Chapter 348: Words from the Age of Gods

Why does Ye Zhen understand this ancient text?

Because Ye Zhen was in the posture of an immortal at that time, almost omniscient.

The words spoken by Yamata no Orochi at that time were the ancient marks on his body.

Let Ye Zhen at that time learn this divine writing.

This kind of writing has been lost.

Why are these the words used in the era of myths and legends?

Ye Zhen, who was in that state at that time, learned it immediately.

Ye Zhen didn't pay much attention to it at first, but one day Ye Zhen discovered it.

This kind of writing from the Age of Gods is actually still circulating in Japan.

But Ye Zhen is not too surprised.

Because the Yamata-no-Orochi, namely Xiangliu and Nine-Tails, came from our country.

These two are both beasts from myths and legends.

It is also very normal to bring some original words and languages ​​with you.

However, after it was spread to Japan, it became the writing of the Gods, that is, the writing of gods.

To this day, there are texts from the Gods that have been passed down.

So Ye Zhen can also understand this ancient text.

The audience didn't understand.

"Ah? Is there such a thing in this small place in Japan?"

"But speaking of it, Japan is quite powerful. During World War II, they almost won."

"It has always been the world's second largest economy before."

"Such a small place with so many sophisticated things."

Although it is undeniable that everyone despises Japan.

But it is undeniable that in the last century.

How powerful is Japan?

Back then, he and Mustache worked together to directly confront the entire world.

And they almost won the bet on the national destiny.

If they had won back then, what would have been the consequences? I dare not think about it.

Some historians will think of it.

"Could it be said that during the 10 days of deletion, there was a different history?"

"A different timeline?"

"Could this be the timeline of the victory of the Third Reich?"

It is inevitable that everyone will have such thoughts.

Because there is a very famous novel "The Man in the High Castle", which talks about the world after the Soviet Union won the Cold War.

This is a universe with a different timeline.

Archaeologists are thinking too.

"How come I haven't heard of this kind of ancient writing from the gods?"

"That's right, I've never heard of such a word."

"When exactly did this happen?"

"Wasn't there no civilization before Japan?"

Before Jianzhen's eastward journey, and before Xu Fu's visit to Xianshan.

There have been creatures that have come to this place a long time ago.

After all, it was possible that this was one of the five fairy islands back then.

After Xiang Liu had his head cut off, he fled to this place in ancient times.

It turned into the so-called Yamata no Orochi, and the same goes for the nine-tailed demon fox.

So it's not that there was no civilization before this Japan, it's just that they are still a branch of our China.

Like what they call Japanese now, it has a lot of Chinese characters mixed in.

The writings from the Age of Gods are nothing but writings from the period of myths and legends.

It was precisely because Xiang Liu escaped here by some mistake that some things were passed down by chance.

Naturally, scientists don't know anything about this kind of thing.

But what Ye Zhen just said mentioned the theory of multiverse fusion and the theory of time travel.

It all made them feel like it was very likely to happen.

"If this time machine is real, how can this grandfather paradox be solved?"

"Or is the multiverse correct?"

"Now our physics does prove that the multiverse exists."

Professor Yan Xin is already in a daze. The amount of alcohol he drank today has exceeded his limit.

Normally, Professor Yan Xin is known as someone who never gets drunk after a thousand cups of wine, but now he is drunk.

One can imagine how much he drank.

"Tell me, what is real?" Professor Yan Xin said while burping from wine.

Returning to Ye Zhen, Ye Zhen said: "This divine text is now controlled by a Japanese family called the Divine Generation."

"They hold historical records that have been passed down."

The generation of gods.

And it is said that they have been assisting the Emperor of Japan for generations.

Moreover, their first head of the family, Kamidai Takeuchi, assisted several generations of emperors and lived to be three hundred years old.

"Here we have to talk about the historical texts handed down from their families."

"That's the divine document."

A document from the gods?

As soon as you hear the name, you will know that it is not simple.

How could Ye Zhen, a Chinese, know so clearly?

This is something even some Japanese people don’t know.

"No, how can he, a Chinese, know more than me?"

"Is it a clan of the Gods? I've only heard of it."

"Does this divine document really exist?"

"When I was in school, I did meet someone named Jindai."

This aroused the interest of the Japanese, who had never heard anything similar.

Ye Zhen said at this time: "A long time ago, there was a man and a woman in this world, and they were brother and sister.

The two of them created the entire world and all life.

At that time they created five colored races.

Yellow, white, black, red and blue, five colors of human race.

It turns out that there is only one continent in this world.

All land is connected together. Then something happened and all the continents began to separate.

It is different from the continent we see now.

At this time, other continents still existed. "

When it comes to this, the first thing the audience feels is this.

"This creation god is actually a man and a woman, and they are brother and sister?"

"Aren't these Fuxi and Nuwa!"

"Good guy, you are still copying us, right?"

But Isis and Tom thought of the two people in the Bible.

"Isn't this Adam and Eve?" Tom's first thought was Adam and Eve.

Isis said: "This Eve was born from Adam's rib."

"Can these be considered brothers and sisters?"

But some geographers are not calm.

Because a long time ago, the continents we see now were indeed connected together.

"Isn't this what we call Pangea?"

"Hundreds of millions of years ago all these continents were one piece."

"There is another name for this, Pangea."

"Could this be a record of what happened in Pangu Continent?"

In fact, he is the same age as Blue Star.

Everyone has always thought that the current continent has been the same since ancient times.

It has always been the same and has never changed.

But one person discovered it by accident.

Why do the edges of some continents on this map seem to overlap?

Then he cut out these continents from the map.

And found that this really can be spliced ​​together.

This is the theory of continental drift, proposed by Wegener in 1912.

Now we all know that continents drift and change.

But before, everyone thought that the mainland would remain unchanged.

Therefore, this content has long been known in this ancient document.

It's much further ahead than we are now.

After Professor Zhou heard this, he asked, "The place mentioned by the ancients means that the continents were originally connected together."

Old Wu fell silent, "It's not impossible."

Si Xiaoping didn't know how Ye Zhen knew so much? It's like a monster.

Compared with Ye Zhenchen, Si Xiaoping felt like he had just come out of kindergarten.

It was also the first time for Ning Xiu to know about this divine writing.

"The writings of the gods, the writings of the gods?" What Ning Xiu didn't understand was, "Doesn't this mean that there are only four skin colors of people in the world?"

Song Xuan also remembered the four-color people that Ye Zhen mentioned before.

"Red-brown people, yellow people, white people and black people."

"Who is this blue person? Avatar?" Song Xuan thought of people with blue skin.

That's just the Smurfs and the Avatar.

But as for Avatar, isn’t it from the movie?

How could it be real?

So what is the situation of the five colored races recorded in this record?

Someone thought of a possibility.

"Has this fifth skin color been wiped out?"

"It's like there are no Indians anymore."

"Did the Avatar once exist? That's outrageous."

The same was true when Ye Zhen first learned about this divine writing.

Because it records a completely different history.

This is history that everyone has never known before.

“It’s recorded in this divine document.

At that time, this continent was roughly square.

Maybe this is the origin of the so-called round sky and square earth.

The second thing is that on this continent, except for the five colored races.

There is also a family of giants, these giants range from 7 meters to 20 meters. "

A clan of giants?

The existence of giant civilization.

In fact, there is no need to mention this divine document.

Ye Zhen mentioned before that there are giant civilizations all over the world.

Seeing this, there is a Japanese audience.

He happens to be a member of the Kamishiro family.

However, he is not a direct descendant, or even a bloodline of the Kamidao family.

He is just an adopted son.

Like here in Japan, there is indeed a lot of custom of taking in adopted children.

His name is the Troll of the Gods.

He is the adopted son adopted by the Jindai family.

After watching Ye Zhen's program, he felt something was wrong.

Although he is just an adopted son and is not qualified to touch the core of the family.

But having grown up in a Kamidai family, he naturally knew some things that ordinary people didn't know.

For example, the trolls of the Age of Gods know that there is indeed a book from the Age of Gods in the Age of Gods family that records history that is different from that of the outside world.

Only those who have been chosen throughout the ages are qualified to see the contents inside.

In addition, their Godly clan has indeed recorded and assisted the emperor for generations.

It has not changed until modern times, and their generation of gods can also be said to be a very ancient clan.

It is almost as old as the Emperor and others.

And even the emperor respects their Kamida clan very much.

Even the people in Yin Yang Liao cannot ignore the existence of the God Generation clan.

And it is said that Abe Seimei's father came from the Jindai clan.

It was just adopted into the Abe family.

"No, I must tell the elders in the clan." The God Generation Troll immediately returned to the God Generation Family to report.

(End of this chapter)

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