Chapter 148

Wu Zhong picked up the white wax pole and patrolled around, walking around the corner but found no trace. Walking back, he met Ding Rusong. The two looked at each other and shook their heads.

Wu Zhong scratched his head and said, "It's strange. Where did this bad guy come from? Could it be that he can't fly?"

Ding Rusong sneered and said: "There are two annexes of the royal palace nearby, and the thieves can't even come up the mountain. In my opinion, it is probably because the young master was in a trance, and then he slipped and fell into the water."

"That's what Brother Ding said."

The two men returned with sticks in hand and reported to Li Weijian. Li Weijian waved his hand and said, "Forget it, just show off. The banquet will begin later. You guys can just patrol more."

The two of them were ordered to retreat, and then Li Weijian walked toward Jian Xinlou with his hands behind his back. After making it upstairs, I paused briefly on the second floor and chatted with my eldest sister Li Wanyan for a while.

At this moment, Li Wan had already guessed the truth, so he didn't say much else. But I didn't like Jia Huan very much, thinking that I would definitely tell Jia Lan to stay away from this Third Master Huan later.

Just as he was about to leave, Fu Qiufang chased him out, and the two talked at the stairs. Fu Qiufang said: "Sir, the eldest sister and the second master Lian have just agreed that they will return after the luncheon. I see that the girls are not busy enough, if not this banquet will be held in the building.

In this way, you can eat wine and watch a movie without delay. "

"Yes, that's it."

Fu Qiufang nodded, and immediately ordered Nian Xia to go on. Li Weijian went up to the third floor. Jia Lian, Yan Fengzhen and Jia Huan were already seated. After asking Jia Lian, he learned that Li Wan was really worried about Baoyu, so he called him to the second floor to watch the play.

Li Weijian's heart was filled with disgust. Baoyu was used to selling out miserably, and this time he got his way again. After sitting down for a moment, he glanced sideways and saw Jia Huan sitting on pins and needles with his left ear flushed. He was looking at Li Weijian mouting, but if Jia Lian was still there, he was afraid that he would come over to ask for permission.

Li Weijian pretended that he had never seen it and pretended to look down at the opera. After a while, when it was approaching noon, the maids came up one after another, removed the tea, fruits, and spread the tablecloth on the table again, and presented the dishes as if they were flowing.

This time Li Weijian made a good decision, and the dishes are naturally extremely rich.

First, there are six cold cuts: barbecued pork, braised duck liver, garlic scallops, spiced fish, soft fried chicken, and grilled sausage.

Then there are ten dishes: Braised yellow meat wings, braised blood swallow in clear soup, braised large abalone, vegetable gall Hericium mushrooms, soft glutinous steamed bear paws, black pepper flying dragon breast, fish lips grilled snoring nose, Oolong opera pearl (Sea cucumbers cooked with pigeon eggs), Su Mei soaked in thick soup, shrimps and wild rice.

Then there were two more desserts, date walnut cheese and almond tea.

There are also seasonal fruits, but they are not included in the main dishes.

The dinner was a bit dull. Jia Huan was absent-minded, but Jia Lian was able to agree twice. Li Weijian and Yan Fenzhen did the rest.

Li Weijian is very excited today. After waiting for two months, the steam engine he commissioned from the Military Academy was finally built! I just took a quick look and found that the workmanship was extremely fine. The threads were selected and connected at will, and they looked quite tight.

Li Weijian had played with steam engines a lot in his previous life and was familiar with their structure. He was confident that this double-expansion steam engine could run, but he didn't know how much atmospheric pressure it could support.

By the way, there was also a barometer attached. He didn't have the time to study the barometer, so he just got a simple mercury column barometer.

Although there are no scales engraved on it, the number can be roughly seen.

Yan Fengzhen couldn't care less about drinking, and kept asking Li Weijian how this steam engine compared with the Newcomen. Li Weijian always kept his words to himself, but now he was extremely confident and spoke with great confidence.

"Brother Jingwen, if this thing can be used, it will become popular in the world and change the world."

Yan Fengzhen was doubtful and said: "I believe in the great power of the world, but can it change the world? Is the resurrection too conceited?"

Li Weijian was happy: "If not, let's make another bet?"

Yan Fengzhen blinked and immediately shook his head: "No gambling!"

Just kidding, Yan Fengzhen suffered a loss last time. Li Weijian was bound to move closer to masters of practical learning like Chen Hongmou. Not wanting to turn around, his father Yan Xiyao had a break with Chen Hongmou. Naturally, it was difficult for him and his student Li Weijian to get close to Xiang Chen.

Yan Fengzhen never mentioned this matter during these days, Li Weijian also pretended to have forgotten it, and the two of them covered it up. Otherwise... three months, eating the marrow and knowing the taste, how can the second young master endure it?
Li Weijian's smile suddenly became brighter: "When did Brother Jing Wen become so cautious? I wonder if Brother Jing Wen will win this time? Wasn't it like last time -"

"Li Fusheng! If you keep talking, we will break off our friendship!"

The second young master cherished his face very much, so Li Weijian naturally couldn't expose his embarrassing story, so he immediately covered it up with a haha, which made Jia Lian confused.

Second Master Lian didn't know much about practical knowledge. When the two people were talking in front of him, he could only chime in with a few words, and most of the time he was sizing them up. But seeing that the two of them talked freely and quite casually, one knew that the two had a very good personal relationship.

The second Young Master Yan was about the same age as him and had nothing to say to him, but he had a pleasant conversation with Li Weijian, who was a few years younger. If you look closely, you will see that Li Weijian's speech is impeccable. Although he occasionally makes jokes, he is very careful and never goes too far.

I secretly thought to myself that it was not just luck that Brother Jian was able to spread out his business in a few months. Because it was Mr. Lian who wanted to make friends.

Halfway through the banquet, Li Weijian felt secretly happy when he saw that Jia Huan was increasingly on pins and needles, so he got up to change his clothes. As expected, Jia Huan dropped his chopsticks as soon as he stood up, quickly got up and chased after him.

"Fourth Brother Jian, wait, I'm going to the toilet too!"

The two of them went downstairs one after the other and walked out for a dozen or so steps. Jia Huan looked around and saw no one was around. He quickly bowed his hands and begged: "Brother Jian, that thing... that thing You can’t tell anyone.”

"Didn't I say that?" Li Weijian said.

Jia Huan said with a bitter face: "I know it. For now, fourth brother Jian is helping to cover up the past, but if my wife investigates carefully in the future, fourth brother Jian will also help to cover up something."

Li Weijian said with a face: "Brother Huan, I'm not telling you, although the water here is shallow, you can't kick people from behind? If someone chokes to death, not only you, but also me will be sued. ."

Jia Huan said repeatedly: "Yes, I didn't think carefully."

Thoughtless? Oh, it means that if you didn't think carefully this time, you exposed your flaws, but if you think carefully next time, you will be fine if you cover up your flaws?

This guy is really a bad guy!

But what does this have to do with Li Weijian? Thinking that just now, Sister Lin was still a little concerned about Baoyu, so Li Weijian pretended to be deep in thought, walking two steps without saying a word. Jia Huan was anxious: "Fourth Brother Jian, please tell me whether it will work or not!"

Li Weijian frowned and said, "Brother Huan, I was the one who covered it up. Second Brother Lian and Second Young Master both saw it. It's up to my wife whether she wants to take a closer look at this matter. If she does, I'm afraid I won't be able to cover it up."

"Ah?" Jia Huan suddenly said with a sad face: "It's bad. If you come back, I will have to beat me to death."

Li Weijian lowered his voice and said: "I think Brother Huan was also confused for a moment. He will never do such a stupid thing next time... In this case, you can listen to me."

When Jia Huan came over, Li Weijian whispered a few words in his ear. After saying that, Jia Huan said suspiciously: "Fourth brother Jian, can this idea come true?"

"Do your best and obey fate. Now everyone is paying attention to Brother Bao's fall into the water. If you don't divert everyone's attention, my wife will definitely pursue this matter."

Jia Huan became angry and gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay, now I have to become a living doctor."

Li Weijian sighed with regret on his face, but secretly happy in his heart... Baoyu dared to speak ill of his concubine behind his back? How could he be worthy of Li Weijian's temperament if he didn't cheat him?

There was no need to say more at the moment. The two returned to see the new building. Jia Huan was worried, while Li Weijian continued to talk about steam engines with Yan Fengzhen. When the end of the day was approaching, the banquet was gone, and Li Wan and Jia Lian made arrangements to return.

Xiang Yun raised her little face and was extremely satisfied, and chirped: "Fortunately, you have seen the drama I ordered, but it is a pity that the ones ordered by Second Sister and Sister Lin have not been performed yet."

The little girl stayed in Shi Nai's house all day long. The Shi Nai family's family tradition was quite strict and they could not relax and be free, so Xiang Yun seemed extremely reluctant to leave.

Fu Qiufang comforted her and said, "Miss Shi, the days are long. Whoever gives birth to a baby next time, I will be able to read the opera excerpts."

Xiangyun made some calculations, as if all the brothers and sisters had passed their births, and the rest were elders, or people like Jia Lian, Wang Xifeng, and Li Wan, so even if they had passed birth, there would be no excitement. He thought about it with a frown, and said with a grimace: "Well, the next time it will be Dongyue." (Second scenario)

Xiangyun was born in Dongyue, but I didn't know if her second uncle and second aunt would be able to let her go to Rongguo Mansion to celebrate her birthday. For a moment, the little girl felt melancholy and looked sad.

Li Weijian, Fu Qiufang, Qingwen and others sent the girls to the gate of the garden and talked briefly with each other.

The second girl Yingchun is still as good-natured as ever, just thinking about the beautiful scenery in the building yesterday, Yingchun was embarrassed before she opened her mouth, and if Si Qi hadn't been there to help her, her whereabouts would have been exposed;
Xichun and Li Weijian were not close, and they only said goodbye;

Baochai didn't know that Li Weijian met Daiyu again yesterday, because she couldn't figure out Li Weijian's context for a while, and her eyes were full of exploration;
The third girl Tanchun felt guilty, but who let her have such a brother? He could only look at Li Weijian apologetically, scolding the unscrupulous villain on his face;
Daiyu said something appropriate to the occasion, and when she was not happy with others, she said something that was not there, and when she looked at Li Weijian, a smile appeared in Daiyu's eyes;
Li Wan pulled Jia Lan to give some advice and instructions, and then pulled Fu Qiufang to whisper something, which made Fu Qiufang's pretty face turn red. It must be an interesting thing between the bed.

The time had passed, everyone had spoken, Jia Lian rode on the horse, Li Wan and the girls got on the carriage one after another, Li Weijian stood in front of the garden gate, watching the motorcade rumble by, hidden in the mountains and forests in a blink of an eye.

Li Weijian turned around, smiled at the people around him and said, "Let's go, they can go their own way, and we can enjoy ours. Those who should go to the theater, go to the theater, and those who want to have a drink, have a drink."

Xiangling was the most delighted. She not only liked the tenderness and magnificence in the poems, but also the twists and turns in the drama. The group of people were walking towards the garden. Xiu Ying was jumping for joy, but she secretly glanced at Li Weijian from time to time.

When no one was paying attention, he quietly followed Li Weijian and whispered, "Master——"


Xiu Ying murmured: "Today... I am the son's son."

"Yeah." Li Weijian responded and said with a smile, "In the evening."

Xiu Ying suddenly felt ashamed and happy, and whispered: "I have been well prepared early in the morning." Without saying a word, she quickly left Li Weijian behind, pulled Qingwen forward, and looked back from time to time to snicker. Take a look at Li Weijian.

Li Weijian was distracted for a moment, then quickly gathered his thoughts and called Yan Fengzhen, who directed the Ding brothers and others to unload the steam engine from the carriage.

This thing is made of fine copper. The cylinder is about six millimeters thick and can definitely support three standard pressures. After all the parts were removed, Li Weijian thought for a while, then ordered people to move the things into Zhiyuan Hall, and then assembled them with Yan Fengzhen.

The two of them had no time to get busy now. When the hour was approaching, Fu Qiufang sent someone to Zhiyuan Hall. Nian Xia came back and told them that the master was busy with the second son at the moment. He only said that he would save dinner for the time being and wait until the work was over. eat.

Fu Qiufang knew that Li Weijian was busy with business and did not dare to disturb him, so he had to ask someone to leave the food on the stove to warm it for the two of them to use as they pleased.

Seeing the sunset, Xiu Ying felt anxious, fearing that Li Weijian would delay and miss tonight... She had been preparing for a long time.


Not to mention Yuyuan, Jia Lian and his party left Xiangshan just after midnight. The journey was very fast, and they returned to Rongguo Mansion near You hour.

Yingying and Yanyan went back and forth for two days, but spent most of the day on the carriage. Because they were quite tired, they dispersed chattering. Li Wan protected Baoyu and went to Jia's mother's courtyard... He was able to send the person back, but something happened in the middle. Li Wan always had to explain something to Jia's mother.

But it was said that the third girl Tanchun got out of the car and immediately looked around for Jia Huan. Seeing his younger brother getting out of the carriage in a cunning manner, he leaned over and pulled his sleeves before walking towards Aunt Zhao's courtyard.

Jia Huan begged again and again: "Good sister, please go around me this time. I'm really tired today. Why don't you wait until tomorrow to inform your mother?"

The third girl just refused. By coincidence, Xiangyun stopped the third girl and said, "Come Tanchun, I brought some naughty things from home, come with me and have a look. Huh? You and Brother Huan have something to do." Son?"

Tan Chun gritted his teeth at Jia Huan, turned to Xiangyun and smiled: "Nothing, I'm afraid Brother Huan will run around."

Xiangyun said, "Where can he run? Come on, come on!" He pulled Tanchun and left.

Tanchun had no choice but to wait until he had time to complain.

When Jia Huan saw Tan Chun being dragged away by Xiangyun, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and led the two maids towards Aunt Zhao's courtyard quickly.

Entering the inner room, Aunt Zhao was drinking tea. She saw her son coming in. She quickly asked the maid to serve tea and asked, "Why are you back today? Didn't you say you won't be back until noon tomorrow?"

"Something happened!" Jia Huan pulled Aunt Zhao and muttered: "Second Brother Bao fell into the pool. Not to mention, he had to drag Fourth Brother Jian's concubine to talk about what was available, but it annoyed him. Where is Fourth Brother Jian? Mom, you have to tell the master about this!"

 Just out of curiosity, why don't you join the internal group?
(End of this chapter)

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