Chapter 339 The Art of Peace

This is something that is inexplicable.

Now Ye Zhen can actually feel it vaguely.

This is a historical trend and a kind of luck.

Ye Zhen speculated that it might be because the luck in this horn was so strong that Ye Zhen felt this way.

Zhang Jiao now understood that his third brother was such a great talent.

"Third brother, do you have any other suggestions?" Zhang Jiao began to ask sincerely.

Ye Zhen pondered for a moment, "Since this heaven is incompetent, it is not worthy of being this heaven."

"We are all descendants of the Yellow Emperor, so we should respect the Yellow Emperor."

Zhang Jiao is worthy of being a hero among men, and he naturally understands the meaning of Ye Zhen's words.

In this ancient world, the most feared thing was that the master would be unknown.

But Ye Zhen said that we are descendants of the Yellow Emperor, which no one can refute.

"The sky is dead, Huang Tian should stand, and the age of Jiazi will be good for the world." Zhang Jiao, inspired by Ye Zhen, blurted out this sentence that has been passed down through the ages.

Especially in a certain popular game in the future, it became one of the most famous character lines.

"This will be our slogan from now on, big brother." Ye Zhen felt like he was a witness to history. This feeling was very wonderful.

Zhang Bao patted Ye Zhen on the shoulder and said, "Third brother, it was the second brother who underestimated you before."

"I didn't expect that you, like my eldest brother, are also ambitious people."

But where is this? This is nothing more than establishing a slogan.

You must know why the Yellow Turban Army is so important.

Because this is the beginning of our country's native religion, Taoism.

It was also our first military uprising in a religious form.

Why choose yellow?

Moreover, according to the theory of Five Virtues, the Han Dynasty is the virtue of fire, fire produces earth, and earth is yellow.

This Huang Tian is the most consistent with this theory.

Zhang Jiao said: "Chen Sheng and Wu Guang back then were our best role models."

"We should learn from the lessons of our predecessors."

"Does the prince and general Xiang Ning have the guts?"

Zhang Jiao also knew it and was familiar with books.

It can be known that Zhang Jiao is definitely not an illiterate person.

Knowing these words shows that Zhang Jiao's awareness of the uprising did not arise suddenly.

"Brother, our uprising should have a resounding name." Ye Zhen made a suggestion.

"A resounding name?" Zhang Bao was also thinking at the side.

Zhang Bao said: "Why don't we call General Jin, General Ying, General Tie? It sounds so nice."

"Gold is yellow, why don't you call me General Jin? How domineering it is."

When he said this, Zhang Bao had a money-obsessed look in his eyes.

Ye Zhen discovered that the second brother Zhang Bao might be a money addict.

So this treasure is really not wrong.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jue frowned, "Second brother, isn't this a very good name?"

"Third brother, what do you think?" Zhang Jiao looked at Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen thought for a while, "Our uprising requires the right time, place and people."

"It requires cooperation from all aspects."

"Why don't we name it after the people of heaven, earth and people."

"General Tiangong, General Digong, General Renggong." Ye Zhen said.

Zhang Bao looked disdainful and said, "Where can I find my gold, silver, and copper among the people in this world?"

"Big brother is obviously a better name for me."

As long as Zhang Jiao has a good brain, he will know how to choose.

"Okay!" Zhang Jue shouted, "From now on, I will be General Zhang Jue!"

"You! Zhang Bao, I will confer you the title of Lord General of the Earth."

"Zhang Liang, I will confer you the title of General."

When Zhang Bao heard what his eldest brother said, it was obvious that his eldest brother liked this person even more.

While listening to Zhang Jiao's words, Zhang Bao muttered, "Obviously gold, silver, and copper sound better."

Ye Zhen smiled at the side and said: "Take the order! General Tiangong."

When Zhang Jiao saw Ye Zhen's appearance, he immediately felt that he was already the most powerful general among thousands of people.

If that's all it is, it's just the fantasy of three adults.

It can be said that it is just like playing house.

This horn was originally powerless and the only one he could rely on.

This is the way to peace.

As the beginning of China's native religion, this was an unprecedented event.

However, Zhang Jiao still didn't have a specific idea on how to implement this.

At night, the three brothers were lying in the hut sleeping.

Ye Zhen found that this horn was not on the bed.

Ye Zhen also got up and came outside the house.

Zhang Jiao was looking up into the sky.

Ye Zhen also looked up at the sky. The sky in this era was so bright and clear.

Without industrial and atmospheric pollution, the sky is full of stars.

Let Ye Zhen, a modern person, see how beautiful the sky is.

Zhang Jiao was not surprised at all when he saw Ye Zhen coming out.

"Third brother, do you think my ideal of world peace will be realized?" Zhang Jiao has an idealist mentality.

This was an expression Ye Zhen had never seen before.

"Okay." Ye Zhen also looked at the sky and replied.

Zhang Jiao continued to think about those people who rebelled in history.

But none of them failed, and none of them ended well.

"If you fail in the end, it's just death." Zhang Jiao laughed loudly, "Hahaha, a real man is born between heaven and earth."

"You should live your life happily for once!"

"If we can't bring peace to this world, my efforts will be in vain."

The next day, the three of them woke up early.

After Ye Zhen woke up, he immediately said: "Brother, when I went to bed last night." "I dreamed about the immortal."

Zhang Jiao quickly asked: "Immortal? Third brother, what immortal did you dream about?"

Ye Zhen looked at the roof, as if trying to remember, "I forgot, but the immortal in this dream taught me a lot of things."

"He asked me to leave it to you, eldest brother." Ye Zhen and Zhang Jiao said.

Zhang Jiao was stunned for a moment, "Could this be the time of heaven?"

"Does God want to help me?"

Using this fairy's dream, Ye Zhen can tell a lot of things.

Ye Zhen said directly: "Brother, in today's world, people are in dire straits."

“The poor people do not have enough to eat and cannot cure their diseases.”

"We can seize this key point and make a fuss about it."

Zhang Jiao seemed to have seen a new road.

"Third brother, please elaborate." Zhang Jiao felt that this third brother was completely different from before.

Ye Zhen continued to explain: "The most important thing about this uprising is people, that is, military strength."

"The three of us are powerless and have nothing."

"It's not like Chen Sheng and Wu Guang had such a coincidence."

"Then what should we do?"

Zhang Bao was also worried about this at first. The three of them were not from aristocratic families.

They are just three ordinary people, but Zhang Jiao has the world at heart.

How could this younger brother not support his elder brother?

"Yes." Zhang Bao asked, "What should we do?"

Ye Zhen glanced at Zhang Jiao and said, "What do the poor want most now."

Zhang Jiao pondered for a moment and said, "It's just about having enough to eat and drink to have peace."

Just the word Taiping is extremely difficult.

As far as the 21st century where Ye Zhen lives.

It’s not that we live in a peaceful era, but that we were born in a peaceful country.

Don’t you see how many places in this world are fighting every day?

Even the most basic issue of food and clothing is a problem.

All they want is a simple word of peace.

Why do some people wish for world peace and peace?

Because this is an almost unattainable wish.

The same is true now. In the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the people were in dire straits and the emperor was in power.

"Yes, sometimes people just want to have enough to eat and drink." Ye Zhen sighed: "But even such a simple request cannot be fulfilled."

"And those of them are well-dressed and well-fed."

Zhang Jue clenched his fists when he heard this, and Zhang Bao did the same.

"But we don't have any extra food." Ye Zhen spread his hands, "We can't create food out of thin air."

"So this path is unattainable."

"Then there's only one other way left."

Zhang Jiao has actually thought about these issues. He has no soldiers and no money.

How did the uprising happen?

Could it be that just shouting is enough?

This is basically impossible, after all, this is something that will cost you your head.

At that time, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang almost lost their heads because of this.

Either way it's death.

If you die today, you will die, and you will die if you plan to die. If you die, can you die?

Now, even if you run away (get caught), you will die. Starting an uprising is also death. The same is death. Is it okay to die for national affairs?

This was one of the reasons why Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were successful back then.

But now Zhang Jiao and the others' situation is completely different.

It has no reference value at all.

Ye Zhen knew that at this time, some of his skills would be useful.

After all, Ye Zhen is also an immortal cultivator, and he is someone who knows Hetu Luoshu, "Introduction to Immortal Law"!

"This is medical skill." Ye Zhen pointed out the key.

Zhang Bao was still confused, "What does this have to do with medical skills?"

After Zhang Jiao heard this, he immediately figured everything out, "Yes, it's medical skills."

"As long as we cure this people's disease, it will be fine."

"But, brother." Zhang Bao said, "We don't know how to treat illnesses."

"We are not Bian Que."

Zhang Jiao also knew that he had no medical skills.

But compared with those before, this medical skill is the only thing they can rely on now.

Ye Zhen smiled at this time and said: "Don't worry, brother, the immortal has just entrusted these dreams to me."

"Everything about the Way of Peace, everything about medicine and witchcraft."

Zhang Jiao felt shocked for the first time.

It was a feeling that heaven and earth were pushing him forward.

As long as you encounter any obstacles, there will be someone who can solve them for you.

As the modern saying goes, someone offers you a pillow while you doze off.

Ye Zhen began to teach Zhang Jiao.

"The Immortal calls this the "Art of Peace"." Ye Zhen said with a serious face.

"Is there really God's will in the dark?" Zhang Jiao listened to what Ye Zhen said, ""The Art of Taiping"."

The qualifications of this horn are the most outrageous that Ye Zhen has ever seen.

It is also possible that there is still a remnant of spiritual energy in this era.

Therefore, Zhang Jiao learned very quickly, almost like a monster.

Could this horn really be the child of some kind of luck?

Judging from Ye Zhen's current situation, this corner does have the opportunity to open up an era.

But history is completely different from what Ye Zhen is encountering now.

What went wrong?

Ye Zhen didn't know what kind of historical aftershock this would cause.

(End of this chapter)

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