Chapter 160

Four watch.

Qingwen rustled up, put on her clothes and tiptoed over. Just then she approached the bedside, and Li Weijian said, "Wake up, wake up, don't scream."

Qingwen immediately asked with concern: "Did Fourth Master not sleep well?"

Li Weijian said angrily: "It's too quiet. Besides, you guys are like this. I wasn't nervous at first, but I was made nervous."

Qingwen could only say: "You are just entering the venue today. You have to take the exam tomorrow night. Fourth Master, you should get up and wash up quickly. Hongyu will go get the food right now."

Li Weijian yawned, let Qingwen serve him, and stood up in a daze. Just after sitting down, Hongyu returned with a steaming food box.

The cook of Rongguo Mansion was doing his best this time. Hongyu had prepared it earlier and Jia Mu had given instructions. The eldest sister Li Wan was worried and had someone prepare it again. The benefits are abundant, and the cook and others have done their best.

Li Weijian felt that today's meal seemed more delicious than usual.

After eating breakfast and packing up, it was almost the fifth watch, so several maids urged Li Weijian to go out quickly. Today, the Gongyuan has gathered scholars from all over the world. There are no fewer people than at the provincial examination a few days ago. If you don't go quickly, you will have to wait slowly to enter.

Li Weijian had no choice but to quickly walk out of the small courtyard. Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he bumped into the eldest sister Li Wan who came to see him off with his maid.

"Brother Jian."

"Sister, I said yesterday that I didn't need to take the exam, so why are you here again?" Li Weijian said in anger.

Li Wan smiled and said: "It's always brother Jian's big day, why shouldn't I come and deliver it? Are all the things ready? Have you checked the food carefully? Now that the heat has just passed, you have to be careful not to let the food taste bad. Son. Be careful when you enter the room. If you feel something bad, throw up immediately."

"It's okay, my eldest sister has said it several times."

After a brief exchange of words, Li Wan accompanied Li Weijian and walked out. After walking through the narrow road, I arrived in front of Deyi Gate, where I saw two maids coming to greet me, one on the left and the other on the right.

The one on the left is tall and strong, and is Siqi next to the second girl; the one on the right is petite, and is Xueyan next to Daiyu.

That Siqi came over first, handed over a sachet, and said: "Fourth brother Jian, our girl is afraid that the fourth master will be assigned to the latrine, so this is a specially prepared sachet with borneol in it."

"Well, thank Second Sister for me."

During the handover, Si Qi vaguely hooked Li Weijian's palm, and then withdrew affectionately. Xue Yan stepped forward and said with a smile: "But by chance, my girl was also afraid that Fourth Master Jian would be smoked, so she also prepared a sachet."

Li Weijian took it immediately and said with a smile: "Thank you, Sister Lin, for me. This sachet doesn't take up much space. It's good to prepare more."

The two maids didn't say much, and left after delivering the things. Li Weijian and Li Wan had just left the Yimen, and there was a maid blocking them in front, but it was Ying'er who was beside Baochai. Sister Bao was thoughtful and gave her some pills to relieve heat and treat dysentery.

Later, some maids who were in love with spring and those who were exploring spring came over and said a few auspicious words. After procrastinating for a long time, Li Weijian finally got on the carriage.

The eldest sister Li Wan carefully explained to Wu Haiping, and then watched the carriage and horse drive away.

At this time, the genius was bright, and although the streets were deserted, there were still many scholars on foot, on horseback, and in cars, gathering towards the Gongyuan in the east.

Li Weijian fell into the carriage, Wu Haiping drove the carriage, and the Ding brothers and Wu Zhong rode to clear the way. The group of people shouted and walked through the streets and alleys, and soon they arrived outside Degongyuan.

Wu Haiping had already given instructions, so the Ding brothers immediately squeezed in, handed the release certificate to the clerk, and quietly stuffed a silver barley into his hand.

The clerk understood this and immediately put Li Weijian's certificate on top, ensuring that Li Weijian would be the first to enter the venue.

After a while, the clerk started to call. Perhaps someone later gave him more money, and Li Weijian was called sixth. The Ding brothers and Wu Haiping escorted Li Weijian and pushed through the crowd to the front.

The clerk verified his identity and then waved his hand to let him go. Later, there was a search in front of the Gongyuan gate. Li Weijian felt worried. He had heard that soldiers with mental problems would even look at the back door. It was really disgusting.

Fortunately, the two soldiers only looked at the basket they were carrying, rummaged through the food, and then let Li Weijian in. At this time, the sky was bright. Li Weijian searched for a room according to the surnames of hundreds of families, and looked around. Fortunately, it was far away from the toilet and could not be affected by the wind.

Yawning all the time, Li Weijian first nailed the oilcloth top, hung up the gauze tent, and curtains. When he saw that there were brick supports on the left and right sides of the room, he put two boards on it, spread the quilt, then got on the bed, covered his head and fell asleep.

There are so many students from all over the country rushing to take the exam, and I'm afraid the day will be over by the time they all enter. The practical exam questions will probably be released tomorrow at the fourth update.

Fortunately, Qiu Wei's practical studies are not like the nine-day test in Qiu Wei. There are only nineteen days of practical study questions and twenty days of strategy discussions.


Zhongyong Palace.

King Zhongyong was having breakfast with Princess Li Mengqing early in the morning. The father and daughter were enjoying themselves happily, and even the eunuchs and female historians who were waiting on the side couldn't help but smile on their faces.

Chen Fu quickly walked into the hall and saw the father and daughter talking and joking, he hesitated on his face. King Zhongyong saw it, took the handkerchief, wiped his hands and said, "Is something wrong?"

"Your Majesty, Wu Qian, the Division of Punishment and Punishment, has sent someone to deliver the message. That person has been recruited."

King Zhongyong was in a trance for a moment, then stood up suddenly: "Are you ready? Prepare your horse, I am going to the Punishment Department!"

Chen Fu accepted the order and immediately issued the order. After a while, King Zhongyong galloped away on his tall horse.

When I arrived at the prison of the Shenxing Department of the inner palace, Wu Qian, the doctor, was already waiting in front of the door. The two of them talked as they walked along the corridor inside the prison.

"How did you confess?"

Wu Qian said: "Going back to the prince, a neighbor's shopkeeper saw that Sun Shouliang went to the fourth house in Biandan Hutong in the outer city several times. My servants sent people to investigate. There were only two mother and son in that house, as well as two maids and a mother-in-law. It is expected to be Sun Shouliang's outer room."

"go on."

"The lower official mentioned it in front of Sun Shouliang, and the guy became hysterical. He just wanted to die quickly without involving his family."

King Zhongyong stamped his feet and snorted coldly: "What a beautiful idea!"

The case of the deposed prince has been going on for more than half a year, and all the clues on the surface have been cut off. It looks like an accident. But under heavy protection, any accident that may happen is not an accident!

The deposed prince has long been in decline and cannot cause any trouble. King Zhongyong and even Emperor Zhenghe were afraid that someone would stir up trouble in his name.

Even if the deposed prince commits suicide by swallowing gold, the saint will be infamy for nothing. How can Emperor Zhenghe, who has always had a good reputation, be willing to accept this?

The clues to the bright side were gone, so we could only stare at the kite. Over the past six months, the Division of Punishment and Punishment has conducted overt and covert investigations, and finally got clues and arrested the person. Unexpectedly, this person was a tough guy. No matter how he was tortured, he just refused to confess. Wu Qian was very aggressive a few days ago and threatened his son face to face. However, Sun Shouliang refused to give in and seemed not to care about his son's life or death. Wu Qian immediately became suspicious and ordered people to investigate carefully, and then found out the outer room.

Wu Qian said: "This person is a dead soldier raised by the deposed prince more than ten years ago. After the deposed prince was deposed, this person concealed his name, changed his appearance, and assumed the identity of a Zhili scholar. He did not dare to marry and have children, so he only The orphanage adopted an adopted son to live with, and only said to the outside world that he was his biological son.

He secretly hooked up with the female owner of the pickle shop, and the two had an affair without a matchmaker, and they gave birth to their current evil offspring. "

King Zhongyong nodded and walked forward with a calm face. The jailer opened the double cell doors, and King Zhongyong reached the deepest part of the dungeon. There was a railing and three walls in the prison. Inside, a bloody figure was curled up. When he heard the person coming, he stood up and took a look. He quickly got up and walked to the fence on his knees: "I admit it. I admit it. Don't harm my wife and children." !”

Wu Qian sneered and said: "Yu Dahong, who instigated that kite? If you tell me, I will keep it for you, and your wife, children and family will not be implicated."

Yu Dahong shook his head miserably: "Sir, there is indeed no one to instruct me. I, I just thought that the prince...the deposed prince had died long ago, so I used the kite to test him."

King Zhongyong looked at Wu Qian, who nodded helplessly, indicating that this statement was probably the truth. Yu Dahong, who changed his name to Sun Shouliang, had a nervous breakdown last night. He poured beans out of a bamboo tube and said everything he could and could not say.

From now on, I will tell you everything I know, and I will tell you everything I know.

"Conspiracy to kill the deposed prince is the crime of confiscating the family and exterminating the clan. Yu Dahong, you have thought about what will happen if you bear the crime yourself."

"This, this - wait, I have another inside story to report."


The jailer moved a chair, and King Zhongyong Da Ma Jin Dao sat down. Then he heard Yu Dahong say: "When the deposed prince went to Jiangnan, he favored a woman who later gave birth to a son and a daughter."

"When did it happen?"

"Twenty-seven years of Mingde."

King Zhongyong made some calculations, wasn't it twenty-one years ago? He immediately said, "Go on."

Then Yu Dahong said: "In the thirty-third year of Mingde, when the prince was deposed, someone secretly found the son and daughter and sent them to the capital."

"Who is this person?"

" Prince Yoshitaka."

King Zhongyong frowned suddenly. Wu Qian asked excitedly from the side: "What then?"

Yu Dahong shook his head and said: "I am a humble person, so I only know this. Later I heard that the son and daughter were sent to the nursery, and I don't know the rest."

Wu Qian immediately said excitedly: "Your Majesty, please order me to take Prince Yi Zhong for questioning."

King Zhongyong thought for a while, shook his head and said: "Don't worry, if you cross-examine carefully, you must confirm the truth. I will enter the palace immediately to face the saint!"



After sleeping all day, Li Weijian couldn't sleep anymore at night.

I turned on the light and cooked shredded chicken noodles in a small pot. After a small bowl, I felt warm all over my body, and I was indeed full. After that, it was hard work, and it was not until after the third watch that there were servants outside holding signs and torches to display the practical topics.

Li Weijian was not in a hurry to answer. He called the clerk in a low voice and handed over two taels of silver. The clerk understood and after a while, he sent over a copied question.

By the candlelight, Li Weijian carefully observed, well...algebra, trigonometric functions, military calculations, and surface area calculations. Except for the last two questions, which may require calculus, the rest of the questions were a piece of cake for him.

Li Weijian immediately put up his pen to check the calculations and continued to answer one by one. There were a total of twenty questions, with different difficulties, and they were carefully calculated one by one. After answering them all, when Li Weijian asked about the time, it was not even the fourth watch.

This put Li Weijian in a difficult position. He could hand in the practical examination paper early, and he could not leave the Gongyuan after handing it in. He could only leave his dormitory, which was more than an square meter, and walk around the neighborhood. But it was only the fourth watch day, so he couldn't always transfer it to the second day, right?

Besides, after being the first to achieve success, his mentor Yan Xiyao is now incompatible with the New Party. Who knows if someone will tamper with him if he submits the paper early?

Because Li Weijian could only endure hardship. What a coincidence, after the fifth watch, the sky outside was getting brighter, but it was cloudy. Fortunately, his eldest sister Li Wan and a group of maids were prepared, so Li Weijian took a coat and wrapped it up.

He also asked the clerk to buy some charcoal with his money and lit a small stove, and then he became warm.

Li Weijian huddled in his room and murmured. This practical science is different from Confucianism. If you know it, you know it, and if you don't know it, you don't know it. The imperial court has no experience at all, so it can only follow the rules of Confucian examinations, because it is only a day alone.

Just as I was cursing, I saw an acquaintance walking out of the alley of Herringbone House. It was Yan Fengzhen, the second son of the Yan family. The second young master stretched his figure, walked up and down with his head held high, followed the clerk out of the alley of the dormitory, turned his head and caught a glimpse of Li Weijian, and immediately grinned with joy.

Li Weijian raised his eyebrows. Did this guy hand in the paper so early? Oh, he will regret it later.

No need to look back, the second young master regretted it as soon as it got dark. After handing in the papers, you couldn't go back to your room, let alone have contact with the examiners, and you couldn't wander around in the tribute courtyard. After wandering for a while, the second young master found a clerk and moved a small horse to sit on the porch. It was so miserable that my hands were freezing and hissing.

This time it was Li Weijian's turn to be happy and bared his teeth at Yan Fengzhen. I hated the second young master till my teeth itched, but I couldn't do anything about him.

After finally getting through the day, the second master finally returned to his room when the exam began.

This policy theory is mentioned in one place, but it is actually a policy question and a political theory. The former requires one question and one answer, while the latter requires a lengthy essay.

Li Weijian had been prepared for it. After reading Ce Wen, it turned out that it was indeed about reform. He didn't want to show off, so he just answered in a straight-forward manner. The last political comment actually asked about the use of troops in the northwest. Li Weijian thought about it for a long time, made a draft first, and then copied it carefully.

From the fourth watch of the day to answering, Li Weijian did not put aside his writing until near noon. I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, it's better to study hard. I finished the answer in an hour. It's not like this kind of strategy, racking one's brains and chewing on words. With this effort, Li Weijian felt that he had even tested the tire distribution.

Feeling hungry, Li Weijian ate several meals of shredded chicken noodles and really didn't want to cook any more noodles. Looking around, he suddenly saw Yan Fengzhen coming out with his belly full, handing over the roll, and then walking away with his belly full again.

Li Weijian blinked, is the second young master having a stomachache?

After finally waiting for another hour, Li Weijian stood up and called the clerk to seal the papers after seeing candidates handing in their papers one after another.

When Shi Shiran came out of Degongyuan with a basket, Li Weijian felt quite relieved. The outside was crowded, with people watching the excitement, family members greeting the candidates, and even rich men trying to catch their son-in-law.

Li Weijian just came out, and several people gathered around him.

"This young master, my young lady is twenty-eight years old and has good looks. My husband is engaged in leather goods business and has extensive family assets. If the young master is willing to marry my young lady, I am willing to provide a dowry of thirty thousand taels!"

(End of this chapter)

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