Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 186 Bad Neighbor

Chapter 186 Bad Neighbor

As the lady left, Li Weijian felt a little grateful, but then he no longer had time to think about what was there and what was not there, and he was very busy in an instant.

Every morning I went to Duyu Si Dianmao. My immediate boss, the doctor Hu Debiao, said that he would hand over the revised plan. King Zhongyong agreed very much and approved four thousand taels of silver with a wave of his hand. This is only the cost of the first period of training. If the effect is significant, there is no doubt that there will be more in the future.

Everyone in Du Yusi was immediately gearing up, waiting for a big fight. Because Hu Debiao had spoken, as the instigator, Li Weijian had to do it every day no matter what. If Du Yusi really had nothing to do, he could follow Li Weijian wherever he went. If something happens to Duyusi, then I will be sorry for the Military Academy. Who asked Li Weijian to take up the post of Duyusi now?

Li Weijian originally wanted to bring in private goods, but because he was embarrassed for a while, he agreed naturally.

The venues, teachers, and subjects were discussed one by one, and the military town for the first batch of training was decided: Yongyi Town.

This town has a long history of battles between King Zhongyong and the Junggars. The arrogant soldiers in the town are useless, and they are screaming all day long to go to Qinghai to show off with the Junggars.

Even King Zhongyong felt a headache, so he simply sent the town's officers and soldiers to Du Yusi, just to rub their sharp energy to prevent their tails from flying up to the sky.

I spent the whole afternoon discussing the training schedule with my colleagues at Duyu Division. After a quick lunch, I had to go to the Military Academy in the afternoon. In fact, the Military Preparatory Institute still uses animal power and human machine tools now, and Li Weijian will not be able to help. But because of his presence, the steam engine that had been delayed for a long time was finally built for Young Master Yan.

The second young master Le Diandian came to the Military Academy and asked Li Weijian. He said that many of his colleagues were planning to buy it and asked Li Weijian if he could make it easier.

Just for convenience? Now Li Weijian himself doesn't have that convenience. The enlarged steam engine is only half built now, and the boring machines in the Military Academy are used to bore the cannon bores. Now that the cylinder has not yet been installed, where is the opportunity to have any colleagues?

Pushing this matter to his own factory, Li Weijian wandered around the Armed Forces Academy for a few days and finally found a place to use it.

The bearings used today are not made of balls. They are made of small cylinders. You know, with such friction, they are definitely not as good as balls. Li Weijian thought about it for a few days and designed a ball mill.

This ball mill is not a big object and uses only a few materials. Li Weijian is also wearing a red official robe, so a few craftsmen took the time to make it.

After making it, Li Weijian immediately connected it to his small steam engine with a belt, and polished a set of balls in just two hours.

After hearing about this, Chief Chen hurriedly came over to observe. After being surprised, he just said that he would report the matter to the higher authority for decision.

Li Weijian had known that this would happen. No matter what age, the bureaucracy pursues stability and rejects all innovations. Therefore, when Chen Hongmou carried out the reform, he first had to rectify the administration of officials. Without replacing the bureaucrats with suitable ones, the old empire would not be able to reform at all. So Li Weijian simply started anew, involving Shanxi merchants, Huizhou merchants and the inner government, and set up a steam engine factory.

Because Li Weijian didn't take it seriously. Seeing that the head of the Military Academy couldn't get involved, he simply went to the inner palace every day to transport documents, and quietly went to do a private version of Dashun Industry to find out. He doesn't expect to be able to find great power or glory. He will be satisfied if he can find a few practical talents.

When the time came to pass, Li Weijian returned to his house and vacated the servant's room behind the side garden as a laboratory. He set up a large pot in front of the door and tried different proportions of frost sugar, saltpeter and sulfur. After experimenting for some time, I got some results, and now I am looking for a craftsman to make an iron cylinder.

Kassan could make rockets with his hands, and Li Weijian realized that he might be able to make one himself.

But it was already the twentieth day of the winter lunar month, and Li Weijian had just returned to the house when he faintly heard shouts and shouts coming from the west.

He was unhappy and frowned: "Is there a banquet over there?"

Wu Haiping said: "There has been an endless stream of carriages and horses here since early morning. I saw that Jia Rong and Jia Qiang from Ningguo Mansion are here, as well as the theater troupe."

Li Weijian nodded slightly and entered Deyimen. When they arrived at the main courtyard, they were greeted by Fu Qiufang, and they were led into the main room.

After taking off her outer cloak, Fu Qiufang went through all the important things in the house.

Qianxue and Wu Haiping got married, and the servant rooms in the mansion were all in rows, which was really inconvenient. Fu Qiufang took the initiative and allowed the two of them to go out and live separately. Wu Haiping was about to find a house to rent first.

Li Weijian thought about it: "It's not easy for Haiping to follow me. I'll look back and see if there's anything suitable around me. If I find one, I'll just buy it and give it to them to live in."

Fu Qiufang agreed, and said that Qingwen's cousin came to the door today, and she didn't know what they said. After a few words, they started to quarrel, and the official left in anger. Qingwen went back to the house with red circles under her eyes, and wiped them away. I cried for a while.

"Well, I'll persuade her later."

Fu Qiufang talked about the purchase in the mansion again, and Li Weijian waved his hand, indicating that Fu Qiufang would make up his mind.

Li Weijian thought for a moment, looked at Fu Qiufang's charming eyes, took his hand and rubbed it in his palm, and said warmly: "As a housekeeper, are you busy enough every day?"

Fu Qiufang shook her head: "It's not too busy. I've never been in charge of the house, and I don't know how to deal with some things. Fortunately, I have Qianxue and Hongyu to help me."

Li Weijian nodded and said, "Aren't you a little depressed when you stay at home every day?"

Fu Qiufang was startled, looked at Li Weijian, and asked, "The master said this, but he wants to arrange errands for me?"

Li Weijian immediately smiled and said: "Qiu Fang is the one who knows me." After a pause, he said: "As you know, sir, I jointly set up a factory with others. Now the factory building is mostly completed, and all kinds of machinery are being built. About February It can be put into production.

This joint venture business requires more attention, especially the accounts. Originally I was responsible for taking care of the accounts, but I have been really busy lately. If Qiu Fang has some spare time, why not take on this errand as well... Oh, there will be a shareholder meeting tomorrow and if I am not free, Qiu Fang will have to take care of it for me. "

Fu Qiufang said in surprise: "It's okay to look after the accounts, but the master wants me to show my face?"

Li Weijian said: "What kind of publicity is this? You go to Jiangnan to see, do business, run around, and rob young people in the street-"

Fu Qiufang was anxious: "Master, please don't tell me nonsense, I'm not such a frivolous woman who doesn't know how to love herself!"

Li Weijian moved a little closer, took him into his arms, and whispered: "I know you are not, so I can rest assured. Besides, living in a deep house and compound every day, it is inevitable to think about things that are not there, and it is good to go out occasionally to gain experience. .”

After hearing what Li Weijian said, Fu Qiufang understood what he meant. She put her temples against Li Weijian's chest and said, "It's hard for me to think about my concubine like this."

"After drinking Henu wine, I will be together for the rest of my life. Isn't it unusual to think about you?"

"Yes." Fu Qiufang felt relieved and said with a smile: "In that case, let's give it a try. If I don't do well, can I change someone later?"

Li Weijian said happily: "Okay, there must be someone taking care of this stall. You see who can use it, just take it with you and use it."

Fu Qiufang said without thinking: "I want to bring ruby."

Li Weijian asked: "Where are Xiuying, Qingwen and Xiangling?"

Fu Qiufang pursed her lips and looked out the window, and whispered: "Xiu Ying has a simple mind, Xiang Ling has a soft temper, and Qing Wen has a fiery temper. When it comes to doing things and dealing with people, Hong Yu is more suitable." After a pause, he added: "Besides, the master just collected the ruby ​​a few days ago."

Li Weijian coughed and then said: "Then Hongyu. But now that you two are gone, who is left to take care of the house?" "With Qianxue here, there can be no chaos. Besides, Qingwen, Xiangling and Xiuying are not troublemakers. Yes, I guess there will be nothing else going on at home."

"That's good."

The two chatted for a while, and Fu Qiufang pushed Li Weijian to quickly persuade Qingwen. Li Weijian was strangled to death as soon as he became interested, so Shi Shiran had to go to the side room to visit Qingwen.

Unexpectedly, it was all in vain, and Qingwen didn't know where she was now. After asking Nian Xia to ask, I learned that Qingqing Qingwen and Xiu Ying had gone to the side garden to quarrel with someone across the wall.

Why is there such a quarrel?

Li Weijian was puzzled and immediately walked to the side garden. Then she saw two boys lying down on the wall, shouting and cursing in this direction across the middle passage. Qingwen was very angry, and even Xiuying was also angry, so she just picked up stones and threw the two boys down.

Li Weijian came over, and when the two girls saw each other, he asked, "Why are they quarreling?"

Qingwen said angrily: "I don't know where the bastard came from. He set up a ladder and stepped on the wall to look over here. Xiuying saw it and said a few words. Those people not only kept yelling and scolding!" Humph, it’s true that birds of a feather flock together!”

Li Weijian immediately said happily: "Yes, I have learned to put down my school bag, which shows that I have become more literate recently."

Qingwen stamped her feet and said: "Fourth Master, this person named Xue is really bullying people. He was making too much noise for a long time, so my aunt sent someone to talk to him. He said he deserved a good deal, so if you turn around, you can do whatever you want. Listen, this is really annoying."

Li Weijian glanced over to the other side and heard the endless noise of silk and bamboo. Xue Pan already harbored resentment towards himself, so this could not be said to be intentional.

Hey, it's like a fly, it doesn't bite but responds to others. Li Weijian thought for a while, then immediately came up with a plan, and said with a smile: "What's the use of coming to the door? Let's see, I will use a little plan to make sure he comes to the door to beg us."

"Huh?" Qingwen was doubtful, but Xiuying clasped her hands and praised: "Okay, I will definitely deal with those bastards!"

Li Weijian then looked at Qingwen's almond-shaped eyes, which were like rotten peaches, and said, "That cousin of yours——"

As soon as he stood up, Qingwen rushed over and said, "Don't mention him. From now on, just treat him as if he is no longer a relative."

"Well, as long as you can think about it."

Li Weijian knew Qingwen's inner knot - she was sold into the Lai family since she was a child and has been a slave ever since. When he came to his side, even if he became rich, he would never mention recognizing his biological parents. I have a cousin named Duoguan who is here, and taking care of him can help to maintain the relationship between relatives. Unexpectedly, Duoguan is such a mess.

Because without Li Weijian, Qingwen would have called her mother sick and died all night after seeing the noble master once in that cold winter.

Suddenly thinking, Li Weijian asked: "Qingwen, your home is in Suzhou and Hangzhou?"

Qingwen had a gloomy look on her face and said: "Kunshan... why is Fourth Master asking this?"

Li Weijian smiled and said: "I may go to Jiangnan next year. I will take you with me. Maybe I will have time to visit your home."

Qingwen's face stiffened, and she suddenly said angrily: "What are you going back for? He said when he sold me, he would just treat me as his daughter."

Xu was really annoyed, but Qingwen turned around and left. Xiu Ying blinked, hurriedly said hello, turned around and chased Qingwen.

Li Weijian smiled and looked at Qingwen who was walking away quickly. How could he not see Qingwen's duplicity in his two lifetimes? His father sold her, but she still misses her mother.

After collecting his thoughts, Li Weijian found the Ding brothers and Wu Haining. The Ding brothers were very strong, and Wu Haining was very skilled with his hands. Li Weijian even doubted that if he trained a little, he would not be able to become an eighth-level locksmith on his own.

However, this person is too lazy and likes to take shortcuts. It is really a pity that he has a pair of skillful hands.

Several people gathered together, and without any instructions, the Ding brothers moved the big pot out. Wu Haining slumped over his shoulders and covered his mouth and nose and said, "Master, are you going to cook this thing today?"

Li Weijian said happily: "After boiling it for a few days, don't you wonder what the use of boiling it is?"

While he was talking, he saw Wu Haining quietly taking a handful from the bag and then stuffing it into his mouth. Then he said, "Bah, what does it taste like? It's sweet and sexy..."

Li Weijian was overjoyed and said, "It's mixed with saltpeter. It's all scraped from under the toilet wall. Can you not be embarrassed?"

"Ah?" Wu Haining retched for a long time, finally stopped, and said in confusion: "Master, please stop being so pretentious. What is the use of this thing?"

"You'll find out later."

Li Weijian gave some brief instructions, and the Ding brothers found a few iron tubes, filled them with soil in the front and medicine in the back, leaving leads. Turning around to look for a torch, Ding Rusong handed it directly to Wu Haining and said cheerfully: "I said you are a fast runner, so the job of lighting the fire falls on you."

Wu Haining blinked, thought about it, and said: "How dare you take the good frosting sugar and make a flying monkey? What a waste!"

"Stop being so verbose, just run away after ordering. I told you which one will explode."

Wu Haining looked at the arm-thick Iron Skin Sky Monkey and swallowed his foam. He took the torch and was about to say something when he turned around and saw the three people hiding far behind the wall.

Wu Haining stepped closer, nodded tremblingly, turned around and ran away. Li Weijian was right, Wu Haining ran really fast. After hiding behind the wall for a long time, I heard a sound of "咻——", and the sky-gaining monkey rose up from the ground, dragging the fire and white smoke, soared more than a hundred feet into the air, and then fell down.

Is this what Wu Haining was thinking? He kept saying to himself: "Eh? Why didn't it explode?"

Li Weijian said: "There is no charge at the front. Today we are just trying to see which propellant has the best effect."

Wu Haining went to order a second one. This time, he felt confident. He slowly turned his head behind the wall. After a moment, there was another "whoosh" sound, and this time it seemed to be crooked. The Flying Monkey flew more than a hundred feet diagonally and suddenly plunged into Xue Pan's house to the west.

Li Weijian immediately became happy: "Hey, hurry up and apologize personally, and take back my rocket on the way. Let me tell people clearly, this is an errand of the inner government. If the house is damaged, the inner government will compensate."

 The second update will be later, probably in the afternoon.



(End of this chapter)

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