Chapter 127

But it was said that Li Weijian entered the Rongguo Mansion through the Jiao Gate. He had just returned his carriage and horses, and was about to enter the Yi Gate when he saw Jia Zheng in the east wing angrily coming out of the outer study and heading towards the inner house.

The two Qing guests beside Jia Zheng were still trying to comfort him, but could Jia Zheng listen at this moment?Holding the ruler in one hand, he waved it randomly twice and drove away the two purges.

Li Weijian looked at Nahan, and then saw Ye Dongming walking out of the study. He suddenly felt something happened to Baoyu. Could it be that something happened to Baoyu?
He immediately caught up quickly: "Brother Ye!"

Ye Dongming stopped and turned around to see Li Weijian. He immediately frowned and cupped his hands: "I've seen Brother Li."

Li Weijian arrived in twos and twos and asked: "Uncle Shi, what's going on? Why is Brother Ye so depressed?"

"Don't mention it! I'm afraid I can't teach you the young master of Rongguo Mansion. Oh, I'll say goodbye to Brother Li first, either tonight or tomorrow morning. In short, I won't stay in Rongguo Mansion."

"Ah? What happened?"

Ye Dongming spoke briefly and finished the matter in a few words. Li Weijian sighed in his heart and thought to himself, Baoyu, I gave you a chance but you didn't use it!
"Brother Ye, don't be busy. Let's talk about it later. I'm afraid that Uncle Shi will be angry and cause trouble again, so I'll take the first step!" After saying this, Li Weijian started to chase.

He looked like he was in a hurry, but in fact he was walking as usual. Firstly, he deserved the beating from Baoyu; secondly, he should be a good person afterwards and take the opportunity to observe Daiyu.

If he had just entered the small door, on one side was Baoyu's Qixie Zhai, and Jia Zheng was already in front of the Chuihua Gate.

Jia Zheng became more and more angry as he thought about it, feeling that he had lost his face.Arriving in front of Chuihua Gate, several maids and women hurriedly came forward to greet him. Jia Zheng suddenly heard a burst of laughter coming from inside. He looked up and saw Baoyu holding Qin Zhong's hand. The two of them seemed to be the same person. Walking outside.

Jia Zhengyuan thought that he would not be able to hit Baoyu this time, but unexpectedly, Baoyu hit his hand!At this moment, Jia Zheng was so angry that he couldn't bear it any longer.
Pushing aside the maid and mother-in-law, he took two steps quickly and shouted: "What a sinner. I just insulted the teacher, and I can still laugh out loud when I turn around! Why don't I beat you to death now, so as not to humiliate my family in the future!"

When Baoyu saw Jia Zheng coming angrily, he was so frightened that his limbs were paralyzed. He opened his mouth and stared as if a piece of wood would not move.Qin Zhong on the side saw that something was wrong, grabbed Baoyu and ran back.

"Do you still dare to run?"

Jia Zheng was extremely angry!The red sandalwood ruler in his hand was thrown towards Baoyu.He took action with hatred, but it was wrong to begin with.Unfortunately, by chance, Baoyu was so frightened that his legs and feet became inoperable.

Qin Zhong pulled down, and Baoyu stumbled to the ground. The ruler could only hit Baoyu's thigh.This was a good blow, hitting him squarely on the back of the head.

Baoyu who fell down opened his mouth to ask for help: "Ancestor, please save me - uh -"

The Gululu ruler fell down, and it was inlaid with three pieces of jade. The red sandalwood was extremely heavy, so the ruler was comparable to half a brick!
Baoyu's eyes instantly rolled up, his head fell over and he fainted.

Seeing this, Qin Zhong immediately shouted: "Kill!"

When the maids and women behind Jia Zheng saw him, they immediately started shouting.General Jia Zheng rushed up and kicked Baoyu, but was separated by the crying maid and mother-in-law.

"Master, you can't fight!"

"Master, Second Master Bao has breathed his last. We can't fight anymore!"

"Go tell the old lady, madam!"

There was a panic near the Chuihua Gate. At this moment, Li Weijian "hurriedly" ran into the Chuihua Gate.After just one glance, he quickly stepped forward, hugged Jia Zheng, and shouted: "Uncle Shi, Baoyu's crime will not lead to death, but you can't kill him!"

The chickens and dogs in the carriage were all jumping up and down, and the people behind them were immediately alarmed.Yuanyangxing came over and took a look, his face turned pale with horror, he turned around and ran all the way into Rongqing Hall.

A group of women and girls inside were wondering why there was so much noise outside, and Yuanyang said: "Old lady, it's not good, I beat Master Bao to the point of death!"


Mother Jia was about to get up in a hurry, but now she got up violently, feeling swaying and dizzy.Daiyu on the side quickly helped them, but she was not strong enough and was about to fall down when being led by Jia Mu. Fortunately, Wang Xifeng rushed over and quickly supported the two of them.

"My precious jade!" Mrs. Wang wailed and staggered out.

Mrs. Xing's eyes widened, and she thought to herself, there is only one good show in this world, but she never thought that there would be an encore!This is a good thing to have a look at.

Therefore, she quickly helped Mrs. Wang and said, "Brothers and sisters, don't worry, Baoyu hasn't done anything yet, but you passed away first."

If these words were common, Jia Mu would probably curse.But who cares about what Mrs. Xing said at this moment?
Jia Mu finally recovered and quickly urged: "Quick, help me and take a look. My darling, my darling!"

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Xing passed through the small hall and the hallway first. They saw Li Weijian hugging Jia Zheng tightly, and several maids and women were lying on the ground, fanning each other, and pinching people. Could this be her beloved Baoyu?
"My gem!"

Mrs. Wang suddenly felt strong, pushed Mrs. Xing away who was dragging her down, and rushed up to Baoyu in two or two steps.

Li Weijian pretended that he couldn't hold on, and when Jia Zheng struggled forward, he let out an "ouch" and threw himself forward.Jia Zheng broke away and raised his foot. Instead of kicking Baoyu, he kicked Mrs. Wang backward.

Li Weijian got up and quickly pulled Jia Zheng away: "Uncle Shi, we can't fight anymore! If we hit Brother Bao again, we will break him!"

Jia Zheng shouted at the top of his lungs: "It's a dead end! We can't allow such unscrupulous evildoers to ruin our family!"

Mrs. Wang knelt down and cried: "Master! If you want to beat me, come at me! It's a pity that I only have such a son at such an age. If the master beats him to death, I won't be able to live anymore!"


Before Jia Zheng could say anything, a loud shout came from the other side of the hall: "Master, you want my life!"

The footsteps scattered, and Jia Zheng looked up and saw Wang Xifeng and Yuanyang supporting Jia Mu walking out of the hall, followed by Sanchun, Daiyu, Baochai, Aunt Xue, etc.


Now that Jia's mother had arrived, Jia Zheng did not dare to fight again.Li Weijian knew that Jia Zheng did not dare to take action now, but he still did not let go.

Jia Mu first glanced at Baoyu, then held back her anger and said, "Brother Jian, please let go. I want to see what the master wants! Beat Baoyu to death, and then make me angry to death. From now on, the master will be fine." Heartbroken!"

Li Weijian let go of his hand, and Jia Zheng walked around Baoyu and took a few steps forward. He lifted up his robe and knelt in front of Jia's mother: "Mother, if Baoyu doesn't control him anymore, he will become a disaster in the future. My son is just a discipline..."

"How can the discipline be so cruel?" Mother Jia said angrily: "Besides, it was just that Mr. Can'anbu ran back with his hand drawn, what kind of mistake did he make?"

"More than that? Baoyu...hey, my son can't say it!"

Seeing all the women and girls around him, Jia Zheng was ashamed to speak out.

At this moment, Jia's mother was pretentiously thinking about her precious grandson, so she said casually: "We'll talk about it later, go and see how Baoyu is doing. Yuanyang, go and ask for the imperial doctor!" Yuanyang hurriedly sent his mother-in-law to ask for the imperial doctor in the mansion. Jia Mu came to Baoyu with the support of Wang Xifeng.Looking at the ignorant Baoyu, Jia Mu suddenly felt distressed and shed tears: "My dear!"

Around Sanchun, Baochai and Daiyu all had red circles under their eyes. Tanchun caught a glimpse of Li Weijian and suddenly said: "Fourth brother Jian knows Qihuang, come and show it to second brother Bao!"

Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang both looked at Li Weijian. Li Weijian cursed in his heart, thinking that Tanchun would really find a job for him.But now that Tanchun had pointed him out, Li Weijian suddenly showed a resolute look on his face. He stepped forward to check his breathing, and then looked at the injury on the back of Baoyu's head.

After weighing the heavy jade-inlaid ruler again, I estimated in my heart that Baoyu would have a concussion at best.There was a bump on the back of his head, and the skin was not even broken.

So he stood up, cupped his hands towards Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang, and said, "Don't worry, old lady, it's just a temporary relief. You'll be fine in a while."

Mother Jia let out a sigh of relief, but Mrs. Wang was worried: "It's not broken, right? Where is the imperial doctor? The imperial doctor should look at it carefully."

Li Weijian stepped aside and first glanced at Daiyu, whose eyes were red with red circles. He thought to himself that Sister Lin and Baoyu had been in love for three years, and it was not so easy to break up.You have to think of an excuse later;
Looking at Baochai again, I saw Sister Bao constantly wiping the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, but Sister Bao didn't even have red circles under her eyes, so how could she wipe away the tears?

Li Weijian was thinking about it, and Baochai seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly glanced at him.Facing the looming amusement on his face, Baochai panicked at first, then glared at Li Weijian, and then turned his head.

Um?Sister Bao is so angry?

He looked over again and saw that Sister Bao was back to her original state.Xu Shi wiped the corners of his eyes with enough strength, and his apricot eyes turned red.

Li Weijian couldn't help but secretly admired that Sister Bao was really willing to do something to him.

Jia Mu kept scolding Jia Zheng, and Jia Zheng couldn't stand it. Seeing that Jia Mu no longer paid attention to him, he stood up, stamped his feet, and walked away.After a while, three imperial doctors rushed over carrying medicine boxes.

This one checks the pulse, the other one checks the wound, and the third one pries open the teeth to check the tongue coating.After such busy work, the rhetoric was indeed very similar to what Li Weijian said.

However, the three imperial doctors were a little more conservative and only said that there were no other symptoms, and that Baoyu had to wake up and ask about it.

At that moment, an imperial doctor took a silver needle and pricked the acupoints a few times. Baoyu, who was lying in Mrs. Wang's arms, slowly woke up.

"Wake up, wake up!"

"Second Master (Second Brother) is awake!"

Mrs. Wang and Jia Mu kept calling again, and Baoyu seemed to have lost his soul. He opened his eyes for a long time and could not recognize the person.After a while, I called out "Mother, ancestor", and then big tears came gurgling out.

Just when he started crying, he suddenly tilted his head and started vomiting with a sound of vomiting.

Li Weijian watched from the sidelines and thought to himself, maybe he had a concussion?
Wang Xifeng said: "Old lady, madam, please carry Brother Bao back first. The ground is cold here. Don't let your illness get over you."

Li Weijian volunteered at this time: "I'll come."

At that moment, he lowered his body and tugged Baoyu on his back, turned around and walked towards Rongqing Hall.Wang Xifeng and Yuanyang led the way, and Mrs. Wang followed behind. Jia's mother was old and had inconvenient legs and feet, so she could only stay behind.

After a while, he entered the Rongqing Hall. Li Weijian placed Baoyu on the bed. The three imperial doctors who came over discussed with each other and only gave him a prescription to soothe the nerves, saying that he should rest for a while before taking a look.

There were many people crowded into the small bedroom, and they were chattering and making a headache.

Jia's mother was sitting on the bedside. She really couldn't bear the noise, so she said casually: "The imperial doctor said that Baoyu needs to rest. You should go about your work first, and then come and visit separately when you have time."

Mrs. Wang caressed the bag on the back of Baoyu's head and cried heartbrokenly: "Master is so cruel! If Baoyu has someone -"

"You don't have to say a few words!"

Jia Mu scolded her, and everything finally became quiet.

At that moment, Wang Xifeng asked everyone to go out first, and Li Weijian followed the girls out.Daiyu lives in the Bisha Cupboard of Rongqing Hall, so she doesn't need to come out.

So the only ones who came out were Mrs. Xing, Aunt Xue, Wang Xifeng, Sanchun, and Baochai.

Li Weijian secretly thought that it was a pity that he had no chance to speak to Daiyu.Turning around, he caught a glimpse of Aunt Xue and Baochai not far behind him. Li Weijian suddenly thought about it, so he took two steps slowly, and within a moment he was walking side by side with Aunt Xue and Baochai.

At this time, Aunt Xue complained to Jia Zheng with a bitter face, and said: "This master is the same. After all, he is his own son, how can he get rid of it? I think that Zhenchi is about a pound, if he catches up with Cun Jin I just can’t think about it.”

Baochai said: "Maybe my uncle is a little anxious too."

Aunt Xue said, "I don't know what mistake Baoyu made this time."

Li Weijian turned his head and hesitated to speak, then swallowed the words on his lips.

Aunt Xue looked at it and asked, "Brother Jian knows?"

Baochai also looked over, and Li Weijian smiled and said, "This... is hard to say. My concubine, it's better not to ask."

Aunt Xue wondered: "It's just some naughty things after all, what's not to say?"

Li Weijian said in a low voice: "I just bumped into Mr. Ye and saw that he was very angry. I asked a few questions for fear of something happening, so I rushed over. Then Mr. Ye said that he was giving a lecture above, and Baoyu was undressing Brother Zhong below. My son’s sweat towel..."

Aunt Xue and Baochai blinked and were speechless for a long while.

Baochai thought to herself, what happened to Brother Bao was too much!At this time, the customs were like this, so it was okay to get close to the servants and husband-in-law. After all, they would not come to the back house to compete with wives and concubines, but how could such a thing be done in public?
Li Weijian shook his head and sighed: "Brother Bao is like this... I'm afraid it will not be good for his heirs in the future."

"Brother Jian, what do you mean by this?" Aunt Xue wondered.

People from wealthy families marry wives to carry on the family line, just like the eldest master Jia She. After giving birth to a son, who cares whether Jia She plays the role of a servant or a father-in-law?

Li Weijian said: "I'm afraid that after Brother Bao has been with a man for a long time, he will lose interest in girls... My aunt might as well think about the two girls doing that phony thing... Well, this, I'm here, my aunt, Xue See you later, sister."

Li Weijian bowed his hands and walked into his small courtyard.

His words lingered in the hearts of Aunt Xue and Baochai. Baochai thought of her mother and aunt hugging each other, lips and tongues intersecting, and her hair suddenly stood up!

It's disgusting!

(End of this chapter)

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