Chapter 352 The Lost Ancient Continent

What Ye Zhen revealed today is that the real history of this world is completely different from what we know now.

As for why this is the case?

Who knows?

Ye Zhen looked at the time. Producer Chen had already reminded Ye Zhen through the headset.

This extended special could not have been produced back-to-back.

Ye Zhen also understood that it was time to reach the next step.

"Now everyone knows that what happened in 99 is definitely not false.

And now we see human history and records in textbooks.

It's just after being modified.

Real human history is more magical than we imagine.

Super ancient civilizations do exist. "Ye Zhen's direct words related the content of his previous program.

Whether it's Jianmu or a three-legged golden crow.

Everyone thinks it is a myth and legend, something imagined by the ancestors themselves.

Don't say it's so far away.

Even if it happened in the last century.

Those with special abilities, qigong masters, superpowers, supernatural beings, psychics and the like.

In today's environment, people would regard them as fools and feudal superstitions.

Ye Zhen had a speculation.

In the last century, the Third Reich was searching for extraordinary power.

And go to other ancient civilizations in the world to find this extraordinary power.

The final result was failure.

In the future, the Soviet Union and the United States, the two Cold War countries, also inherited this intention.

And it continues to develop vigorously.

But in the end there was no actual result.

Later, our Chinese special powers and Qigong emerged.

It seems like someone is urging the birth of this extraordinary power.

It seems that it was born out of madness in response to the 99 World War.

But now everyone has forgotten what happened in 99.

Judging from the results, humans won.

But in the Age of Ending Dharma, it has been difficult for extraordinary powers to appear since the millennium.

"Okay, now let's enter the audience connection link." A contact phone number appeared below Ye Zhen in the middle of the screen.

This is a link that everyone loves and hates.

What I love is that when I have the opportunity, I can directly connect with Ye Zhen to ask questions.

What I hate is that there is only one chance for each show.

How could they get such an opportunity in a huge crowd?

It is simply more difficult than winning the lottery.

This is the place that people both love and hate.

And judging from the last connection, the phone system will be hit by a large amount of data at this moment.

It's almost comparable to the Second Impact.

After the local communications department in Yangcheng learned the lesson from the last time.

They also investigated clearly the reason why mobile phone communications for the entire Yangcheng people were unavailable during that period.

It was because Ye Zhen opened the phone hotline at this time.

This resulted in viewers and fans all over the country calling in at the same time.

This is a very rare thing, and it can be said that it is completely impossible to happen.

Because the current telephone communication system cannot allow hundreds of millions of people to talk at the same time.

There is simply no such load capacity.

To give a very simple example, when you are in some urban villages or venues with many people.

Your mobile phone network seems to be down and cannot be used at all.

This is because there are too many people using the network at the same time, including those making phone calls.

The situation is like a bank suddenly being run by users.

How can banks usually prepare so much cash for users to exchange?

The collapse of this communication system is inevitable.

The managers of the Yangcheng telephone contact department watched as countless calls poured in from all over the country.

"Manager, just like last time, the phone system is down."

"Manager, it's the same here, we can't move at all."

The manager of the communications department was scratching his head anxiously, "Are all the plans prepared before useless?"

"It's no use, manager!"

Now Ye Zhen's domestic audience is at least hundreds of millions or more.

This is a very scary number.

But this time it’s not just the domestic audience.

Even overseas audiences have begun to do this, entering the country from abroad.

It's just roaming charges. International long distance calls are very expensive.

But they don't care now. What they care about is whether they can connect with Ye Zhen.

The audience kept dialing the phone number on the screen.

"Quick, quick, quick! You must choose me!"

"If you win the lottery, I can blow it for the rest of my life!!!"

So do some historians and archaeologists.

They had too many questions to ask Ye Zhen.

"I tried to contact Teacher Ye many times before but couldn't."

"This time, no matter what, I will invite him to be an honorary professor of our school."

"I hope we can invite Teacher Ye to come to our place for a survey and lecture."

But some scientists have more questions to ask Ye Zhen.

Especially some researchers from the Academy of Life Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

They are currently studying the role of oxygen 18.

And in addition to oxygen 18, there is now also research on a super ancient civilization.

And there is also a research topic on dark matter information theory.

In fact, dark matter and dark energy have always been the most cutting-edge research directions in physics.

As long as anyone claims to have found dark matter or a type of dark energy.

This is 100% a Nobel Prize-level discovery, and it can be recorded as a milestone in the history of science.

Compared with these people.

Professor Zhou and Lao Wu in Yan Shengli were relatively lucky.

Because they knew Ye Zhen, and Ye Zhen also had suggestions for them.

To outsiders, this opportunity to connect is very rare.

But to them, that's all.

So they didn't compete like ordinary people.

At this time, Professor Yan Xin had fallen asleep and was unconscious.

The same is true for the Japanese people, who all started to make calls.

"You must draw me. I also want to ask about the contents of this divine document."

"This Ye Sang must connect with me! I want to go to China to join him!"

"Please, this opportunity to connect is very important to me." In the Jindai family, Jindai Takeuchi also took out his mobile phone.

The same goes for the other eight elders.

"You should also try to call this Chinese phone number." Kamishiro Takeuchi directly asked them to call.

The eight elders didn't know why the clan leader asked them to do this.

But they did it.

Ye Zhen waited quietly on the stage, and soon the call was connected.

"Hello." Ye Zhen said hello first.

But a greeting in Japanese came from the other side.

Regarding this language, Ye Zhen has already learned many languages.

Ye Zhen, who now has [Photographic Memory] and [Nine Orifices Exquisite].

Learning a language is really too easy.

As long as Ye Zhen has learned it, Ye Zhen can reach the level of a native speaker in all languages.

The Chinese audience was also dumbfounded.

"Ah! Why is there still a small Japan?"

"How come they were all able to get in, but I didn't succeed!"

"It's really abominable, Bagayalu!"

Everyone was furious.

The other party's tone was very calm, "Hello, Ye Sang."

"What do you call this foreign friend?" Ye Zhen asked.

"My surname is Jindai."

"Mr. Jindai, right?" Ye Zhen nodded, "I wonder what questions you have, Mr. Jindai?"

The person who spoke to Ye Zhen was none other than Kamdai Takeuchi, the patriarch of this generation of the Kamidao family.

"I am somewhat curious about the contents of this divine document."

"But it doesn't matter." Ye Zhen was also very curious. This program was just launched on an international channel.

How come there are foreign audiences so quickly?

In fact, what Ye Zhen didn't know was that viewers had already moved Ye Zhen's program to foreign countries.

It has already spread in foreign countries.

Some foreign viewers have already been looking for ways to get over the wall and come to China to watch programs.

Some of them went out of their way to learn Chinese in order to understand Ye Zhen’s program.

Kamishiro Takeuchi thought of the time when he took over this position from the previous generation Kamishiro Takeuchi.

What the previous generation Kamidai Takeuchi said to himself.

"Child, I don't know who you are." Takeuchi Kamishiro, who was already old in the previous generation, explained the matter in front of him.

"From now on, you can only be Kamishiro Takeuchi."

"We have inherited the document from the Gods for 72 generations, and you are the 73rd generation."

The new Kamidai Takeuchi looked at his former self in front of him.

"You are very curious, why do we, the God Generation clan, go to such great lengths to keep it secret and pass it on to this day?"

"Although the official body refuses to admit it now."

"But we are just a branch of the Chinese roots."

"Both our culture and writing are just a poor imitation of Chinese civilization."

"Our generation of gods was born just to wait for someone to appear."

The new Kamidai Takeuchi asked: "Who are you waiting for?"

"A person of destiny, a person of prophecy who will definitely appear in the future." The old god Dai Takeuchi.

The new Kamidai Takeuchi asked: "Then when will he appear?"

The old god Dai Takeuchi shook his head and said: "I don't know, anyway, I can't wait any longer."

The new Kamidai Takeuchi feels ridiculous.

They kept it secret for a long time and worked so hard to pass on the documents from the Gods.

Just waiting for a prophesied person to appear?

And it's unclear whether this person actually exists.

This is too ridiculous.

But now Kamdai Takeuchi has seen Ye Zhen, and after watching Ye Zhen's program.

Kamidai Takeuchi understood that the legendary prophesied person had appeared, the person of destiny.

"Mr. Ye, let me ask you something, after Pangea is decomposed."

"Divided into many different continents."

"Then what was the name of the continent that has disappeared?"

What we now know is Eurasia, America, Africa, Antarctica and Australia.

There are five continents in total.

Kamdai Takeuchi asked Ye Zhen.

Now, as long as we have studied geography in junior high school, we all know the only remaining continent.

However, in the ancient documents of the Gods, there are still records of those continents that have sunk.

Why did Kamishiro Takeuchi ask this question.

Because of this problem, only he who fully knows the contents of the ancient documents can know.

The eight elders didn't know the correct answer.

If Ye Zhen knew it, it meant that Ye Zhen was the destined person that his family was waiting for, the legendary son of prophecy.

Ye Zhen thought for a moment, "The five continents we know now are recorded scientifically."

"But there were once three ancient continents that existed in this world at that time."

"The continent of Mu, Lemuria and the most well-known Atlantis."

This is the first time the audience has heard this statement.

"Besides Atlantis, where are the other two places?"

"I've never heard of it."

"Have there ever been three places like this on our blue star?"

Obviously this is the first time everyone has learned about it.

However, Kamdai Takeuchi was stirred up in countless waves at this time, and his excited heart could not calm down for a long time.

"Okay, Mr. Ye." Kamidai Takeuchi politely replied: "Thank you for your advice, we look forward to your visit."

The question that Kamidai Takeuchi asked just now is something that only Kamidai Takeuchi of each generation knows.

But Ye Zhen is not only not Kamidai Takeuchi, he is not even Japanese.

But he knew the contents of this divine document.

Kamishiro Takeuchi also knows why it is said in the Kamishiro document that by then you will know who is the destined person, the prophesied son of Nakawa legend.

Now Kamidai Takeuchi can be 100% sure that Ye Zhen is the person that the Kamidai clan is waiting for!

After Kamishiro Takeuchi finished asking this question, he hung up the phone.

The sound of the phone hanging up came to Ye Zhen's ears.

"Okay, that's the end of our program today."

"I am your host Ye Zhen. See you in the next episode." Ye Zhen waved goodbye to the audience in front of the screen.

But the audience looked at the time and saw that an hour had passed.

"Ah? This is the end. Why do I feel like I haven't seen anything."

"I'm going to find out how my memory is different from the real world."

"This phenomenon of inconsistency between memory and the real world is called the Ye Zhen effect."

Because this was the first thing Ye Zhen discovered, everyone named it after Ye Zhen.

The Ye Zhen effect refers to the phenomenon that your memory does not match the reality of the real world.

(End of this chapter)

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