Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 159 Autumn is coming

Chapter 159 Autumn is coming

Li Weijian responded with a smile.

Daiyu said angrily: "I have seen latex, but this shape -"

"Duck." Li Weijian said, "I wanted to make a duck call, but I can't play with a whistle, so I can only make a mouse call."

Daiyu squeezed the latex duck in her hand, and felt that it was so cute and naive. He gathered it in his hand and bowed to Li Weijian: "Thank you, Fourth Brother Jian."

Xue Yan on the side said: "This latex is not durable. It may become hard and brittle in three to five months."

Li Weijian said: "That is ordinary latex, but mine is different. I dare not say if it is more, it will definitely be fine in one year."

Daiyu thought: "Fourth brother Jian has been playing with this thing these days...?"

Li Weijian extended his hand to invite him, and the two walked side by side along the path, saying: "This thing is just incidental. What I really want to do is still lacking."

Tires should be black, but why do they turn brown when sulfur and rubber are mixed and heated? And the wear resistance is not satisfactory either. Li Weijian then thought, why not get some ink later, or simply add toner? It is not known yet.

Daiyu pondered for a moment and then persuaded: "Autumn is not many days away. Fourth brother Jian has a plan in mind, but he must calm down and take the exam."

"Yes, my sister said so."

Holding the latex duck in both hands, Daiyu followed Li Weijian step by step. Although she didn't say anything, her heart was extremely peaceful. Probably because he understands her?

Her mother died early, and she lived under the care of others in Rongguo Mansion since she was a child. What Daiyu wanted was not good clothes and food, but the harmony of mind and nature that you know me and I know you.

Although Baoyu knew her, due to his own temperament, he always ran counter to what Daiyu wanted. Li Weijian next to him was different. Xu was two years older and looked calm and measured. There is poetry and painting in my heart, but I can bear to run around in this troubled world.

Baochai has been having a lot of contact with her recently, sometimes giving her food or expenses. Although Daiyu's temperament is not compatible with Sister Baochai's, she is still grateful for these kindnesses. Not to mention the fourth brother Jian who is compatible with him.

Thinking about Brother Jian's interpretation of the characters just now, the information about Daiyu is in every word. As for Sister Bao, Daiyu was a little confused. After walking for a while, he asked in a low voice: "Fourth Brother Jian said that Sister Bao and I came from the opposite direction?"

"Yes." Li Weijian said, "Does my sister know what's going on in Miss Xue's family?"

"Know a thing or two."

Li Weijian said: "The eight families of the Xue family are together with the three families of King Jia Shi in Jinling and are known as the four major families. In fact, the Xue family was the first to decline. The ancestor was just a descendant of Ziweishe. Now he only has the reputation of an imperial businessman and has no title inheritance. His children never took the imperial examination.

When Sister Xue's father was still alive, he maintained the Xue family's business by relying on his worldly connections and dealings with dignitaries. As soon as his father passed away, the head of the family became a stupid overlord like Xue Pan, who just tried to trick him from top to bottom. How could he endure the wolves, tigers and leopards outside who could see through the reality of the Xue family? "

Daiyu was only in her early tenth year at the moment, so she was still young after all. She was vaguely aware of some things, but she was not as clear as Li Weijian.

"Especially since Brother Xue is involved in a lawsuit."

"Yes, Jia Yucun, the prefect of this man my sister's teacher? How do I treat my sister?"

Daiyu thought to herself: "Sir, he is very humble and polite, which is great. A few years ago, he also escorted me to Rongguo Mansion." After a pause, she added: "I heard occasionally that it seems that my father recommended you. , then the master ran for him and followed the path of his predecessor Qian Tianguan, and then he became the prefect of Jinling.

Fourth Brother Jian asked this, but there is something wrong with the sir? "

"It's hard to say." Li Weijian said with a smile: "There are many ways to deal with Xue Pan's case. It is said that the Feng family is in decline, and the repeated pleas are just to get a few more taels of silver. Jia Yucun clearly has more. It was a good way to deal with it, but it left the head and tail intact, and he died of a sudden illness. As a result, there is no such person as Xue Pan in this world."

Daiyu was smart after all, so on second thought she decided to solve the problem: "Then Huang Shang——"

"Even if the foundation of Huangshang is not lost, it has nothing to do with the Xue family. Hehe, we can't let Xue Pan, a living dead, have a name in the inner palace, right?"

Daiyu nodded, and Li Weijian put his hands behind his back and said: "Now that even the royal merchants have lost their foundation, the Xue family is just a merchant. Xue Pan is a fool again. In order to keep the family business, what do you think sister Xue should do?" ?”

"When you enter the palace, you will have a small selection, raise your own status, and then marry a noble person." Dai Yu's words were concise and to the point.

Li Weijian then praised: "My sister is smart. Therefore, Sister Xue knows that she can't help herself, so she keeps her heart within herself and her body seeks outside."

After Li Weijian said it, Daiyu felt relieved and finally understood why she always felt a little awkward when getting along with Sister Bao. It turns out that Sister Bao never reveals her sincerity when interacting with others.

Daiyu felt pity, some pity, and some introspection. In the future, you should be careful when getting along with Sister Bao. You must know that people are not harmful to tigers, but tigers are harmful to people's hearts.

Because it was Daiyu, she said gratefully: "Thank you, Fourth Brother Jian, for the tip. I understand."


After turning around the path and reaching the poppy plant behind, Daiyu paused for a moment and suddenly remembered the day she met Li Weijian through the grass and trees. Seeing her stop, Li Weijian understood Daiyu's thoughts after a moment's thought, and said with a smile: "Sister, wait a moment."

He walked quickly around the grass and trees, and after a while he arrived in front of the poppy. He crouched down and then suddenly looked up: "It's Sister Lin."

Daiyu immediately covered her mouth and smiled: "I have met Fourth Brother Jian!"

Under Yan Yan's eyebrows, those eyes that looked like weeping but not weeping were full of smiles. Li Weijian secretly thought to himself, how good it is to be happy every day, and hoped that Daiyu would be like this in the future.


Not aware of the dream of spring grass in the pond, and the sound of autumn leaves before the steps.

It was already August in the blink of an eye, and the Di newspaper published that the rural examination for practical studies was scheduled for August [-]th, which was ten days away from Confucianism. As the day drew near, not to mention Li Weijian, even the second young master Yan Fengzhen was locked in the study, temporarily holding the Buddha's feet.

The eldest sister, Li Wan, was the most nervous. She had prepared a basket early in the morning, including pens, ink, paperweights, and inkstones, as well as an oilcloth top, a roller blind, a gauze tent, and a small pot.

It was difficult to eat. Although it was not as hot as June or July, it was cool in the morning and evening, but the sun was scorching at noon. Since the food could not be stored for a long time, Li Wan worked hard to prepare salted duck, roasted chicken, and various snacks that could be stored for a long time. The staple food is shredded chicken noodles bought from Sanheju.

This noodle is boiled in clear water and has its own flavor in the mouth. One bowl is like eating a whole chick. After eating it, you won't be hungry all day long and you will be full of energy.

As the exam period approached, the eldest sister Li Wan came twice in three days, giving advice and instructions. She seemed to be more caring than Li Weijian.

Not only the eldest sister is like this, but also Fu Qiufang, Qingwen, Xiangling, and even the second girl Yingchun is like this. Li Weijian followed his usual practice and originally planned to spend the night at his home yesterday. Unexpectedly, after dinner, Fu Qiufang pestered him for a while, and then urged Li Weijian to return to Rongguo Mansion first, saying that he would take Qiuwei with him before he could serve her better. ;
  The day before yesterday I went to see my second sister to welcome the Spring Festival, and it was the same with the Spring Festival. No matter that Li Weijian got over his addiction, he urged him to go back and read;
  In the past few days, the maids did not dare to speak loudly. Once Li Weijian entered the study, they would move quietly and speak softly, for fear of disturbing him.

The people around him were so cautious, which made Li Weijian, who was not paying attention at first, a little nervous.

Seeing Qingwen walking on tiptoe again, Li Weijian couldn't hold it anymore. He stood up and came out of the study and said, "It's almost done. It's just autumn. Master, I have everything I need, so I don't need to be so nervous."

Qingwen said: "It's not easy for Fourth Master to speak so confidently. Second Master Guan is also careless and has lost Jingzhou. Fourth Master is confident in his heart and it's hard to show off."

Li Weijian walked over and hugged the water snake's waist and said with a smile: "I see, I haven't made it known to the outside world, so why don't you let me tell you the truth at home?"

Qingwen then said: "I'm just reminding the fourth master. Oh, I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight. We have agreed that we must let the fourth master get enough sleep in the past few days."

Li Weijian immediately didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Isn't it true? How could I not have enough sleep?"

Qingwen broke away and took two quick steps to the door. Then she turned around and said, "Anyway, Fourth Master must focus on Qiu Wei right now and think less about everything."

"Wait a moment, why don't you see Hongyu?"

Qingwen said: "Hongyu said that the house is quite peaceful these days. Fourth Master should stop asking about those messy things and calm down."

"No...then tell me what's going on with Xue Pan, right?"

Qingwen frowned unhappily and said, "What else can we do? The person who broke Uncle Xue's head was an upright great-great-grandson of the Duke's Mansion. Those who did it also have backgrounds. What else can the Xue family do besides admitting that they are unlucky?"

After saying that, Qingwen turned around and left. Li Weijian looked at Qianying and felt itchy in his heart. He was used to eating meat and fish, and suddenly he had to eat vegetarian food for several days. It was really unbearable. Thinking that even though Siqi had met Qi Qi Aai, he never mentioned meeting in private, Li Weijian lost his mind.

No matter what, it's just three days and two nights, it'll be over after you get through it. Fortunately, this practical Qiu Wei exam only requires one exam, unlike the ordinary Qiu Wei exams that take three consecutive exams, otherwise it would be really frustrating.

On one side of him, he was feeling upset, but on the other side, the elder Jia She was thinking again.

Across the east courtyard, in the main room.

The eldest man, Jia She, was talking to his eldest wife, Mrs. Xing. When coal stocks were sold last month, Jia Shebendao, the eldest man, relied on his relationship with Li Weijian to make some moves, and he would always get some benefits.

Unexpectedly, the saint... was not particular about it, but this time he didn't get any money, and he didn't share any of his stock with Li Weijian. He mentally scolded the saint for being stingy, but he later understood it very well.

If he were Emperor Zhenghe, the water affairs guy had given Li Weijian huge benefits for nothing, and he would not be able to give him any more benefits in the future.

There is no windfall, but the income from summer and autumn is in the treasury. The eldest master, Jia She, had a small amount of land under his name. Together with Mrs. Xing, they only had three thousand taels of silver. This little money is not enough to put your teeth between your teeth, what is it enough for?

Because at this moment, the couple was discussing how to increase revenue... They didn't want to cut back on expenditure, not to mention Jia She who was used to being wealthy, and even Mrs. Xing didn't want to be as poor as she was before she left the cabinet.

The eldest man, Jia She, said: "In total, we can have four thousand taels in one place. Unexpectedly, we managed to catch up with a good harvest, but the low grain prices hurt the farmers. After calculation, there is not much difference from last year. This money is really not enough for expenses. of."


"There's no rush... It's already fifteen years after the Spring Festival and the New Year's Eve, and it's time to discuss the marriage." The eldest man calculated, "I mentioned it last time, but Brother Jian didn't spit it out. He only said it was the end of autumn." Besides, now that Autumn is coming, after Autumn is over, it’s time to discuss the marriage."

Mrs. Xing was filled with joy when she thought about Li Weijian's millions in wealth. But then she realized something was wrong and said, "Old lady, why don't you say a word?"

The eldest master, Jia She, snorted coldly: "The parents' orders and the matchmaker's words, when we mention this matter, we should respond accordingly. We will just inform you later when the discussion is about to begin."

Mrs. Xing nodded, and then calculated: "The dowry of these two girls——"

"Tsk, the dowry comes from the public, so we don't have to worry about it. Besides, Brother Jian is just Li Jijiu's nephew, not his son. Without Li Shouzhong, Brother Jian is just a commoner, and the second girl will marry him. That's marriage. With our family background, we are all relatives. Otherwise, if we want to take the [-] taels of bride price to welcome the Spring Festival, huh, that's just a dream!"

"What the master said is true, but... I'm afraid Brother Jian doesn't think so. I see that Brother Jian is a wealthy man."

"No matter how old the city is, it's only fourteen or fifteen years old." Jia She smiled disdainfully, twirling his beard and said, "We can't bring this up. I'll talk to Brother Zhu's daughter-in-law in private to find out what's going on. ."

Mrs. of."

The elder suddenly smiled proudly. The second girl's dowry to welcome the Spring Festival came from the father's house, which saved [-] taels of silver. Li Weijian's [-] taels of silver was regarded as a betrothal gift. After calculation, it was equivalent to getting [-] taels of silver for free.

That's all, who is Li Weijian? Nowadays, there is a rumor in the capital that the God of Wealth is reincarnated, but it is the famous God of Wealth, Li! With such a man becoming his son-in-law, it's not too much for his father-in-law, Lao Taishan, to borrow some money to spend, right?

With a million-dollar fortune, the annual income is at least [-] taels. Jia She is not greedy either. Wouldn't it be nice to get ten thousand taels of silver a year?

Just then, Mrs. Xing suddenly lowered her voice and said, "Master, I have vaguely heard Lian'er say these days that Brother Jian is setting up a business outside again, as if he wants to build something."

"As for making a living, I'm afraid I can't hope for the time being."

The elder Jia She said: "Brother Jian took a group of wealthy people and found a piece of land in the outer city. Now the land has just been leveled, and it will take a while for the house to be built. Someone has searched for a craftsman and said that the land will be built in half a year. Only then can you build machines. What are you doing with this?"


(End of this chapter)

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