Chapter 338 The Late Eastern Han Dynasty

After turning on [Nine Apertures Exquisite], Ye Zhen's brain is now functioning at a higher speed than before.

It was still a little difficult to understand the fifth chapter before.

Now for Ye Zhen, there is no obstacle.

The rest is just a comprehensive understanding.

After a long time, Ye Zhen's mental strength reached its limit and he took the initiative to turn off the [Nine Apertures Exquisite] state.

"The progress is not bad." Ye Zhen estimated that it would be like this every day.

In about ten days, you can thoroughly understand "Introduction to Immortal Magic".

Ever since I had the previous Immortal Experience Card.

Ye Zhen's experience of various things has become deeper.

According to Ye Zhen's understanding, this immortal is just a high-latitude life form.

The five senses are no longer the same as those of ordinary people.

You can see the propagation of electrical signals in the air.

It's beyond the wavelengths visible to humans.

And you can use the four basic forces of the universe.

Strong force, weak force, gravity and electromagnetic force.

These are the four fundamental forces in the universe.

Originally, Ye Zhen planned to enter the second spiritual realm.

But now Ye Zhen's mental energy has been exhausted and he is exhausted.

Ye Zhen urgently needs sleep to replenish his mental strength.

I started with hot water for the first half of the wash, then switched to cold water.

After such alternation, Ye Zhen came out of the shower room.

I feel that my mental strength has recovered a little.

Ye Zhen plans to enter the second spiritual realm tomorrow.

You might want to say, don’t you have to go to work tomorrow?

Be careful about deductions from your wages!

But Ye Zhen went to work as usual today, and the rest of the program team had a day off.

However, Yangcheng TV has created history, so taking a day off is not too much.

Ye Zhen didn't go to the celebration banquet with them or get drunk.

Because the safe intake of alcohol is zero.

Just ingesting it is harmful to your body.

For many years, it has been spread that drinking a small amount of alcohol can be beneficial to your cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In fact, this was just a rumor, and it was about red wine.

This so-called research and authority is just bought by businessmen with money.

So this rumor has been circulating for so long.

It has also become a reason for many people to drink alcohol.

Others actually initially said that drinking a small amount of red wine is good for your health.

Later, I drank a small amount of alcohol, whether it was red, white or beer.

In the end, it evolved into the idea that drinking alcohol is beneficial. Alcohol is the essence of food and has no harm.

It wasn't until recent years that some real third-party agencies came to their conclusions.

The reasonable intake of alcohol is zero, and even one drop is harmful.

But not many people know about this.

Ye Zhen was originally a teetotaler.

However, Ye Zhen still had to take the extra day off, so Ye Zhen decided not to go to work tomorrow.

Make up for the time you spent at work today.

Soon Ye Zhen fell asleep quietly.

But while Ye Zhen was sleeping soundly.

Ye Zhen's door clicked, and someone opened the door and came in.

Quietly and tiptoed in.

It turned out to be Tushan. She had already recovered and came out of Bureau 749.

Tushan looked at the quiet room, there was no sound.

There was only the ticking sound of the clock hanging on the wall.

Tushan felt as if he was home.

Suddenly everyone relaxed.

In addition to the bald donkey at Sensoji Temple, there is also Ye Zhen here.

Tu Shan felt that he had never felt nostalgic for any place.

Maybe it’s not the nostalgia for the place, but the nostalgia for the people.

Tushan lay on the sofa and said to the ceiling, "Good night."

But Tushan's sensitive nose smelled the lingering perfume in the air.

Tushan Qingqiu sniffed it like a dog.

"A woman has been here!" Tushan Qingqiu immediately became alert.

This aroma obviously did not belong to Ye Zhen.

The shower gel and shampoo used by Ye Zhen didn't smell like this either.

But it was already very late now, and Tushan knew that Ye Zhen usually went to bed early.

"Forget it, let's see what's going on tomorrow." Tu Shan came back from Japan.

Tushan felt that the nine-tailed bloodline in his body was beginning to awaken.

It is precisely because of the power of the nine tails' blood.

Tu Shan was chosen by them to be sacrificed.

After all, in legends, the Nine Tails must be accompanied by a saint or a human emperor.

At that time, Dayu was the last king of the Shang Dynasty - Zhou.

Even if he went to the barren land of Japan, he became the so-called Tamamo-mae.

It's always been like this.

Tushan slept the most peacefully today in so many days.

Early the next morning, Ye Zhen opened his eyes.

Ye Zhen found that there was an extra heartbeat and breath in his room.

Ye Zhen walked out of his room and saw Tushan's familiar sleeping look.

"He must have come back in the middle of the night." Ye Zhen guessed.

After washing up, Ye Zhen returned to his room.

[Ding, do you want to spend 100 million popularity points to open the second spiritual realm? 】

The system inquiry sound sounded.

"Yes." Ye Zhen just finished speaking.

Ye Zhen's consciousness began to become confused. Now Ye Zhen can see psychedelic butterflies appearing in front of his eyes.

Like a dream or an illusion, all conditioned phenomena are like bubbles in a dream, like dew or lightning, and should be viewed as such.

Wait until Ye Zhen regains consciousness.

He was lying in a dilapidated thatched hut.

Ye Zhen found a strong man in front of him with a heroic look on his face.

"Third brother, are you awake?" The heroic man shouted to Ye Zhen.

Third brother? Ye Zhen looked at the appearance and clothes of the person in front of him.

"Second brother, third brother, are you awake?" Another person also walked in.

"Brother." The heroic man looked very similar to the person who came in.

The two looked like brothers at first glance.

But the older man had a look of compassion on his face.

"We finally gathered here today and let's talk about our future plans."

"In today's world, the people are in dire straits, and Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty has done nothing."

"This big guy has no future."

When Ye Zhen heard this, he originally thought he was Zhang Fei.

Because Ye Zhen had already guessed the approximate era when he saw the heroic appearance of his second brother.

Moreover, Ye Zhen was called the third brother, and Ye Zhen thought he was one of the three sworn brothers in Taoyuan.

What Ye Zhen was thinking was, shouldn't this second brother have a red face? Could it be that the records in "Three Kingdoms" are wrong?

But when the elder brother came in, Ye Zhen knew from the elder brother's mouth.

This is the period of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, which is also known as the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

Ye Zhen thought of the three most famous brothers in history.

All I saw was that the elder brother picked up a yellow scarf and tied it directly on his head.

How could Ye Zhen not know this at this time?

"Brother Zhang Jiao?" Ye Zhen asked tentatively.

The bearded man in front of him is Zhang Jiao.

The great virtuous teacher and Tiangong general recorded in history is also the founder of the Yellow Turban Army and the leader of the Taiping Road.

Yellow Turban Army!

There is something to say here, because the Yellow Turban Army is famous in the history of our country.

There are also quite a few records in history books.

In the first year of Emperor Zhongping of the Han Dynasty, that is, 184, there was an uprising called the Yellow Turban Army.

The leaders were none other than the three Zhang Jiao brothers.

Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang.

Ye Zhen's current identity is that of the youngest Zhang Liang.

No one in history knows when these three brothers were born.

No one has recorded who their parents are.

However, the late Eastern Han Dynasty was a very chaotic era.

Ye Zhen didn't know what the purpose of this second spiritual realm brought him here.

However, the late Eastern Han Dynasty was the period when the religious atmosphere was the strongest.

The Taiping Dao founded by Zhang Jiao can be said to be the official beginning of Taoism.

It was also from this time that Taoism developed so prosperously.

Zhang Jiaoqi Yuxuan, with a long beard on his face, is the oldest among the three.

"Second brother and third brother, these are troubled times and it is time for us to rise."

"I am so disappointed in this world." Zhang Jiao lamented, "I want to save more people."

"Give this world peace."

This was Zhang Jiao’s original ideal.

Ye Zhen knew that in this troubled world, it was indeed very difficult to have someone like Zhang Jiao.

Ye Zhen even saw that Zhang Jiao was a kind of hero among human beings.

There is an invisible destiny in him.

Like a protagonist.

If given the chance, Zhang Jiao might not be able to found the country.

But Ye Zhen knew Zhang Jiao’s ending in history.

This is just a ridiculous and beautiful idea.

But that was before, before Ye Zhen came here.

Ye Zhen suddenly said in deep thought: "Brother, I have something to say, I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"Third brother, it's okay to say it." Zhang Jiao said cheerfully; "We are gathered here today just to brainstorm ideas."

"Save this cannibal world." There is indeed something called ideal in Zhang Jiao's eyes.

Ye Zhen hasn't seen such hopeful eyes for a long time.

Even at that time, the court was corrupt, eunuchs and relatives were fighting constantly, and border wars continued.

The country is getting weaker and weaker, and due to a severe drought across the country, grain harvests have not been collected and taxes have not been reduced, and the poor farmers are desperate.

Ye Zhen had to admire Zhang Jiao for still having such an idea.

"This world should not be like this." Ye Zhen began to say softly: "This should be a peaceful and prosperous age where the tiller has land and everyone has food to eat."

After hearing Ye Zhen's words, Zhang Jiao's eyes shone.

"Third brother, you are my eldest brother's soulmate." He held Ye Zhen's hand tightly, "With this third brother, what more can I ask for?"

"Yes, in this world everyone should have food to eat, and there should be peace in this world."

But Zhang Jiao didn't know what to do.

Ye Zhen said from the side: "Since we want peace in the world, peace in the world."

"How about we create a name called Taipingdao."

"Since the sky is incompetent, the heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs."

"Then how about we rebel against the heaven!"

Although Ye Zhen's tone was calm, it was difficult for Zhang Jiao and Zhang Bao to hear.

But I felt my blood vessels swelling and my blood boiling!

"Taipingdao, a peaceful and prosperous age?" The second brother Zhang Bao repeated what Ye Zhen said.

Zhang Jiao seemed to have found something destined.

"Rebellion to this bitch's god."

"Fuck the heaven!" Zhang Jiao roared angrily, as if to vent his dissatisfaction with the world.

Ye Zhen felt something called luck, which began to grow from then on.

(End of this chapter)

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