Chapter 341 Zhang Jiao and Zhang Tianshi?

Ye Zhen looked at his popularity score.

There are only 20 popularity points left.

"Sure enough." Ye Zhen guessed right, after opening the second spiritual realm.

Ye Zhen originally still had 120 million popularity points left.

But now Ye Zhen only has 20 left.

It is said that in the second spiritual realm, Ye Zhen consumed 100 million popularity points.

"Could it be that I said the word Tang?" Ye Zhen knew that the concept of history would consume a lot of popularity points.

But Ye Zhen didn't know exactly how much it would consume.

But it's a pity that Ye Zhen doesn't know how to lead troops to fight.

So there is nothing to teach Zhang Jiao.

This corner seems destined to fail.

"If I were more popular, could I change history?"

Zhang Jiao pioneered the Taiping Road back then, if Zhang Jiao really succeeds.

Then a dynasty that unites politics and religion may appear.

Maybe history will be different in the future.

Even if Ye Zhen traveled to the past, he still didn't see what Zhang Jiao was like.

However, Zhang Jiao's cultivation talent was enviable even Ye Zhen.

Only then did Ye Zhen notice the voice in his head.

[Ding, the host has received a rating of B]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the "True Thunder Immortal Technique"]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining Zhang Jiao’s understanding of thunder method]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Celestial Master's Mark]

The rewards this time were not as large as the last time, but Ye Zhen looked at these rewards.

After flipping through "True Thunder Immortal Technique", Ye Zhen felt that the content in it was obscure and difficult to understand.

But we can get a glimpse of it, from the name and some scattered contents.

"Are these various records about thunder methods?" Ye Zhen knew that this was a real immortal method.

But now Ye Zhen has not even completed "Introduction to Immortal Law", so let alone this advanced thing.

"There is also this horn's understanding of the thunder method." Ye Zhen found that this was similar to Tes's previous research and understanding of electricity.

The two can actually integrate and complement each other to some extent.

Ye Zhen felt a feeling similar to completion.

This was quite effective for Ye Zhen to understand the electromagnetic force, one of the four basic forces of the universe.

"What is this Celestial Master's mark?" Ye Zhen didn't understand. This thing was the same as the previous Shizhe mark.

It becomes something embodied, floating on the sea of ​​​​Ye Zhen's spirit.

And it is side by side with the Shizhe mark.

Heavenly Master? Zhang Daoling, Zhang Tianshi.

Five Dou Rice Cult.

All these things came to Ye Zhen's mind, "This corner is also named Zhang, it can't be such a coincidence."

This so-called thunder method is the first of all methods.

Whether in novels or anime, it is a symbol of the Celestial Master.

It just so happens that the person most familiar with this angle is Lei Fa.

Is this a coincidence? There is also the Celestial Master's mark this time.

Why has Zhang Jiao’s identity and family background never been known or mentioned?

Or was it deliberately concealed and erased?

Ye Zhen didn't know this.

"This second spiritual realm reward is really good." Ye Zhen felt that the biggest gain this time was not actually the reward given by this system.

Instead, I integrated the previous things myself.

Understanding it yourself and teaching it to others are completely different concepts.

Fortunately, Ye Zhen has always been quite accomplished in classical Chinese.

So after writing "The Art of Peace", Ye Zhen also had another kind of experience.

I feel as if I have been sublimated.

Ye Zhen got up from the bed, less than five minutes had passed.

The passage of time in this spiritual realm is different from the real world.

Ye Zhen began to think about how to earn more popularity points.

Tushan also woke up at this time.

Ye Zhen went out to the living room and looked at Tu Shan, "Have you recovered?"

The corners of Tushan's mouth raised, revealing a sweet smile, and his apricot eyes were like crescent moons.

"I'm healthy now!" Tu Shan raised his arms, trying to show off his small muscles.

"But I don't understand either. After I petitioned for the title, all my cultivation and everything had been completely wiped out."

"According to logic, I should be too dead to die." Tu Shan had actually been thinking about it.

Even if Hua Tuo were alive, he would be helpless in Tushan's situation.

So Tushan didn't understand what method Ye Zhen used to pull himself back from the gate of hell.

But no matter what, Tu Shan doesn’t know how many lives he owes Ye Zhen now.

However, the debts are overwhelming, and Tushan already owes so much.

"Ye Zhen, how did you rescue me?" Tu Shan asked seriously.

"You saved me once, and I saved you once, so it's even." Ye Zhen replied calmly.

"How can this be done!" Tu Shan immediately said dissatisfied.

"The young lady has nothing to repay for the young master's great kindness."

"I can only promise you with my body." Tushan blinked his apricot eyes affectionately.

In addition, Tushan already had a peerless appearance that would bring disaster to the country and the people.

He still has the blood of the nine-tailed fox, which has a huge ability to charm anyone.

This is much stronger than Liu Yan's half-assed charm ability.

But Ye Zhen's eyes were clear and he was not affected in the slightest.

"Sir." Tu Shan stood up from the sofa, knelt on the sofa, and put his hands on Ye Zhen's shoulders.

Ye Zhen shook his shoulders and got Tu Shan off.

"Your little trick is of no use to me." Ye Zhen said calmly.

Tu Shan was anxious, "Bah! What a otaku! What a virgin! You deserve to be single for the rest of your life!"

Ye Zhen ignored it completely, because Ye Zhen was already thinking about how to earn more popularity points.

Now Ye Zhen's fame and popularity have reached a peak in China.

Even if it rises further, it will be extremely limited. This made Ye Zhen focus on the outside world.

It just so happens that the mission of this system is to make Ye Zhen become the number one in ratings in Asia.

This matter is not that simple.

But if it succeeds, the popularity will definitely skyrocket.

So is Ye Zhen still worried about not having enough popularity?

Ye Zhen has already thought about what the next program will be.

The day passed quickly.

Ye Zhen studied in front of the computer for a whole day.

Continuously absorb knowledge from various channels every day.

This time in the spiritual realm, Ye Zhen knew that he was not omnipotent.

I also have limitations.

The more you know, the more you feel your ignorance.

In the evening, Ye Zhen could eat hot meals again.

Tushan's cooking skills are getting more and more sophisticated now.

When Ye Zhen was practicing, Tu Shan stayed beside Ye Zhen.

Just like those animals listening to other people's sermons, they were waiting for Ye Zhen.

After a night of practice.

Ye Zhen is closer to the realm of health maintenance master.

Early in the morning, Ye Zhen returned to Yangcheng TV station as usual.

Ever since Ye Zhen's program "Into Popular Science" won the first place in the national ratings.

Now the amount of advertising on Yangcheng TV Station is soaring like a rocket.

I don’t know how many programs want to invite Ye Zhen to be a guest, and there are also various endorsements.

There are also some universities that want to hire Ye Zhen as an honorary professor.

Ye Zhen's original undergraduate school is now smiling from ear to ear.

Because Ye Zhen was the person who directly caused them to start working hard on publicity.

Ye Zhen's original school became a big hit.

Ye Zhen, who returned to Yangcheng TV station, kept saying hello to his colleagues.

"Hello, Teacher Ye."

"Teacher Ye, do you have a girlfriend?"

"I'm your fan, Teacher Ye! When I come to Yangcheng TV station, I just take a look at you!"

There are some people who want to become colleagues with Ye Zhen.

He actually wanted to enter the Yangcheng TV station.

This brought Yangcheng TV to a new peak.

When have you ever seen so many people come here?

All of this is actually coming towards Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen returned to his office.

When he saw a familiar person, Producer Chen had already been waiting for him in his office.

"Hey, big star, are you finally willing to come back?" Producer Chen went up and punched the chest.

"I thought you were acting like a big star and not going to work today." Producer Chen winked at Ye Zhen, "Now it's popular and it's starting to get popular."

Producer Chen is indeed very good at Yin and Yang.

"How do you look like Producer Chen?" Ye Zhen sat in his seat, "Now you are a famous person in the industry."

“The big guys in the industry are now eager to have a meal with you.”

Producer Chen chuckled and said, "Aren't they looking for me just to cooperate with you?"

"By the way, do you know Mr. Kong from Dahua Commercial?" Producer Chen suddenly asked.

"Kong Hua?" Ye Zhen asked after thinking for a second.

"Yes, this Kong Hua is our red-top businessman from eastern Guangdong Province."

"His business is spread all over the country, and he even has business overseas."

"I don't know what happened to him, but he placed many advertisements here."

"Especially if I name you and want to cooperate with you."

"And he directly transferred three million to me." Producer Chen was frightened by this large sum of money.

"It's a small thing to say."

Producer Chen knew that these wealthy businessmen were spending huge sums of money, but that was only on female celebrities.

Ye Zhen is a man, so he shouldn't be.

So Producer Chen thought there must be something he didn't know about.

"I know." Of course Ye Zhen knew what Kong Hua was going to do.

"How are you preparing for the next episode?" Producer Chen asked.

Now everyone is looking at Ye Zhen, staring at Ye Zhen.

Because Ye Zhen is now being held up to the altar.

Everyone knows Ye Zhen and knows Ye Zhen's influence.

But some people can't bear to see Ye Zhen being so angry.

They want to find Ye Zhen's black spots and pull Ye Zhen down from the altar.

What people like to do most nowadays is to put people on the altar.

Pulling people down again is what everyone likes to see most.

But Ye Zhen is indeed an otaku.

Some people want to dig up some black spots and black information about Ye Zhen.

I couldn't find even a little bit of anything to write down.

Even if someone offered a big price and tried to dig out Ye Zhen's powerful information from his colleagues, they all failed.

They even dug up Ye Zhen's former classmates.

But when Ye Zhen was in school, he was the kind of person with a very low sense of existence.

It's the kind of person who has mediocre grades and is taciturn.

The kind of person who doesn't participate in any group activities.

After Ye Zhen became popular, many of Ye Zhen's former classmates almost couldn't recognize him.

So Ye Zhen makes people feel more and more mysterious.

Secondly, Ye Zhen's current information is confidential.

It was kept secret by Bureau 749 and Bureau 656.

It's no wonder that others who tried to find more in-depth information found nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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