Chapter 335 Isn’t this modern alchemy?

Just when Ye Zhen was thinking.

The Japanese found that the astronomical anomalies that day were simply unexplainable.

All kinds of meteorological experts came out.

There is no way to explain what happened.

It's just that this is just a very rare astronomical phenomenon.

Only some real high-level officials in Japan and some people in the Yin and Yang Residence knew about it.

The resurrection of Yamata no Orochi failed for some reason.

The reason for the failure may be the red sky phenomenon.

They had never seen anything like this.

But two days after this happened.

Another earthquake of magnitude 7.2 occurred in Japan.

Although Japan has always been between continental plates.

We are in a place where earthquakes occur frequently.

But this time the earthquake came without any warning, it was a sudden earthquake.

How prone is Japan to earthquakes?

On average, there are almost 15 earthquakes every day in a year.

This achievement is unparalleled in the world.

For this reason, we can see that many houses in Japan are made of that kind of wooden structure.

Because first, this material can resist earthquakes very easily and is cheap.

Another point is that if there is a huge earthquake, the wood will collapse.

The harm is not as great as that of reinforced concrete, and rescue is much simpler.

Yin Yang Liao, the most outstanding genius of this generation.

Yin Yang Lao is actually equivalent to the Qin Tian Prison in ancient my country.

The positions and functions are similar.

It’s just that there is no such place as Qintian Prison in our country now.

In Japan, the previous rules and regulations were all modeled on those of our country.

Therefore, until modern times, the Yin Yangliao was still an official institution.

Now the highest position in Yin Yang Lao is called Yin Yang Head.

That is Haruko Abe,

She is also a genius girl among contemporary Onmyoji.

At a young age, he served as the highest-ranking yin-yang head in the yin-yang liao.

And it was achieved as a woman.

One can imagine how terrifying Abe Haruko's talent is.

Japan has always been influenced by our Chinese culture.

And add the local development here in Japan.

The so-called male chauvinism is what Japan likes the most.

So Abe Haruko can become this yin and yang head, but it is not easy.

Some people even say that Abe Haruko may reach the strength of her ancestor Abe Seimei.

You must know that this is the end of the Dharma era, and it has reached the end of heaven.

In this case, such an evaluation was received.

How terrifying is Haruko Abe's talent?

"Lord Abe, the Emperor asked you what the recent red celestial phenomenon represents?" A subordinate wearing Onmyoji attire came over and asked Abe Haruko.

Abe Haruko replied: "Mr. Yamaki was killed and fell into a deep sleep."

"The recent earthquake was caused by Yamata-sama being asleep."

This subordinate never thought of the recent earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2.

It was actually caused by Master Yaqi falling asleep again.

It's just a deep sleep, which is already such an exaggeration.

How terrifying would the Yamata no Orochi be in its heyday?

Abe Haruko was looking at the distant sky at this time.

"Who on earth has the strength to beat Lord Yamato into a deep sleep." Abe Haruko didn't understand.

Even her ancestor, Abe Seimei, was reincarnated.

It's impossible to do this.

After all, Abe Seimei is already the strongest Onmyoji in their history.

And she is known as the person most likely to surpass her ancestors in thousands of years.

Abe Haruko looked at the information on Yamata no Orochi's resurrection plan.

I want to review what happened here.

Because the resurrection of Yamata no Orochi is related to their national destiny and future.

"Even this rare teleportation barrier was given to them."

"It's still not enough success, but more than enough failure." Abe Haruko has always looked down on the people of Jiuju's group.

However, as a Japanese official, it was not easy for her to take action when it came to China.

Therefore, no one from Yin and Yang was involved in the whole process.

"Ye Zhen." Abe Haruko reviewed the contents of the resurrection plan and saw this name.


On our side of the country.

The Life Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is also conducting in-depth research on oxygen 18.

This is divided into several experimental groups.

What have they studied now?

After using jade before to grind it into powder.

They tried it on mice, but they found that it didn't work at all.

Especially some rats and mice have no way to digest them.

He died directly during the experiment.

So of course, this is not the right path.

In a white and translucent laboratory.

It was filled with some instruments and glassware.

A researcher picked up a recorder and started recording.

"X month X day, 2023, 2:18 pm."

"This is the 32nd jade powder experiment."

"We got inspiration from Mr. Ye's show before."

"Although the oxygen-18 content is very small in the air, we can produce it artificially."

"But the effect is not very obvious and cannot be preserved in mice."

"What we are doing now is an experiment on jade powder."

“The results of the experiment are as follows.”      “We have tried many different jade powders.”

"Jade from various countries, different types of jade."

"There are all different levels, and we've tried them all."

"It was discovered that only some real jade stones have special effects."

"Finally, we collected dew and found that the dew actually improved the experiment."

"And it's an effect that goes far beyond statistics."

"Similarly, we replaced the rest with pure water or other liquids."

"None of them have special effects like this dew."

"The cause is currently unknown."

They were also confused.

To put it bluntly, this dew is just some condensed water in the morning.

There is no essential difference from water.

But the strange thing is that only the combination of dew and jade powder has an effect.

The rest of the water, mineral water, purified water, soda water, etc., have no similar effect.

This is very confusing.

But these rats still couldn't make it through.

Because only certain jade powders and appropriate concentrations can have corresponding effects.

The dosage is too high, it's like eating a stone directly.

But there are other laboratories that take a different approach.

They directly use low temperature to turn oxygen 18 into a liquid.

As long as the temperature is low enough, the gas will turn into a liquid.

Liquid oxygen 18 was produced directly in an environment of -183 degrees Celsius.

But it was done.

But this -183 degrees Celsius thing should not be eaten by living things.

Even metal will become very easy to break if placed in such an environment.

So they finally gave up this idea.

Although we are talking about the liquid state of oxygen 18, regardless of concentration or other aspects.

They are all very suitable for experiments on mice.

But not to mention eating this little white mouse, it would burp even if it stayed in such an environment for a long time.

So this is also a path that won't work.

But Professor Yan Xin and some other laboratories.

I found new inspiration from Ye Zhen’s previous videos.

What was the inspiration?

"Just mix this jade powder with some other materials."

"It can be turned into new compounds."

"Similar to adding honey or other nutrients."

"If you mix it with something like dew, you can make food that even mice can eat."

Professor Yan Xin has been working hard with his own researchers.

Especially adding something to it.

This prevents mice from eating jade powder and maintaining it in their bodies.

It won't be completely discharged.

Because if there is too little jade powder, it may be directly excreted from the digestive system.

But if there is too much, it will easily make the mice burp.

So there are various permutations and combinations here.

Professor Yan Xin has been trying here.

These researchers were very cautious at first.

What is synthesized is jade powder mixed with certain foods.

Directly suppress it into a block.

Later they found this inconvenient and troublesome.

Because every attempt requires different ingredients and ratios.

So it would be very troublesome to suppress it every time.

They began to use utensils to grind and tinker by hand.

Finally, I rolled it into a ball shape with my hands and fed it to the mice.

"Mr. Ye's program is really a treasure."

"I think this method is very useful."

"If feeding to mice is successful, we can try feeding it to other animals."

"But I feel like this feels familiar."

If Ye Zhen were here, he would definitely find it.

Isn't this the equivalent of refining elixirs?

Use modern methods to refine the elixir and then feed it to the mice.

The ancients have already done this.

But the ancients only used various heavy metals.

Unexpectedly, I ended up on the road to alchemy.

But it is really possible for them to discover a new path.

Some researchers were just kidding.

"Do you think eating so many stones will produce stones in the body?"

"Are you kidding? Eating stones has nothing to do with growing stones."

"If after eating these jade powder, something like stones develops in the body."

"That might not be stones. After all, eating stones won't produce stones."

"What is that?"

"Of course it's a golden elixir. Have you never read a novel about cultivating immortals?"

"When you swallow a golden elixir, you will know who you are today."

While they were having a heated discussion here, they didn't forget to fill in the experimental report in their hands.

In other places, guidance maps have also been studied again.

To study the so-called Qigong which has been abandoned in the last century.

They found that after knowing these meridians, this qigong did not seem to be something illusory.

Ever since Ye Zhen's program was aired.

They discovered that there are so many precious things in our civilization that have not yet been discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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