, and said with a smile: "I'm ashamed, I've stained Sister Lin's eyes with my clumsy work."

Daiyu said, "Fourth brother Jian is too modest to say this. The book Shooting the Condor is excellent. It contains not only the grudges of the rivers and lakes, the love of children, but also the family, country and world. It can be seen that fourth brother Jian has a lot of pride in his heart." There is splendor. But it is a pity that it is short of rhetoric."

Li Weijian said indifferently: "I made it casually when I was bored on Maoshan Mountain. I had not yet entered school at that time."

Daiyu immediately smiled and said: "That's the case, why doesn't fourth brother Jian dress up now?" Without waiting for Li Weijian's response, she said again: "That's right, now fourth brother Jian is busy with big things at home every day, how can there be anything?" Do you have time to do these trivial things? It’s just a pity to say this.”

Li Weijian glanced at Daiyu and joked: "Sister Lin, are you still teasing me? The poems written by sister Lin in private are Zhenzhen'er's best, and she has never published them." As he spoke, Li Weijian took out a piece of paper from his sleeve. , handed it to Daiyu casually and said: "I heard that I got something recently, and I was about to ask Sister Lin to taste it."

"Oh? Fourth Brother Jian's two winter jasmine songs are both top-notch, and this one is not bad at all."

She stretched out her bare hand and took it, unfolded the paper and looked at it for a few times, then savored it carefully.

But above it is a fisherman's house: the March wind cuts flowers like brocade, orioles sing and red rain falls in front of the village.A guest with a peach blossom face.Hiding shyness, the misty fragrant gauze is filled with powder.The universe is filled with poems and books, and the pen and ink curl up without leaving a trace.Exquisite and graceful, Huachun shines.The flowers are attacking me, I turn around the bridge and meet you again.

There is also a queue for picking mulberry seeds under it: peach blossoms bloom on the branches in spring, and the faint fragrance remains.In the early days of spring, passion should bring tears of joy and shame.The shades of red make the spring breeze smell, and stir up all the romance.How can I be so skinny and so miserable that my beauty is cut off from Fangzhou.

Daiyu just read it, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but the fisherman Aoli accidentally mentioned Xi Ren, and Xi Ren's surname was Hua; while he was picking mulberries in the back row, he seemed to be talking about her.

"Fourth brother Jian, these two words -" She raised her eyes and met Li Weijian's clear eyes.He was slightly touched in his heart. Although he didn't say it clearly, Fourth Brother Jian was concerned about him.

Her heart felt sour and sad.What's sour is that the father and daughter are thousands of miles apart, but there is only one Baoyu who knows both coldness and warmth. He is always caring, but he can play naughty with his sister. The irony is that the father just mentions it casually. After saying a sentence, fourth brother Jian was so dedicated. He didn't bother to talk about his illness before, but this time he saw his situation, so he used these two words to remind himself.

Daiyu thought that Baoyu was still young and had a playful temperament, and hoped that he would grow up later; as for Li Weijian, she felt brotherly concern from him.What's more important is that Fourth Brother Jian... seems to understand her.

"——These two poems are both excellent. I'm afraid I won't be able to write them."

"Haha, Sister Lin is not allowed to tell lies. I know the level of these words myself."

Daiyu smiled and said nothing, folded the paper and handed it back to Li Weijian. Just as she was about to speak, she heard someone shouting from outside: "Sister Lin, what do you want to give to my beloved brother when he is born?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiang Yun, dressed in red, entered the flower hall and caught a glimpse of Li Weijian. Xiang Yun, who was walking quickly, paused and said curiously: "Huh? Fourth brother Jian is here too."

"Yes. It just so happens that I'm here to check in. I really don't know what I should give Brother Bao tomorrow."

Xue Yan moved a chair and Xiang Yun sat down and said, "I originally wanted to give brother Ai a scarf and hat, but I didn't want my second sister to give me a Qingyun scarf. It's always not beautiful to bump into each other like this, so I thought of giving brother Ai a hat." A fan. Where are you, Sister Lin?" Daiyu smiled and said, "What can I give you? Maybe I can write a few acid words to suit the occasion."

Xiangyun nodded and looked at Li Weijian: "Brother Jian, what about you?"

"Well... I'll give you something unexpected. I'll make sure that Zhun'er and Sister Lin and Sister Xiangyun won't run into each other."

After hearing what he said, Xiangyun became more and more puzzled and asked, "What on earth is it?"

Li Weijian smiled and spread his hands: "Why don't you let me keep it secret? You will know tomorrow. Sister Xiangyun better not ask."

"If you don't tell me, don't tell me." Xiangyun smiled and curled his lips, then stood up and said, "I'll ask the third and fourth sisters what they have given me. Fourth brother Jian and sister Lin can just talk about it."

After saying that, Xiangyun got up again and left in a hurry.

Li Weijian and Daiyu looked at each other, then smiled knowingly, and Li Weijian said: "It's rare to have such a temper in Xiangyun."


After lingering for a while, Li Weijian got up and left as dinner was approaching.

Just after he left, Xue Yan in the flower hall said: "Fourth Master Jian is really warm-hearted. Thanks to the recipe and recipe earlier, otherwise the girl would have eaten half the rice and half the medicine like usual. "

Zijuan felt uneasy. She seemed to understand the two words, but she recognized the three words "Hua Xiren".She invited Li Weijian to see Daiyu last time, but she thought that Daiyu usually had no one to talk to, so it would be good to have multiple brothers to talk to.

Zijuan was born in the Jia family, so she naturally thought that Baodai would eventually get married, but she never thought that Daiyu would forget about it so easily, and Fourth Master Jian would mention it again.

So he casually said: "I may be enthusiastic, but why did Fourth Master Jian bring up attacking people? Isn't this another way to poke at the girl's thoughts?"

Daiyu frowned and said, "Could it be that this word can only be used by Xiren? Fourth brother Jian is so good at writing a lot of Jing'er's words, but he wants to involve you in Xiren."

Zijuan hurriedly said annoyed: "I don't understand poetry, maybe I'm wrong."

Daiyu was aroused by those two words, and said: "It's not easy to talk nonsense in the future. If people listen to it, won't it be a joke?"

Seeing that it was dinner time, Daiyu did not go back to the back building, but just sat in the flower hall for a long time. When Xueyan came back with the food box, she ate some without swallowing.


Turning around, it was Baoyu's son.

On this day, it was like celebrating a festival in the whole house, and everyone was in a happy mood.

In the morning, congratulatory gifts were sent from all over.Taoist Zhang sent four congratulatory gifts in exchange for name charms.Several temples and nunneries presented tribute pins, birthday stars with paper horses and sparse hair, and natal star officials changed locks on the anniversary of Tai Sui.My daughter-in-law, who often leaves the family, also came to celebrate her birthday.

Immediately, the Wang family, Aunt Xue, Dongfu, Mrs. Xing, Li Wan, and Sister Feng all sent congratulatory gifts.

The sisters all gave gifts that fit the occasion. Xichun gave a painting, Tanchun gave a calligraphy, Yingchun gave a Qingyun scarf, Baochai gave shoes and socks, Daiyu gave a poem, and Xiangyun gave a poem. A fan.Li Weijian gave the most generous gift last but Baoyu was busy socializing at the moment and had no time to observe it.

Baoyu went to the front hall and set up heaven and earth incense candles, burned incense, and finished the ceremony. After offering tea and burning paper, he went to the Ancestral Hall of Zhongzong Temple in Ningfu to perform the ceremony.After that, he went to visit the elders of each house and the four nuns.

After everyone had paid their respects, Baoyu asked Jia's mother what arrangements she had made today.

Jia Mu said, "How else can we arrange it? We have invited the theater troupe early, and there will be a banquet in the afternoon. Let's just have a banquet and watch the show."

Baoyu was suddenly disappointed and said: "It was like this last year, and I have to change it to something new this year."

Sister Feng smiled and looked at Jia Mu, and then said: "The old lady knows that Brother Bao has been looking forward to it all morning, so she has made proper arrangements. I told Sister-in-law Zhen and Brother Rong's daughter-in-law yesterday that today We borrowed Huifang Garden and the banquet was held in the garden. Are you satisfied with this?"

"Okay." Baoyu became happy, and suddenly thought that he could see Qin Keqing again this time. He suddenly became distracted and praised repeatedly: "Okay, okay, how about we go to Huifang Garden?"

Jia Mu smiled and said: "My dear, why are you in a hurry? We have to wait until after Chen time."

Baoyu was so happy that he scratched his ears and cheeks, just like a skinny monkey. His face was full of expectation and he said, "I'll go talk to my sisters and sisters."

After saying that, he started to leave.

Jia Mu quickly stopped and said, "By the way, I'll go and let Brother Jian know."

"Him?" Baoyu was startled and said, "My ancestors just sent Sister Yuanyang to let us know. Why do you want me to go?"

"If you don't go to your biological son, who will?"

Baoyu nodded and replied: "Okay, I will go find Brother Jian later."

Baoyu trotted out of the main room, and Jia Mu, who was slumped, smiled and shook her head.This sweetheart of hers is good at everything, but she is still young and doesn't know how to deal with people.

If Brother Jian can do this, he will definitely rise to the top in the future.The eldest girl Yuanchun sent me a letter two days ago, and she also asked about Brother Jian's affairs carefully. Brother Jian was often mentioned by saints, both in and out of words.

With the saint's favor, why worry about the future?Because Jia Mu was looking forward to Baoyu's frequent interactions with Brother Jian, Brother Jian would also take good care of Baoyu in the future.

Daiyu and Xiangyun were now in Jia's mother's room. Since it was Baoyu, they went to look for Baochai first, and then informed Sanchun. Finally, they arrived at Northeast Shang Xiaoyuan'er and informed them about the birthday celebration in Huifang Garden.

Li Weijian agreed immediately, and when the time came, he led the two maids Hongyu and Xiuying out of Deyimen, and together with Jia Mu, Baoyu and others, headed towards Ningguo Mansion.

The old lady had her own rules for traveling, so everyone got into the carriage.Several young people were crowded together. Baoyu was originally sitting with Li Weijian, but he was restless and turned his head to squeeze into the carriage where Daiyu and Baochai were.

After a while, Xiangyun, who was pouting, angrily got on Li Weijian's carriage and complained: "Brother Ai squeezed over, but it happened that I didn't have a seat."

Seeing Li Weijian, she became happy again: "Fourth brother Jian, it's the flowering season in Fang Garden, why don't we hold a flower appreciation party later."

Li Weijian smiled and said: "The flower viewing party has passed long ago, but we can hold a farewell party."

 There was a mistake in Baoyu's birthday, and the previous article has been revised.

(End of this chapter)

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