Chapter 125
Leaving Wu Zhong leaning on the white wax pole and being confused there alone, Li Weijian quickly walked nearby, but did not come forward and just followed behind the officials.

Da Sikong Gu Weiyue was smiling all over his face, chatting a few words with this one and joking with that one. As he walked slowly, officials on both sides lined up left and right.

Only then did Gu Weiyue see Li Weijian, he immediately stopped, pointed at Li Weijian, smiled and scolded: "Li Fusheng, I have to talk to your teacher, are you still avoiding me?"

Li Weijian stepped forward with a smile, cupped his hands and said, "Sir's empty words are serious. Isn't there still some time before the end of May?"

Gu Weiyue looked at his rogue energy, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I still underestimated Fusheng. If I had known that Fusheng could be so powerful, how could it be Yan Xiyao's turn to accept you as his disciple? Let me tell you, Yan Laoxi is Aren't you trying to force me to do this with you? Don't be afraid of him, I will make the decision for you."

Li Weijian said hurriedly: "My mentor has been kind to me and recommended me. There is no coercion."

"If you don't tell the truth, I still don't know what kind of temper Yan Laoxi is? That's all, if you don't like it, then let's drop this matter." Stepping forward, Gu Weiyue said: "It's been more than two months, and I expect that I have gained something from my resurrection. It just so happens that the Qin Tianjian also gave out the range table today. We will compare the two sides and the best one will be sent to the army."

Li Weijian bowed his hand and followed Gu Weiyue forward.

The officials of Qin Tian Jian, big and small, had already come forward to welcome them. Gu Weiyue was not so polite to these uncles. After saying a few words, Li Weijian and Qin Tian Jian each presented their range lists.

Li Weijian had already prepared and was about to present the range chart.

The pergola was propped up, and Da Sikong Guweiyue Shiran sat down, placed the two range charts side by side, and looked left and right.When the elevation angle is low, the difference between the two is almost the same; when the elevation angle is high, the farther the distance, the greater the difference between the two.

Li Weijian also listed formulas on the range table. Gu Weiyue was extremely accomplished in practical studies. He put the formulas into the formulas, wrote and calculated them, and immediately nodded repeatedly.When he looked at the artillery range formula given by Qin Tianjian, he immediately frowned.

He snorted coldly: "Changing the soup does not change the dressing." Gu Weiyue casually threw the range chart of the Qintian Prison to the clerk and said: "Give it to the gunner and order the two cannons to shoot four hundred, six hundred, eight One hundred or one thousand steps, each with ten shots.” (Note [-])

The clerk took the range chart and took the order and left.

Before the sound of cannons could be heard over there, Gu Weiyue stood up in person and ran to the two cannons on the left. He also set up four targets and ordered several gunners to fire ten shots each.

For a moment, the sound of gunfire rumbled in the test firing range.In order to dissipate the heat of the artillery, these cannons did not fire rapidly. They only fired once every two minutes to bombard the targets in the shooting range.

In the eyes of the onlookers, there was little difference between the two targets of [-] steps at first. Half of the cannons hit the target.After eight hundred steps, the gap became apparent.

According to Li Weijian's range chart, the two cannons had a [-]% hit rate at a target of [-] paces, but according to Qintianjian's two cannons, they could only hit by ricochet; after reaching a thousand paces, Qintianjian's The two cannons failed to hit one out of ten, while the two cannons on this side still had a hit rate of nearly [-]%.

All the officials in the test range were whispering to each other, and several of the imperial guards were muttering to each other. When they looked at Li Weijian, they all glared angrily.One of them, Xiyi, in particular, kept yelling for a long time. Look at what he meant. If no one stopped him, he might come over and cause trouble for Li Weijian.

Seeing something was wrong, Wu Zhong hurriedly stood in front of Li Weijian, fearing that Xi Yi would rush over and hurt Li Weijian.

Unexpectedly, just as he stood still, he was pulled aside by Li Weijian.


"You blocked me."

Wu Zhong clenched his fists and said, "Aren't I afraid that Xiyi will hurt the young master?"

Li Weijian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He raised his chin at Na Xiyi and said, "With his figure, giving him an arm would be like bullying him."

Wu Zhong saw that Xi Yi was not as tall as Li Weijian, so he scratched his head and stepped aside: "That's right."

Wu Zhong stood aside and looked at the four artillery pieces firing one after another with his feet raised.The two gates of the Qintian Prison were fired very quickly, and they had already fired more than half of the shots at this moment. The two gates of Li Weijian were quite cumbersome to shoot, so they were much slower, and it looked like they only fired [-]% of the shots.

Seeing that the two cannons fired together and hit the two-foot-long and one-foot-high wooden target again, Wu Zhong clapped his hands and praised: "Young master seems to have won! I saw that the two cannons of Qintian Prison couldn't hit the target for a long time." (Note) two)

Li Weijian had a smile on his face, but shook his head and said, "It's hard to say."

Wu Zhongdao: "Young Master, why should you be too modest? It's obviously the Young Master's method that is good."

Li Weijian smiled and shook his head silently.He already had a bad feeling in his heart.

The range table he gave is naturally much more accurate than Qin Tianjian's, but it is also a bit too cumbersome to compare with Qin Tianjian's range table.So much so that the gunner had to measure the wind speed before firing the gun, then use the range chart to find the angle the gun needed to adjust, and then release the appropriate amount of gunpowder. How could it go faster like this?

Moreover, when the two armies are facing each other, the artillery fire comparison is based on the amount and accuracy of the cannon shot per unit time. Fast and slow tend to be more accurate. Which of the two is better and who is worse is a matter of opinion.

After a long while, all the four artillery pieces were fired. The clerk counted the hit rate and presented it to the desk for the judgment of Da Sikong Gu Weiyue.

Gu Weiyue glanced briefly, then sideways glanced at a few anxious Qintian Supervisor officials, and said coldly: "Just see for yourself, if you don't hit one out of ten from a thousand steps, you will give it to me after you have been busy for several months." Is this a range chart?"

Several officials from the Qintian Supervisor murmured for a while, and then an official in green robes came forward to salute and said: "Da Sikong, it's not that I'm exhausted, but we have to consider too many things when we list the range list, and one must be fast. Secondly, it must be accurate and easy for the gunner to check and remember, which makes it much simpler."

He glanced at Li Weijian and then said: "It looks like Li Xiucai is doing embroidery like this. I'm afraid the enemy troops have already rushed to the front of the battle before a few cannons are fired."

Gu Weiyue's expression faded slightly and he said, "I guess you're a little unreasonable." He pondered for a moment and looked at Li Weijian: "Is there any explanation for the resurrection?"

Li Weijian smiled and cupped his hands and said, "The students have no say. It all depends on Da Sikong."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Gu Weiyue's face, and he stroked his beard and said: "I don't know how to judge. I will submit this matter to the imperial court and let the saint make a decision."

Everyone bowed their hands in response, and then respectfully sent Da Sikong back to the Yamen.

Gu Weiyue called upon Li Weijian before leaving and comforted him: "Don't think too much about resurrection. When it comes to military formations, you have to think more about it. Your range chart is always much better than Qin Tianjian's."

Li Weijian smiled and said as if he didn't care: "The student didn't think much about it. It was originally a mission assigned by Da Sikong. I am satisfied to be praised by Da Sikong."

"That's good." Gu Weiyue Rao pointed out: "With such a character in the resurrection, he will definitely achieve something in the future. However, the resurrection is still young, and he can't even see clearly, so he has to endure a lot of hardships. "

Gu Weiyue said so and got into the sedan chair. Li Weijian stood there and watched Gu Weiyue's sedan chair go away.Wu Zhong beside him said: "Master, I see that Da Sikong has great faith in you."

Li Weijian smiled on his face and said, "Let's go, let's go back too." Is he trustworthy?Where is the trust?

What does 'not being able to tell the difference' mean?But it was because Li Weijian's teacher was Yan Xiyao, and Yan Xiyao broke away from the New Party and became a leader. As the second-ranking figure in the New Party, how could Gu Weiyue be willing to let Yan Xiyao's students get the limelight?
These words were a hidden jab at Li Weijian. If Li Weijian changed his position, the range chart would naturally be set.

Li Weijian couldn't help but sneer in his heart. If he changes his family today because of this, can he believe that when his teacher Yan Xiyao suppresses him in the future, Gu Weiyue will definitely stand by and watch?Lu Feng, the "father who destroyed his father" in the Three Kingdoms, learned from the previous mistakes. How could Li Weijian make such a mindless mistake?

He led Wu Zhong and together with Wu Haiping, boarded the carriage and returned to the capital.


Rongguo Mansion, Baoyu Study Room, Qishaizhai.

When Mr. Ye Dongming saw it at noon, he got up and went to have a meal. Only Baoyu and Qin Zhong were left in the study.

Baoyu had only been practicing for two days, and the interest previously aroused by Li Weijian's few interesting experiments quickly dissipated.Yesterday I begged Jia's mother, saying that it was boring to attend class alone, so she begged Qin Zhong to come and learn practical lessons together.

Jia Mu felt sorry for Baoyu and immediately agreed.Early this morning, Baoyu sent his servant to invite Qin Zhong over.The two of them took the class for an hour, which was really boring.

Qin Zhong then said: "This kind of practical learning is even more difficult to read than the Four Books and Five Classics."

Baoyu said with a bitter face: "How did I know it was so difficult to understand?" He pointed at the symbols on the paper and said: "It's like looking at a ghost and drawing a talisman. It's really difficult for people."

Qin Zhong said angrily: "I won't accompany you tomorrow. You are still more naughty in private school." But he thought that Xue Pan went to Jinling to attend the funeral and has not returned yet. Xiang Lian and Yu Ai will now Zi Zheng was having a heated fight with him, and there was so much fun at home every day. How could it be as boring as here?

Baoyu begged again and again: "Good man, please stay with me for a few more days. I will ask my ancestors to find a more interesting gentleman someday."

Without waiting for Qin Zhong to answer, the young man Mingyan returned with two food boxes, but he brought back lunch for the two of them.The food boxes were spread out and the two of them were about to start eating. Ming Yan, who was standing by, saw a group of people approaching through the window. She took a quick look and said, "Second Master Bao, Miss Bao is here."

"Why are Sister Bao here?" Baoyu put down the cakes and greeted her at the door.

Baochai came with a smile on her face. When she got closer, she said, "I just made Feilong soup at noon, so I thought of bringing a cup to Brother Bao. Ying'er."

Baochai looked at the maid beside him, and Ying'er placed the food box on the table, took out two cups from it, opened the lidded bowl, and the delicious fragrance immediately overflowed.

Baoyu smiled and said, "Sister Bao is interested. Sit down quickly and let's talk for a while."

Baochai smiled and greeted Qin Zhong before sitting down.Glancing around, Baochai couldn't help but ask, "How have you learned, Brother Bao, these past two days?"

Baoyu suddenly frowned and said: "Don't mention it, don't mention it-" He took the piece of paper and put it in front of Baochai: "-Sister Bao, look at it, these ghostly drawings look like asking the gods to catch ghosts, isn't it? Can good people understand it? This kind of practical learning is really not learned by humans."

Baochai's face did not change, and he smiled and consoled him: "Brother Bao has only been studying for a few days, and maybe he has not gone into the alley yet. Earlier I heard Fourth Brother Jian say that there are not many things to remember in this practical study, and it can be said that he knows everything. , there is no need to memorize the scriptures by rote.

Brother Bao is born with intelligence, and if he works hard for a few days, he is sure to gain something. "

Baoyu's face was calm, Baochai observed his words, said no more, stood up and said with a smile: "Brother Bao, just use it, I'll go back first."


Baoyu only responded, but he didn't even stand up.After the two had lunch and took a short rest, Ye Dongming returned with his hands behind his hands.

Mingyan quickly cleared the desk, and Ye Dongming spoke in Northeastern Mandarin and asked the two of them to hand in the questions they had left in the morning.

Ye Dongming still had some practical skills, but he had never taught any students. On the first day, he gave Baoyu a paper to do. Seeing that he already knew how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide, he immediately started teaching algebra.

The first day it was one yuan per dollar, but today it is not only multi-dimensional but also squared.And instead of using Greek letters, they use 'A, B, C, and D' as references. When a question is written, if you type it from a distance, isn't it just like a ghost drawing?

After seeing the questions the two of them had done, Ye Dongming frowned: "What I just said, why did I do it wrong again? This question should be solved like this -"

He was talking in a hazy atmosphere, and after hearing a few sentences, Baoyu lost his patience. He first fiddled with the pencil in his hand, and after a while, he saw Qin Zhong dozing off beside him, so he smiled, quietly reached out and asked Qin Zhong for help. sweat towel.

Qin Zhong felt sleepy, and in a daze he felt that someone had taken off his sweat towel. He only thought that he was still in private school at this moment, and he said with a smile: "Little hoof, you can't endure it for only one day." No more?"

It was also a coincidence that Ye Dongming stopped talking about the topic and listened clearly to what Qin Zhong said.Ye Dongming immediately changed his face, slapped the table and shouted: "Qin Zhong, get up!"

Qin Zhong was woken up and quickly stood up.But the sweat towel was taken off by Baoyu, and just as he stood up, his pants slipped down.

Qin Zhong hurriedly lowered himself to cover himself, while Ye Dongming stared blankly, feeling that something unclean had entered his eyes.

Qin Zhong was anxious and quickly urged Baoyu: "Give me the sweat towel quickly!"

Ye Dongming's head was buzzing for a while, and his energy and blood suddenly surged up. He twitched his beard and said, "It's unbecoming, it's unbecoming! You two, please come forward!"

Qin Zhong also realized it at this moment. He knew that his ability to stay in Rongguo Mansion was all due to Baoyu.So he quickly defended: "Sir, this matter has nothing to do with Baoyu, it's all about me——"

"Are you still able to untie your sweat towel in your dream? Stop making so much noise!"

Ye Dongming pulled Qin Zhong's hand, picked up the ruler and slapped it hard ten times, until Qin Zhong burst into tears.

Baoyu was still stunned, but Ye Dongming had already walked in front of him.Baoyu looked up, with confusion on his face.Usually when Jia Zheng teaches him, he usually teaches the servants and followers around him, and rarely teaches Baoyu.Unexpectedly, Ye Dongming didn't care about the rules of a wealthy family at all. He pulled Baoyu's hand and jerked it. After just three times, Baoyu started crying like a wolf.

 Note 1.5: One step, two steps per step, about [-] meters.

  Also: This ten-pound cannon data is intercepted from the 12-pound Napoleon.

(End of this chapter)

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