Chapter 354: Creatures with animal heads and human bodies

In addition to this Ye Zhen effect.

What everyone is most discussing is the true history mentioned by Ye Zhen.

It is the so-called divine document.

"Do you think this divine document really exists?"

"I think it's hard to say. It's completely different from the history we know now."

"It's just different that makes what happened in 99 seem real."

"Have you forgotten that 10 days were deleted in history?"

You can play with the timeline and delete time. What kind of technology can do this?

Everyone can't imagine it, and they don't dare to imagine it.

But the myths and legends mentioned by Ye Zhen in previous programs all really happened.

It shows that humans are not the only intelligent civilization on Blue Star.

Now everyone is slowly beginning to accept the existence of this super ancient civilization.

Historians and archaeologists, some of whom have already doubted the current official history.

But that’s what mainstream science is now.

They all depend on this for food.

If one admits the existence of super-ancient civilization, then recognizing myths and legends is not myths and legends.

But history that actually happened.

This is to overturn all current human history.

Proving that what they had studied and learned for decades before was useless.

How could the authorities allow such a thing to happen?

But now it can no longer be suppressed.

"I'm just talking about why there are so many strange things in history."

"There are also some excavated cultural relics."

"Didn't Teacher Ye explain it to us in the previous program?"

"Teacher Ye really impressed me so much."

They therefore also opened up a new field and direction.

The same goes for scientists.

"What do you think of this Ye Zhen effect?"

"What Ye Zhen proposed is indeed an objective fact and cannot be ignored."

"But our current science cannot explain it at all."

"How come I have no memory of what happened in 99?"

There are also some geographers, some of whom saw Ye Zhen.

It was as if I had found a soulmate.

"I told you there was a sunken continent!"

"No wonder it was not recorded in the ancient books before. It turns out that it was kept secretly."

"Is this the truth? If Teacher Ye Zhen finds those ancient continents, I don't even dare to think about it."

Apparently they believe that there was a sunken continent unknown to us in this world.

For example, the Fuxian Lake that Ye Zhen mentioned before had an ancient city sunk in it.

Could this be one of the sunken places?

No matter what, the Ye Zhen effect has completely spread in the country.

The Kamida family in Japan.

Kamishiro Takeuchi looked at the eight elders.

"Clan leader, what happened to the legendary destined person you just mentioned?" the great elder asked.

Kamidai Takeuchi sat directly on the floor, "This is recorded in the Kamidai documents."

"One day in the future, a destined person will appear. According to legend, he will bring new hope to mankind."

"Save humanity from destruction.

He is the beginning and the end.

It's light and it's dark.

Both Alpha and Omega.

Be the first and the last. "

After Kamidai Takeuchi finished speaking, it was the first time for these eight elders to know the content of this Kamidai document.

Because their eight elders only preserve one-eighth of the documents from the Gods.

Don't know the complete content.

"Is this Ye Zhen the destined person?" the second elder said.

"But patriarch, how are you sure that Ye Zhen is the person in the prophecy?" The third elder didn't understand.

Kamishiro Takeuchi glanced at the third elder and said, "Who else knows the contents of this Kamishiro document besides me."

"This is a secret we have kept closely for thousands of years."

"For this, you know best what kind of price our God Generation clan has paid."

An outsider actually knows the contents of this divine document.

Even the eight of them have never known the content.

Who else can do it but the one who is destined to do it?

"Now that we have found the son of prophecy, what's next?" The fourth elder asked a key question.

The inheritance of their family from the God Generation to this day is actually just for Ye Zhen to appear.

In this way, wouldn't it mean that their mission as a clan of the Gods has ended?

"Yes, our mission is over." Kamidai Takeuchi looked relaxed, "I am the last Kamidai Takeuchi."

This mission that has been passed down for thousands of years is actually over?

Why do every generation of emperors until modern times need the assistance of their divine generation clan?

Why not make them emperor.

Because the people in this inheritance know that this throne and everything else are all fake.

Just like the Chinese dynasties, they are constantly rotating.

Only some aristocratic families can stand for thousands of years without falling.

This is the case for their clan in the Age of Gods. Even the modern ministers are from their family.

The fact that documents from the Gods can be passed down to this day illustrates the brilliance of this method.

On the other hand, the emperor's lineage has now become a mascot-like existence.

The Troll of the Gods feels very magical, as he is an adopted son.

But I remembered the whole process.

Is the mission of their generation of gods over?

The trolls of the Age of Gods were the cause of this end.

"Thank you for your hard work." Jindai Takeuchi said to the Jindai troll.

"From now on, there will be no Kamdai Takeuchi." Kamdai Takeuchi left here.

These eight elders and the trolls from the Age of Gods were left behind.

"What do you think?" The great elder looked at the other eight people. "I didn't expect that this mission would end when we get here." The eighth elder said in a low voice.

At this time, Japanese netizens were already going crazy.

Anyone who has watched Ye Zhen's show feels that the world is about to change dramatically.

And they began to discuss the content of Ye Zhen's program on the Internet.

"Isn't this Pikachu's tail black?"

"But in my memory, Pikachu does have black on his tail."

"The same goes for the toys at home. This Pikachu obviously has a black tail."

It immediately sparked a heated discussion in Japan.

Because Pikachu is a well-known image, everyone has never discovered this detail before.

They dug out some drawings of Pikachu that they had made a long time ago.

The Pikachu tail inside has a black color.

This shows that this Ye Zhen effect has already happened.

"Who is this Ye Zhen? He is so powerful."

"Is this the Ye Zhen effect? ​​It's so terrifying."

"I feel like I can't believe anything anymore."

"What kind of truth is hidden in this world?"

After Isis and Tom from the United States watched Ye Zhen's show.

My mood couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Where did you find this Ye Zhen?" Tom took a deep breath.

Isis also discovered Ye Zhen by accident, "But now we know that this world is like a bitch being played with."

In fact, Isis himself is not American.

Just like Tom himself is originally from China, his parents immigrated here.

He was born and lived in the United States since he was a child.

He has never been back to China a few times.

The same is true for Isis, she just came to the United States to study.

Her motherland is Egypt, one of the four ancient civilizations.

So Isis looks like something from an ancient Egyptian mural.

In fact, there are no real Americans at all.

If we have to say that the real indigenous people in this land are the Indians.

Americans are just immigrants.

But now the United States is still a place that people all over the world yearn for.

I don’t know how many people come there every year, even if they are illegal immigrants, or even if they go there to work illegally.

Everyone wants to go to America, the paradise on earth.

Isis feels that Ye Zhen is indeed capable of helping herself.

"Tom, I'll see you later." Isis packed her schoolbag and left.

Tom raised his hand to stop Isis, "Wait a minute, don't we have dinner together?"

Isis left without looking back, leaving Tom alone.

Why did Tom help Isis so much?

To put it bluntly, it’s just Tom who is greedy for other people’s bodies!

That's why Tom spared no effort to help Isis.

But Isis has always regarded Tom as a tool man.

After Isis returned to her student apartment, she returned to her room.

After she locked the door, something began to change in Isis' body.

Isis had feline marks on her face, like a monster.

Isis looked at herself in the mirror, her face was ferocious, "This is getting more and more serious."

"Is it like the ones on those murals in my country?"

In ancient Egyptian murals, there are many figures with animal heads and human bodies.

Isis noticed changes in her body after she became an adult.

She never dared to tell others because she was afraid that they would treat her like a monster.

But she learned about it from Ye Zhen’s previous shows.

This may be abilities such as special functions, qigong, supernatural powers, and superpowers.

But Isis didn't dare tell anyone.

After a long time, Isis returned to her normal appearance.

Isis knew that once she became a monster one day, she would never be able to change back.

Originally, Isis came to the United States to study abroad.

The other is to find the root of why he turned into a monster.

But only if you have been here personally can you know what kind of country this country is.

The United States is no longer the United States of the last century, during the Cold War.

Isis looked at Ye Zhen on the phone screen, "Ye Zhen, I hope you can help me."


After Kamishiro Takeuchi came out of the room, he came to the deep courtyard alone.

Anyone who meets Kamdai Takeuchi along the way will bow and say hello to Kamdai Takeuchi.

Kamishiro Takeuchi looked at the bright moonlight on the horizon.

There was one thing that Kamishiro Takeuchi did not say.

That is recorded in the ancient documents of the gods.

"A person of destiny?" Kamidai Takeuchi laughed: "Interesting, so interesting."

Reviving spiritual energy, opening the sky, and ascending the dimension.

Kamishiro Takeuchi used his fingers to write these words on the water in the small pond in the courtyard.

Kamishiro Takeuchi did not expect that it would be his own generation who would encounter the legendary destined person.

He was already looking forward to what was going to happen next.

Ye Zhen returned to his dormitory after having dinner.

After resting for a while, Ye Zhen couldn't wait to practice.

Because Ye Zhen felt that the realm of the health keeper was already as thin as window paper.

As long as Ye Zhen pokes lightly, he can pierce this film.

The breakthrough is today.

After Ye Zhen adjusted his mood, he began to enter a state of cultivation.

When Ye Zhen opened his eyes, his eyes were like stars in the universe.

It's like the long river of time is embedded in Ye Zhen's pupils.

The whole person's aura is completely different, and there is an otherworldly feeling.

The state of being a health keeper is thus achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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