Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 126 Humiliating Sven

Chapter 126 Humiliating Sven

The carriage stopped, and Wu Haiping, who was on the carriage shaft, turned around and said, "Sir, there is a Xiyi official blocking the way."

Li Weijian opened the curtain and saw Xi Yi, who had a yellow beard and was wearing a sixth-grade green robe from the previous test shooting range, leading a donkey in front of the car.

Without waiting for Li Weijian to ask, Na Xiyi raised his hands and said in blunt Chinese: "Li Xiucai, I am Ba Duoming, the Imperial Heavenly Supervisor Dong Guanzheng. I am personally very interested in the artillery formula you derived. I wonder if you can let me have a look." See? If I'm satisfied, maybe I'll give you 20 taels of silver." (Note [-])

Li Weijian was overjoyed. Wu Zhongle, who was accompanying the carriage at least, said: "You Xiyi people are so ignorant of etiquette! How can we, the young master, give you a mere 20 taels of silver?"

Without looking at Wu Zhong, Ba Duoming stared at Li Weijian and said, "Twenty taels is already a lot. If you still think it's too little, I'll add five taels of silver at most."

Li Weijian had no good impression of the Western Barbarians at all. The war over race and civilization in the new century had intensified, and Li Weijian had a glimpse of the Western Barbarians.It's just a group of Angsa bandits and Semitic subspecies accountants combined together, relying on the first-mover advantage to suck the blood of the world.

If Li Weijian had died ten years earlier in his previous life, he might have been able to negotiate with these bandits now.As for now... Li Weijian looked at the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked face and secretly clenched his fists, wondering if he would hurt himself if he punched him.

Not to others, but because Ba Duoming was still wearing a Dashun official robe, Li Weijian couldn't do anything casually.Because he said with a cold face: "The formula is quite complicated, how can I remember it? Ba Guanzheng has found the wrong person. The formula is in Da Sikong's hands. Why doesn't Ba Guanzheng go find Da Sikong?"

Ba Duoming said distressedly: "I think it's a pity that the Grand Sikong official position is too high and he doesn't want to see me."

"Then there's nothing I can do to help."

Li Weijian didn't even offer his hand, so he put down the curtain and urged: "Haiping, hurry up."

Wu Haiping smiled and waved the whip in his hand, hitting the donkey's ear with a crackling sound. The donkey was startled!Pulling Ba Duoming to run around, Wu Haiping took advantage of this and lightly slapped the horse's buttocks, and then the carriage continued to move forward.

The carriage passed by, and it took Baduomin a long time to pull the donkey in the field, and barked at the back at the top of his lungs.Li Weijian just pretended not to hear, and thought secretly that if he had the opportunity to meet the saint in the future, he would always remind the saint to be careful of these Western barbarians eating inside and outside.

Nearing the end of the day, the car drove into the inner city and slowly stopped at the former residence of General Fengen.

Li Weijian got off the carriage, and Ding Rusong, who was guarding the door, came up to greet him, saying that Jia Yun was watching the craftsmen building the greenhouse at the moment.

Li Weijian didn't see Jia Yun either. He walked all the way into the courtyard. When he looked up, he saw Fu Qiufang sitting on a small bench and washing clothes in a large wooden basin.

Seeing Li Weijian coming, Fu Qiufang quickly stood up, found a handkerchief and wiped it, then stepped forward to greet him: "Mr. Li."

Li Weijian looked down and saw that his originally delicate and delicate hands were now covered with orange peels due to being soaked in water for a long time.

Li Weijian didn't say much, pointed to the room and said, "Let's talk in the room."

Fu Qiufang responded and led Li Weijian inside.She wanted to boil water and make tea, but was stopped by Li Weijian.After the two of them sat down, Li Weijian took out a thick roll of silver notes from his sleeve, held it in his hand and said: "This is 5000 taels of silver notes. Miss Fu has thought carefully about it. If she takes this silver note, she can't I regretted it.”

Those pair were like autumn water, full of peace inside.Looking at Li Weijian, he only stretched out his hands.He grabbed the banknote and tugged it slightly. When he saw that it was not tugged, he looked up at Li Weijian again, his eyes full of surprise.Li Weijian smiled and let go, and the banknote fell into Fu Qiufang's hands.

After a little calculation, she said: "It's too much, I only need four thousand and one hundred taels."

Li Weijian smiled and said, "I'm not short of money. If you have more, you can just keep it for yourself."

Fu Qiufang responded in a muffled voice, rustlingly took out the red-sealed document from her sleeve, and handed it to Li Weijian with her head hanging down.

After Li Weijian took it, she added: "Please forgive me, sir, I have been restless these days... I have to... I have to wait until my brother's case is settled before I can serve you."

There was no shyness on her face, but a look of relief as if she had accepted her fate.Li Weijian felt awkward. Facing such a noble girl, he would always feel a little ashamed... as if he was a landlord and a bully who forcibly defiled someone else's family.

Then I thought about it, if I hadn't been protecting her these days, it would be hard to say whether someone with Fu Qiufang's color would be a concubine at best or at worst.

After thinking about it this way, he became confident again, waved his hand and said: "It's all up to you. Your brother's case will probably be settled in half a month. After sending him off, the place should be tidied up. By then You move to Xiangshan first, I still have a garden there."


"Besides, I'll send Jia Yun to hire some maids tomorrow. You can take care of it yourself. It must be to your liking."

"I listen to the son."

"In two days I will send some cloth and satin, and you can make a few more clothes. You can figure out your daily food expenses yourself." As he spoke, Li Weijian took out another stack of bills from his sleeve.

He handed it over and said, "This is for home use."

Fu Qiufang glanced at it and whispered: "Master, there are too many."

Li Weijian directly pulled her hand and stuffed it into his hand, and said loudly: "My family, take it as long as you are told."

Fu Qiufang first held it empty, and then tightly squeezed the stack of thousands of taels of silver notes.He bit his lower lip lightly, feeling strange in his heart.

Even her brother Fu Shi had never held hands with her since she was born.Her free left hand gently stroked the right wrist that Li Weijian had just pulled. Although she wanted to calm down, she couldn't stop her blushing and her heartbeat.

Li Weijian caught a glimpse of her red face and felt amused.I thought about it, but I couldn't tease him anymore. I had to wait until the case was settled.

So he stood up: "That's it, I'll go back first. If you have anything to do, just ask the Ding brothers to handle it. After all, Wu Zhong still owes his age, so it's not appropriate to do things."

"Yes, I saved it."

Li Weijian took a step forward, and she followed behind him. She didn't stop until he reached the Yimen.It wasn't until she saw that Li Weijian had disappeared that Fu Qiufang returned to the wing.The two stacks of banknotes were placed on the table. She picked up the stack of 5000 taels, pursed her lips and felt confused.

The sad thing is that I ended up being a concubine; the happy thing is that at my age, I am actually worth 5000 taels... which is quite a lot.Thinking of this section, Fu Qiufang immediately laughed at herself.The famous leader of Jinxiangyuan could only redeem herself for 3000 taels, so how could she be worth 5000 taels?It was just because Li Weijian looked at her pity.

He is younger than me, good-looking, and has a very calm temperament.I heard my brother Fu Shi say before that he was only thirteen or fourteen years old. If you think about it... I am six or seven years older than him.

Thinking like this, Fu Qiufang suddenly laughed.I thought to myself that although he was taller, he was still a child. What was there to be afraid of?I'm afraid you still don't know people's affairs, right?

But sooner or later, he would be frivolous... Fu Qiufang didn't dare to think about it further. She put away the two stacks of banknotes and thought about finding the Ding brothers to return the stolen money tomorrow.As for her own house, she hasn't decided what to do with it yet.


Rongguo Mansion and Rongqing Hall.

Jia Mu took Baoyu's hand and looked at it, and saw that it was full of red marks, which made the old lady feel very distressed.Frowning, he said: " can Mr. Ye be so cruel? Darling, does it still hurt?"

Baoyu's eyes were red, showing that he had just cried. Hearing the words, he said: "Old ancestor, I don't want to learn this practical lesson anymore. It's not that I'm hitting you at the teacher, but it's actually the clouds and fog cover that the teacher said. I haven't understood it after listening to it for several days. What is it? If you don’t believe it, ask Qin Zhong if you don’t believe your ancestors.”

Qin Zhong echoed from the side: "After listening to it all day, my mind is filled with A, B, C and D, and I don't know what the use of A, B, C and D is."

Baoyu cried and shouted all the way to Rongqing Hall, which naturally alarmed the whole family.At this time, in the Rongqing Hall, not only Mrs. Wang, Wang Xifeng, Mrs. Xing, Sanchun and Daiyu, but also Aunt Xue and Baochai who were far away were also here.

Mrs. Wang said bitterly: "I only asked Mr. Ye to teach him well, but I never asked him to play jade. Our family cannot hire a gentleman with such a temperament."

Jia Mu nodded and said, "I won't learn anymore. I won't learn anymore. You will be by my side from now on. I want to see who dares to hit you."

When Baoyu heard what Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang said, she felt a little relieved. She wiped her tears and said, "Well, I will go to school with Brother Zhong tomorrow."

"It's up to you, it's all up to you."

Jia's mother said: "With a family like ours, we don't expect you to be successful in studying. It's enough if you can read a few words and not be deceived by others. If you don't want to go in the future, just stay at home. Outside. People's hearts are evil, so be good and avoid going out to get into trouble."

Everyone in Rongqing Hall had different thoughts.Mrs. Xing glanced at Baoyu sideways, feeling secretly happy in her heart.As expected, the old man expected that Baoyu could only hold out for three days before he stopped learning.Oh, the second wife still wants this kind of thing to attack the prince, she is really thinking blindly!
Wang Xifeng usually treated Baoyu very well, but now she also took advantage of it and scolded Ye Dongming for his bad behavior, which made Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang agree.

The second girl greeted Baoyu with concern for a while and stopped thinking about him; the fourth girl welcomed the spring in silence and didn't know what she was thinking about;
When Tanchun saw Baoyu making a fuss, he was about to say goodbye to Mr. Ye. He wondered in his heart: "Second brother Baoyu, why did Mr. Ye hit you?"

"This -" How dare Baoyu tell the truth?He just said: "How do I know? Maybe I don't understand what he said, so he just doesn't like me."

Tan Chun frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong, but Mrs. Wang was right in front of her, so she wisely did not ask further.

Daiyu was naturally worried, but for some reason, Li Weijian's words suddenly crossed her mind.A person like Fourth Brother Jian, whose heart is full of poetry and painting, has to struggle for life, so how can the precious jade in front of him be exempt from vulgarity?You can't really be like a god and not eat the fireworks of the world, right?

Thinking like this, Daiyu remained silent;
Seeing that the overall situation was decided, Aunt Xue and Baochai agreed with Wang Xifeng.When no one was paying attention, the mother and daughter looked at each other, and Aunt Xue clearly saw disappointment in Baochai's eyes.

Three days, only lasted three days!Baochai's face was like a flat lake at this moment, and he was worried.If you can't read the Four Books and Five Classics, they are all fabricated.Okay, then go and learn practical skills, but it turns out that you only studied practical skills for three days and then stopped learning!
With such a temper, how can you expect him to earn a life for you?Baochai felt slightly shaken for a moment, wondering if she had chosen the wrong person?

It would be fine if there was no one else to compare with, but there happened to be Li Weijian.The contrast between the two makes the jade look useless!They are obviously only two years apart in age, how could they be so different?
The more she thought about it, the more her heart burned, and Baochai couldn't help coughing.Aunt Xue quickly asked with concern: "My son, what is going on?"

Baochai shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, just go back and take a pill of Lengxiang Pills later."


There was a lot of excitement in the back house, and it didn't stop in the front house either.

It is said that Baoyu was struck by the ruler, but after three blows, he withdrew his hand, cried and ran away.The more Ye Dongming thought about it, the angrier he became. He immediately looked for the servants and heard that Jia Zheng was in the outer study at the moment. He raised his feet and looked for the outer study.

Ye Dongming's family was poor since he was a child, and he worked as a companion to his cousins ​​of the same race for several years.When the cousin saw that he was young, he had other ideas.One day, he got him drunk and almost ended up in a back alley.

Ye Dongming struggled desperately to escape the clutches of the devil, and he hated Long Yang's kindness from then on.Walking quickly, Ye Dongming thought clearly that this kind of thing is not easy to clear up, and the trend is such that at this time, the scholars gather to drink, and if you don't order a few young husbands to accompany you, even the waiter will look down on you.

Even if he made this matter clear, he would probably be regarded as a strange person.Because I can only put it another way... In short, he can't teach Baoyu this student!
When he arrived at Jia Zhengwai's study, he spoke to the boy and Ye Dongming was led into the study in a moment.

At this moment, Jia Zheng was chatting with some Qing guests. When he saw Ye Dongming coming, Jia Zheng quickly asked: "Mr. Ye, is there something wrong with me now?"

Ye Dongming cupped his hands and said: "Mr. Jia, please invite someone else. The young master in your mansion is very talented and has little knowledge. I really can't teach him."

Because he had already passed away several gentlemen in anger earlier, Jia Zheng didn't react much at the moment. He just frowned and said, "What did the karma do? Please tell Mr. Ye clearly."

Ye Dongming said: "I am also a scholar who studies poetry and books, and I have never seen Mr. Ling like this... I am giving a lecture to him, and Mr. Ling took off his companion's sweat towel! It is really humiliating. Sven!"

"Ah?" Jia Zheng shouted: "This beast!"

If it were just for rubbing shoulders with Qin Zhong'er, although Jia Zheng would be disgusted in his heart, he would already be used to it.Jia Zhen of Dongfu and Jia She of Dongkuoyuan always have a few useful servants around them; and Jia Lian, when Wang Xifeng is annoyed, he can only go outside to find servants to relieve his anger.

But to do this openly in class is too much!To say it is an insult to politeness is an understatement, it is simply an insult to the teacher!
Now what happened to Baoyu made Jia Zheng hold back his anger. Now that his anger was rising, how could he still suppress it?He immediately picked up the ruler on the table and walked away.

"Mr. Ye, we'll talk about this later. I'll teach that beast a lesson first to give him some vent!"

 Note [-]: Badomin, a real person... not a toy.

(End of this chapter)

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