Chapter 220 Who Is The Monster
Ning Xiu was dealing with this walking corpse.

But if you just keep escaping like this, this is not an option.

Ning Xiu stood firm, her hair swaying in the air.

Ning Xiu aimed at the zombie's forehead and fired three consecutive shots.

"Consultant Ye, think of a solution quickly." Ning Xiu stared at the three holes left by the bullets on the zombie's forehead.

Apart from the entrance to the cave, it had no impact on the walking corpses.

Ye Zhen recalled the record of this walking corpse in his mind.

"In the history of medicine in our country, there are four major medical books."

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic", "The Difficult Classic", "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" and "Shen Nong's Materia Medica".

"There are records of walking corpses in the Difficult Sutra."

"The Difficult Sutra: If the pulse reaches another exhalation, another inhalation, and another exhalation, it is called soulless. A person without a soul should die. Although a person can walk, he is called a walking corpse."

"It is also recorded in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases": A patient with a pulse who is not sick is called a walking corpse."

Ye Zhen watched Ning Xiu jumping up and down while explaining.

Ning Xiu hid behind a concrete pillar. Ning Xiu was panting now due to the high-speed movement.

Sticky sweat had wet the clothes in front of Ning Xiu and stuck to Ning Xiu's skin.

"I know!" Ning Xiu shouted while hiding behind a concrete pillar, "What's the use of all this!"

"Why don't you start with the creation of Pangu!" Ning Xiu held the gun tightly with both hands, at the same height as his own face.

Ye Zhen said helplessly: "You have to know where this walking corpse came from, so that you can think of countermeasures."

"Thank you for your hard work, Captain Ning Xiu!" Ye Zhen was thinking of a solution.

The zombie's stiff hands swept directly across the cement pillar.

The cement pillar was smashed open and turned into powder scattered on the ground.

After becoming a walking zombie, his speed and strength have changed greatly.

It's just that the flexibility has become stiff.

This is due to the inherent physical properties of corpses.

Ning Xiu saw that the walking corpse had followed.

If such a force hits a person, it will directly result in a comminuted fracture.

Ning Xiu's flexible figure ran from behind the cement pillar to another place.

"In the final analysis, these sources all come from China."

Ye Zhen turned on his spiritual vision. Since it is related to the context, this is what Ye Zhen is good at.

Ye Zhen saw the veins on the walking corpse, and the Qi in the body had stopped flowing.

But the meridians still exist.

However, in Ye Zhen's spiritual vision, he saw the position of the zombie's head.

There is an unusual place.

Gojo Ono watched the zombies chasing Ning Xiu leisurely from a high place.

"Are the people in this 749th game at this level?" Gojo Ono had a sinister smile on his face.

The conditions for this walking corpse are actually very harsh.

Not all corpses can become zombies.

This walking corpse needs special training before it is alive.

These are all secret techniques belonging to their Jiuju sect.

In fact, there are detailed classifications within the Jiuju sect.

The Jiuju sect is just a collective name.

It is divided into four doors.

Juhuamen majors in astrology and predicts good and bad luck by observing celestial phenomena and Feng Shui.

Ye Zhen checked the information and found that the master of Feng Shui in the Magic City was the master of the Chrysanthemum Sect.

Next is the Twelve Gates, which specializes in Qimen Dunjia and is good at using Yin Yang and Five Elements escape methods for attack and defense.

There are also 36 sects that specialize in talismans, drawing talismans and reciting incantations to drive away ghosts and demons.

Tianlong Guilemen majors in spells, controlling the walking corpses through spells, and using the power of spells to attack and defend.

Ning Xiu has been running away and avoiding.

If it weren't for Ning Xiu's years of training, an ordinary person would have died at the hands of the zombies.

Ning Xiuzai was panting heavily, "Consultant Ye, hurry up, I can't hold on anymore!"

Although Ning Xiu's physique is no different from that of some special forces, she is still an ordinary person.

Firearms have no effect on this walking corpse.

Unless it is a heavy fire weapon such as a rocket launcher, it will directly blast the opponent to pieces.

Otherwise, this walking zombie really has no good solution.

I only saw Ye Zhen watching carefully and saw that the key node for the operation of the walking corpse was in the mouth.

The zombie's rigid arm was directly aimed at Ning Xiu's position and hit hard.

The sound of the ground exploding and the flying gravel all showed how extraordinary this blow was.

Ning Xiu rolled around and barely managed to avoid the blow.

However, Ning Xiu's feet were hit by flying stones.

Ning Xiu stepped on the stones on the ground and accidentally fell to the ground.

"Oops." Such a thought came to Ning Xiu's mind.

Dealing with this walking corpse consumes a lot of physical energy, and it is impossible to cause harm to the opponent at all.

Ning Xiu has been in a passive state.

The walking corpse finally found an opportunity and rushed directly in front of Ning Xiu like a train.

Just when the zombie was about to hit Ning Xiu on the head.

Ning Xiu wanted to struggle to get up, but there was no chance to escape.

At this moment, Ye Zhen appeared in front of Ning Xiu.

The power of the walking corpse can be said to be infinite for ordinary people.

An ordinary blow can smash ordinary cement pillars and the ground to pieces.

Gojo Ono didn't know when Ye Zhen appeared in front of the walking corpse.

"Do you want to use your body to resist the walking zombies?"

"It's ridiculous." Gojo Ono laughed, but he knew how strong the defense and strength of the walking corpse's body was.

If the target is hit in a fatal position, one blow can kill the person.

Gojo Ono could already see Ye Zhen's body being smashed into pulp.

Even the underground ninjas and others dare not confront the walking zombies head-on.

"How is that possible!" Gojo Ono's pupils shrank, and he saw an incredible scene.

I saw Ye Zhen grabbing the walking corpse's hand with one hand.

The zombie's fist stopped in mid-air.

Ye Zhen's hands were like pliers, firmly fixing the walking corpse's hand.

"The strength is quite strong." Ye Zhen could feel the power coming from the zombie's hand.The zombie was also dumbfounded. He stood motionless.

His hands tried to break free from Ye Zhen's hands, but they were firmly controlled by Ye Zhen.

Ning Xiu was stunned. She began to realize clearly that the power of the zombies was exaggerated.

It no longer belongs to the category of human beings.

But Ye Zhen used his brute force to stop the walking corpse.

Who is more of a monster?
Ye Zhen's face didn't look tense at all, as if he hadn't exerted any force.

"Can you still move?" Ye Zhen turned to look at Ning Xiu on the ground, "How long do you want to lie on the ground, Captain Ning?"

Ning Xiu was frightened by Ye Zhen's actions for a moment and forgot to get up.

"Pick up the knife on the ground and slash directly at the walking corpse's mouth." Ye Zhen and Ning Xiu explained how to break the situation.

Ning Xiu endured the pain in her ankle and staggered to her feet.

She wanted to run over and pick up the knife on the ground, but her sprained foot prevented her from running over.

You ask where Tushan Qingqiu went?what are you doing?
Tu Shan was drugged with Mongolian sweat medicine and fell down.

It is itself in a state of powerlessness.

If Ye Zhen hadn't relied on acupuncture to stimulate Tu Shan's body.

There was no way Tu Shan would wake up now.

So now that Tu Shan wakes up, he can only slump in a chair and can't do anything to help.

While Ye Zhen was thinking about countermeasures, he was also protecting Tu Shan.

Ye Zhen didn't know if there was anyone hiding in the dark when the other party arrived.

But when he saw Ning Xiu in danger, Ye Zhen knew that he was going to take action without even thinking about it.

Ning Xiu half-ran to Tushan's side and picked up the samurai sword.

Because Ning Xiu was afraid that Ye Zhen wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

Because Ning Xiu had seen it in the files of Bureau 749.

Some human beings can explode with unprecedented power under extreme circumstances.

For example, an old woman saw her grandson being crushed by a car.

You can lift the car with both hands and rescue your grandson.

Another example is a mother watching her son in danger.

He punched the wall directly and rescued his son.

The human body is amazing, right?
This is the potential of human beings, but these are after the power that does not belong to them breaks out.

The end is death.

Various hormones are secreted in large quantities in the body.

When in that state, a variety of hormones are secreted, including adrenaline, dopamine, endorphins, thyroid hormones, and norepinephrine.

This is the genetic lock written in some novels.

Ning Xiu was afraid that Ye Zhen would be in this state.

Ning Xiu picked up the samurai sword with tears in her eyes. She knew that Ye Zhen had a narrow escape this time.

Because how could Ye Zhen, with his small arms and legs, have the power to surpass the walking zombies?
Ye Zhen looked at Ning Xiu's anxious look and said, "Take your time, don't be in a hurry."

Ning Xiu held back tears, and crystal tears fell on Ning Xiu's dusty face.

Ning Xiu wiped the tears from her face. Her originally delicate face had become like a little cat.

"Wait for me." Ning Xiu held the samurai sword in one hand and came behind the walking corpse.

Without saying a word, Ning Xiu slashed directly towards the zombie's mouth.

But I heard the sound of gold and iron that sounded like metal.

The katana got stuck directly on his head.

Ning Xiu held the katana tightly and could no longer cut in.

"There is no way to break the defense." Ning Xiu was desperate. She didn't expect that the other party was standing in front of her and she couldn't break the defense.

This is an unusual event.

After Ye Zhen saw it, he didn't expect that the walking zombie's defense power was so exaggerated and invulnerable.

After Ye Zhen thought for a while, he called Ning Xiu, "Captain Ning, come here."

After hearing some muttering in Ye Zhen's mouth, he bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed blood on the samurai sword.

"It's okay now, Captain Ning." Ye Zhen learned this method from Yan Sheng.

After all, Ye Zhen collected a lot of information when he and Professor Zhou got along.

Ning Xiu held the knife stained with Ye Zhen's blood.

Cut towards the mouth of the zombie again.

This time there is no feeling like cutting iron as before.

Instead, it feels like cutting tofu with a knife.

Ning Xiu felt that she didn't use any force, and the knife passed directly.

The upper half of the zombie's head had already fallen sideways.

Ye Zhen could see the complex pattern of nine chrysanthemums and a curse mark on the tongue of the walking corpse.

This is the key position that Ye Zhen saw with his spiritual vision.

The heads of the zombies have been cut in half.

But this walking corpse is still able to move.

Not incapacitated yet.

"Captain Ning, have you seen the pattern on the tongue?" Ye Zhen shouted again: "Just poke it hard."

Ning Xiu nodded, held the knife with both hands behind his back, and stabbed the tongue from a high position.

The katana penetrated through the chin.

Ye Zhen felt that the power in the arm of the zombie disappeared like water leaking out.

Ye Zhen let go, and the zombie collapsed on the ground.

Gojo Ono watched as his spell was broken.

There was a sharp pain in his brain, and Gojo Ono hit his head with his hand.

"It hurts, it hurts!" The originally coquettish face showed terrifying veins.

This is the backlash after the walking dead is cracked.

Gojo Ono did not expect that someone could really break his spell.

Because he had already improved it and directly engraved the curse mark on the tongue.

Even if others want to destroy it, it will be difficult to find this key location.

"How did he know!" Gojo Ono looked at Ye Zhen resentfully.

It is not easy to cultivate a zombie.

Gojo Ono thought that he was almost certain to dispatch the zombies this time.

Unexpectedly, it was easily cracked by Ye Zhen.

Soon Lao Chen came over with people from Bureau 749.

(End of this chapter)

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