Chapter 336 Special Guest

Ye Zhen thought about it and found a program that could become the number one rated program in Asia.

But this requires help from CCTV and the state.

After Ye Zhen thought about the corresponding method.

I am already looking forward to entering the second spiritual realm after returning to the dormitory.

But Ye Zhen looked at his remaining popularity points.

"The remaining 220 million popularity points should be enough." Ye Zhen made an estimate.

This thing seems to have a lot of popularity, but when it is actually used, it is not banned at all.

However, Ye Zhen has greatly improved at this time.

It only takes about a week for Ye Zhen to reach the state of health maintenance master.

Ye Zhen was also curious about what this health-preserving master realm he had guessed would be like.

Time passed quickly.

Soon it was time to get off work in the afternoon.

Ye Zhen didn't stay for a second, and left immediately after get off work.

At the beginning, Ye Zhen was not used to it.

Because even when it’s time to get off work, many employees don’t leave.

Instead, he "worked overtime" there for more than ten minutes before leaving.

One aspect is to show off to the people above.

Seeing how hard you work, this is voluntary overtime!

So even if I don’t have a job, I will still make a show of staying here for about ten minutes.

Others are greedy for water and electricity from TV stations.

After all, these things cost money to return to your home!

The stuff you buy for free is the most fragrant!

If Ye Zhen was the new guy in the past, he would be too embarrassed to leave when he saw others hadn't left.

This makes Ye Zhen seem unsociable.

But it's different now. Ye Zhen no longer cares about other people's eyes.

I'll leave when I get off work, and I don't want to stay any longer.

Ye Zhen got off work in a hurry.

I didn’t meet many colleagues along the way.

After Ye Zhen left the TV station, he remembered that Tu Shan was still resting in Bureau 749.

Ye Zhen was the only one left in this dormitory again.

Ye Zhen has been used to having people cook for him for some time.

No more takeout or pre-made meals.

You can have something hot and fresh.

And even if two people eat together, the cost is almost the same as Ye Zhen's usual takeout, not much more.

"It's been a long time since I had this Longjiang pig's trotter rice." Ye Zhen suddenly became a little greedy for this bite.

This is often the case.

When you eat too much of something, you feel like you've vomited it.

But after not eating it for a long time, you will miss it a little bit.

Take instant noodles for example.

On the way back to the dormitory, Ye Zhen went directly to the Longjiang Pig's Knuckle Restaurant that he often went to before.

Ye Zhen seems to have not eaten for a long time.

The boss still looks the same, wearing flip-flops and an apron, standing in front of the cutting board.

"Boss." Ye Zhen shouted.

The boss raised his head and glanced at Ye Zhen, his eyes brightening, "Pretty boy, long time no see."

"I thought you had moved away." The boss greeted Ye Zhen familiarly.

"Still as usual?" the boss asked.

Ye Zhen nodded and found a corner to sit down.

There is still the familiar sound of chopping a chopping board, and the smell of noisy fireworks on the roadside.

Ye Zhen picked up the disposable chopsticks and broke them open.

Soon the bowl of pig's trotter rice was served.

"Young man, you're eating pig's trotter rice." The boss personally handed it to Ye Zhen.

"Thank you." After Ye Zhen thanked him, he looked at the oily bowl of Longjiang pig's trotter rice.

Ye Zhen took a bite, and it was still as fat and not greasy as before.

It still tastes delicious in my memory.

Soon all the bowl of leaves was eaten, and not a single bit was left.

Because Ye Zhen remembers what his hometown said before.

He said that if you don't eat all the rice grains in your bowl, if you marry a wife in the future, you will marry a wife full of pockmarks.

One more grain of rice in the bottom of the bowl means one more pockmark in your future wife.

Everyone has heard this saying when we were young.

In fact, this is just because the older generation does not want children to waste food.

Because we in China have only had enough to eat for a few years now.

Not long ago, our previous generation lived on food stamps.

Because in 1993, food stamps were completely abolished.

Food stamps seem to be a word that only appears in the dust of history.

But this is only 30 years from now.

But the era of not having enough to eat seems to be far away from us.

After Ye Zhen scanned the code, he said to the boss, "Boss, turn over."

The boss didn’t even look at it, “We are all old customers, why can’t we trust you, handsome guy?”

After Ye Zhen finished eating, he returned to his dormitory.

Before going back, Ye Zhen didn't forget to buy two bottles of drinks.

Because after using this [Nine Apertures Exquisite], it consumes a lot of mental and physical energy.

Everyone knows that this drink contains very high sugar content and is considered a very good calorie supplement.

It is also very convenient to buy and tastes delicious.

Ye Zhen bought watermelons before because of the moisture and sugar in them.

But now that Tushan is no longer here, Ye Zhen wants to change his taste after eating so much watermelon.

But Ye Zhen never thought that another "guest" would come to his home.

And the guests this time were obviously more polite than before.

Because this time the guest stood at Ye Zhen's door and did not open the door himself. Ye Zhen turned around when he saw the figure from behind and recognized it immediately.

"Master Ye, you are finally back." The middle-aged man who spoke was none other than Kong Sisi's father, Kong Hua.

Ye Zhen didn't expect that this well-known businessman in eastern Guangdong Province would actually come to the door of his dormitory and wait for him.

In Ye Zhen's understanding, these big bosses are very busy.

The cell phone kept ringing.

Either they were chatting about having a nice dinner or they were on their way to some country for a business trip.

Ye Zhen looked at Kong Hua and the three followers behind him.

Two tall, tall bodyguards wearing suits and sunglasses.

Their two bodyguards also carried four bags in their hands.

Ye Zhen looked at the two people's standing postures and the calluses on their hands, and it was clear that they were retired.

There was another one, a secretary with a hot figure and blonde hair.

Ye Zhen originally thought that such secretaries were only in novels and movies.

I didn't expect that this is really the case in reality.

Kong Hua looked at Ye Zhen very piously and respectfully, with a smile on his face.

Ye Zhen thought, no matter what, this is Kong Sisi's father, and others say that you can't hit the smiling person.

Ye Zhen took out his key and said, "Come in and sit for a while."

After hearing this, Kong Hua immediately said excitedly: "Thank you so much, Master Ye!"

After Ye Zhen entered, two bodyguards and a female secretary also followed.

"Master Ye, this trivial thing is not respectful." Kong Hua asked his bodyguard to give those gifts to Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen took a look and realized that Kong Hua was indeed an old businessman, and he really understood the world.

What's included here are cigarettes and alcohol which are very common gifts.

“I don’t know what Master Ye likes to drink, so I just took a little Maotai, Louis XIII and Lafite.”

Kong Hua put the things directly on the table.

The things sent here are not cheap.

But for Kong Hua, this was just drizzle.

After all, this is not the first time Ye Zhen and Kong Hua have met.

Kong Sisi took her to meet him last time, and she was her boyfriend.

"You two go to the car and wait for me." Kong Hua asked two bodyguards to stand at Ye Zhen's door.

Obviously some of the conversations that followed were inappropriate for the two bodyguards to know.

Ye Zhen also went to boil water and make tea for this "distinguished guest".

"Master Ye, how can you be so embarrassed?" Kong Hua saw that Ye Zhen actually wanted to make tea himself.

Kong Hua just glanced at him, and the blond secretary with a good face and a hot body took action.

"Master Ye, let me do this rough work."

Kong Hua said from the side: "My secretary began to study under the tea ceremony master, who specifically went to learn the tea ceremony."

Ye Zhen did not let the blond female secretary make tea.

"Let me do it." Ye Zhen made the tea casually.

"Hahaha." Kong Hua laughed and said, "Master Ye is just different."

"This must be a very precious tea."

"Master is afraid that you are not good at studying and will spoil this good tea."

The blond secretary lowered his head and said, "The boss taught you a lesson."

The brewing process is also very simple, it is the ordinary process of making tea at home.

"Sure enough, it is the most simple way!" Kong Hua praised: "You should learn more from others."

The blond female secretary said from the side: "Yes, boss."

Ye Zhen used simple disposable plastic cups to pour a drink for both Kong Hua and the blonde secretary.

Kong Hua smelled it first, and then tasted it carefully.

"Good tea, really good tea." Kong Hua praised forcefully.

The blond secretary frowned and said nothing.

Ye Zhen said expressionlessly: "This is just broken tea costing five yuan a pound on the roadside."

Kong Hua looked embarrassed. After coughing slightly, he put down the disposable plastic tea cup in his hand.

"Mr. Kong came here this time, what do you mean?" Ye Zhen looked at Kong Hua.

Giving gifts and forcibly praising myself.

There must be something required of yourself.

Otherwise, others would never have such an attitude.

Ye Zhen thought, could it be what happened to Kong Sisi?

Because Kong Sisi took Ye Zhen to see Kong Hua before.

Kong Sisi would definitely not tell anyone about pretending to be a boyfriend.

So now in Kong Hua's eyes, Ye Zhen is still Kong Sisi's boyfriend.

"Is it because of my daughter?" Ye Zhen guessed.

But this is also because Ye Zhen has never been in love at all.

Ye Zhen doesn't have a daughter himself. Of course, he doesn't know what a father's attitude is towards his daughter.

Kong Hua was also hiding at this time.

"Master Ye, since you said so."

"I also said it straight to the point."

"I want Master Ye to do me a favor." Kong Hua said in a serious tone.

"What's the deal?" Ye Zhen didn't understand what Kong Hua wanted to do.

"Help me take revenge." Kong Hua's tone became full of hatred at this time.

And he was gnashing his teeth, and the anger on his face could not be concealed.

"Revenge?" Ye Zhen shook his head: "I am not a killer."

"I don't kill people, you have the wrong person."

"You can take the gift back. I don't drink or smoke."

Ye Zhen refused directly.

"Wait a minute, Master Ye, please listen to me first." Kong Hua said quickly, "I'm not asking you to kill people."

Then Kong Hua started to sigh.

"I am originally from Ludong Province and a member of the Kong family."

"That's right, it's the Kong family that Master Ye was thinking of."

"It is also the only seemingly remaining aristocratic family in our country."

(End of this chapter)

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