Chapter 334 Fame spreads abroad

Ye Zhen slowly sorted out the rewards he already had in the office.

"Will it reach the top in Asia's ratings next time?" Ye Zhen estimated that the difficulty has risen to the level of a continent.

According to the current situation, it is indeed not easy.

But when Ye Zhen was thinking about how to do it.

Videos of some of Ye Zhen's programs have been posted to the Internet by enthusiastic fans.

Especially on YouTube and TikTok.

Therefore, Ye Zhen's current fame is not limited to the country.

There are fans even abroad who have gone to watch Ye Zhen’s videos.

This time the program has indeed begun to spread in foreign countries.

Some people in Japan have indeed seen the videos sent by fans.

“Aren’t we Fuso, the Land of the Rising Sun?”

"Is there such a history? Why is it not mentioned in our textbooks?"

"I don't believe it. We just surrendered to China before?"

"Why don't I know what Ye Zhen said?"

Today's Japan has been domesticated by their good father, the human lighthouse country.

To put it bluntly, Japan is just a barge in the United States.

They have always been like this, wallflowers and Mu Qiang, and they like to bet on the fate of the country.

How to talk about independence? It was just someone who forced him up.

And it remains so until now.

They really want their own national independence.

Therefore, in the last century, Japan had a very big archaeological scandal.

The specific thing is.

There was no historical record of this place in Japan before, so I wanted to study its previous history.

All need to be studied by borrowing ancient books from my country.

Their previous history can only be studied from some details in ancient Chinese books.

So they want to prove the independence of their civilization.

then what should we do?

We can't fabricate it like some Westerners do, because of the history of some countries surrounding our country.

We have detailed records, and even if we wanted to compile them, we wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

So starting from the Tang Dynasty, they began to make up their own myths.

Things like Amaterasu started from the Tang Dynasty.

Besides this, there is another way.

That is to directly trace the origin back to the primitive people millions of years ago.

They want to prove that Japan has been a place of human civilization since ancient times.

It has the foundation for independent development.

This is something that can inspire the self-confidence of the entire nation.

Especially in the last century, before the Plaza Accord was born.

Japan was very glorious back then, and it was a time when people were really spending money like water.

At that time, it was said that the entire United States could be bought for just one land price in Tokyo.

They think they are already number one in the world.

Of course, they want to get rid of the dark history of being China's younger brother.

Don't want to admit it.

Just like when the Bangzi Kingdom changed its capital Seoul to Seoul.

They have a deep sense of inferiority.

But even now, they have been trying to get rid of Chinese characters.

Just like Bangzi Country once did something similar, completely abolishing Chinese characters.

At first they thought that they had gotten rid of the influence of China and that they were independent.

But they are just puppets like Japan.

How can we talk about national self-esteem without even the integrity of the country?

Bangzi Kingdom soon discovered that after the abolition of Chinese characters, everything was messed up.

There is no way I can get through this day anymore.

Because the so-called Korean language now is just a symbol for phonetic sounds.

Just like our pinyin.

Just like the same word, are you giving, taking second place, eating fish or Akabane?

The pronunciation is the same, what are you talking about?

It's okay if it's a normal chat.

But some contractual and legal aspects, what do you do?

So until now, the laws and regulations of Bangzi Kingdom and Japan are all written in Chinese characters.

This is very funny.

One side is the so-called national self-esteem, and the other side is what must be used in real life.

So you can find that people in these two countries are very stubborn.

And they are very hostile to us Chinese people.

Isn’t there a saying that goes well?

The friendship between China and Japan depends on South Korea, the friendship between China and South Korea depends on Japan, and the friendship between Japan and South Korea depends on China.

This is reality.

In the last century, Japanese archaeological experts committed a century of massive fraud.

It is said that the bones and fossils of ancient humans dating back tens of thousands of years have been discovered.

At that time, it directly caused a sensation in the whole of Japan.

Because this is a matter of rewriting textbooks!

This textbook will be revised back then.

This greatly boosted their self-confidence because of the discovery of human skeletons.

It shows that there were ancient human activities here tens of thousands of years ago.

They originated and developed independently in Japan, and they did not become popular after Xu Fu came over.

That archaeological expert was "lucky".

Because he himself has discovered ancient human fossils that are older and older.

From tens of thousands of years ago to hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The more you dig, the older it gets.

And the most amazing thing is that it is obviously the same place.

Every time, he discovered it by himself, and the other experts couldn't find it.

And he himself declared that he would find ancient human fossils from half a million years ago, or even one million years ago.

At that time, Japan praised this expert to the sky.

What if ancient human fossils from one million years ago were really excavated?

This is no longer a shock to their Japan, but that the entire human history of the world will join their Japanese history.

It shows that Japan is also one of the birthplaces of mankind.

This was very important at the time.

Because if this is successful, it will mean that China’s four thousand years of history (the Japanese think that we only have four thousand years of history, and this is also taught in textbooks) is not worth mentioning.

Because they say there have been humans since ancient times.

But this incident eventually became the biggest scandal in Japanese academic history.


Because this so-called archaeological expert is indeed a serious expert.

It's just that it has always been unknown and has not produced any results.

This place in Japan is not like our country, where you can dig up any cultural relics casually.

Something that could be considered a national treasure in other countries.

It is rare and common here in China.     Because this is the civilization and historical heritage of a country.

Just like in some countries, there are things that are hundreds of years old or hundreds of years old.

They have been regarded as very precious cultural relics and treasures.

But these things are really not enough in our country.

So the archaeological experts really have nothing to do in Japan.

Even if there are some so-called ancient tombs, they are from the past.

Maybe the things buried inside are from ancient my country, from the Han Dynasty or the Wei and Jin Dynasties of the Three Kingdoms.

If that were the case, it would be even more embarrassing.

Doesn’t it mean that Japan has been our dependent country since ancient times?

The archaeological expert who caused the largest academic fraud in Japanese history.

He directly brought the human skeletons that he had prepared long ago to the excavation site early.

Bury things inside yourself and note the location yourself.

Then when you start digging, just dig it out.

It's that simple.

In fact, this matter did not come to light so quickly.

But at that time, the archaeological expert dug out several pieces in succession.

It can be said that he is the real chosen one.

The local TV station in Japan wanted to film this archaeological expert.

I want to take pictures of the excavation process.

But coincidentally, every time the archaeological expert excavated, he was present alone.

And every time when people from the TV station were filming, he just couldn't dig it out.

I've been shooting for several days and it's still like this.

But as soon as the camera is not on his side, he will dig it out soon.

This is amazing.

Later, a cameraman secretly filmed the archaeological expert.

Only then did he discover that the so-called ancient human bones that he had unearthed were actually buried by him himself.

This time, Japanese TV stations directly exposed the matter.

The whole of Japan was completely shocked by this egregious academic fraud.

It directly completely shattered Japan's originally modest self-esteem.

Later, he discovered that the human skeletons he had discovered before were also buried by him in advance.

Everything is fake.

what is this? He is simply an archaeological immortal!

Real workmanship and craftsmanship, real spirit.

After Ye Zhen learned about this period of history, he felt very magical.

So much so that all the newly revised textbooks that year were scrapped.

The name of this expert was directly deleted.

This has also become the most ridiculous academic fraud in Japanese history.

Ye Zhen thought, "If it's just like this, it's not interesting at all."

"How can we be the first in ratings in Asia?"

Just when Ye Zhen continued to think of a solution.

Some foreign fans are already shocked.

"Is this the magical country in the East?"

"It turns out that everyone in China really knows martial arts!"

"Are they all going to work with Yu Jian now?"

"I want to find Mr. Ye and let him teach me Kung Fu. I have been learning Chinese and want to go to China!"

After they discovered Ye Zhen's video, they felt like they had discovered a treasure.

Some previous videos have also been unearthed by foreign netizens.

Only then did they realize that Tesla turned out to be such a great inventor.

"Tesla is so miserable."

"Just like Hemingway back then, he was indeed being monitored, causing people to become depressed."

"People around him still don't believe him and think he has a brain problem."

"This Edison is really not a human being, he is just a professional businessman."

"This is the case in the United States. It is an era of capital supremacy."

"This man named Ye is really awesome. Is he a professor from China?"

"Ye looks too young. Is he some kind of rejuvenator?"

But they were even more shocked by Ye Zhen's latest program.

Especially some foreign UFO enthusiasts.

It was as if they had discovered a new continent.

"I didn't expect that there have been UFOs in China since ancient times."

"This shows that UFOs have always been present in our history."

"If it weren't for Ye, I wouldn't have known that China's civilization could be so powerful."

Gradually, Ye Zhen began to accumulate fans in foreign countries.

Especially some foreign fans, in order to be able to watch Ye Zhen's show as soon as possible.

He went straight to climb over the wall and come to us, just to see more videos of Ye Zhen.

Suddenly, Ye Zhen's fame was not limited to the country.

Even in foreign countries, there are more and more fans of Ye Zhen.

Especially some local people in Mexico.

After they watched Ye Zhen's show, they felt even more cordial.

"After so many years, we have finally proven that we are Fuso."

"If it weren't for Ye, this damn Japanese would have been trying to rob us for who knows how long."

"So are we considered a branch of Huaxia? If I hadn't watched Ye's video, I really wouldn't have known."

"I asked why some local Indians look so similar to Chinese people."

And places like Peru and Bolivia.

As Ye Zhen's video spread, it has now become the most popular place for Chinese tourists to travel abroad.

Before, this place was just a very unpopular place that no one had heard of.

Now it has become a popular tourist attraction directly because of Ye Zhen.

Especially those who are very free and have spare money.

I booked a flight ticket for the next day and flew there directly.

They wanted to see what this ancient super-ancient civilization site looked like.

However, after some people arrived, they found that this was far more exaggerated than what Ye Zhen said.

Some tourists expressed surprise after arriving at the Puma Pungu ruins.

"The angles of this stone are too neat and smooth."

"There's no way the Inca could have done this."

"It's almost like a miracle."

"Teacher Ye is really not exaggerating at all, he is even being conservative."

Only after reading it myself did I know what Ye Zhen said.

How could this be made by the Incas, a civilization that didn't even have the technology to light up bronze?

Local tour guides also provide introductions.

“This ancient ruins of Puma Punta were not built by the Incas.”

"According to our local legend, this was built by the civilization of gods."

(End of this chapter)

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