Popular science says oxygen is poisonous, and the whole internet scolds me for being sick

Chapter 343 Human Confidentiality Agreement, what happened in 99?

Chapter 343 Human Confidentiality Agreement, what happened in 99?

With everyone's high expectations, Ye Zhen's show finally started airing.

But from the beginning, Ye Zhen wrote these words on the small whiteboard.

1999 years.

Many people don't understand why after seeing these four numbers.

Some younger viewers have no idea what this means.

"99 years, what does this mean?"

"I remember nothing happened that year, right?"

"Doesn't this mean the year?"

"Oh my God, aren't you tired of doing this again?"

Some young viewers are very curious, especially those born after 00.

But some of them actually remember these four numbers.

After all, it was the last year before the millennium.

It is the dividing line between two eras.

It was after the millennium that the Age of Dharma-End officially began.

Some people from those years remember clearly what happened back then.

This is also called the most special year in history.

"You're crazy! How dare you say it!"

"Have you forgotten the confidentiality agreement from back then?"

"No, we can't make the same mistake again."

But some older people have no similar impression at all.

Xiao Ming had already finished his homework and was sitting in front of the TV watching Ye Zhen's show.

Since watching Ye Zhen's show, Xiao Ming's academic performance has improved now.

I also started to love reading, and I knew how to complete my homework on time after going home every day.

It's not just Xiao Ming, the learning atmosphere in these schools has gotten better.

Xiao Ming’s grandfather sat aside, “How dare he mention what happened in 99 again!”

Xiao Ming looked at his grandfather in confusion, "Grandpa, what happened in 99?"

But when Grandpa Xiao Ming was about to say something, "Since he has already said it, it means he has received approval from above."

"It was 99, but..."

When Grandpa Xiao Ming was about to say something, his mind went blank.

I simply forgot what I was going to say.

"What am I going to say?" Grandpa Xiao Ming felt like he couldn't recall anything. "In 99..."

Grandpa Xiao Ming fell into confusion.

Xiao Ming's father looked at his father as if he had forgotten something.

"What kind of messy thing is this?" Xiao Ming's father said, "Dad, you must be old."

Grandpa Xiao Ming knocked Xiao Ming’s father on the head and said, “You are so old and confused.”

"I don't know how good the memory is!"

Xiao Ming's father touched his head and said, "You don't have to hit me. Then tell me what happened in 99."

"Why don't I remember any major events that happened that year?"

"Back then, it was mostly about the millennium bug in computers, which was considered a big deal."

"I don't seem to remember anything else about 99."

Xiao Ming’s father is a post-1985 generation

However, Xiao Ming's mother looked at Ye Zhen on the screen in silence.

It seemed like he had thought of something.

"What happened back then should not be spoken out." Xiao Ming's mother whispered to herself.

Also some historians and archaeologists.

I don’t understand what the four numbers written by Ye Zhen have to do with the trailer.

"Are you doing riddles again?!"

"I remember that a certain prophet said that this year 1999 was the coming of the great devil of terror."

"Humanity will be destroyed on the day of the millennium."

"Didn't you say something similar back in 2012?"

"Okushima's return? I can't think of anything else besides this."

These archaeologists and historians are all elderly.

They have no memory of what happened back then.

However, there are some people who still remember the decisive battle that year.

The final battle that affected all mankind.

Some scientists are also recalling what special things happened in 1999.

"It seems that there is nothing special except that we have entered the millennium."

"What exactly does Ye Zhen want to say?"

"But I think Teacher Ye must have his own intentions."

There are some things that Ye Zhen sent out, although they seem very outrageous.

And it is unacceptable to the world, but it is true and exists.

This makes some scientists very frustrated, because the world is completely different from what they know.

Who went wrong?

In the victory-weary organization, there are now far fewer people gathering together for gatherings.

Professor Zhou saw that some of the previous members had not come.

"They have finally taken that step." Professor Zhou looked at Ye Zhen, who had a mysterious aura on the screen.

Lao Wu said: "This is human nature, this is inevitable."

Si Xiaoping didn't understand a bit, "They just went to Southeast Asia like this. Is it really okay?"

Professor Zhou shook his head and smiled, not worried at all, "Who knows? You might as well think about what happened in 99."

"Old Wu, do you have any clues?"

Old Wu's eyes were blurry at first, as if he remembered something, and then as if he didn't remember anything at all.

But Si Xiaoping, who was born in the 90s, remembers that incident, which was related to the fate of all mankind.

How could he forget.

"Professor Zhou, Lao Wu, do you really not remember?" Si Xiaoping looked at Professor Zhou and Lao Wu.

"Xiaoping, do you know anything?" Professor Zhou asked.

Si Xiaoping hesitated for a moment, "No." But Si Xiaoping's eyes clearly remembered something.

Professor Yan Xin from the Life Laboratory never misses Ye Zhen’s programs.

"The year 99 is after we have crossed the millennium."

"Many people with special abilities, as well as qigong, superpowers, and supernatural powers slowly began to disappear." But Professor Yan Xin could not recall it.

What exactly happened back then.

"I clearly remember that something very important happened that year." Professor Yan Xin couldn't remember it.

Most of the graduate students taught by Professor Yan Xin are born in the 90s.

These researchers looked at Professor Yan Xin and said, "Professor Yan Xin, have you really forgotten what happened back then?"

"About the final battle."

"The final fate of mankind."

"And all that stuff."

Several researchers all said these things in unison.

But Professor Yan Xin looked at them strangely.

"What are you talking about?" Professor Yan Xin said, "Why can't I understand?"

Not just one place.

This is true even in 749 games.

Song Xuan looked at Ning Xiu innocently, "Captain Ning, what did Advisor Ye mention that happened this year?"

Ning Xiu's delicate face fell into deep memories.

"This is something that you, the younger generation, have no access to."

"You don't have this memory."

Song Xuan was confused, "Isn't this what it should be? I was born in 00, how come I have the memory of 99?"

I only saw Binzhou on the side who was also keeping secret.

"Is it time to terminate the agreement?" Binzhou was also a person who experienced that incident firsthand.

"Uncle Chen, what are Captain Ning and him talking about?" Song Xuan didn't understand. Why did these two people also start playing riddles?

Lao Chen is a senior member of the 749 Bureau.

He knows and has experienced so many things.

But there was no memory of 99 in his mind.

He also searched and investigated back then.

I want to know what happened in 1999.

But even the files in Bureau 749 have no record of this incident.

But all surveys and data indicate it.

In 99, something happened that had a profound impact.

Lao Chen also knew that something very important had happened, but he did not remember or know what happened.

This is the most terrifying thing.

"I don't know either." Old Chen pondered.

Isis and Tom far away in the Pacific Ocean.

In addition to domestic audiences, there are also some foreign audiences who are also watching Ye Zhen's program.

Many of them are fans of Ye Zhen, and they spontaneously go over the wall to watch Ye Zhen's show.

Some of them accidentally saw Ye Zhen on international channels.

Isis also didn’t understand, “What on earth are these 99 years?”

Tom said: "It must be a prank by some people."

"Why don't I remember anything?"

But even some foreigners remembered what happened back then.

"Oh my God, how dare he bring this up again."

"Have you forgotten what the agreement for all mankind is?"

"No, how dare he, this is crazy."

The camera returned to Ye Zhen, the cameraman was filming Ye Zhen, and Ye Zhen had a faint smile on his face.

"Do you think this is a prank played by someone?"

"Or something similar to a meme?"

"But I can tell you that what happened in 99 really happened."

"You can mention this incident in 99 on the Internet and even in some novels and movies."

"But many people only dare to say one or two words, or they keep silent."

"The rest of the people have no way of knowing what happened."

"I feel like these people are just fooling around, or making up their own minds."

"I can tell you now that memory is unreliable."

"Since 99, the memory of all mankind has been altered and cleaned." Ye Zhen gently nodded his head with a bent finger.

"Based on what happened in 99, and everyone's uniqueness is different."

"Someone can recall bits and pieces."

"Some people remember what happened back then."

"But most people have forgotten it and have no impression at all."

"Even if I say it, it won't be recognized by everyone."

Ye Zhen's words immediately shocked everyone.

Has the memory of all mankind been modified? How is such great power achieved?

Some people are already suspicious.

"I just said why when people discuss things in 99 on the Internet, I can't understand them."

"Have our memories really been tampered with?"

"Is there any evidence to explain this?"

"No, I remember what happened back then. I often saw it in my dreams. I thought it was just a dream."

This is not a simple matter to prove that the memory of all mankind has been tampered with.

No, this is simply impossible.

Some historians and archaeologists feel that Ye Zhen is talking in his sleep.

"How could such a thing happen?"

"The memory of all mankind has been modified? Where is the evidence?"

"Is Mr. Ye really crazy now? This is even more outrageous than before."

Because this is simply impossible to do and cannot be proven.

Some scientists think so.

"If it's Ye Zhen, maybe it's really possible."

"Otherwise why would he say it, just to sensationalize?"

"But this is simply impossible to do. It is unscientific and cannot be proven?"

They couldn't figure it out, but Ye Zhen must have had his own intentions when he said this.

However, some other researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have a different view.

"It's scientifically impossible."

"I don't believe that Ye Zhen can prove it."

"But what's going on with this memory in my head."

Professor Yan Xin said: "If you want to prove what happened in 99, you must prove that our memory is wrong."

Professor Zhou said: "It's not one person, two people, and it's not us China."

Old Wu continued: "It is the memory of all mankind."

Although Si Xiaoping remembers what happened in 99.

But the memory of all mankind is the same as what Ye Zhen said.

It has been tampered with and cleaned.

Because of this, it is something that is simply impossible to prove and say.

Even if you tell the truth, you will be regarded as being stubborn and playing tricks.

That's why some officials around the world aren't worried at all.

Ning Xiu bit her lip, "Consultant Ye, how on earth are you going to do it?"

Some small Japanese also watched Ye Zhen's program.

"This must be the Chinese who deprived us of our ancient name of Fusang."

"To say that all human beings have had their memories tampered with is because you have read too many novels."

"How come people still watch this person's show?"

But then Ye Zhen glanced at somewhere outside the court.

Then a familiar song rang out throughout the studio.

"Love My China", as long as the Chinese people have heard this melody.

This is a song taught in primary school music class.

A melodious and familiar melody sounded.

Everyone couldn't help but start humming.

"Fifty-six ▇▇, fifty-six flowers."

"Fifty-six brothers and sisters are one family."

"Fifty-six languages ​​combined into one sentence."

"Love me China, love me China, love me China."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey."

Everyone doesn't know why Ye Zhen suddenly released this song.

I was very afraid that Ye Zhen would suddenly start dancing like in some Indian movies.

However, this scene did not appear.

It's just that some of the subtitles that appear are harmonized.

Ye Zhen asked questions at this time.

"Everyone has heard this song."

"Now let me ask you, in this first lyric."

"Are they fifty six constellations, or fifty-six ethnic groups?" Ye Zhen said this.

All the Chinese people were dumbfounded, as if their brains were shut down.

(End of this chapter)

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