Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 134: First face

Chapter 134: First face

The next day it started to drizzle again early in the morning, and Li Weijian went out after breakfast.The four maids inside were tidying up. Qingwen looked at Xiangling and was stunned, so she came over with a feather duster.

"How...what happened last night?"

Xiangling opened her mouth and couldn't speak. She muttered for a long time before saying: "It's okay."

Where can I get better?She originally wanted to serve Fourth Master Jian, but in the end, she was dizzy and was served instead.The physical and mental pleasure from the inside out almost made Xiang Ling faint. When she woke up, she was weak and had no choice but to be coaxed by Li Weijian to have a rest early.

Naturally, it was not easy to say these words to Qingwen, so Xiangling thought that she would have to serve her back tonight.Where can I enjoy the enjoyment of being a maid, but let my master work?

Qingwen saw that it was not true, so she teased: "You... you came to ask me in a hurry yesterday, but now you are embarrassed to say it."

Xiangling immediately pulled Qingwen and begged: "Good Qingwen, please spare me this time."

Qingwen pretended to be angry and gave him a look, and said: "It's because I see you pitiful that I am willing to tell you the truth. If you don't believe me, ask someone else and see which one of Hongyu and Xiuying is willing to tell you this?"

Xiangling begged again, and Qingwen spared her.Qingwen went to tidy up, and Xiangling stood in the study room, holding the scroll and staring blankly.

Recalling what happened last night still makes me blush.She secretly thought to herself that Fourth Master Jian was good-looking and generous to others, especially to himself... extremely gentle. Isn't this kind of man exactly what she dreams of?

I was thinking wildly, looking forward to getting dark earlier, but also afraid that the service would not be good at night...Xiang Ling started to hesitate a little because of it.Suddenly, he thought that Fourth Master Jian was kind and gentle, and no matter what happened to her, he would always tolerate her.Because of this, Xiangling's mood became a little excited. She looked at the raindrops hanging under the eaves, held the book and hummed softly, feeling as if the world was brightening.


On this day, Li Weijian was captured by King Zhongyong. As soon as the carriage came out of Ningrong Street, he was stopped by the officials of the inner palace, and then he was invited to the inner palace.

After entering the lobby and seeing the ceremony, Li Weijian had just sat down. King Zhongyong smiled and said: "After resurrection, do you know why I am looking for you?"

"But does the range table say something?"

King Zhongyong nodded and said with a smile: "I will argue with reason and the saint will give the resurrection a chance."


Without waiting for Li Weijian to say anything, King Zhongyong said: "The sage said that if the resurrection can be improved within a year, so that the firing rate of this cannon is the same as usual, then the range table of the resurrection will be adopted."

Li Weijian was silent.

King Zhongyong coughed and said hurriedly: "Don't spread these words to others... The sage said that troops will be used in the northwest in the coming year. If the resurrected range table helps the army defeat the Junggar bandits, the sage will not hesitate to reward him with military merit."

Li Weijian was immediately moved.Dashun could not be awarded the title of uncle except for military merit. Since he had chosen to take the route of ennoblement in the inner palace, he had to find a way to break through this ceiling.Now that there is a ready-made opportunity in front of him, how could Li Weijian let it go?

Because he muttered: "Your Majesty, let the student think for a while."

To increase the rate of fire, firstly, train artillerymen, especially artillery officers, to respond to instructions in the shortest possible time and fire artillery into the enemy formation;

Second, streamline the launch steps.At this time, the Dashun artillery was launched. First, use a mop dipped in water to clean the barrel, then stuff the medicine bag and marbles into the barrel, insert the fuse at the rear, use a shovel to tighten it at the front, light the fuse with a torch, and launch the artillery.

Li Weijian then thought that maybe he could combine the medicine pack and the projectiles in one place, which would save him some time;
Three improvements were made to the gun mount.Today, Dashun's artillery is still placed on the gun carriage. The wooden gun carriage looks light, but in fact it is not much lighter than the steel gun carriage due to its load-bearing capacity.And every time a gun is fired, the recoil causes the gun carriage to roll backwards, and it must be leveled again before it can continue firing.

It is also extremely inconvenient to adjust the angle of the muzzle. If a gun mount can be built that can be dragged by two horses, it will definitely be a lot more convenient.

With an idea in his mind, Li Weijian cupped his hands and said: "Since the saint has given the important task to the students, the students must do their best. Your lord, please let the students go back and think carefully, and then submit the statement in the future."

King Zhongyong heard Xian's idea and said, "Resurrection has an idea?"

Li Weijian nodded and said: "The student has some ideas in his mind. After the drawing is completed, he will ask the Military Academy to help him build it to see if it works."

King Zhongyong immediately waved his hand: "When I turn around, I will ask the Military Academy to fully cooperate. Whatever I want to build in the resurrection, just give me your orders. Doctor Liang——"

Dr. Liang immediately bowed to accept the order and said: "I will prepare the court immediately for civil and military duties. This will not delay the important event."

Now that the matter was over, Li Weijian stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the student will go back first."

"Okay, I am waiting for the good news of resurrection!"

Li Weijian cupped his hands to say goodbye, and Dr. Liang hurried over to see him off. Unexpectedly, Li Weijian walked to the door and turned back.

"Is there anything else going on with the resurrection?"

"This...student has some personal matters. I beg the prince to give my eldest sister a day or two off."

King Zhongyong didn't ask why, he nodded and said: "It's just a small matter, you just go to my palace to pick her up."

Li Weijian then left the inner palace.

Outside the gate of the inner palace, Wu Haiping was sitting on the carriage shaft to rest. When he saw Li Weijian coming out, he jumped down quickly and said, "Master, where should we go next?"

"Go to the manufacturing office."

Li Weijian asked for leave for his eldest sister Li Wan in order to take Li Wan to see Fu Qiufang.After these few days of contact, Li Weijian was extremely satisfied with Fu Qiufang.His parents died young, and his uncle Li Shouzhong was far away in Jinling. The only relative he could find around him was Li Wan.

If he wanted to take a concubine, he would always let Li Wan take a look at it; secondly, Li Wan looked at the concubine and expressed his respect for Fu Qiufang.

After a while, the carriage arrived at the manufacturing office. Li Weijian picked out two sets of jewelry, put them in boxes, returned to the carriage, and went to Prince Zhongyong's Mansion.

It took a long time to arrive at the palace, and after talking to the manager of the palace, Li Weijian was waiting outside the palace.After a cup of tea, Li Wan was about to come out in a hurry.

With an anxious look on her face, she stepped forward and asked, "Brother Jian, what happened?" Seeing that Li Weijian was fine, she quickly asked, "But Lan'er——"

"No, eldest sister gets in the car first. It's not good to talk about this outside."

The two accompanying maids got into the car together, feeling a little embarrassed.

Instructing Wu Haiping to turn to Tai'anhou Hutong, while the car was driving, Li Weijian told him about the concubine.Li Wan was puzzled and stared at Li Weijian for a long time: "Taking a concubine? When did it happen? Whose girl is it?"

"Sister, I think I've heard of it before, it's Fu Qiufang."

Li Wan immediately said: "No! Fu Shi is used to getting into trouble. Brother Jian is not allowed to get involved with this kind of people."

Knowing that Li Wan was concerned about him, Li Weijian smiled and said, "Sister, please listen to me."

At that moment, he told the whole story of these days.Li Wan relaxed his brows when he heard that Fu Shi was involved in a lawsuit, his family was scattered, and even Fu Shi himself would soon be exiled to the frontier.Then he asked: "Miss Fu, does it sound like a good color to me?"

"A virtuous and virtuous person with poetry and books in his belly."

Li Wan then smiled and said: "Brother Jian is so complimentary, I will take a closer look later. Oh no, how can we go empty-handed when we meet for the first time? Go back to Rongguo Mansion first, I always You have to choose the best of two things."

Li Weijian immediately sent the brocade box to Suyun's lap and said, "Isn't this already prepared?"

Li Wan then said angrily: "How can you prepare this kind of face? Brother Jian, how can a man choose a good face?"

Li Wan paused because Su Yun beside him had already unfolded the brocade box.

But among them, the first one was a gold and silver silk bun, then one was gold flowers with rubies on the heart, two were gold inlaid with jade, one was full of gold, and the crown was full of delicate patterns, and one was gold inlaid with gems. Covering the temples, there are two pieces of red and blue treasures holding the temples, one is a garden full of flowers, two are gold hairpins with flowers, one is a gold beaded peony pattern, hairpins with plum, orchid, chrysanthemum and bamboo flowers. One piece each, a pair of gold-embedded crystal lilacs, a pair of gourd-beaded lilacs, and several pairs of bracelets, rings, and small hairpins.

There are all kinds of things, totaling 33 items.

Li Wan blinked, and when he looked up at Li Weijian, he saw his silly smile.Li Wan then said angrily: "This guy is enough to get married. It shows that Brother Jian is very proud of Miss Fu. That's all. I'll just give her some more in private later."

Li Weijian smiled and held up his hands: "Thank you, big sister, for your understanding."

Li Wan took a deep breath and was speechless.She had mixed feelings in her heart. Her younger brother, who was raised by her side, was about to take a concubine in the blink of an eye.And that Miss Fu is only two years younger than me.

He had asked about it earlier, but none of the maids around Brother Jian showed any sympathy. Li Wan only thought that Brother Jian didn't know what it was like at the moment.I originally thought that this would be fine. After Qiu Wei, she, the eldest sister, would give some guidance to a few maids in private.

Unexpectedly, after only ten days, Brother Jian came back with a concubine.

The last time Fu Qiufang visited, Li Wan was busy with errands in the palace, so he missed it.Just listen to what Baoyu said, Fu Qiufang is a beautiful lady.

Although everything about Baoyu was unreliable, he expected that the woman he still admired after tasting it would be good.Not to mention color, the most important thing is character.This lady has not yet visited the house. If the concubine is favored, the concubine is still very high-spirited, and the family will be uneasy in the future.

As the eldest sister, Li Wan always had to look after Li Weijian.

On the way, he complained about Li Weijian's haste, which made Li Wan angry. Finally, he just said: "Sister, I have never told Fu Qiufang. This move is just to see her character."

Li Wan laughed and tapped Li Weijian's forehead with his finger: "Brother Jian has a lot of evil thoughts."

Li Weijian smiled and was speechless.No matter how good you are at judging people, there are always times when you are wrong about them.This sudden attack, and with the eyes of the eldest sister Li Wan, I think I can see Fu Qiufang clearly.

After a while, the carriage arrived at Tai'anhou Alley.The carriage was parked in front of the mansion, and Jia Yun, who had already received the letter, was waiting in front of the door.

Li Weijian jumped out of the car first, and before Jia Yun came forward to greet him, he saw two maids getting out and taking stools, and then a plain woman got out of the car.

Jia Yun briefly recognized her, then stepped forward and saluted: "My nephew Jia Yun, I have met Grandma Zhu."

Li Wan took a glance and saw that Jia Yun was only sixteen or seventeen years old. She had red lips and white teeth, and she looked clean.She had met him once, so she asked casually: "Are you following Brother Jian on errands now?"

Jia Yun bowed and said, "Yes, Uncle Jian saw that his nephew's family was poor, so he stayed with him to run errands."

"Then keep doing it. If you do well, I will reward you in the future."

Jia Yun happily agreed, said a few words to Li Weijian, and then went to the east to work across the courtyard.

Li Weijian led Li Wan into the main entrance and passed through the Yimen. The stout Lianqiu caught a glimpse of Li Weijian and immediately greeted: "The master is here, aunt, the master is here!"

There was a curtain strung with straw beads hanging in front of the door. Hearing the words, the beaded curtain opened, and the maid Nianxia and Fu Qiufang walked out one after another. Seeing a strange woman present, Fu Qiufang was stunned and didn't know how to greet her.

Li Weijian quickly introduced: "Qiu Fang, this is eldest sister Li Wan."

Fu Qiufang quickly bowed and said, "I've met my aunt."

At this moment, Li Wan was looking Fu Qiufang up and down. Seeing her beautiful figure and delicate face, especially the pair of charming silk eyes on the lying silkworm, Li Wan could not help but nod. It was no surprise that Baoyu called it the beautiful lady jade. It was really Zhen'er deserves such a title.

Li Wan stepped forward and took Fu Qiufang's hand and said, "We are all family members, so don't be too polite."

Fu Qiufang agreed, and then said: "The master has not said a word. I am afraid that I am being embarrassed now. The whole place is being repaired, and only these two wing rooms are still suitable for people. If I don't mind it, please talk to me inside." ."

"I've already said that we are members of our own family, so there is no need for these false etiquette."

While they were talking, the group of people entered inside. Nian Xia was stunned for a long time before he remembered to make tea.Suyun and Biyue saw him and went to help.

In the wing room, Fu Qiufang invited the two of them to sit down, and she sat down with her.

Li Wan chatted with him about some family matters, asked about his family background, and lamented Fu Shi's lawsuit. While Fu Qiufang was pouring tea in person, Li Wan glanced at Li Weijian.

Li Weijian smiled and nodded, thinking to himself that the eldest sister Li Wan was a picky person, so if she could get such praises, Fu Qiufang was really a good girl.

At this moment, Fu Qiufang took the tea cup, biting her lower lip with a red face, stood up and respectfully came to Li Wan: "Auntie, please give me tea."

Li Wan took it and took a sip, and said: "I won't say much else. Brother Jian is still young after all, and there are always times when he does something imprudent. You should pay more attention to it. Suyun - —”

Su Yun responded and quickly brought the brocade box over. Li Wan took it and unfolded it, revealing the dazzling array of head and face jewelry inside, and said: "I am borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha. Brother Jian has a good idea. He only told me halfway. Brother Jian prepared this gift for you. You keep these for now, and I will add some dowry to you later."

The 33 pieces of jewelry made Fu Qiufang's heart tremble slightly. She glanced at Li Weijian and saw him nodding repeatedly. Then he thanked her and took it with both hands.

She breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she had passed the test, right?
 Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month
(End of this chapter)

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