Chapter 342 The Riddler Preview

Soon the day of Ye Zhen's show came.

During this period of time, Ye Zhen’s show was constantly mentioned.

Everyone is looking forward to what Ye Zhen's new program will be.

Many viewers watched Ye Zhen's program over and over again.

"Ah! Without Teacher Ye Zhen, I would die."

"When will Teacher Ye release a new episode of the show!"

"If the broadcast doesn't start, I will report it! Are you hiding Teacher Ye?"

It’s not just ordinary people who are waiting for Ye Zhen’s next show.

The same goes for all walks of life.

Now the archaeological community and historians worship Ye Zhen as if he were a god.

Because Ye Zhen appeared, there were also some theories and opinions put forward by Ye Zhen.

Let them find a new world.

More and more people now support the idea of ​​a super-ancient civilization.

There are also those who relied on Ye Zhen’s program as inspiration and wrote many new papers.

Some of them have Ye Zhen's name written on them, and Ye Zhen is also one of the authors.

"Mr. Ye is really a great talent."

"He made some points that we've been ignoring before."

"Is this the Bystander Qing? I particularly like the phase of the Sanxingdui ruins mentioned by Teacher Ye."

"On the contrary, I like the Lingjiatan ruins even more."

Everyone now recognizes Ye Zhen's academic ability.

Many of them have lived for so many years, and some people feel that Ye Zhen knows too much.

Especially in certain fields, Ye Zhen's ideas and perspectives completely surpassed their understanding.

So do some researchers.

Some physicists are now also looking for black technologies such as the infinite energy tower mentioned by Tesla before.

Plus the dark matter information theory that Ye Zhen mentioned before, which is the Akashic record.

"The birth of humanity may not really be an accident."

"Could it be that this Tiandao is really the driving force behind the scenes?"

"Is the way of heaven the so-called God?"

"When will Mr. Ye's show start?"

Here I have to mention being tired of winning.

They heard Ye Zhen's advice from Professor Zhou.

For this reason, some of them really tried to gain the power of winning again.

There are also some people who are tired of winning and go directly to places in Southeast Asia.

After all, the most popular place for head-dropping and poisoning is Southeast Asia.

After Professor Zhou learned about this, he just shook his head slightly.

"After I told them about Mr. Ye's suggestion."

"How to do it is their business, I have no way to influence them."

Professor Yan Xin and other scientists studying modern life sciences.

I discovered that Qi is real, and that these meridians are something passed down from our ancestors.

It is indeed something they cannot explain now.

"When can we invite Ye Zhen to come over and cooperate with us?"

"If we can actually develop it, this is going to start a new era."

"This Ye Zhen is the father of life who started this era."

Now Ye Zhen's influence is no longer limited to the country.

There are also many fans of Ye Zhen abroad. They have spent the past few days learning how to circumvent the firewall.

They never thought that one day they would climb over the wall to watch our show.

"Is this China? If I have a chance, I must go and see Ye Shen."

"I don't know what sect Master Ye is a disciple of. I want to join him too."

"It would be great if you could teach me how to fly with a sword."

The other ones are the 749th and 565th rounds. Both of them are now very concerned about Ye Zhen.

Especially some research in Bureau 749 that has been stagnant for a long time.

After watching Ye Zhen's program, I discovered new ideas.

Especially things that I didn’t understand before, those in myths and legends.

They were all revealed one by one in Ye Zhen’s show.

"Why don't you bring Ye Zhen into our 749th round!"

"This is a talent! Ye Zhen is much better than you guys."

"It's not that we don't want to, it's that others don't agree!"

Amid much anticipation, the trailer for Ye Zhen's show was released.

And this time the program is still cooperating with CCTV.

It will be broadcast simultaneously on CCTV channel.

And according to Ye Zhen’s proposal, it is now also broadcast on international channels.

So Ye Zhen relied on CCTV and began to slowly rush abroad.

Although it is just a small step, it is very important to Ye Zhen.

I only saw a special trailer playing on the TV.

This trailer is also specially produced by CCTV.

The preview department at Yangcheng TV Station also breathed a sigh of relief, but they also felt a little lonely at the same time.

I only saw that in the trailer, the line of sight stretched to the universe.

And he kept improving and saw beyond the universe.

There are actually many universes outside the universe.

There are infinite worlds in infinite universes.

The shadow of the clock began to rotate slowly against the background of the multiverse.

Ye Zhen's figure appeared in the universe.

"Have you ever doubted your own memory?"

"Have you ever had a similar experience?"

"Things in the real world are actually confused with my own memory."

"Is my memory wrong, or has the world changed?"

"Is the history in our memory real?" A universe appeared in Ye Zhen's hand, and the universe was like a bubble.

With a gentle squeeze, a universe disappears.

"Do you believe there is another unknown history of mankind?"

"Is time really what we think it is?"

Ye Zhen is now the incarnation of the Riddler he hates most.

Everyone was confused when they saw this trailer.

Everyone had this expression after reading it.

0.0? ah? What did I just watch.

"Who am I and what am I doing? Is he Teacher Ye?"

"That's right, this preview is too fantasy. It's even more magical than the last preview."

"What does this mean? Teacher Ye is starting to pretend to be the Riddler."

Everyone’s comments about this trailer are that it was well shot, so don’t do it again next time.

Because the special effects clearly cost money.

But it feels like this preview is vague.

But some scientists have deciphered its contents.

"This is the theory of the multiverse."

"There may be more than one universe we are in now, and there may be infinite universes outside of us."

There are other people who have interpreted it differently.

"This Teacher Ye can easily scratch a universe, which means Teacher Ye has become a god!"

"God? Beyond God! Otherwise, how could it be possible to crush a universe? This is the strength of a single person."

Everyone doesn't know what Ye Zhen will say in the next episode.

The audience is left guessing.

"What do these different human histories mean?"

"Is it the same as the previous battle? Artificial Intelligence Chi You."

“I’m really looking forward to the next episode of the show!”

"Let it air soon, I can't wait."

Not to mention the audience, even the people on the program team were confused after watching the trailer.

The preview production department at Yangcheng Radio breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, we are not responsible now. Let those at CCTV have the headache."

In fact, CCTV did not know what Ye Zhen was talking about.

But it is precisely because of this that it is even more attractive.

Ye Zhen's previous programs have already stated that Ye Zhen's products must be high-quality.

However, some people have already said on the Internet that Ye Zhen is at the end of his rope.

"Teacher Ye is no longer alive. What kind of bad warning is this?"

"This looks like a joke. Was this trailer filmed by CCTV?"

"It seems that Teacher Ye will also have a day when his inspiration runs out."

"Teacher Ye is also a human being after all."

The show hasn't even aired yet, and some people have already begun to badmouth Ye Zhen.

This is something that cannot be avoided because you are not money.

You can't make everyone like you.

But here, Producer Chen still has full confidence in Ye Zhen and has no worries at all.

Even Ning Xiu came over to call and ask about Ye Zhen.

"Counselor Ye, are there really no problems with your program?"

After all, Ye Zhen has just reached a peak, ranking first in the national ratings.

There is no way to mention it anymore, even if it is done well, it is just the same as this.

However, through CCTV, Ye Zhen's program has begun to be broadcast on foreign language channels.

Some countries that receive CCTV channels can watch Ye Zhen's program without having to go through the wall.

Some of them also understood Ye Zhen's desire to go abroad.

But this is very difficult.

Because so far, no program can really go abroad.

Many times we copy other people's programs, buy the rights to other people's programs and remake them ourselves.

Almost none of our programs are outside of China.

Soon the day for Ye Zhen's show to be aired came.

Everyone is already waiting in front of the TV with eager anticipation.

Ye Zhen was already ready to go in the recording room.

"Are you nervous?" Chen Guofu asked Ye Zhen.

Now Chen Guofu is the person who represents CCTV and Ye Zhen and the others.

"Why are you nervous?" Ye Zhen asked back.

Chen Guofu has seen confident young people, but if the confidence is too much, it is not confidence but arrogance.

But what he saw in Ye Zhen's eyes was not arrogance, but confidence.

Producer Chen smiled from the side and said, "Director Chen, are you still worried?"

Chen Guofu is just worried about Ye Zhen's ratings this time.

After all, Ye Zhen had just reached the unprecedented first place.

But this is already the peak and there is no way to break through.

He was afraid that Ye Zhen's ratings would drop after this show, and Ye Zhen couldn't bear such a blow.

Chen Guofu has seen many young people being promoted to the clouds.

It became popular overnight, such a huge difference.

Such a contrast is unacceptable to many people.

Chen Guofu was afraid that Ye Zhen would become like this. After all, in his eyes, Ye Zhen was just a young man who had just graduated.

Where have I experienced any big winds and waves?

After Ye Zhen came on the stage, the spotlight shone on Ye Zhen.

Still the same familiar look.

"Good evening everyone, and welcome to "Into Popular Science"."

"I am your host, Ye Zhen." Ye Zhen looked at the camera and said with a spring breeze smile.

(End of this chapter)

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