Popular science says oxygen is poisonous, and the whole internet scolds me for being sick

Chapter 340: Unite the common people of 9 states and shake the royal court of 1 family

Chapter 340: Joining the Li Shu of Jiuzhou and shaking the royal court of one family

Zhang Jiao was a man whose biography was not even included in the history books of later generations.

It's as if he doesn't recognize his status and identity.

So until now, the world doesn't know what the family background of Zhang Jiao and his three brothers is.

What is the date of birth?

But Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are different. Others are from aristocratic families and are recognized.

But let’s talk about the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the collapse of the Han Dynasty.

It must have started with the Yellow Turban Uprising.

Ye Zhen taught Zhang Jiao the "Essential Art of Peace".

In fact, this is not the "Essential Art of Taiping" at all. In history, it was also called "The Sutra of Taiping".

The era at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty was the source of the beginning of my country's local religion.

Zhang Jiao also relied on "The Art of Taiping" to become the leader of this religion.

Legend has it that this was written by the old immortal Nanhua, and some people say it was written by Yu Ji.

Ye Zhen described what he had learned to Zhang Jiao one by one.

"Brother, all this was taught to me by the immortal in the dream." Ye Zhen could tell from Zhang Jiao's words and deeds.

You know that Zhang Jiao must not be from an ordinary background.

Because Zhang Jiao in history was able to read the 170 volumes of "Taiping Yaoshu" and knew witchcraft and medical skills.

If Zhang Jiao is really a child from an ordinary poor family.

How is it possible to be literate?

So some people speculate that Zhang Jiao may come from a wealthy family.

This makes Zhang Jiao and his three brothers even more valuable.

Obviously they can ignore the rest of the people and ignore them.

You can be like those people and turn a blind eye to the displaced people.

But Zhang Jiao broke away from his own class and wanted everyone to have food and peace in the world.

Connecting the common people of Jiuzhou, shaking the royal court of one family.

This world has never belonged to the Han family.

When Ye Zhen taught Zhang Jiao, it can be said that he used all his skills.

Zhang Jiao was like a sponge, constantly absorbing countless knowledge from Ye Zhen.

Zhang Jiao seemed to have gained enlightenment while listening to Ye Zhen's words.

Ye Zhen just added some modern things with his own understanding.

Taking this as a boundary, some contents in "Taiping Yaoshu" established the future framework system of Taoism.

Ye Zhen and Zhang Jiao said: "Brother, according to what the immortal said in the dream."

"The existence of our world is called the Dao of Heaven. We must grasp the idea of ​​the unity of heaven and man."

"Heaven and earth exist together with me, and all things are one with me."

Zhang Jiao seemed to understand, but why did Zhang Jiao believe it.

Because he knew that his third brother would never do such things.

These things cannot be fabricated out of thin air!

So the only explanation is that the third brother Zhang Liang did receive the immortal's entrustment in his dream.

In some records of monsters, such things have already happened.

Unexpectedly, it was his third brother who met him.

Zhang Jiao pondered for a while, "Is heaven and man one? Become one with heaven and earth."

This is the idea of ​​unity between man and nature.

Sensing between heaven and man, it is believed that the universe and humans communicate with each other, and the connection between heaven and man is communicated by essence.

Taoist priests with profound Taoist practices can sense the way of heaven through their own cultivation and magic, so as to pray for sunshine and rain, and benefit people and materials.

If you use Ye Zhen to experience the immortal experience.

It was Ye Zhen who could use his naked eyes and five senses beyond ordinary people at that time.

To feel all things in the world, to see atoms and even electrons, this is the basis of matter and the basis for the operation of all things in the world.

Using the four basic forces of the universe, this is the immortal.

And when Ye Zhen taught it to Zhang Jiao, he also imitated the "Huangdi Neijing".

It’s also a question and answer format.

It seems that these strange books and heavenly books that suddenly appeared are circulated in the form of questions and answers.

The question was from the disciple, Zhang Liang in the dream.

The person who answered was the immortal master, Ye Zhen himself.

It can be said that you have asked and answered your own questions.

But for Zhang Jiao at this time, these thoughts coincided with what was in his mind.

Ye Zhen and his eldest brother Zhang Jiao sat opposite each other like this.

The second brother Zhang Bao was watching.

In Zhang Bao's ears, what Ye Zhen said was undoubtedly consistent with the heavenly scriptures.

Obviously he can understand every word, but when they are added together.

But he felt that he was in a daze and couldn't understand anything at all.

On the contrary, it was his eldest brother Zhang Jiao who listened with great interest.

But Zhang Bao is now like an observer, recording the conversation between Ye Zhen and Zhang Jiao.

Ye Zhen said in a calm tone: "This person who practices Taoism should do good deeds and accumulate virtue."

"Only by doing good deeds and accumulating virtue will you have a better future life."

"Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that there will be no reward, it's that the time has not come."

“Only when people believe in the correct Tao can they eliminate disasters and attain immortality.”

"This is what the immortal in the dream told me."

"Human consciousness can affect this so-called way of heaven."

"If the people he governs cannot live in peace, the emperor will be in trouble."

Zhang Jiao said excitedly: "Okay! Good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil deeds."

"This is how the world should be."

"For this reason, we cultivators can achieve immortality."

Zhang Jiao continued to ask: "I wonder if this immortal master has taught me any cultivation methods?"

Ye Zhen thought for a while and said, "It is recorded in the "Essential Art of Taiping"."

"This is what the immortal master granted us."

"The immortal master said that there will be a great disaster in the world in the future, and it will take a destined person to solve it."

Ye Zhen explained to Zhang Jiao again.

It is divided into three levels, sage, virtuous and immortal.

That's why Zhang Jiao was known as the Great Sage Master in history. This is the reason.

"Can I live forever?" Zhang Jiao's eyes were also full of desire.

No one can avoid this immortality.

"As long as those who believe in our way of peace."

"Everyone has food to eat and the world is at peace."

"Those who do good deeds and accumulate virtue can achieve immortality and live forever." Zhang Jiao integrated all these things.

This was the prototype of religion, also known as primitive Taoism by later generations.

In this era, it can be said to be a dimensionality reduction attack!

In such a place, people are treated as if they are not human beings, and even start to eat people.

Having such a hope can be said to be the only hope given to people in despair.

After Zhang Jiao listened to Ye Zhen's words, he felt that his whole body was clear.

"The world will definitely be as I wish, and the world will be at peace." Zhang Jiao felt that the future Datong society was already waiting for him.

It was during the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

Liu Bei, who was recognized by everyone as being kind, still stood on the opposite side of the people.

They still rely on their own power to suppress the people.

And Zhang Jiao, he is the only one who cares about the people and wants them to have enough to eat!

All he wants is peace in the world.

Coupled with the "Essentials of Peace" taught to him by Ye Zhen, after having this essentials.

You can win the hearts of the people easily. Ye Zhen felt that his task was almost done.

"I didn't expect that this historical "Taiping Yashu" was actually written by me." Ye Zhen didn't expect it either.

If Ye Zhen knew less, he would not have been able to write the 170-volume, 23-word "The Art of Taiping".

Because this can be said to be the essence of Ye Zhen so far.

It contains information about medical skills, witchcraft, heaven and earth, yin and yang, five elements, ten branches, disasters, gods, etc.

It can be said to include everything.

Ye Zhen felt that the system was already calling him.

It seems that his mission has been completed.

However, Ye Zhen knew that in history, Zhang Jiao relied on the Taiping Road at the beginning, in this era when the people were in dire straits and had to exchange children for food.

Where there was a plague, he went inside to treat the people regardless of the risk of his life.

To care about the people and give them a faint hope.

In a short period of time, a large number of believers were attracted.

Zhang Jiao divided the followers who followed him into thirty-six parties. One party was an army. He appointed Qu Shuai as the general of each party. The big party commanded more than 10,000 people, and the small party commanded six or seven thousand people.

This is the most basic weapon. It can be said that Zhang Jiao relies on the "Taiping Art" given by Ye Zhen to win over him.

But just when they were about to revolt, a man named Tang Zhou secretly went to Gaomi, the then imperial court.

This led to the execution of a group of local Taiping Dao believers, which exposed Zhang Jiao's uprising.

As a result, the uprising was so hasty that it ultimately failed.

So Ye Zhen wanted to remind: "Brother, be careful your name is Tang..." Ye Zhen hadn't said the word Zhou yet.

Ye Zhen felt as if his throat was being strangled.

The malice between heaven and earth attacks him directly.

That thing called Cang Tian directly wanted to exclude Ye Zhen from this world.

"Third brother." Zhang Jiao's eyes flashed with lightning, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Jue seemed to have great luck, and Zhang Jue touched Ye Zhen.

It felt like the ill will between heaven and earth was beginning to dissipate.

Ye Zhen took a deep breath, feeling that he was almost wiped out by heaven and earth.

Zhang Jiao frowned, "Could it be that too many secrets have been revealed?"

"Third brother, thank you for your hard work." Zhang Jiao felt very sorry for his younger brother.

"Just now you said you wanted me to be careful about Tang." Zhang Jiao recorded his thoughts.

Now Ye Zhen doesn't dare to mention Tang Zhou's name at all.

It seems that there is some kind of rule that prevents Ye Zhen from saying it?

Historically, it was also because of this small loophole that Tang Zhou suddenly got out of his mind and went out.

And Zhang Jiao didn't know why so many people insisted on choosing Tang Zhou to send secret messages.

It was as if everything was destined.

"Brother, this is the last thing the immortal asked me to teach you."

"Thunder Technique." Ye Zhen handed Zhang Jiao the Thunder Technique he had learned.

Zhang Jiao can be mastered with just a few clicks, and he can draw inferences from one instance to another, and he can learn it in no time.

If it were in a novel about cultivating immortals, Zhang Jiao must be one of those with an innate holy thunder body.

Zhang Jiao actually cultivated his Qi all of a sudden.

"Is this true energy?" Zhang Jiao went outside the house, and Ye Zhen also followed Zhang Jiao outside the house.

"Use my true energy to combine the creation of heaven and earth." Zhang Jiao transferred the true energy into his hands, "gather the energy of heaven and follow the way of heaven."

A flash of lightning fell from the sky, causing a bolt from the blue.

In the flash of lightning, Ye Zhen had returned to the real world.

"Zhang Jiao, I can only help you so far."

Ye Zhen opened his eyes and looked at the familiar ceiling in his room.

Originally, Ye Zhen thought he could be like Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period.

You can continue to experience it.

Ye Zhen also wanted to see the era when the heroes were divided and see the time when Zhang Jiao was successful.

Ye Zhen immediately got up and turned on the computer.

Go read this historical information.

"Zhang Jiao." Ye Zhen found Zhang Jiao's name in the search bar.

However, Ye Zhen's eyes dimmed, "Sure enough, it still didn't succeed?"

Ye Zhen saw Zhang Jiao in history, but the uprising still did not succeed.

The fate of the Yellow Turban Army was the same as before in history.

But there are some more records about Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Jiao asked when facing the army sent by the Han Dynasty.

"You call me a thief, but what did I steal?"

Starting from Youzhou, Zhang Jiao used the nine-section staff to cure the diseases of the local people with talisman water.

Many people say Zhang Jiao is a liar.

"We don't know what a liar is."

"But we know that Master Zhang Xian has us in his heart."

"He treated us as human beings."

Many people brought their families with them to become the Yellow Turban Army.

However, he was called the Yellow Turban Thief by people at the time.

"Why do you think we should follow Brother Zhang?"

"Because he said he wanted everyone to have food to eat and the world to be peaceful."

"I believe in Brother Zhang."

Many capable people also followed Zhang Jiao, they were idealists.

I want everyone to have food to eat, and I want the world to be peaceful.

"Did he prepare for Tang Zhou?" Ye Zhen looked up the history.

In the end, Zhang Jiao was not high-profile, and it was natural for him to start a secret uprising.

Sure enough, the secret that Ye Zhen risked his life to reveal worked.

But this only delayed the Yellow Turban Army.

It can be said that the Yellow Turban Army was pulled together by Zhang Jiao's personal charm.

But God is jealous of talents, or this damned way of heaven is deliberate.

Zhang Jiao died of illness.

Just like in history.

Ye Zhen felt a sense of powerlessness, "Just like Liu Xiu back then, do you have the luck of a plane?"

"Wang Mang can't do it, and neither can Zhang Jiao."

But now, the "Essential Art of Taiping" is also what later generations call the "Taiping Jing".

After research, later generations were surprised to find that this was a strange book.

The basic system of Taoist immortals is constructed in it.

And it integrates and encompasses the theories of various schools of thought.

It also records Taoist health and medicine.

Shooting includes Qi training, bigu, Kanyu, folk taboos, as well as the cycle of cause and effect, the reincarnation of fate, etc.

So everything you can think of can be found here.

On this basis, a Datong Taiping society where everyone is equal is built.

Some people doubt whether the person who wrote "The Art of Taiping" is a real immortal.

Some people suspect that the person who wrote such advanced ideas may be a time traveler.

Just like Wang Mang back then.

Probably no one thought that the author of "The Art of Peace" was actually Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen now has the ability to write something like this.

(End of this chapter)

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