Popular science says oxygen is poisonous, and the whole internet scolds me for being sick

Chapter 349 The Feathered Dragon Boat and the World-Destroying Flood

Chapter 349 The Feathered Dragon Boat and the World-Destroying Flood

The audience has never heard of such a period of history.

This is completely different from the history we know now.

The audience expressed their opinions.

"How come I haven't heard of it before?"

"That's right, it sounds like the content of a novel."

"A continent put together?"

This theory of continental drift was discovered accidentally only in the last century.

Until now, it is only a hundred years of history.

But this has become common sense to us.

Just like we now know that the blue star we stand on is not the center of the solar system.

Even the sun is not the center of the galaxy.

But this family of gods has been passed down for who knows how long.

I don’t know how long earlier than the so-called continental drift in our modern geography.

At this time, Ye Zhen continued.

“Actually, this divine document is not actually a book.

Rather, it is a memory, a memory about ancient times.

If these words are recorded down.

It is easy for ruins to disappear into history for various reasons.

Just like some books in our country, they have disappeared into history.

The person who originally wanted to inherit this ancient document from the gods.

They tried their best to carve it into stone.

I thought about using other media to record it, such as bamboo slips and paper.

However, they found that it was extremely easy to lose and be tampered with.

So they thought of a way.

In each generation of the God Generation family, a successor must be selected.

This successor is the successor of each generation of the God Generation family.

He will inherit Kamdai Takeuchi's name and live on in Kamdai Takeuchi's place.

Each chosen heir needs to go through a long period of screening and training.

Finally, a successor was selected and became the new generation of Kamidai Takeuchi.

Therefore, in the history of Japan, we can see Kamdai Takeuchi appearing next to many emperors.

In fact, this is not the same person, but just the same name.

But why do people outside think that Kamidai Takeuchi has lived for so long?

Because the first thing that is necessary for the successor of Kamidai Takeuchi is appearance.

It must be highly similar in appearance to the first generation Kamidai Takeuchi.

Only in this way can one be qualified to become the next generation of Kamidai Takeuchi. "

If you hear this, some people will think of those people who appeared in many dynasties in the history of our country.

At first, they thought these people were just code names.

I don't think they lived that long at all.

Just like Bian Que, he appeared in the history books again after hundreds of years.

No one had ever thought that Bian Que might have really lived that long.

Back then, Japan also wanted to imitate this behavior, but they did not have the elixir of longevity.

In order to achieve such an effect, is there any other way besides immortality?

“The gods of each generation, Takeuchi, not only inherit this status.

Even the house of Kamidai Takeuchi's wife from the previous generation was completely inherited.

His relationships and children, and his wealth.

Everything that the previous generation Kamidai Takeuchi had, the new successor will take over. "

Hearing what Ye Zhen said, some viewers were shocked.

"Huh? It would be too perverted to take over like this."

"But if it's a small day, it sounds like a very normal thing."

"Why do you do this?"

"This is a different kind of god-making."

They couldn't understand what this was for.

But Ye Zhen's next explanation made it clear to them.

"What does this new Kamidai Takeuchi need to do?

What he needs to do is to completely memorize the contents of the ancient documents.

In addition to the history recorded in this divine document, there is also another memory of the previous generation of divine Takeuchi, which must also be memorized.

Whether it’s the relationships of the previous generation, what he did, what he said.

You need to memorize everything completely so that you can become a new generation of Kamidai Takeuchi.

In this way, the memories of the previous generation are passed on to you.

This is passed down from generation to generation.

This is what I call alternative immortality. "

After all, this new Kamidai Takeuchi completely inherited everything from the previous generation.

Because this is how the Era of Gods clan declared to the outside world.

In the eyes of outsiders, this new Kamidai Takeuchi will rejuvenate himself every once in a while.

In the eyes of others, does this look like a fairy?

And this young Kamishiro Takeuchi looks the same as the old Kamishiro Takeuchi before.

Even the way he spoke was the same as the conversation in his memory.

Although outsiders couldn't believe it, they saw that the young Kamidai Takeuchi knew everything that had happened before.

He knew everyone before, and the Kamishiro family also treated him as the former Kamishiro Takeuchi.

The same goes for his wife and children.

How can outsiders doubt it?

This creates an illusion of immortality similar to rejuvenation.

The audience now knows why this Kamida family did this.

"Did someone create an 'immortal' family head?"

"If Teacher Ye hadn't said it, only a small number of people in this clan would have known about it."

"This will indeed treat this Kamidai Takeuchi as a god."

"Just imagine, there was such a person in ancient times. Isn't it scary?"

Historians certainly know what this would do.

"Others will regard their Kamida family as the family of gods."

"And this family has been assisting the emperor for generations."

"It shows from the side that the Emperor is really the one chosen by God."

"Because even such a godly man is willing to assist the emperor." "It can be imagined that this emperor is more powerful than the Kamidai family."

Some scientists don't understand.

"How can you choose so many people who look alike?"

"Because Japan has always had the custom of adoption."

"So this doesn't actually require people of the Gods' bloodline, as long as they look similar, they can be cultivated."

"I think there should be more than one person being trained secretly."

"It's just that the real one was chosen in the end."

Although Professor Yan Xin was drunk, he still watched Ye Zhen's program.

"What if one of them suddenly dies suddenly? Wouldn't this break the inheritance?"

In fact, this method has already been thought of.

There is only one Kamida Takeuchi in each generation of this Kamida family.

But in the dark, I don’t know how much I have cultivated.

If he dies by accident, a substitute can be pulled out immediately to take his place.

Because anyone can be Kamidai Takeuchi, as long as you look similar and have this memory.

Therefore, those candidates Kamishiro Takeuchi secretly cultivated are not useless.

They can still be used as stand-in backups.

And except for these Kamidai Takeuchi.

In this God's Age family, in order to prevent the contents of the God's Age documents passed down from being tampered with and lost.

But I made various backups.

This does not mean paper or carved in stone.

As everyone knows before, if you want to pass on a certain piece of information and history.

If people millions of years from now can see it.

The best and most convenient is to carve the message in stone.

But this divine document uses a more ingenious method.

Keep it in mind.

There are also eight inherited elders in this God-generation family.

They alone have mastered one-eighth of the ancient documents of the gods.

But they only know the part that belongs to them.

The eight parts added up are the complete divine document.

And these elders also have their own backups.

In this way, even if there is a problem in a certain link.

This divine document is not afraid of losing its inheritance at all.

In order to pass down this period of history.

It can be said that they took great pains.

But this is also the safest way.

Professor Zhou never thought, "Is there such a way to pass on history?"

"So what secrets are recorded in this divine document?" Old Wu didn't understand either.

What Ye Zhen has just revealed is only a small part of the ancient documents from the Gods. It can be said to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Ning Xiu knew that this clan of giants really existed.

In that era when spiritual energy was particularly abundant, it was like the era when some dinosaurs and some giant creatures lived.

"Why go to such great lengths to pass down this divine document?" Ning Xiu didn't understand either.

Song Xuan felt that there must be some reason for this.

"I feel like there must be some hidden secret here."

The inheritance method of this ancient family is truly amazing.

There is actually such a way to pass down this divine document.

And it has been passed down to this day.

The content there sounds so unreliable.

What is Pangea that is connected into one piece? After splitting, there will be more land than now.

And there were blue people and giants before, these incredible creatures.

This is not some modern fabrication.

Rather, it is something that has been passed down for at least thousands of years, possibly even longer than the original history of Japan.

After all, this ancient writing is from Xiang Liu's era.

So what is the reason.

Let them persevere and pass on this divine document to this day.

Because even the Emperor of Japan doesn't know about this.

If Ye Zhen didn't have the immortal posture by chance, Ye Zhen wouldn't know this secret thing.

Their clan from the Age of Gods has been passed down to this day.

"Are you curious about what else is recorded in this ancient document?" Ye Zhen smiled.

“It is also mentioned here that human civilization is actually reincarnating.

And the civilization of the previous generation was destroyed in a great flood.

During the great flood, someone collected all the living creatures in the world and placed them in a boat.

The people who survived from the ship were a brother and sister, and they were also a couple.

They are heavenly beings, two brothers and sisters who survived the great flood.

A great flood that swept across the world.

Except for the creatures they sent aboard, all other creatures on the continent have disappeared.

Only a very small part remains.

So why can't we see those strange beasts now? "

This is recorded in the ancient documents of the gods.

Reminds some people of the legend of the Great Flood.

When Isis heard this, she said, "Isn't this the legend of Noah's Ark?"

Tom also heard it, "Could this be the blueprint for Noah's Ark?"

Across the world, legends similar to the Great Flood have appeared in various civilizations.

The same goes for this divine document.

In fact, our country has always had similar myths.

According to legend, Fuxi and Nuwa traveled through the end of the world on a dragon boat.

Survived the destruction of the world.

Isn't this similar to what is recorded in the ancient documents from the Gods?

And this celestial being, does it mean that these two people can fly, or have feathers or something?

Yuren? Dragon boat? Doomsday flood?

All this seems to be inextricably related to the Fuxian Lake before.

Or is it that the decoration of this feathered human dragon boat recorded such a thing back then?

For a moment, the audience seemed to have glimpsed a corner of ancient history.

(End of this chapter)

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