Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 187 Martial Arts Performance

Chapter 187 Martial Arts Performance

Enter the second courtyard on the west side of Li Weijian's residence.

"...reach out and touch the needle on Miss's nose,

Youyou felt angry and went to the outer nunnery.

Reach out and touch the young lady’s mouth,

Baby's eyes smile slightly...


In the hall, people were drinking wine. In front of the wine table, there were actors singing songs.

Jia Rong's face was red, and she peeled off her sister's embroidered shoes, took a few sniffs, and then held them in her hands to play with them, which made the sister giggle and giggle.

Jia Qiang still had some clarity and couldn't help but said: "Uncle Pan, the housekeeper of the Li family came here once. If this happens again, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to talk to."

Xue Pan picked up a piece of meat and threw it into his mouth, and said nonchalantly: "I am playing naughty at home, what does it have to do with him? Don't worry about him, you are afraid of his frugality, but I, Xue Wenlong, am not afraid!"

Jia Rong on the side also said: "Brother Qiang is so careless. His surname is Li, who cares about the sky and the earth. How can he still care about us shitting and farting? Come on, come on, have a drink!"

Xue Pan slapped the table and said: "That's it. Today I just play naughty, what else do you care about?"

He hated and feared Li Weijian in his heart, and he wanted to make Li Weijian miserable. Moreover, I had received orders from my sister earlier, so I no longer had any worries.

As I was pushing the cup to change the cup, I suddenly heard a long sound of "咻——" outside.

"What's the noise?"

Xue Pan hurriedly called the servant to inquire, and the boy said: "Uncle, the Li family is playing with the flying monkey in the garden. The flying monkey looks quite big. It jumped up to a height of more than a hundred feet before falling. Come."

Jia Rong suddenly said happily: "Uncle Pan, you can buy some double-gun cannons later and fire them off in the middle of the night. I'm sure someone surnamed Li will be in trouble with you!"

"It makes sense." Xue Pan was struggling not to know how to cause trouble for Li Weijian, but he couldn't offend him completely yet. Jia Rong's idea was exactly what he had in mind.

While I was thinking about it, there was another long sound of "咻——" outside.

Since the three of them knew that they were flying monkeys, they didn't care at the moment and only cared about Gao Le. After a moment, there was a crisp click, and then a black stick fell from the roof, missing Xue Pan's head by just a foot.

The stick fell to the ground, still emitting white smoke.

Jia Qiang was smart, blinked, threw away her powder and ran away: "Run quickly, this thing is going to explode!"

Hula la la... a faint roar——

The hall suddenly became chaotic. Jia Rong crawled out and ran away, accidentally knocking over the table. A few fans and ditty singers were howling around, but Xue Pan didn't realize it, but relied on his strength to run ahead.

It took a long time, but the inside didn't explode. Xue Pan hurriedly sent the boy to check. The boy cautiously went inside to observe for a long time, and then came back and said happily: "Uncle, it seems to be a stink bomb!"

Xue Pan got angry and cursed: "Grandma! Where can a flying monkey hit people? Come with me to find the man named Li and tell us!"

Looking for Li Weijian? Jia Rong and Jia Qiang's arms and legs have only recovered for a few months. How dare they do that? Moreover, there were rumors a few days ago that Jia Rui collided with Li Wan, which prompted Li Weijian to take action and set up Jia Rui to die.

His arms and legs were broken just because he was looking for a few gangsters. If he continues to provoke him, Jia Rui will learn from the past.

Youdao means that the soft are afraid of the hard, and the hard are afraid of the harsh. In the minds of the two of them, Li Weijian is vicious and cruel, just like his teacher Yan Xiyao. How could you dare to provoke such a person?

Immediately, the two of them were half awake and hurriedly stopped Xue Pan who was seeking death.

"Forget it, I'm afraid Fourth Uncle Jian didn't do it unintentionally."

"Yes, yes, but two tiles were broken. Uncle Pan, don't make a fuss about it."

"You guys——"

Just as Xue Pan was about to speak, a servant suddenly came over and said, "Uncle, two nurses from the Li family came outside. They said that the rocket was lost at our house and asked our family to return it as soon as possible. It is an item of the inner government. "

"Ah?" Xue Pan blinked and said angrily: "That thing didn't hit me to death!"

The servant didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said: "People said that it was used for experiments by the inner government. If anything happens, the inner government will be responsible for it. Master, please return the object quickly. The two nursing homes can talk about it. If the object is lost, If we do, we will be convicted of leaking military aircraft."


Seeing that Xue Pan was about to explode, one Jia Rong and Jia Qiang stepped forward to stop him, while the other quickly ran into the hall, picked up the rocket and ran away.

Obediently returned the rocket without saying a word, turned around and said it was getting late, and the two of them hurriedly said goodbye.

Xue Pan was left alone at home and was annoyed for a long time. After an hour, he saw the large flying monkey jumping up from time to time, and he suddenly felt uneasy. He was lucky just now. If he accidentally hit his head again by chance, wouldn't Xue Pan be doomed?

As for Li Weijian, who was a member of the imperial family, even if he was smashed to death, the most he could do was to pay for it. who is he? Xue Pan of the Xue family in Jinling, when did you ever miss money? It’s not worth risking your life for a little money!

The more he thought about it, the more he became afraid. How could Xue Pan dare to stay any longer? He hurried away immediately. The Xue family still had a house in the capital.

But he said that Xue Pan had just left the house and was about to return to the place on his horse when he suddenly heard a "boom--" explosion. The maroon horse's crotch raised its front hooves, knocking the unprepared Xue Pan to the ground.

Xue Pan covered his buttocks, turned his head following the sound, and saw a mushroom cloud rising in the garden beside Li's house. Xue Pan was so horrified that cold sweat broke out down his spine!

The Flying Sky Monkey is going to explode in the end. Those things may have gone wrong before, but now it really explodes... The Flying Sky Monkey is not small, but the explosion is really exaggerated. It looks like he is afraid of hiding. Entering the house, even the people and the house can be blown up!

Li Weijian is so cruel. If he were to be fucked like this, where would he still be alive?

Xue Pan hurriedly got up, not caring about causing trouble for Li Weijian any more, and didn't bother to calm down the frightened horse, so he ran away: "Hurry up, hurry up, if you're late, the man named Li will definitely use the Flying Sky Monkey to blast him!"


In the side garden.

Li Weijian stuck his head out from behind the wall and looked forward, but it was full of smoke and dust and could not see anything.

"Hurry over and see if anyone is okay!"

The Ding brothers were about to run out. They had just taken two steps when they heard someone shouting at their feet: "You stepped on my hand!"

The two brothers stopped quickly and bent down to see a person lying on the ground. Wu Haining was really miserable. Not only was the coat on his back torn by mud and gravel, but there was also a layer of soil buried on his body.

The Ding brothers hurriedly pulled the person up and inspected him carefully before feeling relieved.

"Sir, Brother Wu is fine. He just has a broken skin."

Li Weijian came over and scolded: "I told you to run quickly and slowly seek death!"

Wu Haining cried: "Isn't it a flying monkey? I didn't expect it to explode!" Li Weijian didn't bother to care about it. When the smoke and dust had almost dispersed, when he walked to the place, he saw that it was half a foot deep and two feet deep. Square pits come.

Black powder is not that powerful. Look at this, is it comparable to TNT?

Li Weijian was stroking his chin and thinking, when he turned around and Fu Qiufang led several maids, including Wu Haiping, Wu Zhong, Qianxue, and everyone in the Li family to find the garden.

Fu Qiufang walked forward with a bluff. Seeing that Li Weijian was fine, she breathed a sigh of relief and then said sharply: "Master, why did it explode?"

Qingwen frowned and said, "Fourth Master, how can such a thing be kept at home?"

Hong Yu and Xiang Ling also came over to help, but Xiu Ying was the only one who squatted down and stared at the deep pit, speechless.

Li Weijian expressed his annoyance and said that he would never play tricks at home again, and then he appeased the girls.

At this time, Wu Haiping came back and said with a strange expression: "Master, not to mention the aunt and the girls, I'm afraid that the one named Xue was also afraid, so he took the horse and ran away in panic. Judging by that, he probably didn't dare. came back."

Li Weijian scratched his head and said, "Well, it's a bit of an unexpected surprise."

Not long after, the Shuntian Mansion official came to inquire. Li Weijian sent Wu Haiping to say that there was something wrong with the inner government's creation, and at least it was covered up. After a while, even the imperial envoy patrolling the city came to hand over the notice.

The newly appointed censor of the city was no longer Zhan Chong. Li Weijian did not dare to offend, so he hurriedly invited people in and served tea to explain.

As a result, the guy didn't care about his kindness at all, and said: "Master Li, no matter what happened, what happened just now will definitely disturb the imperial city. I will be impeaching you in the coming day, so I ask Master Li to make plans in advance. Farewell!" "

Li Weijian smiled and said: "It's easy to talk, I will go home tomorrow and wait for my submission to defend myself."

The censor who patrolled the city nodded slightly, got up and hurried away.

After returning to the back house, Fu Qiufang was worried again, but Li Weijian said disapprovingly: "You don't understand these external affairs. Sometimes being impeached is a good thing."

Fu Qiufang was puzzled, but since Li Weijian said so, it was hard for her to say more.

Turning around, the censor who patrolled the city actually wrote a letter of impeachment. The matter was neither big nor small, and the news naturally spread to the imperial city. After asking the supervisory censor, Emperor Zhenghe set a penalty of three months' salary.

Just after going to court, King Zhongyong hurried to Li Weijian's home.

When he learned that King Zhongyong was visiting, Li Weijian did not dare to neglect and hurriedly welcomed him out. As soon as they met and saluted, King Zhongyong said impatiently: "Li Fusheng, what did you create that caused such a big fuss?"

Facing the hopeful gaze of King Zhongyong, Li Weijian pretended to be aggrieved and said: "Your Majesty, what did you say...Last time, Your Majesty said that the weapons would be counted as military merits after they were made. I thought about it day and night. I tried it briefly in the garden yesterday, but I didn't expect the power." Too huge..."

"Stop talking!"

"Hey, to put it simply, Xianguan has made a new explosive, which is very powerful. He has also developed a weapon to match it. According to a rough estimate, it can be fired at least a thousand steps away."

King Zhongyong's eyes widened: "Really? Come and show me!"

"Your Majesty, please."

Li Weijian led King Zhongyong and his party into the side garden, and took out two rockets from the vacated servant room in the north.

King Zhongyong took it and felt that it was quite heavy. There was a cone head on the front and four tail fins riveted on the back. After observing for a long time, he wondered: "Is this the thing?"

"Exactly. I heard from the prince that the most difficult part of the expedition to the Western Regions was the inconvenience of supplies, as I was afraid that I couldn't carry too many artillery pieces. I thought, why not combine the cannonballs and cannons in one place. Wouldn't it be convenient? I thought of it. When the Flying Sky Monkey comes, I will try to make a big Sky Flying Monkey..."

King Zhongyong said impatiently: "Don't say anything anymore, just let me have a look."

Li Weijian cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, this only contains propellant. I dare not put explosives in the front."

Yes, this is the inner city, not far from the imperial city. If this thing were to fall into the imperial city and explode, King Zhongyong wouldn't be able to save Li Weijian.

King Zhongyong hurriedly said: "Bring your things, let's go out of the city and give it a try!"

Without further ado, Li Weijian took all the remaining rockets with him and a bag of newly prepared sugar-nitrate explosives, and drove out of the city with King Zhongyong in his car.

After finding a remote place, Li Weijian measured the wind direction, used several wooden frames as supports, and connected the warhead with lead wires at the front. With such preparations in place, the timid Wu Haining clicked and ran.

King Zhongyong and Li Weijian were hiding a mile away. King Zhongyong was observing carefully with a single-channel telescope in his hand. When the fuse burned out, there was a sound of "咻——", and the rocket took off into the sky!

Dragging the white smoke, it drew an arc in mid-air and hit it three or four miles away. After a while, the rocket landed. King Zhongyong put away the telescope and nodded: "It's far, but it's so powerful that it can kill people? Why do I think--"

Halfway through his words, flames and smoke pillars suddenly shot up in the distance. King Zhongyong stopped talking, and a moment later he heard a "boom" sound.

Dashun had explosive bombs early in the morning, which were exactly the same as Li Weijian's rocket, and also had a delayed explosion. Not to mention its pitiful power, the gunpowder must be halved when firing, otherwise the chamber will explode. Not to mention the pitifully low activation rate, which really outweighs the gains, because Dashun now only uses explosive bombs on rare occasions.

Seeing that King Zhongyong didn't move for a long time, Li Weijian hurriedly approached and said, "Your Majesty?"

"Well, click one more and have a look."

The one he placed just now was a large one. Li Weijian ordered it down again. Wu Haiping ordered a small one this time, perhaps because he was afraid of being blown up.

Perhaps the fuse was too short. It flew two miles away and was about to hit the ground when the rocket exploded in the air.

King Zhongyong clasped his hands and praised: "On the occasion of the battle, if hundreds of rounds are fired, the Junggar traitors will be confused. I will send the cavalry to take advantage of the situation to cover up the killing, and I will definitely do my best!"

There were voices of agreement all around, but Dr. Liang said worriedly: "Master Li, this thing... I'm afraid it will cost a lot of saltpeter, right?"

"A lot, not only saltpeter, but also frosting sugar."

Li Weijian said exactly what he said, which immediately made King Zhongyong frown. Although this thing is very powerful, it is also very expensive. One shot of 'Sky Monkey' is worth half an hour of firing!

Looking at it just now, I'm afraid this thing can't hit it too accurately.

King Zhongyong touched his chin and said: "It seems that this thing can only be used as a surprise weapon... Resurrection, I don't know if this thing has a name?"

Li Weijian suddenly said seriously: "Dongfeng."

"Dongfeng?" King Zhongyong was happy: "Dongfeng refuses to have sex with Zhou Lang, and Tongquechun locks Er Qiao? Haha, what a good name!"

(End of this chapter)

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