Chapter 221 What exactly do they want to do?
Because after Ning Xiu discovered that this was an abnormal event.

Immediately went to notify Lao Chen and the others.

After Ning Xiu finished dealing with the walking corpses, she immediately went over to check on Ye Zhen's body.

Ning Xiu crooked one leg and came to Ye Zhen.

"Consultant Ye, you must not die." Ning Xiu could no longer hold back her tears.

The Gu carving before and the walking corpse this time were all because of Ye Zhen.

Only Ning Xiu could survive safely like this.

Ye Zhen looked at Ning Xiu nervously, "Captain Ning, are you injured somewhere?"

In Ye Zhen's eyes, Ning Xiu is that kind of heroic woman.

The female middle school girl is so powerful, otherwise she wouldn't be the captain of a branch.

But now Ning Xiu looks like a pear blossom with rain in it.

Ye Zhen thought Ning Xiu was injured somewhere.

Ning Xiu's mind was in confusion. She thought that Ye Zhen would die suddenly after taking care of the walking corpses.

Because once the potential of the human body is overdrawn, there is only one way to die.

But Ning Xiu didn't see the pain on Ye Zhen's face.

"Why do you seem to be fine?" Ning Xiu saw that Ye Zhen did not fall down, and her mind became clearer at this time.

It is different from those people recorded in the files who died after their potential was unleashed.

Ning Xiu stretched out her hand and touched Ye Zhen's body all over.

"No, Captain Ning, what are you doing?" Ye Zhen didn't understand whether Captain Ning had his brain bitten by a zombie.

"Don't move!" Ning Xiu scolded in a stern voice.

Ning Xiu touched Ye Zhen's whole body and found that Ye Zhen was fine.

Nothing happened.

This was Ye Zhen's first intimate contact with a girl, and she was touched all over.

"Okay, Captain Ning." Ye Zhen coughed lightly.

"That's wrong." Ning Xiu looked Ye Zhen up and down, not looking like a dying person at all.

"Why don't you have anything?" Ning Xiu didn't understand.

At this time, Lao Chen and the others saw the bodies on the ground and Ning Xiu, who was already covered in dust.

"Are these underground ninjas again?" Old Chen looked at the bodies of the two ninjas on the ground.

There is another zombie whose head has been chopped off.

Lao Chen brought people from Bureau 749 over to clean up the scene.

"Captain Ning, are you okay?" This was the first time Song Xuan saw the scene of this unusual incident.

Captain Ning waved his hand and said, "It's okay, my foot is just a little sprained."

Ning Xiu could confirm that Ye Zhen really did not have a physical breakdown.

There is no such thing as those people recorded in the files who have overstretched their potential.

This made Ning Xiu confused.

Soon Ye Zhen and his group were taken away by the 749th Bureau car.

The scene was also cleared.

Looking at Ye Zhen and his group leaving.

Gojo Ono narrowed his eyes, "I remember you, Ye Zhen."

While in the car, Song Xuan asked Ning Xiu and Ye Zhen about the whole process.

After review, this walking corpse incident was classified as a Level [-] abnormal event.

Tushan Qingqiu, who was in the car, was weak and weak.

Only consciousness is awake.

Tu Shan finally saved his life this time.

If it weren't for Ye Zhen, Tu Shan knew what would happen to him if he was caught back to the country.

In fact, they can knock her out.

They smuggled it directly back to the country, so their plan was successful.

But for some reason, they insisted on asking Ye Zhen out.

Tushan was unable to move, like a doll being manipulated at will.

Ye Zhen was sitting next to Tu Shan.

"Yesang, thank you." Tu Shan said weakly.

But what Ye Zhen was thinking about was that it was really a pity that he didn't have the chance to use "Whispering" this time.

But this time, I saw what Jiuju and his group were doing.

"They are indeed a disgusting group of people." Ye Zhen thought of the fate of the walking corpse.

Playing with the bodies of the deceased is not acceptable in any country.

After the medical department of the 749th Bureau was repaired.

Tushan Qingqiu was given a special Mongolian sweat medicine. As long as the effect of the medicine wears off, he can return to normal.

Ye Zhen was not injured at all and was intact.

Ning Xiu was just a little out of strength and sprained her ankle, nothing serious.

"How did this underground ninja get together with the Jiuju faction?" Bin Zhou had dealt with those genin for Ye Zhen before.

Unexpectedly, there was actually the notorious Jiuju faction mixed in here.

The people of Jiuju's group are like street rats even in their country.

It is even more infamous around the world.

Although underground ninjas are said to only operate underground and collect money to do things.

But others have professional ethics.

Now these two Japanese organizations have actually cooperated.

There must be something important here, otherwise the two organizations would never cooperate so deeply.

This is also something Bin Zhou wanted to find out before.

But from those underground ninjas, nothing was asked.

Or maybe they don't even know.

"Is this woman the target of those underground ninjas and the Jiuju faction?" Old Chen looked at Tushan Qingqiu.

Even an old investigator like Lao Chen who has experienced many things.

But when I saw Tushan, I was also amazed by Tushan's appearance.

This is much prettier than many celebrities and the like.

But Lao Chen didn't find anything special about Tushan.

Because of Tu Shan's cooperation with the investigation.

Ye Zhen stayed here in Bureau 749 for three days.

The seven-day vacation is almost over.

It's time to go to work tomorrow.

The special Mongolian sweat medicine on Tu Shan has almost completely dissipated.

Because this was originally planned to make Tushan sleep for several days.

It was smuggled back to Japan directly from here, so the dose was quite heavy.

Just in case Tushan wakes up halfway through transportation.

Ning Xiu came to Ye Zhen on crutches, "The investigation of the matter has almost been completed."

"You can go back today."

"The effects of the medicine on your little lover are about to wear off."

Ye Zhen is currently collecting information at their workstation.

Ye Zhen didn't waste time these days.

The network inside Bureau 749 is a local area network and is isolated from the outside network.

This can avoid being invaded through the network and avoid the possibility of data leakage.

There are some things on these computers that are not open to the public.

Ye Zhen has been browsing this information these days.

It was an eye-opener for Ye Zhenzhi. "Captain Ning, are your feet okay?" Ye Zhen lowered his head and glanced at Ning Xiu's feet.

Ning Xiu smiled and said: "This is just a small injury, it doesn't matter."

"It's just a delay in going out to perform the mission."

As the saying goes, it takes a hundred days to break your muscles and bones.

It will take at least a month for Ning Xiu to return to normal.

Ye Zhen thought for a while, "Why don't you let me try it."

"You?" Ning Xiukou had been treated by the professional medical team of Bureau 749.

But these sprains can only rely on time to recover.

Ye Zhen nodded, "I know a little bit about bruises and injuries."

Ning Xiu looked at Ye Zhen suspiciously, "Can you do it? Consultant Ye, can you do this too?"

Ning Xiu couldn't believe that Ye Zhen could even get injured from a fall.

"Give it a try, it'll be okay." Ye Zhen knew that Ning Xiu sprained herself because of him.

This delayed a lot of Ning Xiu's work.

Ye Zhen felt a little bit sorry.

"Sit down." Ye Zhen stood up and patted his seat.

Ning Xiu walked over on one foot and sat in Ye Zhen's original seat.

Because Ye Zhen had been sitting for a long time, the chair still had the residual warmth of Ye Zhen's body.

Ning Xiu twisted her butt, and the wrinkles on her hip-covering skirt were smoothed.

"Stretch your feet out." Ye Zhen shouted.

Ning Xiu stretched out her white feet.

After 749 rounds of treatment, the swelling in Ning Xiu's ankle had reduced a lot.

However, you can still see that it is swollen.

Ye Zhen held Ning Xiu's little feet in his hands. Ye Zhen could control the small feet with one hand.

Ye Zhen just touched it and the data appeared in his mind, "Captain Ning, you wear size 36, right?"

Ning Xiu's face turned red and she cursed in a low voice, "Aren't you helping me with my treatment? What are you doing?"

Ye Zhen's generous hands used Yin force to use traditional Chinese massage techniques on Ning Xiu's calf to reduce the swelling.

I don't know if it's an illusion or what.

Ning Xiu felt as if her ankles had been soaked in hot water, warm.

Ye Zhen's hands are like little suns.

"Yeah." Ning Xiu couldn't help but moaned as Ye Zhen massaged the painful area.

"Does it hurt?" Ye Zhen raised his head and glanced at Ning Xiu.

Ning Xiu said, "It doesn't hurt." But beads of sweat began to appear on her forehead.

Ning Xiu could feel the heat coming from Ye Zhen's hands.

I don't know if it's because of Ye Zhen's own body temperature or something else.

Ning Xiu felt that her ankle no longer hurt.

This pain will only temporarily subside when applying ice.

Now after Ye Zhen's massage, he has miraculously slowed down a lot.

"You really know how to do it?" Ning Xiu found that Ye Zhen seemed to have countless secrets, like a black hole.

The massage lasted half an hour.

Ning Xiu Yinya bit her index finger horizontally without realizing it.

When Ye Zhen was getting a massage, she felt pain and numbness in her feet.

It made Ning Xiu uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time.

Finally Ye Zhen sighed, "It's finally okay."

Ning Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, and the hair on her temples was already wet.

"Move and take a look." Ye Zhen said to Ning Xiu.

Ning Xiu's white feet were neatly trimmed and her toenails were neatly trimmed without any nail polish.

But it reveals a healthy light pink color.

After Ye Zhen massaged her for half an hour, her entire feet were like rubies.

It seemed like water was coming out.

Ning Xiu moved her ankle and found that it no longer hurt at all.

There is no pain at all.

"It's amazing." Ning Xiu had heard the warning before, and she couldn't even think about walking on the ground for a month.

Ning Xiu stood up and found that she could stand without crutches.

Ye Zhen said: "Don't worry, it has not fully recovered yet."

"You keep it for two more days, and then you can walk on the ground after two days."

It originally took at least a month, but after Ye Zhen's treatment, it only took two days.

Why is this happening?

Because when Ye Zhen was massaging, he was running Qi on his hands.

Otherwise, how could Ning Xiu feel the heat?
Ye Zhen's Qi combined with traditional Chinese medicine's traditional bruise technique has achieved the current results.

"Thank you very much, Consultant Ye." Ning Xiu looked at Ye Zhen with a complicated expression.

"It's okay, Captain Ning." Ye Zhen smiled.

Tu Shan recovered that night and was sent back to Ye Zhen's dormitory by people from Bureau 749.

Before going back, Ning Xiu said: "I don't know why, but the targets of the Jiuju faction and the underground ninjas are you."

"So you must be careful and remember to notify us if anything happens."

After returning to his dormitory.

Tu Shan threw himself directly on the sofa, "Ah! This sofa is still comfortable."

"In those two days in the hospital bed, I felt uncomfortable all over my body."

Tushan, who was lying on the sofa, suddenly turned his head, showing a pitiful look.

"Consultant Ye, my foot is also injured, can you help me rub it?" Tu Shan looked at Ye Zhen lovingly.

Ye Zhen sat directly on the sofa, close to Tu Shan's feet.

Tushan didn't expect that Ye Zhen would actually give him a massage?

I saw Ye Zhen lifting Tushan's small and exquisite three-inch golden lotus and pushing out his thumb.

He went directly to Tushan's Yongquan Cave.

Tu Shan felt a sharp pain coming from the soles of his feet!
From the soles of your feet all the way to your brain.

Tushan let out a miserable cry on the spot, like a fox whose tail had been stepped on.

"Ah!" Tushan was so painful that tears welled up in his eyes.

It was a heartbreaking pain, a pain that went straight to the nerves.

"Ye Sang, I was wrong, I was wrong." Tu Shan wanted to beg for mercy quickly.

Ye Zhen ignored it, still holding Tushan's jade foot with one hand, and tapped the Yongquan point again.

This time, he used spiral energy to directly hit the Yongquan point.

"Eaah!" The scream was enough to bring down the ceiling.

The miserable screams made people feel as if they had been subjected to the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty.

Tu Shan lay paralyzed on the sofa, as if he had been hit by a special Mongolian sweat medicine.

Tears couldn't stop flowing from his eyes to his nose.

Ye Zhen clapped his hands and went directly to take a shower.

After all, if you touch other people's feet, you still need to wash them.

After taking a shower, Ye Zhen found Tushan still lying on the sofa with a lost look on his face.

He looked like he was out of love and had been spoiled.

Ye Zhen returned to his room to meditate with satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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