Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 133 Xiangling

Chapter 133 Xiangling
"Master is here."

This call of master made Li Weijian feel very excited.

He smiled and came closer and said, "I was busy yesterday, so I didn't come over to see you." After taking a quick look, he saw that he was still wearing the fine cloth clothes. Li Weijian frowned and said, "Didn't I give you money? Don’t you want to buy a few suits of satin?”

Fu Qiufang said softly: "Yesterday, I ordered a few pieces from the Silk Shop and made an appointment to deliver them tomorrow. The clothes in the ready-made clothing store are not suitable for the price and the style."

Li Weijian said: "Just don't wrong yourself."

"No injustice." Fu Qiufang said, and quickly called the two maids over: "Come and see the master."

The two maids hurriedly bowed down.The somewhat pretty one was named Nian Xia, and the rough servant girl was named Lian Qiu.It sounds poetic and picturesque, all because of Fu Qiufang, but when Li Weijian looked at Lianqiu's sturdy figure, he unconsciously thought of Lianqiu as a hammer...

After meeting Li Weijian, Fu Qiufang sent the two helpless maids to busy drying, and then invited Li Weijian in.After beating sandalwood and brewing fragrant tea, they sat opposite each other.

Holding the tea cup, Fu Qiufang talked about the payment of the stolen money yesterday. Then she changed the topic and said: "Master, I have gone through the renovation work everywhere today. Although the flowers and plants in the garden are not suitable for use, But it's not good to just pull it out and waste it; there are also bricks, tiles, and beams in the main house at the back, which are all good things that small households cannot buy.

Nowadays, although the craftsmen have never stolen or sold them, they just throw them away. After all, this is just a waste of dozens of taels of silver. "

Li Weijian suddenly felt that this girl had been picked up. She was virtuous, diligent and thrifty, and she had poetry and books in her belly.

Seeing that he was silent, Fu Qiufang said: "I know that the master is not short of money, but this cannot be done. Otherwise, the family tradition will be ruined in the future, and everyone in the family will throw away money at will. No matter how big the family fortune is, I am afraid that it will be destroyed." Empty."

"Okay." Li Weijian praised sincerely and said, "I haven't married yet, so I'll just go home as soon as I can. Jia Yun is capable of doing anything, so you should discuss it with him first. If you really can't make up your mind, , ask me again. There is only one thing, frugality means frugality, but you can’t cut corners because of it.”

"I can save it." After a pause and looking at Li Weijian's face, Fu Qiufang said: "There are also monthly payments for the two maids..."

"You can make the decision on these little things."

Fu Qiufang responded.After saying these serious things, the girl immediately felt at a loss.Although the relationship between the two has been decided, because Fu Shi's case has not yet been settled, it is not awkward to get along with each other.

Li Weijian II was a man who could talk for a long time on a random topic, but he didn't open his mouth at the moment, as if he wanted to take advantage of this to observe Fu Qiufang.

After a brief silence, Fu Qiufang took a sip of the tea cup, slowly put it down and said: "If you want to take the Qiu Wei exam, you must study more. If I don't have time in my room, you don't have to come and see me all the time." "

"I know, Qiu Fang doesn't want me to come." Li Weijian said with a smile, and saw the girl looking over with a slight look of anger on her face.

The two looked at each other, and Fu Qiufang immediately lowered her head shyly.The pink and white neck suddenly turned red.

"Master, don't make fun of me. Since I promised you, I will always think about you."

"Yes, I understand. Is Qiu Fang always so serious?"

Fu Qiufang lowered her head and said, "No, I occasionally joke with the maid."

"Perhaps it's because you're not familiar with me yet. I think once you're familiar with me, you won't speak so strictly."

Fu Qiufang responded like a mosquito, and Li Weijian stood up with a smile: "That's it, I'll come see you again in a few days."

She stood up quickly: "I'll see you off, Master."

After sending Li Weijian all the way to Yimen, Fu Qiufang stopped, feeling secretly annoyed.It's really weird. Even though I'm bigger, why do I get along with him, but I'm always being the one to talk about it?And when talking to him, if he didn't look at his face, he really wouldn't realize that he was much younger than himself.

Just as she was thinking about it, Nian Xia returned with two pieces of pig's milk wrapped in it. When she saw him at the Yimen, she came over and asked, "Aunt... Madam, I saw the master leaving, why don't you stay here to eat?" "

Fu Qiufang felt a sharp pain in her heart and said, "I'm not a wife, I'm... just an aunt."

Nian Xia suddenly didn't know what to do. She stood aside with her head lowered as if she had made a mistake.

Fu Qiufang's face suddenly showed a wry smile: "I chose it myself, and I have nothing to do with you. How come it seems like you made a mistake?"

Nian Xia breathed a sigh of relief and Xiao Yi said: "I'm afraid that my... aunt is too worried. Aunt, I think I'm not old enough to buy such a family property. I wonder which family my mistress is from?"

Fu Qiufang's smile became increasingly bitter, and she said, "He has never been engaged or married, so where did he get the mistress?" After a pause, he said, "If we really have a mistress in the future, we can't be so presumptuous and talk about people behind their backs." ”

Nian Xia Weiwei responded, feeling increasingly puzzled.Who is this master? Even a fairy-like girl like my aunt can only be a concubine. Then why not marry someone like Chang'e in the future so that she won't be suppressed by my aunt?

That day Li Weijian went to Yan's Mansion again and talked with his teacher Yan Xiyao for a while before being sent back to Rongguo Mansion.

On the way, Li Weijian frowned and thought for a long time. Looking at his teacher Yan Xiyao, he didn't seem to care about the range table. How could he expect to use this to establish a mountaintop posture?I am afraid that he is building the plank road openly and secretly visiting Chencang, but I don't know where Yan Xiyao will start this time.

It's a pity that Li Weijian has not yet entered the officialdom, and there is a clear age difference, so Yan Xiyao did not say much to him.But I think the teacher will definitely explain it in detail when the time comes to teach him, a closed disciple.

After thinking clearly, Li Weijian was quite helpless.It is clear that he has been born in two generations, but because of his age, he is sometimes ignored by others.

Nearing the end of the day, I returned to my small courtyard. As soon as I entered the door, Hongyu greeted me and said that a new nun had arrived.This is what it should be. Li Wan went to the palace to be a female teacher. Sanchun and Daiyu had no one to teach them, so they had to hire someone to take care of them.

After asking carefully, it turned out that the nanny was about thirty years old and was released from the palace in March. After Li Weijian sat down, he couldn't help but sigh: "It is not easy to be released at such a young age."

Hongyu said: "I don't want to let the nanny out of the palace yet. She is not a female official in the palace. She has all the food and clothing she needs. She also has a monthly salary. It's easier to live than outside the palace."

Li Weijian smiled and said, "That's right."

At this moment, Qingwen was still working on the girl's work in the west wing room. Hongyu looked around and lowered her voice and said: "Fourth Master, Qingwen was so grand yesterday, I wonder how Fourth Master managed to coax her? Today Look, your anger has subsided."

Li Weijian laughed secretly, but deliberately said with a straight face: "How can you say it's coaxing? I just presented the facts and reasoned to persuade."

How did Li Weijian persuade him last night?He didn't persuade her, nor could she be considered coaxing. He just stayed with Qingwen and talked for a while.Qingwen was sold into the Lai family by her parents since she was a child, and she has the most sensitive mind. She doesn't care how many girls Li Weijian has gathered around her. What she cares about is that Li Weijian must not break his body and bones because of this; and she should not be like Siqi. The disdainful people are mixed together; the most important thing is that Li Weijian has her in his heart.

Li Weijian's concern cannot be faked, and Qingwen naturally knows it.Because we had been talking for a while yesterday, Qingwen poured beans out of a bamboo tube and told her all the grievances she had suffered when she was a child.

She had an older brother and a younger brother at home. Because she was born with good looks, she was almost sold as a child bride due to her brother's marriage when she was six or seven years old.Over the past year, she was finally sold for the Lai family's dozens of taels of silver.

The little girl felt aggrieved and depressed, but she never told anyone.It wasn't until last night that I finally opened my heart.

Hongyu was doubtful.But she is not as sensitive as Qingwen.Marrying a man, wearing clothes and food, Li Weijian promised her a future, Hongyu felt extremely satisfied, and she rarely even got angry with Qingwen recently.

Li Weijian glanced at Hong Yu and said in a low voice: "Just rest assured, if the monthly salary is increased, you will definitely be indispensable."

Hongyu immediately beamed with joy and said, "Then I'll be waiting for Fourth Master's monthly payment."

After entering the main room while talking, Li Weijian took a short rest. After dinner, he went into the study to write and draw.Xiangling was staying in the study, but when she saw Li Weijian coming, she wanted to get out.

Li Weijian smiled and said, "Just leave it to you and don't make any noise."

Xiang Ling agreed, holding the scroll and studying it.Before the You hour, Baochai's maid Ying'er came over and brought a basket of yellow peaches.

It was said that Aunt Xue went to the shop to check the accounts today. On the way back, she saw someone selling yellow peaches, so she bought a cart and sent a few maids around.

Hongyu went up to Ying'er and talked for a while before sending her away.

The juicy yellow peach looked particularly lovely. Four maids were accompanying Li Weijian. Every day, the family never ran out of meat. After eating too much, they became thinner.Except for Xiuying who still likes to eat fatty meat, Hongyu, Qingwen and Xiangling like to eat more vegetables, especially fruits.

Li Weijian called a few maids over and ordered them to wash and share the food.

A few people gathered together to eat yellow peaches. Because they were new to the market and there had been a lot of rain recently, the taste of the peaches was just ordinary.

Hongyu saw Xiuying eating a peach in two bites, and couldn't help teasing: "Xiuying, are there yellow peaches in Jinling?"

"Yes," Xiu Ying said, "You can eat it in April. There is also a kind of peach now, but it is not for eating."

"Huh? What else can you do if you don't eat?"

Xiu Ying smiled naively and said, "It's for drinking. Insert a reed tube into it and swish the peach a few times before it deflates. Your mouth will be filled with peach juice. It's delicious."

Hongyu thought for a moment and said: "When you said it like that, I remembered it. It seemed like a batch of peaches were sent to the house the year before last. The juice would drip when the skin was broken. I heard that they were peaches sent from Shaanxi."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Xiangling didn't know what she thought of, and suddenly stopped, holding a peach in her hands and feeling dazed.

Li Weijian happened to catch a glimpse of it and took notice in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening, Hongyu and Qingwen were busy getting hot water, and moved the bathtub into the main room, leaving Xiangling on night duty to wait on them, and the remaining three maids withdrew.

Xiangling then helped Li Weijian undress and take off his belt and get into the bathtub.Li Weijian stirred up the hot water and scrubbed his front body, then felt a pair of delicate hands gently rubbing his back.

"Were you homesick that afternoon?"

The delicate hands paused, and Xiang Ling said: "I was young when I was kidnapped, and I don't remember much now. At that time, I remembered that the kidnapper bought a peach and coaxed me to learn to read."

"Why do you remember those days? I must have been feeling very bitter at that time, right?"

Xiangling shook her head and said, "It doesn't count. At first, I was starved for two days and received a beating. I was afraid, so I did whatever they said. Later, they saw that I was well-behaved, and they never beat me again. .My daily meals are also close to my heart.

In order to sell me at a good price, I hired an aunt to teach me music, chess, calligraphy and painting.Unfortunately, I ran out of money and my aunt stopped coming. "

Li Weijian turned around and saw a smile on Xiang Ling's face.I thought to myself, this girl is really happy-go-lucky.

She was pure-minded and resigned. She originally thought she would suffer a lot by settling down with the kidnapper, but now that she thinks about it, she was wrong. I'm afraid she would have had a good life at that time.

When she was later snatched away by Xue Pan, although her family was always on tenterhooks, Aunt Xue and Baochai saw her outstanding character and always took good care of her. They thought her life would be pretty good in the future.

Later, she came to her side. She was fed delicious food and drinks every day, and she was allowed to learn poetry, which made her life even more beautiful.

Li Weijian couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it's really a one-man life. If Xiangling had gone through this, Qingwen would have been stunned to death long ago. How could she be as good as she is now? '?
Li Weijian was thinking, Xiang Ling had already turned to the front of her body, clutching the handkerchief.Li Weijian sat back and let Xiang Ling bend down to wipe it gently, but his eyes were fixed on the pretty person in front of him.

Xiang Ling seemed to be aware of it, raised her eyes and made eye contact with Li Weijian, and immediately her ears turned red.Li Weijian looked at it interestingly. When Xiang Ling blushed, the rouge between her eyebrows became as thick as blood.

When his eyes touched again, Li Weijian saw shyness and...expectation in Xiangling's eyes.Although she didn't say much, she still had her own feelings in her heart.

Li Weijian suddenly moved his hand and grabbed Xiang Ling, causing her to scream in surprise, and then pulled Xiang Ling into the bathtub.

"Fourth Master," Xiang Ling said angrily, "my clothes are all wet."

Li Weijian couldn't care less about his clothes at the moment, he just smiled and said, "You have washed it for me, how about I wash it for you too?"

For a while, there were sounds of splashing water in the room, which seemed to match the sounds of frogs outside.

It goes without saying that it was a lovely night, as there is a poem to prove it: Warm, fragrant and dry, the lotus in the mouth can be soft or soft, and it is the most pitiable.When he is happy, he sticks out his tongue and smiles, and when he is sleepy, he just falls asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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