Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 132 Teaching

Chapter 132 Teaching
Early in the morning.

Xiangling woke up from her sleep. Because Qingwen brought back two mosquito killer lamps yesterday, she had a good night's sleep and was no longer disturbed by mosquitoes.

Xiu Ying beside her has long since disappeared. Through the window, she can be seen wearing a bunt and throwing darts around in boredom.Yesterday, Xiu Ying was on duty, but because she saw Qing Wen extremely angry, Xiu Ying thought about it, then she said Tian Kui was here and spent the night with Qing Wen.

On the other side of the kang, Hongyu stretched her waist, rubbed her stiff neck and put on her clothes. Xiangling followed closely and got up.

Qingwen hadn't gotten up yet, so Hongyu ordered the maid to sweep the house, and then went to get breakfast.Xiang Ling said: "Fourth Master hasn't gotten up yet, why don't we wake him up first?"

Hongyu smiled and said: "I want you to go and call her. Look at Qingwen's posture. Last night she wanted to find someone and desperately wanted to find someone. I wouldn't feel comfortable not looking for her."

Without saying a word, Hongyu took the food box and left.Xiang Ling felt worried and turned to look at Xiu Ying. She saw that this silly girl was practicing more and more vigorously. Just now she was talking to Hong Yu like this, but Xiu Ying seemed to have never heard her.

Xiang Ling frowned slightly and sighed, thinking that the job of waking up the fourth master fell on her after all.She walked to the main room with her head down, and saw through the window lattice that the gauze curtain had been dropped on the bed, and the two of them were sleeping in each other's arms.

Opening the door softly, Xiangling hesitantly entered the Nuan Pavilion. Just as he was about to speak, he saw someone sitting up, not Qingwen, but Fourth Master Jian.

"Fourth Master, it's time to get up."

"Well, get up now." Li Weijian replied, stretched his body, crossed Qingwen, who was sleeping soundly, and stepped onto the bed lightly.

The weather was getting hotter and hotter. He was only wearing underwear and his upper body was bare. Xiangling only glanced at him, then blushed and lowered her head.

While waiting for Li Weijian to change his clothes, Xiang Ling asked, "Will Fourth Master still practice today?"

Li Weijian rubbed his waist and said, "Let's rest for a day. I slept a little late last night."

Xiangling responded and said nothing else.Afterwards, he helped Li Weijian wash up and had breakfast, not to mention having breakfast at midnight, and Li Weijian went out as usual.

After a few maids tidied up, Xiangling had some free time and was about to go to the study to find a book of poems to read when she saw Qingwen walking out of the Nuan Pavilion, rubbing her eyes.

"Fourth Master is gone?"

Xiu Ying couldn't bear the taste, so she leaned over and said, "What did you do yesterday? Why did you get up so late?"

Qingwen said: "I didn't do anything, I just talked for a while."

Xiuying looked suspicious, but Qingwen's eyes were clear, as if she had never told a lie?Thinking about the promise of having a baby, Xiu Ying was contented, so she stopped asking other questions.

Hongyu brought the dishes back and came in and said, "There is a new nanny in the house. I heard that she is a maid released from the palace. The lord has invited her back to teach some girls."

Qingwen, who was combing her hair, asked: "Mommy, how old are you?"

"It's hard to say. I took a look and saw 28 or [-]."

Qingwen said: "Didn't you say you wanted to hire a gentleman earlier? Why did you change it to nanny?"

Hongyu put down the food box and said, "I heard it was the old lady's idea. She said that a few girls could only recognize a few words, but because of the upbringing, Nuhong couldn't put it down, so the eldest man found a nanny to come back."

Qingwen put the comb against her bun, turned around and said with a smile: "Three girls have been at ease for two months, but now they are going to be in trouble."

After Qingwen washed up, Xiuying and Xiangling got their own meals.Since they spent money every now and then, their food was as good as that of the maid in the old lady's room.There are four kinds of dishes, including meat and vegetables.

After breakfast, the four of them went about their work.Qingwen returned to the west wing, looked for her shoes and continued to put them away.The last time she compared the shoes made with Li Weijian's feet, they were already a little tight after only two months. Qingwen looked carefully and found that Fourth Master had indeed grown taller.

Thinking that it was the time for Fourth Master to improve his figure, the shoes he made this time were slightly larger than usual.While she was doing her work, Xiangling came over with a scroll in her hands. Qingwen glanced at it and saw a look on her face that was hesitant to speak.

Qingwen wiped the needle and thread on her hair and asked with a smile: "Looking at you like this, just say it if you have anything to say."

"Well...the picture book--"

Qingwen immediately covered her mouth and smiled, and said: "It's under the box. You have to look at it and put it back carefully. This thing is not suitable for outsiders to see."

Xiang Ling shook her head and said: "I have memorized that picture early in the morning... It's just that I don't know a little bit - Qingwen, how do you take care of me on weekdays?"

Qingwen suddenly turned red with embarrassment and spat: "Is this also allowed to be asked?"

Xiangling begged, "Today it's my turn to be on night duty. I've agreed with Fourth Master before... We can't just fool around with these three days, right? Good Qingwen, I'm begging you."

Qingwen couldn't bear to beg, and thought it would be better to do this, lest the Fourth Master go back and look for Siqi's charming son again.Because he was sitting on the edge of the kang with one leg on his side, he rolled up the book in Xiangling's hand and said, "I don't know what to say, that's about it."

She first rolled the book with her hands, and Xiang Ling looked at it half-understanding; then she saw Qingwen taking off her shoes and holding the rolled book with her stocking-clad feet.Xiang Ling blinked, as if there was such a move in the album; then he saw Qingwen leaning over and opening her mouth towards the book... Xiang Ling's eyes suddenly widened, could it be like this?
He glanced at Qingwen's water snake waist and thought to himself, only Qingwen can do this kind of style, right?If it were anyone else, I'm afraid he would have slipped away.


Xiangling looked confused, first nodded, and then shook her head: "I, I really don't understand."

Qingwen blushed and said, "It's okay, if you don't understand, Fourth Master will teach you."

Xiang Ling wondered: "Has your album of pictures been seen by Fourth Master?"

"No! Young Master!" Qingwen was embarrassed at first, and then said suspiciously: "It's also strange, the fourth master has never seen it, so why does he know so much?"

Suddenly, it dawned on him that it must be Siqi's charming son who had used such tricks on Fourth Master!Otherwise, how could the upright Fourth Master look at those messy picture albums?


Daming Palace, Imperial Study Room.

Emperor Zhenghe frowned and looked at the memorial in front of him. Attached to it were two new artillery range tables from the Ministry of Industry.Da Sikong Gu Weiyue was naturally impeccable in his work. He listed the advantages and disadvantages of the two range tables in detail, and everything was decided by the government and the emperor.

Emperor Zhenghe knew that the range table launched by Qin Tianjian had a lot of complaints in the army. If it could be replaced, Emperor Zhenghe would have changed it early.However, when Li Weijian's range list was placed in front of him, Emperor Zhenghe hesitated again.

Otherwise, Li Weijian's range chart is too detailed. In addition to requiring the gunner to keep it in mind, he also needs to estimate the distance accurately and measure the wind speed to make a precise target.Such tedious work would definitely waste too much money. Emperor Zhenghe thought about it. Is it worth it to severely reduce the rate of fire for the sake of some accuracy?
Yuan Chun stood aside, looking at the mouth and heart. She was originally the daughter of the empress and her former son. Because the empress had been raising the prince recently, she was sent to stay with Emperor Zhenghe.

In the years since he entered the palace, Yuanchun has been cautious and cautious, so he has never been found guilty.

Emperor Zhenghe dropped the memorial, frowned and sighed.Now I still have 300 million yuan in internal funds. It looks like the weather will be good this year, so it will definitely be a good year.Therefore, the Western Expedition can be put on the agenda.

This campaign has nothing to do with it. We just need to recapture Qinghai and don't let the Junggar traitors invade the border from the east.As for the elimination of Junggar, I guess the reform will be successful and the national treasury will be sufficient.

Yesterday, when he recruited Chen Hongmou to the palace, Chen Hongmou estimated that 800 million taels of silver would be needed to start the army.If the war continues, the cost will exceed tens of millions.

In the early years of Taishang's reign, Dashun's annual income was nearly 6000 million taels. In the last years of Taishang's reign, he only focused on channeling money into internal funds, which led to the collapse of tax laws in various places. In the early years of Zhenghe, Dashun's annual income dropped to four thousand taels. 100.

Ten years have passed, Emperor Zhenghe has straightened out the government affairs, and now the annual income has only recovered to about 5000 million. If it catches up with the disaster years like last year, it will drop below 5000 million again.

The annual income fluctuates, but the expenditure remains the same.Dashun has 20 troops in the capital camp, 50 frontier troops, and 80 troops stationed in various places. These 400 soldiers and horses cost [-] million taels of silver per year.

In addition, the civil and military officials of Dashun were worth 700 yuan, with a salary expenditure of 5000 million yuan; the expenses for supporting the clan and the royal family were several million more.Calculating the income of [-] million, it will be flat in the end.If there are consecutive years of disaster, the court will suffer a loss.

Thanks to Li Weijian's efforts to create a water company, wealthy businessmen from all over the world flocked to it. Not only was the government rich in money, but there was also a surplus of 300 million in internal funds. Otherwise, there would be a famine this year. (Note [-])

After thinking for a long time, Emperor Zhenghe couldn't make up his mind for a while.Just at this time, Huangmen quietly arrived at the door of Deyu's study. Dai Quan caught a glimpse of it, tiptoed over and listened for a few words. He turned around and approached Dezhenghe Emperor and said, "Sage, please see me, King Zhongyong."


Dai Quan nodded towards Xiaohuangmen, who hurriedly walked away.After a while, the sound of rapid footsteps was heard. King Zhongyong entered the royal study behind the small yellow gate and saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty——"

"Tsk, there are no outsiders, who are you going to salute to?"

"Hehe." King Zhongyong smiled. After the saint offered him a seat, he thanked him and said, "Brother, have you submitted the range chart of the new artillery from the Ministry of Industry?"

Emperor Zhenghe glanced at him and said with a smile: "What, then Li Weijian made small talk?"

"Brother, you are wise." King Zhongyong cupped his hands and said, "Li Fusheng bragged, saying that although his range chart was a bit complicated, it could hit one out of six at a distance of [-] steps. My brother couldn't believe it, so he simply took the range chart and tried it himself. Let’s give it a try. Brother Emperor, guess what? Hey, Li Fusheng’s practical achievements are not just for boasting. My brother stared at the gunner and fired thirty rounds in a row, and he actually hit six shots at fifteen hundred steps!”

Speaking of this matter, King Zhongyong was eager to go to Qinghai with his artillery and have a good fight with the Junggar traitor.

Emperor Zhenghe hesitated and said: "Gu Weiyue said that this method is accurate, but it is too time-consuming."

King Zhongyong said: "Brother, why should you worry about this? Since this method is more accurate than Qin Tianjian's, let's use it for the time being. As for the cannon being fired too slowly, just let Li Fusheng think of something later."

Emperor Zhenghe laughed dumbly and said, "You really believe in that scholar."

King Zhongyong smiled and said: "My brother has been observing Li Fusheng for several months. He is quite powerful, and he never speaks easily until he is sure. It is not easy to catch a talented person who can do things. If we don't encourage him more, I am afraid that this person will die sooner or later." I learned from those officials in the court."

"Huh? How do you say it?"

King Zhongyong said loudly: "I only know how to be an official, but I don't know how to do things."

"Hahaha!" Emperor Zhenghe slapped the table and laughed. Isn't that what happened?
If there is a quarrel over an issue, everyone has a reason, but let them come up with a way to solve it, and immediately look at the nose, mouth, and heart.That's not the case. Why would Emperor Zhenghe seek someone as bad-tempered and stubborn as Chen Banshan (Note [-]) to preside over the government?
After laughing, Emperor Zhenghe thought about it and said: "We will postpone it this year, but we will definitely send troops to the west next year. Ask Li Fusheng if he has a way to perfect this method within one year, then I will use this method. The next day will be like a battlefield. If he gains a profit, I will reward him with military merit!"

The loyal and brave king was happy: "Brother, don't worry, I will go back and press for a while. I'm sure that Li Fu will be able to come up with a solution in a few months." After a pause, he added: "Oh, by the way, I'll watch. Li Fusheng seems to have another method similar to that of the water company——"

Emperor Zhenghe suddenly became interested: "Is there anything else? Tell me in detail!"


Tai'anhou Hutong.

Near noon, Li Weijian's carriage stopped in front of his mansion.The gate has been reorganized now. The oversized gate has been removed and replaced with a normal one.

He was not in a hurry to go to the inner house and side garden, but went to the surrounded courtyard first.Dozens of craftsmen worked together, and the current house had long been bulldozed, the land had been leveled, and a semi-underground greenhouse had been built.

Jia Yun was supervising the work here, leading Li Weijian to explain in detail, and Li Weijian nodded repeatedly.

The technical content of this greenhouse is not high. Apart from building walls, it only requires a lot of effort to lay water pipes.The water pipes were all ordered from the government, and they were the same shape as the water company. The interfaces were left open for direct connection to the tap water in the future.

Not only the greenhouse, but also the inner house must be laid.Later, Li Weijian wanted to get a boiler for heating in winter.Use fumigation cages and fire pots for heating, and leave gaps in doors and windows, otherwise you may be poisoned accidentally.

Jia Yun was indeed useful. She followed Li Weijian's instructions one by one, checked for deficiencies and made up for them, and listed ways to make up for them.Li Weijian was extremely satisfied. He praised Jia Yun a few words and gave him a reward of five taels of silver. Then he went to the inner house amidst his gratitude.

Turning around the door, I saw two maids hanging clothes to dry.Suddenly they saw a man entering the ceremony gate, and the two maids were at a loss what to do.

At this moment, a female voice came from the side room: "Nian Xia, after drying the clothes, I have time to buy two pieces of pig's milk and come back. While the weather is nice, the clothes in the cage must be dried. "

The somewhat pretty maid then said: "Gu... girl, someone is coming."

A flash of lake blue came out of the wing, and a pair of charming eyes saw that it was coming, and then he bowed and said, "The master is here."

 Note 1000: The population of Dashun should be larger than that of Manchu Qing at this time, so the annual income is [-] million more.In addition, Dashun absorbed the shortcomings of redundant officials and clans in the previous Ming Dynasty, so it set the financial situation to be healthy in the early period of the Taishang's reign, but to collapse in the later period.

  Note [-]: Wang Anshi, nicknamed Banshan.

(End of this chapter)

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