Chapter 350 The God Generation Family

Among them, the Japanese audience was the most enthusiastic.

Because they themselves don’t know what kind of divine document it is.

If Ye Zhen hadn't said it, they would have never known such a thing in their lives.

"So why do we have such a legacy?"

"Is this divine document real? Why has the official never said anything about it?"

"This is our craftsmanship! It's like a historical fairy."

At this time, the adopted son of the God Generation family, the God Generation Troll, has returned to the God Generation family.

Every assistant to the emperor in history came from the Kamishiro clan.

The same goes for every minister now.

But you may say that every current minister in Japan is not named Kamishiro.

Because they were sent from the Kamida family to other families to be adopted sons since they were young.

So you see that the surname of this minister is not from the God Generation family, but from another family.

Because on the surface he is from another family, but in essence he is just an adopted son sent by the Kamidai family.

The Kamidai family will also adopt adopted children from other families in order to cultivate a new Kamidai Takeuchi.

Why is it so troublesome, because if the ministers of each generation are from the same family.

Guess what people in modern society think?

In fact, everyone in Japan's upper class knows that each term of ministers comes from the Jindai family.

Nowadays, Japan seems to be a modern society, but in fact it is still the ancient system of powerful families.

Ordinary people will never rise.

Why does Japan have such vaunted craftsmanship and all kinds of immortals?

That's because the kid who makes sushi can only make sushi his whole life, and the same goes for his son's son.

I can only do this for the rest of my life, so I became a xx immortal and so on.

It's not that they do one thing for a lifetime, but that they can only do this thing for a lifetime.

This is the reason why Japan is so depressing and suffocating.

It has been blocked and there is no room for improvement.

After the God Generation Troll returned to the God Generation Family, he immediately wanted to find the elders in the family.

"I have something urgent to ask the Eighth Elder!" The Age of Gods troll looked anxious.

In this God's family, there is a strict hierarchy.

The God Generation Troll is not a direct lineage, nor is he even a collateral line of the God Generation Family. He is just an adopted son.

This eighth elder is second only to the clan leader Kamishiro Takeuchi in the Kamdai family.

It's not something ordinary people can just see if they want.

I saw it in a very antique Japanese-style garden.

From time to time there was the sound of bamboo tubes falling and snapping in the courtyard.

Clear water flows from the bamboo tube into the pool.

A quiet and leisurely look.

"Is it a troll?" an old man who looked like a butler said nonchalantly, "You want to see the Eighth Elder?"

"Yes, I have something very important to report." The troll from the Age of Gods was extremely anxious.

But the old housekeeper said softly: "You fill out a form first, and then you need to wait for the review within the family."

"After seven days, we will tell you whether the review has passed or not."

"Then we will find time to arrange for you to meet with the Eighth Elder's secretary."

"Only after passing the meeting with the secretary and then undergoing the test."

"You will have the opportunity to meet our great Eighth Elder." The old housekeeper skillfully took out the form from his arms.

After such a set of procedures, it can take as fast as one month and as slow as one year.

It is possible that even the trolls of the Age of Gods will not be able to see these eight elders.

The Eighth Elder has a lot to do every day. There are many things to do every day.

If anyone could see the Eighth Elder at will, wouldn't it mean that they, as a clan of the Gods, would lose face?

You must know that their Kamida clan is a family that claims to have a longer heritage than the Emperor's clan.

Even the emperor respects their family.

After all, their family is a family that claims to have immortals.

But how could the trolls of the Age of Gods have such time?

But the old housekeeper wouldn't pay attention.

"Master Butler, I really don't have time." The troll from the Age of Gods was thinking about his family, "I really have something urgent."

"What's your emergency?" the old housekeeper said calmly, "Let me know?"

The troll from the Age of Gods just said four words, "Document from the Age of Gods."

After the old housekeeper heard this, a look of shock immediately appeared in his eyes.

He grabbed the collar of the ancient troll, no longer as elegant as before.

"Where did you hear this from?" the old housekeeper asked anxiously.

In fact, after being passed down to this day, this ancient document from the Gods is no longer as conservative as before.

Because time is a weapon that washes away everything.

After being passed down for so long, it is not until modern society.

This divine document is slowly becoming known in the divine family.

Because there are backups in each generation, over time.

Everyone knows the existence of this divine document.

It's just that the complete content inside can only be known by Takeuchi of each generation.

However, the higher-status members of the God's Generation clan have long known their mission.

It is to pass on the contents of this divine document.

But they didn't know what was specifically written in this divine document.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world, and some sporadic content will occasionally be spread among the Jindai family.

In the past, everyone who knew all this would have committed seppuku as an apology.

Because this is not something they can know.

But now is the 21st century, and it is no longer the feudal society it used to be.

However, it is only limited to the upper echelons of the God Generation Clan, and it is just some uncertain statements.

But the level of rigor is indeed not what it used to be.

But this troll from the Age of Gods is not qualified to know the existence of this document from the Age of Gods.

The trolls of the Age of Gods are not only aware of the existence of the Documents of the Age of Gods.

And he told part of the contents.

The old housekeeper was extremely shocked, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

"You traitor, you traitor!" said the old housekeeper: "Did you eavesdrop? Tell me! How do you know these things?"

The old housekeeper immediately contacted the law enforcement team of the Gods.

And he invited the eight elders to come over.

After all, this document from the Age of Gods is the most important thing for their Age of Gods clan.

But there are also younger generations who don’t understand.

Why do they still guard this old thing, and it has been passed down for so long.

The adopted outsider, the troll of the gods. He actually knew about the existence of the divine documents and knew part of their contents.

This incident immediately caused a sensation in the entire Jindai family.

You must know that the mission of their Godly Family is to inherit the contents of this Godly Document.

It was not until modern times that things began to relax.

However, it would not be the case that anyone from the God's Age family would know the existence of the God's Age's documents.

And I also know some of the contents inside.

Regardless of the authenticity of the content, this approach alone is a serious blasphemy.

In ancient times, the trolls of the Age of Gods had only one fate.

The Eighth Elder soon returned to the ancestral home of the Kamidai family.

The troll from the Age of Gods was trapped in the middle like a sinner.

A circle of people surrounded the ancient troll.

Among them is the eighth elder of the God's Generation clan.

This is the first time that the trolls of the Age of Gods have seen these eight elders exist at the same time.

In the rest of the time, I just saw one or two people on TV or in some magazines.

"Why did you come back so urgently?" one of the bald elders asked dissatisfied.

"Haven't you heard? This adopted son actually knows about the existence of documents from the Gods." A thin old man said.

"You actually know the ancient documents from the Gods?" One of the eighth elders looked at the Gods troll kneeling on the floor.

"Tell me, where did you know it?" One of the old men with his eyes closed said majestically.

At this time, the ancient troll's mouth was unsealed.

This divine document is something they have passed down from generation to generation.

It is also what they protect most closely.

Except for the Kamdai Takeuchi chosen in each generation, no one is qualified to know the contents of the Kamdai documents.

The troll from the Age of Gods could finally speak.

"Elders, something bad has happened!" said the troll from the Age of Gods: "Now people all over the world know about our documents from the Age of Gods."

The youngest and eighth-ranked elder frowned, "What do you mean by this sum?"

"What does everyone in the world know?"

"You need to take responsibility for what you say."

The seventh elder's cane hit the wooden floor heavily, "What I suggest is the death penalty."

"All non-cultivators who know the contents of this ancient document will only die."

At this moment, the troll from the Age of Gods took out his mobile phone and switched to the international channel of CCTV.

The eight elders present watched Ye Zhen's program.

At this time, Ye Zhen revealed the secret of the immortality of Kamdai Takeuchi in the Kamdai family.

At this time, the scene was completely silent.

The eight elders looked at the small screen.


"Who is he? How does he know the most important secret of my Kamidai family?"

"No matter what method is used, find underground ninjas to kill this person!"

"I need to know everything about this person within ten minutes."

"Why does this person look so familiar!"

Soon a servant brought a screen and played Ye Zhen's program directly.

What Ye Zhen said undoubtedly made the eight elders present speechless.

"Is this a Chinese?"

"How did he know about our divine documents?"

"He must die, he must die!" The seventh elder on crutches was already furious.

He is the most conservative among the eight elders.

Nothing that has been passed down from our ancestors can be changed.

To change any point would be gross blasphemy!

Their eight elders each hold one-eighth of the documents from the Gods.

Of course they knew whether what Ye Zhen said was correct or not.

They had imagined that Ye Zhen was just a fabrication.

Because so far, only a few people know about the documents from the Age of Gods.

Except for the senior members of their family and a small number of people, the rest of them did not know the existence of this divine document at all.

But at this moment, there was the sound of the wooden door being pushed and pulled.

"Who is it? I told you that no one can come in, right?" the great elder shouted angrily.

But the people who came in made the eighth elders lower their heads.

"Welcome to the clan leader." The eight elders lowered their heads.

The person who came was the heir of this generation of the God Generation family.

The person who inherited the name of Kamidai Takeuchi.

"I heard that someone spread our family's divine documents to the outside world?" Kamishiro Takeuchi laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Since childhood, Kamidai Takeuchi has lived a life different from ordinary people.

Because he was adopted by the Jindai family since he was a child.

His biological parents received unimaginable benefits from this.

He has been a candidate for Kamishiro Takeuchi since he was a child.

Every day and night I recite the history that is not in the books.

And we also need to remember the memory of the 72nd Kamidai Takeuchi.

Everything needs to be recited verbatim.

Not only him, but also other children of similar age and similar appearance.

Like him, he went through this difficult process.

There are so many people, but only one can see the light of day again in the end.

Become Kamishiro Takeuchi.

What about the losers? It can only be used as a backup and shadow, living in the dark forever.

He has forgotten his original name.

I even forgot what I had experienced.

The memory of the 72nd Kamidai Takeuchi has turned him into a chaotic existence.

His memory has become blurry and he has forgotten the appearance of his biological parents.

He lived solely to become Kamidai Takeuchi.

What they wake up every day is to imitate and learn everything from Kamishiro Takeuchi.

Can this still be considered a person?

But this is what the Jindai family needs, what they need is one.

The immortal clan leader, Kamidai Takeuchi.

(End of this chapter)

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