Popular science says oxygen is poisonous, and the whole internet scolds me for being sick

Chapter 337 The first family that has been passed down for 2500 years

Chapter 337 The First Family with 2500 Years of Heritage

The history of our country is really too long, broad and profound.

Many people think that one dynasty is the most powerful.

In fact, what they don't know is that behind these dynasties.

Those aristocratic families that monopolize knowledge and the path to advancement are the real uncrowned kings.

But now it is clear that there is no such thing as an aristocratic family.

But there is only one that is the most special, and that is the Kong family in Qufu.

It is known as the first noble family and the first noble family in China.

It has been passed down for more than 2500 years and has always been recorded in genealogies.

These 2500 years are longer than the history of some dynasties.

The dynasty was ups and downs, divided for a long time and must be reunited for a long time.

But the Kong family has always stood there, like a giant.

Here is a little trivia.

For example, when you are interacting with others, they will ask you your husband’s last name.

Your surname is a respectful title for you.

Generally speaking, you will say that your surname is X.

Just like Ye Zhen, if others ask Ye Zhen.

"Sir, what's your surname?"

Most people answer: "My surname is Ye."

This "free" is a humble way of calling yourself, and you don't need to use the word "gui" in your last name.

It is a free surname.

Have you ever thought that since there are "free" ones, there are also "noble" ones?

That is to say, a surname that is "unavoidably expensive".

There are only three such surnames in our country.

Only these three surnames, when someone asks you your surname.

You don't need to add the words "free of charge" in front of it.

The first one is Zhang. It goes without saying that people with this surname are free of expensive names.

Because people among the people believe that this is the surname of the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor's name is Zhang Bairen.

The full name is Haotian Golden Tower, the Supreme, Natural, Wonderful, Milo, and the True Jade Emperor God.

Naturally, this one is noble.

Many people think that God is a foreign word.

When I think of God’s words, the first thing that comes to mind is the One in the Bible.

In fact, the name God was just translated and appropriated by some people later.

The term God has always been unique to our country.

In fact, their God was originally translated as "Ye Mouse", "Jesus", etc.

Anyway, that's the name.

Later, they stole this name of God and used it for the purpose of preaching and elevating their status.

So now after everyone hears about God, the first thing they think of is Jehovah.

Not many people know about our local gods, such as the Haotian God and the Jade Emperor God.

The other one is Ji, because Huangdi's surname is Ji.

His original name was Ji Xuanyuan, so the surname Ji was naturally no longer needed.

No matter how you say it, these two people belong to myths and legends.

But this last one is different.

The last one is Kong, and this is because of Saint Kong.

The only one that everyone agrees is real.

It goes without saying that these three surnames are exempt from nobleness. You can imagine how noble they are in the history of our country and among the people.

There was no surprise in the expression on Ye Zhen's face.

The hatred on Kong Hua's face didn't need to be acted out, it was the feeling of hatred that penetrated his bones.

"Master Ye, listen to me." Kong Hua wanted to talk to Ye Zhen slowly.

Ye Zhen stopped Kong Hua directly and said, "Mr. Kong, just take these things back."

"I don't really want to hear your story."

Kong Hua's story couldn't be expressed, it was so uncomfortable.

Seeing Ye Zhen's indifferent appearance.

Since this is too soft, let's play the emotional card.

It can be said that a businessman like Kong Hua will do anything to achieve his goals.

"Hehehe, my good son-in-law." Kong Hua changed the subject and immediately stopped calling him Master Ye Zhen.

Instead, he called Ye Zhen his son-in-law.

This shocked the blond female secretary beside her.


Isn't this the master who came here specifically to find you? Why did he suddenly become a son-in-law?

The blonde secretary was puzzled.

Ye Zhen didn't expect that Kong Hua's change would be so rapid.

"My daughter has been pampered since she was a child."

"I don't know how many boys wanted to pursue her since I was a child."

"But she never even looks at it."

"You were the first one to bring her home to meet her parents." Kong Hua and Ye Zhen talked about their daughter.

In Kong Hua's view, Ye Zhen was taken home by Kong Sisi.

It shows that Kong Sisi really likes Ye Zhen.

Otherwise, based on my daughter's character, if she doesn't really like it.

Even if you put a gun to her head and ask her to do it, she will never agree.

And Ye Zhen did come over that day.

Kong Hua naturally loves his daughter very much.

But beneath Kong Hua's smiling face was a cold and heartless heart.

Even his own daughter can be traded.

Kong Hua believes that there is nothing in this world that cannot be used for business.

If you don't agree, it's just that the offer isn't high enough.

So if you can successfully take revenge, take revenge on the Kong family.

So what does this daughter mean?

From Kong Hua's point of view, this is a deal he can accept.

"Master Ye, if you like my daughter."

"I can guarantee that after I finish my revenge on the Kong family."

"I, Mr. Kong, promise to give you the most luxurious wedding in the whole city."

"I will take care of all this myself, and as long as you ask for a car, it will be your choice."

"You can choose any house in Yangcheng."

I don’t know how many people want to pursue Kong Sisi. On the one hand, of course Kong Sisi is very beautiful and outstanding.

My lady, my gentleman is good.

But there is another aspect: this father-in-law is a red-top businessman from eastern Guangdong Province.

Now that he has become the son-in-law of the Kong family, his future is limitless.

To put it simply, it's a waste of money.     Have a beautiful wife and such good resources?

It is simply two hundred years less time to struggle.

I have to say that the conditions offered by Kong Hua are very attractive.

But Ye Zhen's face still looked indifferent.

"My good son-in-law, why don't you think about it?"

"After all, I only have this one precious daughter."

"After I return to old age in a hundred years, I will not take it with me even if I am alive or dead."

"From now on, all my things belong to you two." Kong Hua's words are equivalent to talking about his huge business empire in the future.

And that huge inheritance, all belongs to the two of them.

What a huge temptation this is for ordinary people.

The blonde female secretary started to look at Ye Zhen differently now.

Isn't this just a standard soft-boiled guy?

At first, the blonde secretary listened to her boss.

He said he was here to meet a master.

Usually these businessmen especially believe in things like Feng Shui.

Especially those in eastern Guangdong Province believe in this set of things.

Therefore, the blond female secretary usually followed her boss Kong Hua to meet many so-called masters.

Those so-called masters, whether they are real or fake.

At least they all have a decent look, and their clothes match everyone's imagination of what a magician should look like.

The person who speaks is either Amitabha or some god of infinite blessings and the like.

I have never seen a "master" like Ye Zhen.

He actually lives in a village in the city.

And he was so young, unlike all the masters she had seen before.

Now I saw my boss actually calling Ye Zhen his son-in-law.

No matter how this blond female secretary looked at Ye Zhen now, she seemed to be someone who cheated money and sex.

But from her position, it was of course not convenient for her to say such a thing.

Kong Hua knew how beautiful his daughter was.

"How about it, my good son-in-law." Kong Hua felt that he had great control over people's hearts.

I have struggled in this society for so many years.

How many kinds of people have I never seen.

I have dealt with both black and white.

Ye Zhen's eyes were as calm as water. Kong Hua looked at Ye Zhen's eyes, without any fluctuation, just like the silence of the sky.

"I'm just accompanying your daughter to play along."

"We are not a real couple." Ye Zhen told the truth directly.

But Kong Hua looked indifferent, "What does this have to do with it?"

"No feelings can be cultivated slowly."

"Don't you like my daughter even a little bit?"

"Is my daughter not in good shape or not beautiful? Or is it because her family background is not good?"

No matter from which aspect, Kong Sisi is impeccable.

"I have something to do today, please come back." Ye Zhen directly issued an eviction order.

Kong Hua said with a look of reluctance: "Master Ye! How on earth did you promise me!"

"Do you want me, Mr. Kong, to kneel down for you?" Kong Hua stood up excitedly.

Ye Zhen didn't look at him, but said to the blond female secretary: "Take all your things away when you leave."

The blond female secretary glanced at Kong Hua.

Kong Hua saw that Ye Zhen was like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard.

"I, Kong Hua, never said that I was taking back the things I sent out." Kong Hua glanced at his blond female secretary.

"Let's go." Kong Hua left without looking back.

Ye Zhen said behind him: "I won't send it off, Mr. Kong."

When Kong Hua was going down the dim stairs, the blond female secretary whispered softly behind Kong Hua.

"Boss, I suspect that this master is a liar."

"Where could any master live in a place like this?"

"And he's still so young, don't let him fool you."

The blonde secretary reminded her boss.

Someone who can be Kong Hua's personal secretary will naturally be more than just a vase.

She herself is a qualified secretary.

After Kong Hua went downstairs, the two bodyguards kept waiting by the car.

The rest of the people passing by were already here to watch.

After all, such luxury cars are rare.

"Boss." Two bodyguards called Kong Hua.

Kong Hua got into the car directly, and the bodyguard had already opened the door.

"Boss, where are we going?" said one of the bodyguards driving.

The blond female secretary on the side had already taken out a cigar and lit it for Kong Hua.

After Kong Hua left.

Ye Zhen finally had time to do his own things.

One is "Advanced Qi Training Art". After Ye Zhen understood it, he has now begun to practice it formally.

Sure enough, Ye Zhen soon entered a state of cultivation.

Between Ye Zhen's breathing and breathing, the intervals between breaths were surprisingly long.

It took more than ten minutes for Ye Zhen to take one breath.

This is no longer the level of normal people.

Such long breathing is just an ordinary manifestation of Ye Zhen's practice.

The air Ye Zhen exhaled was filled with turbid air.

With just one breath, Ye Zhen felt that the oxygen in his body was more abundant.

It took a full hour for Ye Zhen to get out of this state.

Ye Zhen opened his eyes, and he could see fluorescence flowing in his eyes.

"Is this the effect of "Advanced Qi Training"?" Ye Zhen felt that the speed was better than he thought.

You must know that this is the end of the Dharma era after Jedi Tiantong.

If it were in other periods, how incredible would this effect be?

Ye Zhen previously estimated that it would take a week, which is about seven days.

Now Ye Zhen estimates that five days will be enough.

Next, Ye Zhen began to understand "Introduction to Immortal Law", and now he has understood the fifth chapter, which is the beginning of the last chapter.

Ye Zhen temporarily slowed down his mental training.

Because of the mark of these ten philosophers, Ye Zhen's mental power is slowly growing even if he does not actively practice.

In addition to increasing my energy before, my physical and mental strength have improved to varying degrees.

Ye Zhen's spirit has reached perfection naturally.

Now as long as you understand the fifth chapter of "Introduction to Immortal Law", you can say that you are a real introduction.

The basic theory of this immortal method can be regarded as thoroughly understood by myself.

(End of this chapter)

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