Chapter 353 Ye Zhen Effect

The show had just ended, after Ye Zhen came down from the stage.

Everyone in the studio looked at Ye Zhen differently.

If Ye Zhen was just a popular host before, he was similar to a star.

But after this episode of the program was broadcast.

Ye Zhen successfully made everyone discover the bugs in this world.

This has an impact on everyone as much as someone telling you that the world is virtual.

Why hasn't anyone discovered it for so long?

Ye Zhen was the only one who discovered it? No one had discovered this phenomenon before Ye Zhen.

"What's wrong with everyone?" Ye Zhen looked around, "Are you starting to distrust the world?"

Ye Zhen immediately understood what everyone was thinking from their eyes.

"Teacher Ye, is it really possible that we are from another universe!?"

"Maybe we're not from the same timeline?"

"Am I still me? Or am I the same person I was before?"

Everyone is trapped in deep self-doubt.

Is this world real? Why is it different from what I remember?

Producer Chen came over and asked, "What happened in 99?"

"Did that final battle make us like this!?"

This is the first time that Producer Chen has such a strong desire for knowledge.

Chen Guofu on the side also asked: "Who can do this?"

The power of the country? There's simply not enough to watch.

This has exceeded everyone's imagination.

Ye Zhen just said, "Everyone will know it in the future. I can only say that the time is not yet ripe."

After saying this meaningful sentence, Ye Zhen left.

After all, it was already off work, and Ye Zhen didn't want to stay here for a moment.

But Ye Zhen was blocked by people just as he walked out of the studio.

The person who came was none other than Kong Sisi. Kong Sisi looked at Ye Zhen with a strange expression and looked Ye Zhen up and down.

"Are you the Ye Zhen I know?" Kong Sisi asked.

Ye Zhen knew that Kong Sisi had just finished watching her own show, so that was why she was like this.

Kong Sisi felt relieved after discovering that Ye Zhen was no different from her memory.

"Has my dad been looking for you?" Kong Sisi's face was still full of strange expressions.

Ye Zhen remembered that Kong Hua went to look for him in his rental house.

"Yes." Ye Zhen asked doubtfully, "Is there something wrong?"

Kong Sisi pinched the corner of her clothes and said with very uneasy little hands: "My dad, my dad said."

"What did you say?" Ye Zhen looked at Kong Sisi lowering her head, and her face began to turn red.

The words came to Kong Sisi's lips, but she couldn't say them out.

Finally, Kong Sisi gathered up the courage and said, "My dad asked you when we will get engaged."

After saying these words, Kong Sisi felt that she had exhausted all her strength.

There were already tears in the corners of his eyes.

Why did it develop like this?

Because before, Kong Sisi took Ye Zhen home to meet his father Kong Hua.

I want Ye Zhen to persuade his father that all masters and the like are lies!

Because I have looked for many before, but they are all unreliable.

That's why Kong Hua's father asked someone to find Taro Jono and Gojo Ono.

Compared with those "masters", these two Jiuju sects really have something to offer.

No wonder Kong Hua believed in them both.

But after Ye Zhen appeared, he directly turned Gojo Ono into a living person and disappeared.

No matter how Kong Hua goes to find him or what method he uses, it’s all just right and wrong.

No one could find Gojo Ono, not even Jo No Taro.

For this reason, Kong Hua understood that he had really encountered the Giant Buddha!

If Ye Zhen becomes his son-in-law, why worry that his great revenge cannot be avenged?

So Kong Hua directly had a long talk with his daughter.

"Daughter, do you like this Ye Zhen very much?"

"This is the first man you bring home."

"If you like it, just choose a date to get engaged."

"Your mother and I are no longer young, and we also want to have grandchildren as soon as possible."

Just like that, Kong Sisi was put on the shelf.

Does she like Ye Zhen?


So there is today's scene. Kong Sisi was forced to go to jail by her father, and now there is no turning back.

Ye Zhen had already deduced the whole matter from Kong Sisi's words.

"This is Miss Kong." Ye Zhenyi said seriously: "We were just pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend before."

"Is there anything wrong with me?" Kong Sisi looked up at Ye Zhen, "Don't you like me?"

What big scene has Ye Zhen not seen?

But I have never seen this scene before.

Kong Sisi looked at Ye Zhen's expression, which was still calm, like a pool of morning water.

Kong Sisi knew that Ye Zhen was not interested in her.

If Ye Zhen liked him, he would definitely agree on the spot.

"Hahaha." Kong Sisi suddenly patted Ye Zhen's arm, "You didn't really believe it just now, did you, Ye Zhen?"

"I'm joking with you." Kong Sisi changed her face, "I told you before, we are pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend."

Ye Zhen could clearly see the micro-expression on Kong Sisi's face.

"But it's true that my dad asked you for help." Kong Sisi said, "But whether you help or not is up to you." "I have completed my mission!" Kong Sisi ran away after saying that.

Ye Zhen looked at Kong Sisi's leaving figure.

"Come out." Ye Zhen said suddenly.

At this time, Liu Yan came out from the darkness and said, "What a pair of crazy men and resentful women."

"Do you know who Kong Sisi's father is?"

"That's Kong Hua, our red-top businessman from eastern Guangdong Province."

"I don't know how many people want to curry favor with him, but they can't?"

Liu Yan obviously knew Kong Sisi's background for a long time.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Zhen looked at Liu Yan aside.

Liu Yan was surprised to find that Ye Zhen's life force had actually been restored.

And it is purer than before.

This situation was the first time Liu Yan encountered it.

How could an average person's life force recover so quickly?

"Sister Liu, please give up." This was not the first day Ye Zhen met Liu Yan.

Liu Yan stretched out her finger to seduce Ye Zhen and said, "I know no one is coming in this stairwell now."

"Would you like to come over and give it a try?" Liu Yan licked her red lips.

After all, many people's xp is different.

For example, some people like black stockings, and some people like Fu Rui.

Liu Yan wanted to find Ye Zhen's sexual interest.

So she suggested that she and Ye Zhen go to the stairwell to have a chat.

As long as she can cultivate with Ye Zhen, Liu Yan will pay any price.

And she is confident that as long as Ye Zhen tries it once, he will definitely not want to come back.

Maybe Ye Zhen would come over often to eat secretly?

But Ye Zhen ignored Sister Liu at all and left directly in the elevator.

Liu Yan followed reluctantly into the elevator.

"Ye Zhen, how can you promise me." Liu Yan was alone with Ye Zhen in the elevator.

The narrow space of the elevator was filled with Ye Zhen's extremely rich breath of life.

For Liu Yan, this was like poison, and her body actually started to react.

This was something that had never happened before, which meant that Ye Zhen's attraction to her had reached a new level.

"Just once." Liu Yan stretched out her index finger, "Just once, okay."

"I promise I won't pester you after this one time." Liu Yan vowed.

If it were anyone else, he would have been fooled long ago.

But Ye Zhen knew, how could someone like Liu Yan stick to her promise?

Liu Yan crossed her legs and wanted to lean on Ye Zhen. Her eyes were blurred and she said, "Just promise me, Ye Zhen."

At this time the elevator arrived and the elevator door opened.

Ye Zhen came out of the elevator directly, completely ignoring Liu Yan's words.

"Go back, Sister Liu." Ye Zhen waved his hand, "Your husband is waiting for you at home."

Liu Yan looked at Ye Zhenli's leaving figure, and the heat in her body could no longer be suppressed.

"Wait, Ye Zhen." Liu Yan's eyes were extremely firm, "Even if I force you, I will let you lie on my bed!"

Not long after Ye Zhen's show ended.

The Ye Zhen effect immediately became a hot search topic on various websites.

"What is this Ye Zhen effect?"

"Why did it suddenly occupy the hot search again? I bought it here, what kind of little fresh meat is this leaf?"

"It's so scary. This Ye Zhen effect is actually real."

"Isn't it true that heaven has sent great responsibilities to this people? I clearly remember this is the case?"

At this time, some people who don’t watch Ye Zhen’s show have missed a lot.

As soon as the Ye Zhen Effect came out, it aroused heated discussion among everyone.

Because no matter who it is, they can find that their memory is inconsistent with the real world from the examples given by Ye Zhen.

Some people are confused by everything Ye Zhen mentioned.

Some people only have one or two types.

Everyone has different situations.

"Let me go, how did Teacher Ye find out!"

"Did we remember it wrong all along!? This is impossible."

"I clearly remember that there are fifty-six ethnic groups and fifty-six flowers."

"How could this happen? Did Ye Zhen do something?"

At first, some people didn't believe in this Ye Zhen effect at all.

I think this is just a trick that Ye Zhen made up to deceive everyone.

"No! What is this? It's just a lie to children at first glance."

"That's right, no one will believe it."

"I don't believe in these divine documents and the 99 incident. They are just made up to lie to you."

They didn't even look at this, they just opposed it for the sake of opposing it.

Just leverage for the sake of leverage.

However, the public's eyes are sharp, and they find that something is indeed wrong with this world.

Before Ye Zhen said it, everyone thought the world was ordinary.

But after everyone discovered the Ye Zhen effect.

Everyone feels that their worldview is beginning to change.

(End of this chapter)

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