Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 128 Design

Chapter 128 Design

Aunt Xue sat idle on the kang, frowning and said: "This Baoyu is the same... How old is he? Why is he so good? If it is like what Brother Jian said, then his reputation will be ruined in the future. Who would be willing to marry a girl from a good family to him?"

Baochai glanced at Aunt Xue as if she were sitting with him, and said quietly: "Mom, I'm afraid I'm wrong. His reputation is bad. Maybe it's a good thing."


Aunt Xue turned to look at Baochai, but saw that her daughter's eyes were clear.Aunt Xue was thoughtful, and it took her a long time to come back to her thoughts.

What is the situation of the Xue family now?Just talking about the ancestors, they are just Ziwei Sheren. Up to now, they still have a foundation as an imperial businessman, but now they have lost their foundation as an imperial merchant.It was said that poems and books were passed down from generation to generation, but it turned out that for several generations, none of the Xue family children made progress in reading.After all, he is just a slightly wealthy businessman.

Which noble family would be willing to get married to such a family?
During these days, although my elder sister, Mrs. Wang, had not spoken out about it, she had changed her tune and not mentioned a word about the matter that the two sisters had secretly discussed.In addition, the eunuch in charge of the palace election was getting more and more interested, and his claims became more and more unreasonable, because both mother and daughter were a little worried.

There is no hope for this small election for the time being, but Baoyu cannot hope for it.

Thinking about it this way, wouldn't it be a good thing for the Xue family that Baoyu's reputation has been ruined and other people have concerns?

Aunt Xue had a smile on her face, touched Baochai's face intimately, and said with a smile, "My son is still smart."

After giving a compliment, Aunt Xue turned around and looked for Tongxi and Tonggui. After giving some brief instructions, the two maids immediately took the order and left.

Baochai's face was quiet at this moment, and it was hard to tell what was thinking in her heart.

Aunt Xue looked at her daughter, took Baochai's hand and said, "My son, I just wronged you."

Sister Bao shook her head and said, "Fate is like this, it's hard to say that I'm not aggrieved." After a pause, she added: "My daughter is thinking about it, she always has to talk to Sister Lin for a while."

Aunt Xue nodded and said, "You can make up your own mind."

Baochai leaned obediently in Aunt Xue's arms, but she was thinking in her heart that Li Weijian had stared at her before, as if he had seen through her, so she was a little annoyed.

He turned around and told the matter again. What was his intention? Should he pretend that she didn't know?He just wanted to use her to drive a wedge between Baoyu and Daiyu.

She resisted, always feeling like she was being manipulated by Li Weijian like a marionette, but she knew clearly in her heart that acting this way would be beneficial to her.Because Baochai was in a confused mood at the moment, and she spent a long time just thinking about things that would benefit both parties if they worked together. Maybe she was overthinking it?
There is nothing new in the mansion. The scandal between Baoyu and Qin Zhong spread to the whole house overnight. Sooner or later, the gossip of the maids and mothers-in-law will reach the ears of the girls.

In the small courtyard in the northeast, Li Weijian was taking a nap in the house after dinner, and Hongyu told Baoyu about it.

Li Weijian couldn't help but secretly praise her, it must be Sister Bao. How can her understanding and execution ability be matched by others?

Several maids had different expressions. Qingwen had seen it earlier at Lai's house, and it was even more eye-opening when she went to De Rongguo Mansion, so although she was a little unhappy, she didn't care much about it;

Xiang Ling is a fool, and Xue Pan, the overlord of fools, does no worse than the men of the Jia family, so he doesn't care much about it.I just wish that Fourth Master Jian was not like this;

Hongyu was born in the family, so she had just said that, but she was wondering in her heart that the second master Bao was younger than the fourth master Jian. Now she was in love with her father-in-law, and she didn't know if the maids in the house were favored or not.

On the contrary, Xiu Ying was born as a wild girl in the countryside and had never heard of such strange things.Because my eyes were wide open, I thought about it for a long time, until my head almost started to smoke, and I never figured out how the two men were so incompatible with each other.

Xiu Ying opened her mouth to ask, but saw that Qingwen, Xiang Ling and others seemed not to be surprised, so she suppressed it.But she couldn't bear to think about this matter, and the more she thought about it, the more curious she became. When she was the only maid in the room at night, Xiu Ying couldn't help but ask.

Li Weijian looked at those clear and stupid eyes, scratched his head and said, "Then you read the book in vain?"


"Tsk, think about it by yourself, it's too disgusting, I don't want to talk about it."

Li Weijian reached out and grabbed the handkerchief, wiped his feet, and then lay on the bed and read a book.Xiu Ying squatted under the bed, thinking about a water basin for a long time, and suddenly her eyes widened: "Young Master said, use... use the back... uh, I'll go pour the water."

The silly girl Xiu Ying picked up the basin to pour water, and it took a long time before she returned.Li Weijian looked at her secretly and saw that this girl was blushing. She didn't know what inappropriate thoughts were in her mind... Huh?Could it be that Xiu Ying is still a rotten person?

Li Weijian suddenly shuddered, frowned and scolded: "What are you thinking about?"

"No, I'm not imagining it."

Rustling, Xiu Ying went to the couch and changed her clothes. Her upper body was wearing a foundation embroidered plum blossom embellished with silver silk bellyband, and her lower body was wearing trousers that only reached her knees.

She arrived on the bed with a blushing face, but turned her back and remained silent for a long time.Just as Li Weijian was about to ask a question, Xiu Ying turned around, her face even redder than before, and she came over and whispered a few words.

Li Weijian blinked, wondering whether to laugh or cry: "Why did you try it yourself?"

"I, I'm just curious."

"The results of it?"

"It hurts a little."

Seeing Xiu Ying's aggrieved look, Li Weijian was immediately overjoyed.He immediately hugged me and persuaded me, "Why are you so anxious? It's still early for us."

Is it early?The government stipulates that a girl can only get married when she is fifteen years old, but how many people in the fields pay attention to it?If you raise a daughter at home, not only will she have an extra food ration, she will also need a dowry when she grows up.There are people who are scheming and sell their daughters to others as child brides while they are still young.

When Xiu Ying was at home, she had a friend who was the same age as her and would often breastfeed her child as if no one was around.My friend became a mother at the age of 12. She is already fourteen, so why is it so early?

And among the four maids in the small courtyard, Xiu Ying was the only one whose color was slightly worse, not even comparable to ruby.Yesterday, I heard Qingwen and Hongyu talking, and it seemed that the young master was entangled with Miss Fu again. Hongyu said that the Fu family was in decline, and that Miss Fu would not be able to be the mistress even if she came.

If so, wouldn't it mean that she would also come to snatch the young master like her?
The young master always said there was no rush, no rush. If she believed this again, she would probably no longer have a place in the house for her.

A wild girl from the countryside is intolerant of complicated rules. Although she is extremely shy, she is also extremely courageous.Because Xiu Ying whispered: "Later I bought a pot of whale oil, and it was much better. If you don't believe it, sir, try it..."

The more she spoke, the lower her head lowered, and by the time she said the last sentence, she was already burying her head in Li Weijian's chest.

Li Weijian was both funny and angry. He rubbed his hands and tried to comfort him: "You were the first to follow me. Since I promised you, there will be no mistakes. Don't think too much in the future... Besides, it's not whale oil." of."

"Huh? Not enough?" Li Weijian had no choice but to whisper a few words in his ear. Xiu Ying blinked: "You want to do this again? Where can I buy water bags?"


Li Weijian slapped him across the face, and Xiu Ying immediately became more obedient.

Li Weijian lay down, held him in his arms, and said, "Go to sleep, wait until you've given birth."

"It will take two months to have a baby." Xiu Ying looked at Li Weijian eagerly and said, "How about waiting for the young master to have a baby?"

Li Weijian couldn't be beaten, and he was distracted, so he half-promised and half-heartedly agreed.Xiu Ying suddenly became happy, thinking that it was less than a month.Because she slowly shrank down, she was buried in the quilt after a while.

Li Weijian took a breath of cold air and thought to himself, Qingwen, Hongyu, and Xiuying, these three girls, have become more and more obsessed with each other recently.I heard from Xiu Ying that they had discussed it early in the morning, and it was Qingwen's idea that she would serve her only once in three days, not too much.

Qingwen, the girl, broke the rules first, and Hongyu and Xiuying followed suit.This won't work in the long run. I need to practice more tomorrow morning, so as not to be like my old mentor, who is already exhausted at the age of just over 40 years old.You have to learn from the eldest man of Dongkua Yuan. He is over 50 years old, but he can still comb his girl's hair every now and then...

Thinking randomly, the night is getting darker.


Silent all night.

Turning around, Li Weijian thought about all the things that happened in Gu Weiyue yesterday, and always wanted to speak to the teacher, so he left the house at Chenshi and headed towards Yan's house.

Sitting in the carriage, Li Weijian couldn't help but think to himself, thinking that Baochai would not let go of such an opportunity, but he didn't know if Daiyu would be disgusted with Baoyu after hearing these little words.

He was thinking about Baochai, who was already walking towards Jia Mu's courtyard with a cup of black-bone chicken soup.When they arrived at the Rongqing Hall, they saw the warblers surrounding Baoyu, asking each other for welfare. Baoyu now felt a headache and nausea, and he was thinking about what would happen to his sisters if he was beaten like this all the time. Don’t you see that the sky is surrounding you?

Because although her body was still uncomfortable, there was a smile on her face. After a while, she actually started joking with her sisters.

Baochai only stepped forward and said a few words, then went to sit in the hall.After waiting for a long time, Mrs. Wang came, and Yingying and Yanyan dispersed, and even Daiyu went to the back building.

Baochai looked carefully and saw that there was nothing strange on Daiyu's face.She secretly wondered, could it be that Daiyu had not heard those gossips?
After thinking for a while, he got up and went to the back building.

Turning around the flower hall, I looked up and saw Daiyu leading two maids, Xueyan and Zicuckoo, to stop in front of a potted plant. Daiyu was looking at the potted plant in trance.

Baochai smiled from afar and said, "Sister Lin is really elegant. She can be transported to heaven just by looking at a potted plant."

Daiyu came back to her senses, saw it was Baochai, and said, "I haven't noticed for a while, but this flower seems to have grown taller."

Baochai walked closer and said with a smile: "It's not just the flowers and plants, but if you don't pay attention, doesn't this person grow up?"

Daiyu glanced at Baochai, but her words were right.Because there was a slight smile on his face: "Sister Bao didn't go to see Baoyu, why are you looking for me now?"

"Madam, the old lady is here, how can I join in? I made black chicken soup this morning and just sent it over. Why not come and talk to Sister Lin."

"Sister Bao, will you go upstairs with me?"

Baochai shook his head and said, "It's sunny right now, so why not sit in the courtyard? After an hour, it's getting hot."

She has heat poison in her body, and she can't bear the sultry weather.

Daiyu agreed and ordered the two maids to get chairs, and the two of them sat in the shade.After chatting for a long time, Baochai changed the topic and said, "Did Sister Lin listen to those gossips yesterday?"

"What gossip?"

Sure enough, I didn’t hear it!Baochai looked at Zicuckoo and Xueyan and wondered if it was because they were in Jia Mu's room that the two maids couldn't talk much.
Baochai sighed and said: "What else can be done? It's just that Baoyu was confused. How could he have done it in front of Mr. Ye? Besides, cutting off sleeves is always not a good thing. "

"Broken sleeves?" Daiyu looked surprised and frowned: "Sister Bao, please tell me carefully, what is going on?"

Baochai glanced at the expressions on the faces of the two maids Zijuan and Xueyan. When she saw Zijuan biting her lip and murmuring, Xueyan was about to speak but hesitated, and she felt something in her heart.Because he said: "I won't talk about such nonsense. If Sister Lin wants to know, just ask her maids. I think they know."

Baochai stood up, raised her hand and fanned her face, and said, "It's getting hot while I'm talking. I really can't stand the sweltering heat. Sister Lin, I'll go back first."

Daiyu responded, stood up and sent Baochai and his entourage away. When she turned around, she ordered two maids to come closer and pressed them for more questions. Xueyan finally vomited.

When she heard that Baoyu had taken off Qin Zhong's sweat scarf and wanted to do the dirty deed, Daiyu suddenly became suffocated!
How come a person who was originally fresh and refined became more and more out of character as he grew older?Baoyu was injured at the moment, so it was hard to argue with it for the time being. Daiyu frowned and sat for a long time, then suddenly raised her head to look at the two maids and said: "Since you know this kind of thing, why do you hide it from me?"

Zicuckoo murmured and said, "I'm afraid that if the girl gets angry with Mr. Bao, she will get angry again later."

Zicuckoo came from Rongguo Mansion, but Xueyan came with Daiyu. Hearing this, he said: "Girl, I wanted to say it last night, but Zicuckoo stopped me."

Zijuan argued: "Am I not a good son for the girl and Mr. Bao?"

Daiyu said angrily: "In your heart, am I such a petty person? Do you dare to be angry about anything?"


Seeing that Daiyu was angry with Zicuckoo, Xueyan couldn't help but said: "Girl, I know exactly what she is thinking. She just wants to stay in Rongguo Mansion. When the girl and Mr. Bao get together, she can take the opportunity to do something." She is an aunt. She really cares about the girl and the second master Bao, but she never considers whether the girl and the second master Bao are suitable."


Just as Zijuan was about to speak, she was stopped by Daiyu: "That's all, you don't want to say anything. You will hide everything from now on. Stop talking in front of me."

Thinking about Baoyu's lack of style these days, Daiyu said angrily: "Do I still have to marry Baoyu?"

Zijuan lowered her head and dared not speak.Xue Yan then echoed from the side: "That's right, with the girl's appearance and family background, it's not like she can't find a good family, so why bother to suffer the wrath of Second Master Bao? I think Fourth Master Jian is much more reliable than Second Master Bao." ."

(End of this chapter)

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