Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 149 New Era

Chapter 149 New Era

Aunt Zhao looked suspicious and just stared at Jia Huan.

Jia Huan had a guilty conscience, and suddenly felt uncomfortable. He drooped his head and said, "Mom, what do you think I'm going to do?"

"You're a heartless, dirty seed. You crawled out of my intestines. How can I not know what you're thinking? Besides, Baoyu is so good, why did you fall into the pool?"


Seeing that Jia Huan looked troubled, Aunt Zhao sent the two maids away. Jia Huan then whispered in his ear and told the story of the past two days.

When she heard that Jia Huan kicked Baoyu into the pool, Aunt Zhao's eyebrows jumped: "Okay, you are very courageous!"

Jia Huan said sarcastically: "Isn't it taught by your mother?"

Aunt Zhao didn't care about Jia Huan and just said: "Where is the back? Who rescued Baoyu?"

Jia Huan scratched his head and said, "There's no need to save him. The pool is too shallow. He can only reach his thighs when he stands up."

"Baoyu didn't see you, did he?"

"No, definitely not."

Aunt Zhao pondered for a while, then asked again: "Did you figure out the complaint yourself?"

Jia Huan's eyes rolled around and he said, "Do you still need someone to teach you? Baoyu's reputation has been ruined, so naturally no one paid attention to the fact that he fell into the water, and no one was hurt."

Aunt Zhao gritted her teeth and pinched Jia Huan's ears: "How dare you lie? Who taught you this?"

"It hurts, it hurts, be gentle... Mom, how can you do the same trick as my sister? Hey, I said, I said." When Aunt Zhao let go, Jia Huan cursed: "I don't know how to change the ear. This left ear was just screwed at noon. My sister twisted it." After a pause, he said truthfully: "It was my fourth brother Jian who taught me."

"Can he be so kind?" Aunt Zhao became more and more suspicious.

The so-called stupid people are suspicious, which is what she is talking about.

Jia Huan thought: "I see that the third sister and the fourth brother Jian are quite close. Maybe it's because of the third sister?"

Aunt Zhao sneered: "If he looks at Tanchun, how come he doesn't think of us for anything good?" Then she thought again and said: "That's all, I'll tell you something later. I can't involve you."

Jia Huan suddenly smiled and said, "Mom, blowing on the pillow will definitely work."

"Hmm...huh?" Aunt Zhao raised her eyebrows and reached out to grab Jia Huan's ears: "Dirty bitch, what's the pillow style?" Suddenly it dawned on her: "Did someone named Li teach you this?"

Jia Huan lied without blinking an eye, and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, it was taught by Fourth Brother Jian!"

Aunt Zhao cursed her loudly before letting go of Jia Huan. Jia Huan thought he had a trick. He was a naughty boy at first, so he immediately ran out to play mischievously.

It was a coincidence that Master Jia Zheng had nothing to do that day. He lingered in Mengpo Zhai for a while and then returned to Aunt Zhao's courtyard. Aunt Zhao's affairs may be foolish, but when it comes to serving Jia Zheng, Mrs. Wang is afraid that it will be difficult for her to flatter her. Otherwise, I would not have given birth to a son and a daughter safely and smoothly, and fortunately, I would be alive until now.

Aunt Zhao was gentle and coaxed Jia Zheng for a long time. When Jia Zheng was fascinated, she began to complain: "Master, I heard from Huan'er that Baoyu has not looked like himself these past two days."

"Yeah." Jia Zheng responded casually, not caring at all. He didn't care about Baoyu's virtue in hanging around in the house.

Aunt Zhao gently squeezed Jia Zheng's shoulders and said, "I heard that Baoyu went to look for Brother Jian's concubine when he saw it. The maid refused to let him in, so he blocked the door and had to go with the concubine. Hu Yan got angry and said that he shouldn't be a concubine for Brother Jian. If he did, he would be a concubine for him. Tsk tsk, sir, tell me, where can this happen? I heard that Brother Jian is very angry this time! "

"Huh?" Jia Zheng suddenly opened his eyes angrily after hearing the small talk: "You bastard, Baoyu is becoming more and more useless!"

Aunt Zhao added: "I guess brother Jian was just looking at the master's face, so he didn't have an attack. Later, Baoyu couldn't think of it, and fell into the pool. He made such a fuss that he killed Brother Jian's son. It's a mess. It just so happens that the second young master of the Yan family is also approaching...Master, tell me, can this be done without teaching me a lesson?"

Jia Zheng is an old-fashioned man who loves face the most. If it's just Li Weijian, he's still a relative of his own, so that's it. But when he heard that Yan Fengzhen was also approaching, he suddenly became furious, got up and walked out.

"Eh? Master?"

"I'm going to find that bastard Haosheng to settle the score!"


In the Rongqing Hall, all the warblers and swallows were there, including Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, and Wang Xifeng.

Jia's mother sat on the couch and listened to Li Wan briefly talk about the past two days. She was immediately startled. She took a closer look at Baoyu and it was not serious, so she felt relieved. He quickly couldn't help but waved Baoyu over: "My dear, why did you fall into the water when you were so good?"

Li Wan then said: "Old lady, Brother Jian searched the garden carefully, but there was no sign of the bad guy. Maybe... Brother Xu Shibao was in a daze for a moment, and thought someone kicked him, and that's right."

Jia's mother was doubtful, and Baoyu couldn't remember whether anyone had kicked him at this time. Mrs. Wang, who was sitting next to her, had worried eyes and refused to believe it at all.

Since Baoyu said someone kicked him, then someone must have kicked him! No criminal found? That might be some bad guy among the crowd.

Mrs. Wang thought about it, and later asked Xiren to ask for details. For more than ten years, Mrs. Wang has never been willing to lay a finger on Baoyu. How could she tolerate others plotting against her Baoyu?
Fortunately, the pool is shallow. If it encounters a deep pool, Baoyu can't swim... Wouldn't she want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person?

Because in her heart, she even complained about Li Wan and Li Weijian. There were not many servants to look after the garden, which showed that these two people were not doing things properly.

Mrs. Xing looked at Baoyu secretly, feeling sorry for her secretly. If Baoyu had gone, Mrs. Wang would definitely not survive. Wouldn't the errand of the head of the family then fall on her?

So does Brother Jian. What's the use of such a shallow pond in a nice garden?
The eldest master, Jia Shejiang, has been raising him for these days, and his body is getting better and better. Although half of his face is dull, he can move around normally. In the past few days, he has been messing around with his concubines again. Although Jia She could not explain it, he still owed Li Weijian 8000 taels of silver.

Neither the couple nor the couple mentioned how to repay the money. The eldest man has lost all his money, and now Dongkuoyuan is frugal with food and clothing. The eldest man has not bought a fan for a while, and Mrs. Xing has not bought a fan for a while. How to repay the money? The only way is to wait until Qiu Wei and discuss the marriage with Brother Jian.

The 8000 taels of silver are counted as betrothal gifts, so forget it. If not, relying solely on Dongkuoyuan's income, there's no telling how long it will take to repay the debt.

Everyone in the Rongqing Hall had different expressions. They cherished the spring, welcomed the spring, and the Xiangyun chattered, and some said nothing at all. Mother Jia naturally trusts Li Wan. Compared with Mrs. Wang, Mother Jia particularly appreciates Li Wan, her granddaughter-in-law.

Furthermore, she had owed a lot to Brother Jian before, and thinking that Baoyu would be fine anyway, the old lady didn't want to pursue it any further.

Because he opened his mouth and said: "Fortunately, everything is okay, dear, you have to be more careful next time."

Baoyu smiled and nodded. On the way back, Daiyu finally talked to him. Although she was speechless, she was better than before. At this moment, Baoyu was preoccupied with the thought of finding Sister Lin to express his annoyance later, and the previous quarrel was resolved, and the two reconciled as before.

Although I saw Sister Lin and Fourth Brother Jian on the bridge that day, they looked like a couple...but now that I think about it, Baoyu feels that he was too preoccupied.

Jia Mu then said to Li Wan and others: "The carriages and horses have been exhausted, and I think they are also tired. Brother Zhu, my daughter-in-law, take Brother Lan back to rest quickly. Everyone around has dispersed. You don't have to guard me today." rule."

Li Wan wanted to file a complaint, but Mrs. Wang was there at this time, so Li Wan remained silent.

The crowd of warblers were about to disperse when suddenly the mandarin ducks came in quickly and said in panic: "Old lady, the master is here. He is so angry!" "Ah?" Mrs. Wang was suddenly startled.

Last time, I accidentally hit Baoyu on the back of the head, causing Baoyu to be raised for several days. Now he is getting better. Could it be that Jia Zheng is looking for Baoyu's bad luck again?
Mrs. Wang quickly looked at Baoyu, and saw that Baoyu's expression was blank at first, and then trembling like chaff.

Mrs. Wang said anxiously: "My son, why did you anger the master again?"


Mother Jia said with a straight face: "Let him come, I want to see if he wants to force me to go back to Jinling!"

As he spoke, Jia Zheng walked in angrily, glanced at Baoyu, raised his hand and said, "Nie Zhan, look at the good deeds you have done!"

Jia Mu hurriedly hugged Baoyu and said, "Master, why are you trying to scare Baoyu?"

"Mother!" Jia Zheng said politely after seeing him: "This beast is instigating and teasing Brother Jian's concubines in Brother Jian's garden, and has completely disgraced our family!"


Jia Mu exclaimed, seeing the jade in her arms flinching, she thought that this was probably true. But she couldn't ask Jia Zheng, so she quickly looked at Li Wan: "Brother Zhu's daughter-in-law, is this something?"

Li Wan sighed: "Old lady, Brother Bao is indeed extremely rude this time!"

Li Wan was already angry, but he spoke impartially and only told the story of the past. After hearing that Baoyu chased him to the house, he insisted on talking to Fu Qiufang, but accidentally avoided Li Weijian... Not to mention Mrs. Jia, even Mrs. Wang didn't know how to speak.

Mrs. Ah. How does this make outsiders see our home?"

Jia Zheng became more and more angry and said: "This evil obstacle is getting more and more ignorant. Mother, if you don't control it anymore, our family's reputation will be ruined at the hands of this evil obstacle!"

Jia Mu then said: "You want to discipline me, who stopped me? There is only one thing, but you are not allowed to hit Baoyu again!"

Jia Zheng is extremely angry and is not allowed to fight? His father beat him until he was a child, so Jia Zheng naturally followed his example and believed that a filial son would emerge from a stick. How to control without spanking?
Mrs. Wang did not care to study the matter of falling into the water in detail, and hurriedly dissuaded her: "Master, maybe it's not that serious. Baoyu, please tell me what is going on!"

"I, I -" Baoyu was at a loss for words, but when he saw Jia Zheng again, he was so frightened that he lost half of his soul. How could he explain clearly at that moment? He hesitated for a long time, but didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Jia Zheng thought that what Aunt Zhao said was true, and he was so angry that he stepped forward.

"What are you doing!"


Jia Mu hugged Baoyu and said, "Come on, I'm afraid I can't tolerate Baoyu and me anymore. I'll take Baoyu back to Jinling tomorrow, so as not to be an eyesore to the master!"

As soon as he said this, Jia Zheng quickly apologized. Since all the Yingying and Yanyans were present at this time, Jia's mother did not want to let Jia Zheng lose face. She just said, "We are tired today. If we have something to do, we will talk about it tomorrow." Then she drove everyone away, leaving Baoyu alone to ask questions.

Mrs. Xing felt pity, firstly, it was a pity that Baoyu did not die; secondly, it was a pity that Jia She was not present. Otherwise, the couple would have taken the opportunity to persuade Mrs. Wang to teach Baoyu wholeheartedly. In this way, wouldn't the boss's errands be easily accessible?


It was already dark at this time, Yan Fengzhen yawned and looked carefully by the candlelight. Then Li Weijian installed the last valve, and a steam engine completely different from Newcomen appeared in front of him.

The second young master stepped forward and took a look, there was a clanging sound. Said: "It's weird, it looks completely different from Newcomen."

Li Weijian wiped the oil stains on his hands and said, "There must be some progress, otherwise why would I build it?"

This steam engine made of fine copper has a boiler connected to the cylinder. The boiler is sealed and does not have an external fire source like Newcomen. Then there are slide valves, pistons, connecting rods, cranks, flywheels, and eccentrics, all of which look strange.

Yan Fengzhen loved machinery the most, and this strange appearance caught his eye, which was full of beauty.

The second young master couldn't wait to ask: "Shall we start a fire now?"

Li Weijian nodded, then thought of something, and shook his head: "It's late today, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Just light more candles, why wait until tomorrow?"

Li Weijian spread his hands and said, "I forgot to buy coal."

"It's the same thing with firewood."

Li Weijian shook his head and said: "The calorific value is quite different and the stove is small. Let's wait until we buy white coal tomorrow."

Yan Fengzhen gritted his teeth and frowned. He finally assembled it, but he still has to wait until tomorrow to try it? Grandma! He, Mr. Yan, is not a patient person. How can he wait?

Yan Fengzhen pushed up his glasses and pointed at Li Weijian: "White coal, right? Just wait!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked out, not stopping no matter how much Li Weijian shouted. In a blink of an eye, I arrived in front of the garden gate, found the boy, and rode down the mountain on horseback.

Li Weijian thought to himself, Yan Fengzhen wouldn't go to Xishan Coal Mine, would he? This is too impatient!
After less than half an hour, Yan Fengzhen returned on horseback, with a cart pulling coal behind him.

Li Weijian wondered: "Brother Jingwen, where did you get this coal?"

Yan Fengzhen said cheerfully: "Down here is the villa of old Prince Yi Zhong. I will call the door and give my father some face. Isn't this, a cart of white coal, enough?"

It turns out that the large garden at the foot of the mountain belongs to the old Prince Yi Zhong.


It didn't take much, the Ding brothers packed two baskets of white coal and carried them into Zhiyuan Hall. Pour water in, turn on the boiler, and have a cup of tea, with the water vapor inside boiling. Li Weijian stared at the mercury barometer and saw that there was about two atmospheres of pressure, and immediately turned the valve...

Yan Fengzhen's eyes widened and he observed carefully, but he didn't see any movement for a long time.

"Fusheng, your machine is unreliable, isn't it?"

"The new machine may not be very lubricated." Li Weijian walked to the flywheel and raised his hand to turn it slightly. Then the flywheel turned faster and faster, becoming more and more stable.

The Zhiyuan Hall was filled with white mist, and it suddenly felt like a fairyland. Yan Fengzhen took off his glasses to wipe the mist, and said insincerely: "That's all."

Li Weijian was in a good mood and laughed and cursed: "You know what the heck! What is this? This is the beginning of a new era!"

(End of this chapter)

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