Chapter 222 Brand new upgrade

After seven days of rest.

Ye Zhen is about to start a life as a worker again.

These seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

It seems like vacation was just yesterday.

Anyone who has ever taken a vacation knows this.

The holidays may seem like a lot of time, but they go by in the blink of an eye.

It seems like I haven’t done anything yet, and the vacation is almost over.

But when Ye Zhen and the others were on vacation.

There was a wave of searches for Ye Zhen on the Internet.

Because of the suspension of the program "Popular Science".

So all of them have no way to watch Ye Zhen's show.

At first they thought Ye Zhen would guest star in some other shows or something.

After all, in television, a host appears in several programs.

This is very common thing.

Just like Ye Zhen has appeared on other people's program "Midnight Ghost Stories" before.

That's like an Easter egg.

At that time, only a handful of people had seen Ye Zhen hosting the show.

Because Ye Zhen has only been hosting this "Into Science Popularization".

Ye Jin is never seen on the rest of the show.

So much so that they thought Ye Zhen only served this show.

Some people say that Ye Zhen has appeared in other programs, but no one believes it anymore.

Think it's an urban legend.

As for the fact that Ye Zhen hosted "Midnight Ghost Story", it is even more impossible in the eyes of many new fans.

However, there are still people waiting for the program "Midnight Ghost Stories" every day.

I want to see if it is possible to spawn a Ye Zhen.

Later, a well-informed person learned that Ye Zhen and his entire program team were on vacation.

And we go out together as a group.

This time everyone found an opportunity. As expected, the power of fans is invincible.

I directly found the program crew who were traveling and knew where they were going.

This is a good opportunity to arrest Ye Zhen.

For this reason, someone specially went to meet the people from the program team.

"Family, I went to the place where the "Into Science Popularization" program crew traveled today."

"I'll stay here a moment and see if I can catch Teacher Ye Zhen!"

There is not just one such person.

But to their disappointment, they squatted for several days.

Ye Zhen was not found.

"Why didn't you find Teacher Ye?"

"Didn't they say that the entire program team went out together?"

"Is it possible that Teacher Ye is not here?"

After their investigation, they found that Ye Zhen was really not here.

Ye Zhen was not involved in this whole show about hanging out together.

Those who wanted to block Ye Zhen failed.

Now everyone is curious, where did Ye Zhen travel?

Everyone launched an activity to find Ye Zhen.

Check out tourist attractions across the country to see if you can spot Ye Zhen.

But there was no way they could succeed.

Because Ye Zhen stayed at home a few days ago and didn't go out much at all.

In the remaining days, Ye Zhen was directly in the 749 game, and it was even more impossible for them to find him.

So in their eyes, Ye Zhen seemed to have disappeared for seven days.

The person just disappeared.

This makes many people speculate that Ye Zhen may not be a human at all!

It is possible that Ye Zhen is just an artificial intelligence. Today's AI technology is already so advanced.

The artificial intelligence AI in some short videos is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

If you don't say it, you won't be able to tell if it's a real person.

"I have long said that this Ye Zhen is not a human being at all."

"No wonder he knows everything."

"I also know why I tried to block him at the door of the TV station so many times without success."

"So Teacher Ye and Luo Tianyi are both virtual?"

Such news spread all of a sudden on the Internet.

But of course some insiders know that this is entirely the imagination of the audience.

If there really was such an artificial intelligence AI, they would have fired everyone long ago.

The remaining artificial intelligence ai plays the program 24 hours a day.

At this time, the person involved, Ye Zhen, was on his way to work.

Ye Zhen, who returned to the TV station, felt as if she was in another world.

"Teacher Ye, where did you go during the seven-day holiday?"

"It's a shame you didn't go out with us."

"That's right, this is a publicly funded trip!"

After Ye Zhen returned to the TV station, Ye Zhen is now a first-level host and a nationally recognized gold medal host.

Ye Zhen also has status and status in the TV station.

"Mr. Ye, have you read it? People on the Internet are so funny. They actually say that you are an artificial intelligence AI."

"I don't know what those people think. They also say that there is a plug behind your head and you can charge it at any time."

Ye Zhen just smiled after hearing these words.

When Producer Chen saw Ye Zhen, he gave Ye Zhen a big hug and said, "Big star, long time no see!"

Ye Zhen refused directly, "Let's forget about this hug."

"I brought you a souvenir from this trip." Producer Chen said mysteriously.

Then I saw Producer Chen take out a transparent plastic box from himself with a red lid on it.

There is a small turtle crawling leisurely inside.

Ye Zhen took a look and saw that this was a souvenir from traveling!
These are clearly the pet turtle vendors on the roadside, selling small turtles for more than ten yuan each.

"Thank you." Ye Zhen accepted it very happily. After all, gifts are less about courtesy than affection.

Ye Zhen directly put the little turtle in his working position.

It can be regarded as adding a touch of life to his lifeless office location.

Soon Ye Zhen entered into work mode.Because the program has been upgraded, the first episode is of course very important.

Ye Zhen spent an afternoon writing the trailer document and script.

Ye Zhen felt that after a week of vacation, his skills were already a little rusty.

People in the advertising department had already received the preview document for Ye Zhen's program in the afternoon.

After the upgrade, "Into Science Popularization" has more sufficient funds.

The show has been upgraded in all aspects, whether it is lighting or stage design.

All cost a lot of money.

Have better lighting, better photography equipment.

And provide more sufficient funds for previewing and preparing props.

Interactive links such as phone connections and so on have been added.

The people in the preview department had already made the trailer that night.

Because the program was suspended, many viewers could only watch Ye Zhen's previous programs over and over again.

"When will Teacher Ye release a new episode of the program?"

"I can't do it anymore. I will die if I don't watch Teacher Ye's program!"

"Please, show me another new episode. I promise it's the last episode. Just give it to me, brother. I promise to listen to you."

There were also howls on the Internet.

Of course, some other TV stations did not let go of this opportunity.

They also imitated Ye Zhen's programs one after another.

But the rest of the audience watched programs on other TV stations.

how to say?

You know, you can imitate others.

It just doesn't have that flavor, and some of their showrunners are stupid as hell.

There is no such feeling of calmness and calmness as that of Ye Zhen.

"What are these imitation shows?"

"It's better not to do it, it's just an eyesore."

"My three-year-old nephew won't even look at this."

"Teacher Ye, please come back quickly."

Because of the temporary upgrade of the show, there was no mention of when it would be aired.

Just when everyone is thinking about it day and night.

The preview of the show has been released.

I just saw that this trailer actually used various CG and special effects.

There is a dizzying feeling.

"Mysterious Chinese ruins.

No less than a site of Sanxingdui Civilization.

All kinds of mysterious jade artifacts were found here.

If Sanxingdui is a bronze civilization like an alien civilization.

Then this is a traditional jade civilization.

Some of the jades unearthed there.

The level of exquisiteness is enough to make people wonder whether the ancients possessed unknown black technology.

This is the Lingjiatan ruins.

Welcome to the new and upgraded version of the program "Into Science Popularization". "

Everyone finally saw the new trailer.

"Damn it, the show is finally coming back to life."

"The jade civilization we are talking about this time?"

"Our country is one of the few jade countries in the world."

"Bronze civilization and jade civilization?"

After seeing this preview, this is the first time everyone knows about the Lingjiatan ruins.

It is different from the civilized world like Sanxingdui Ruins.

In fact, there are many ruins in our country, but people usually don’t pay attention to them.

Now this preview actually says that the Lingjiatan ruins are comparable to the Sanxingdui ruins?

What kind of concept is this?

"Why haven't I heard of this ruins called Lingjiatan before?"

"I'm already looking forward to the show starting."

The trailer has just been released and has already been posted on the Internet.

Everyone is discussing Ye Zhen’s show.

The show hasn't started yet, it's just a preview.

It has already become a hot search on some websites.

Since the last show.

Ye Zhen is completely famous in eastern Guangdong Province.

There are also some other provinces that have fans of Ye Zhen.

Now the show just played a trailer.

There has been enough discussion.

This is something that has never happened before.

Producer Chen also didn’t expect, “Is our program so influential now?”

"It's just a teaser and it's already trending."

Producer Chen looked at his mobile phone and found that "Into Popular Science" had become a hot search again.

This is of course due to the popularity of the show.

Secondly, it has been off the air for a while, and everyone can’t wait.

These various factors add up.

The show became a hot search just by airing a trailer.

Everyone at Yangcheng TV Station has never seen such a grand occasion.

Just broadcasting a trailer has aroused such discussion among everyone.

Now Ye Zhen's influence cannot be underestimated.

Soon the night of the show came.

Many people who come here are already waiting for the show.

"Hurry up, why hasn't it been broadcast yet?"

"I can see Teacher Ye again."

"Is this show really that good? I was tricked into it."

Everyone is looking forward to the rerun of the show.

(End of this chapter)

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